Using PHPOffice/phpspreadsheet with PHP+Apache Ubuntu - apache

I use the PhpSpreadsheet library in my Laravel app which runs on a PHP8.2 server + Apache(Laragon) on Windows 10; everything works fine locally. I load an xlsx file, edit it and save with no problem.
But that I deploy the application (the same code) on the online server (PHP2.4+Apache on Ubuntu); the Apache server crashes; after investigating, I realized that it is from the line where we use the library ($reader = IOFactory::createReader('Xlsx'););
Sorry someone help me ..... do not hesitate, I've been trying to solve this problem for 2 weeks in vain


Apache can't find folder, although it exists

When running server in development everything works fine.
Once I run the same code in Apache server it gives an error
NotFoundError at
/Tensorflow/workspace/models/my_ssd_mobnet/pipeline.config; No such file or directory.
The exact point at which error emerges, seems to be here:
configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(files['PIPELINE_CONFIG'])
I gave all possible permissions I could only give.
I am using django restframework as backend. But I don't think that's where the problem is.
If anyone have any ideas how to resolve this. I would be super grateful!
Ok so, I figured it out. The problem was that apache needs to have an absolute path. So, if you are building your django project in development put absolute path everywhere.
In my case it looks something like this
configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file('/var/www/html/BackendUser/'+files['PIPELINE_CONFIG'])

How to fix, blank screen after deployment of war file

I work still view month on a project with RapidClipse 4.0
I deployed on the production server several versions of the project war files. Everything worked fine.
After the last deployment I got a blank screen after loading the application URL
For the server I use a docker container with following setting:
Apache Tomcat/8.5.43, JVM: 1.8.0_222-b10, 3.10.105, amd64
My first thought was: "ok you did something wrong in your code.. turn back and every thing is fine.... :-((
It wasn't !!
I used several versions which runs fine befor.
I stopped the application, redeployed it and deleted it.
Then I deployed an older version....and once again a version older..a.s.o
Non of the versions which worked fine befor did work again.
I got every time the same result: after loading the application a blank white screen.
So far so bad:
I tried to look into ../conf/server.xml if deployment parameter is set correctly:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
looked fine!
I enhanced the cache by:
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml added following code:
<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />
also without success.
I tried to look in catalina.out: There is still nothing helpfull:
14-Aug-2019 20:29:21.087 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deploying web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war]
14-Aug-2019 20:29:31.190 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war] has finished in [10,102] ms
after debug in browser I got following:
257ms Processing time was 134ms
257msReferenced paintables: 6
283msEstablishing push connection
300msCould not load theme from http://myIP:8888/RC_07/VAADIN/themes//styles.css?v=7.7.13
310msPush connection established using long-polling
I searched also in the history of the docker container an found that this problem (300ms....) still persists from beginning, over all versions I deployed before.
Out of this, I assume, that this could not be the reason, too.
Or am I wrong?
I searched around this VAADIN Problem and found a lot, but I was not able to solve it. The styles.css file are still in place on the server.
I am wondering on ..../VAADIN/themes//styles.css...
the double slash in error message.
But in my code I couldn't find similar.
Also the buildpath in eclipse includes the folder structure like expected.
Now I am at the end!
I am confused, how I should go ahead to figure out the reason for this behavior, or much better to fix it.
Any idea/ help would be welcome!!
Thank you in advance
After long research, togehter with RapidClipse support we found the solution.
I had two issues:
1) unknown how, we assume, that there was an error in the MainUI xml file.
After resetting with and high of view and layout, and turning back to setting before,
the page elements were visible again in design view.
2) there is a parameter for the theme under MainUI properties - misc -
This parameter was set, but without content. This results in a code line: this.setTheme("");
After resetting this, a deployment was possible like before.
Everything is fine now.
Thanks again to RapidClipse support.

Custom ejabberd authentication no longer working

I have created an authentication module which was build against
ejabberd 16.02 and runs fine when auth_method is set. It also works against
However, from 16.04 onwards it gives me the error "[error] ignoring
option 'auth_method' with invalid value: [jwt]"
I checked the code diff between those releases and the only change
seems to be to the mod_pubsub.erl file, specifically adding the
ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_subscribe_node, ServerHost,
+ [ServerHost, Host, Node, Subscriber, SubId]),
I have tried disabling this module and even deleting the beam file as
i don't use it, but i can't seem ti get round it.
Does anyone have any insight as to why these changes will have broken
my authentication module?
My source is at the link below, but as i say has worked fine for a year:
The answer is that from 16.04 onwards you need to drop the .erl file into the ejabberd src folder and compile it with the source. Dropping in the .beam file to use alternative authentication modules no longer works.

Flying Saucer not resolving Images or CSS on ubuntu tomcat6

I am running into an issue with the Grails Pdf plugin which uses Flying Saucer. Everything works as expected until I deploy onto an Ubuntu server running Tomcat6. Then references in my gsp's to css and images fail, though I still get the PDF to render.
I have tried two different approaches to building the PDF
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer()
renderer.setDocumentFromString(content, baseUri)
Running a war with 'grails prod run-war' works, running and a dummy app with no security works locally, but fails when I deploy it on the server as well. (though none of the content I am trying to render is secured anyway), the URL's of the images are correct. (I have tried both absolute and relative URL's) neither gets rendered in the PDF, but if you request those resources from a browser they are there. References to images not hosted on the server do work.
All this leads me to believe that the tomcat6 that gets installed with ubuntu when you do sudo apt-get install tomcat6 is configured funny somehow. I know that it runs with user 'tocat6' instead of 'root' as many installations do. Could that be causing Flying Saucer to somehow not have the right access to get at the files being referenced?
Since everything except the images/css is working, I guess your baseURI is not correct?! I have this code on a production system and it is working. All the images are referenced absolut:
renderer.setDocument(doc, request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort());
What is your baseURI set to?

zend framework project shows blank page without any errors

i created a simple project with zf and it works fine, but when i copy it to other pc
it just show a blank page without any page or errors ?
my zf version is 1.9 and in other pc zf version 1.9 too
what do you do about this problem?
Do you have error reporting enabled on your machine?
Make sure, that you have these lines in your php.ini file:
error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = on
It will help you to find the problem by showing the error.
If it doesn't help, try to put this code in your index.php in public directory
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Also make sure, that DocumentRoot points to your Zend project public folder.
Are the memory limits the same on both servers? I have seen similar results using php (with zend, albeit). When I run out of memory, just a blank white screen is the result.
This error is caused because your server is running version 4 of PHP, change to version 5 and it will work.