RabbitMQ configured with `persistent: true` and `durable: false` - rabbitmq

From RabbitMQ documents I see that if a queue created with durable: true and a message sent to this queue with persistent: true the message will be resent in case of RabbitMQ service crash before an ack sent for this message (in most cases, and if noAck: false).
What will happen if a message is sent with persistent: true but a queue was created with durable: false?
And is there any scenario that such configuration (persistent: true & durable: false) can make sense?

And is there any scenario that such configuration (persistent: true & durable: false) can make sense?
Not really. In fact, support for non-exclusive, non-durable queues will be removed in RabbitMQ 4.0.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.


rabbitmq quorum Queue ensure retry if data is lost

I read that Quorum Queue does not support ttl for both messages and Queues.
The producer in my system maintains state in database with message "READY_TO_SUBMIT" and then sends it to cluster of Quorum queue. In case the rabbitmq Queue crashes or for any reason the message is not delivered to consumer. How will my producer know that it should retry the message again.
In case of mirrored queue I assume I can put a ttl and then after the ttl gets over my producer can retry again if that status is not updated by consumer for "READY_TO_SUBMIT" to "SUBMITTED".
Your producers absolutely must use publisher confirms correctly: https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html
Please see the detailed tutorial here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-seven-java.html
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Is Publisher Confirms active by default when using MassTransit?

I have a simple question, but I can't find evidence on the internet.
I'm connecting to RabbitMQ with MassTransit, and I just wanted to know if Consumer Acknowledgements and Publisher Confirms is active by default if a connection has been made to the broker using MassTansit?
If active by default: Where can I find evidence about this?
If not active by default: How can I enable these functionalities?
PublisherConfirmation is active by default, and always has been that way. This means that a call to Publish, when awaited, will not complete until the message is confirmed by the broker (ack'd).
Consumers do not ack messages until they are processed by the consumer. If the consumer completes, the ack removes the message. If an exception was thrown, the message is moved to the _error queue and a Fault<T> is published.

Rabbitmq requeue all the message after restarted

After the rabbitmq server or cluster is restarted, all the queue have recover all the message even the messages have be acked (from the point that rabbitmq server is started), and process all messages again.
Queue details
From my understanding, setting persistenet to false in the message arguments, the message will not survive if broker restart. Also, I have set durabele to false for the queue.
Did I missed any other settings?
Making a message persistent true is fine as you do not want to loose message in case of rabbitmq restart. Secondly, it is also fine to make the queue durable so that you dont want to loose the queue in case of rabbitmq restart. I will suggest please check the message consumer code as it looks like it is not commiting the transaction on its side making the message available on the queue. What you can do is after consuming messages please stop the consumer and check on the RabbitMQ if the messages are still available on the queue. If the messages are still available on queue after stopping the consumer , then there must be some issue on the consumer code.

Rabbitmq: Unacked message not going away after broker restart

We have observed the following behavior of RabbitMQ and are trying to understand if it is correct and how to resolve it.
A (persistent) message is delivered into a durable queue
The (single) Consumer (Spring-AMQP) takes the message and starts processing => Message goes from READY to UNACK
Now the broker is shut down => Client correctly reports "Channel shutdown"
The consumer finishes the processing, but can not acknowledge the message as the broker is still down
Broker is started again => Client reconnects
As a result, one message remains unack'ed forever (or until the client is restarted).
Side note: In the Rabbit Admin UI, I can see that two channels are existing now. The "dead" one that was created before the broker restart, containing the unacked message and a new one that is healthy.
Is this behavior expected to be like that? It seems to me "correct" in the way, that RabbitMQ can not know after the broker restart, whether the message processing was completed or not. But what solution would exist than to get that unacked message back into the queue and to heal the system without restarting the consumer process?
The RabbitMQ team monitors this mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
Is this behavior expected to be like that? It seems to me "correct" in the way, that RabbitMQ can not know after the broker restart, whether the message processing was completed or not.
Yes, you are observing expected behavior. RabbitMQ will re-enqueue the message once it determines that the consumer is really dead. Since your consumer re-connects with what must be the same consumer tag as before, it is up to that process to ack or nack the message.

How to know in Objective C if a message is already sent to the rabbitmq server?

I am using rabbitmq client (https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-objc-client). I wanted to notify whether or not a message is sent to the rabbitmq server, but I couldn't find anything related to whether or not the message is really sent.
Could someone tell me how to know if I publish a message to a queue and the message really arrives to the rabbitmq server?. Thanks in advance !
Publisher acknowledgments are on the amqp level, handled by RMQ itself. In the "API" level you may get a exception or a return value or some indication depends on the library.
Quote from the aforementioned link:
For unroutable messages, the broker will issue a confirm once the
exchange verifies a message won't route to any queue (returns an empty
list of queues). If the message is also published as mandatory, the
basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack. The same is true
for negative acknowledgements (basic.nack).
For routable messages, the basic.ack is sent when a message has been
accepted by all the queues. For persistent messages routed to durable
queues, this means persisting to disk. For mirrored queues, this means
that all mirrors have accepted the message.