Enterprise Integrator 6.5 Clustering/Loadbalancing - load-balancing

Upon implementing WSO2 EI Clustering and LoadBalancing with Apache on 2 nodes, the routing and functioning of EI management console goes well when only one node is up.
When the 2 nodes are up , the management console behaves unexpectedly (displays home page with missing parts, logout when clicking on any link like list of users,…)
the EI logging displays the following:
WARN - AuthenticationHandler Illegal access attempt at [2023-01-04 18:09:18,0700] from IP address null while trying to authenticate access to service RegistryAdminService
[2023-01-04 18:09:18,708] [EI-Core] ERROR - RegistryAdminServiceClient Error occurred while checking registry mode
log in to the management console and navigate inside


One API is missing (not being displayed) from node-2 publisher page in wso2 APIM - HA

I have 2 nodes running in HA mode having common databases and artifacts synchronised. First node shows all the APIs (total-5) but second node shows only 4 ... one API is not being displayed on publisher page of second node. How should I resolve this issue what should I check here ? Is there any back-end directories where publisher stores data of this API ?

JBoss Data Virt Access Using SSL

I have Data Virt running via the standalone.sh script, and can log in with my username and password. My next task is configuring it so that it automatically runs whenever the instance is up and running (without having to execute standalone.sh), and uses SSL (port 443) rather than my username and password to log me in. I added the vault.keystore, dv_keystore.jks, and dv_truststore.jks files, and modified both standalone.sh and standalone.xml, according to the JBoss and other online documentation, to account for using these files. I start the standalone.sh script, which runs without any errors. When I browse to:
after starting standalone.sh, I get the following error:
This page can't be displayed
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://:8443 again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4, which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.
The settings Use TLS-1.0-ON, Use TLS-1.1-ON, and Use TLS-1.2-ON are all checked in the Browser properties.
By contrast, when I browse to
when standalone.sh is not running, I get the following:
This page can't be displayed
- Make sure the web address https://:8443 is correct.
- Look for the page with your search engine.
- Refresh the page in a few minutes.
It appears the browser is sensing something going on when standalone.sh is running, but something is not allowing the browser to access the dashboard.
What am I missing here?
Have you validated any other ssl access? Is it just an issue with the dashboard application?

Repeated IBM bluemix Node Red app crashing; status 1

My Node Red application in IBM BlueMix is repeatedly crashing - once an hour - with no real error message other than "exited with status: 1."
How can I troubleshoot this issue?
Is there someone from IBM BlueMix support that monitors this that could take a look?
I looked at my logs and there's nothing in there that really says what's going on.
Edit per requests:
The regular log for "OUT/ERR" is scrolling so fast with HTTPD logs that I can't get it to copy/paste. Filtering to "ERR" Channel the only thing I see is below. I believe this is an error which occurs during deploy when the application restarts.
[App/0] ERR js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
My Node Red application is gathering data from Wink, LIFX, and other IoT services and compiles them together into a Freeboard dashboard.
Caught crash on screenshot here -- not enough cred to post images so it'll only post as a link
The zlib error was fixed in the 0.13.2 Node-RED release (that shipped 19/02/16).
If you re-stage your application is should pick up the new version of Node-RED
You can re-stage the application using the cf command line management application:
cf restage <app name>

Search Server Express Topology Problem

Lately I've installed Search Server Express 2010. After configuring it, I tried to test search functionality - content was crawled, and found by the search mechanism, so it was OK. Problem occured when I went entered Topology for Search Service Application: Search Service Application(Central Administration -> Manage services on server -> SharePoint Server Search -> Modify Topology). I can do everything there, but when I click Cancel or Apply Topology Changes it throws me an error:
An unhandled exception occurred in the
user interface.Exception Information:
An update conflict has occurred, and
you must re-try this action. The
object SearchConfigWizardContext
was updated by 'my_user_name', in the w3wp (1488)
process, on machine 'server_name'. View the tracing
log for more information about the
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft
SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID:
Does anybody had similar problem and knows what can be wrong?
Problem was solved by reinstalling the Search Server Express.

WCF with SSL- not finding localhost

I'm trying to get WCF to use SSL with ANYTHING for FIVE DAYS now. I've gone through countless walkthroughs, generated more certificates than a mail order diploma company, even tried hot fixes. After working with MS dev tools since VB1, I am now considering flipping burgers as a career option. WCF, as far as I can see, is a complete lemon.
Anyway, to get to my actual question: If I run through this walkthrough:
I get to step 11 (adding the service reference) and get "There was an error downloading metadata from the address. Please verify that you have entered a valid address".
Details of the error gives: There was an error downloading 'https://localhost/SSL6/Service.svc'.
Unable to connect to the remote server
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I'm using VS2008 on Windows 7 with IIS7. I followed the walkthrough exactly (apart from step 5 which was different on IIS7- I went into "SSL Settings" for the VD), so it shows my config (yes I've used httpsGetEnabled and mexHttpsBinding).
Anyone care to save my sanity and job?
EDIT: If I go into IIS, select the VD in content view, right-click on the svc file and browse, I get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Chrome gives "Google Chrome could not connect to localhost".
IE troubleshooting gives "the remote device or resource won't accept the connection".
If I browse using the IP address rather than using localhost via http, it says that it's secured with https ok. If I browse using the IP and https, I get HTTP error 503. The service is unavailable.
So it looks to me like a DNS issue combined with... something.
When I try to just run the service site project, I get "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that incoming HTTP requests are not blocked by a firewall". I've checked the firewall and it's ok.
Finally cracked it. There were at least three issues at play.
1) A DNS issue of some kind with localhost. It's still unresolved on my machine, but I can work around it by using the IP addy.
2) Another issue may have been that apparently, WCF doesn't work with IIS 7 OOTB. So you need to run command prompt as administrator, and run the following command -
"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" -r -y
3) After I got through the certificate stuff I was still getting HTTP error 503, "Service unavailable". That ended up being leftovers from my previous attempts, still listening to ports:
So to get a hello world level service happening with WCF and SSL took me a whole week, and in my travels I discovered many pilgrims who had taken about the same amount of time. Microsoft: You have failed.
Are you using IIS or self hosting? If you're using IIS, it sounds like it's incorrectly configured, because it seems it's not accepting connections on port 443; I guess you're probably missing a protocol binding (https to port 443). There's a detailed discussion of setting up SSL on IIS7 here that might be useful.
Of course, you could easily verify this using the browser, you should be able to connect to the site using SSL from it.
When I have had this error occur, I have found it very useful to run the service from Visual Studio to get additional information. Right-click on the service, and then select Debug -> Start New Instance from the pop-up menu. VS will launch the service using the WcfTestClient.exe.
WcfTestClient will display all the services and endpoints in your service project. A healthy launch will list your services in the a panel on the left, and provide a Start Page tab in a panel on the right. What will happen in your case, however, is that you'll get a list of services in a panel on the top and an "Additional Information" box along the bottom. Your problem service(s) will have a Status of Error.
Click on a problem service in the upper panel, and the Additional Information box will fill with an error message and stack trace. The message will tell you exactly what that problem mex (metadata exchange) address is. That may be enough of a hint for you to solve the problem. If not, post the Additional Information here and I'll be happy to take a look at it.