Custom lint rule kotlin object - kotlin

I'm trying to create a custom lint rule in order to avoid using a kotlin object class.
object AColors {
val white: Color = Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
fun main() {
val myColor = AColors.white //Lint error : Do not use AColors
How can I manage to get a lint issue when AColors is used?
In my case, AColors can't be private because I need it for a specific case.
I tried to create a custom lint rule to check the import but this is not a bullet-proof solution as you can use AColors without importing anything
class InvalidImportHandler(private val context: JavaContext) : UElementHandler() {
override fun visitImportStatement(node: UImportStatement) {
//check the import

For this specific case, you may check for USimpleNameReferenceExpressions and then check if the reference is to the AColors class. Like so:
class AColorsReferenceDetector : Detector(), Detector.UastScanner {
override fun getApplicableUastTypes(): List<Class<out UElement>> {
return listOf(
override fun createUastHandler(context: JavaContext): UElementHandler {
return object : UElementHandler() {
override fun visitSimpleNameReferenceExpression(
node: USimpleNameReferenceExpression
) {
val element = node.resolve()?.unwrapped
if (element is KtObjectDeclaration && == "AColors") {
companion object {
val ISSUE = Issue.create(
"Do not use AColors",
"Do not use AColors",
Example IssueRegistry:
class IssueRegistry : IssueRegistry() {
override val api = CURRENT_API
override val minApi: Int
get() = 8
override val vendor: Vendor = Vendor()
override val issues
get() = listOf(AColorsReferenceDetector.ISSUE)
Example result:


Kotlin annotation changing of target

I have a annotation AggregateId that could be set on method params and properties and that I will use to retrieve some id :
#Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER)
annotation class AggregateId
I wrote that test case :
data class Example(
val id: UUID
class AggregateIdTests {
private val exUuid = UUID.fromString("bae30706-f949-4eb5-b091-d51a13ddc832")
fun test() {
val ex = Example(id = exUuid)
val id = resolve(ex)
private fun resolve(target: Any): UUID? {
val prop = target::class.declaredMemberProperties.find {
it.findAnnotation<AggregateId>() != null
return prop?.getter?.call(target) as UUID?
That actually works.
But if I add this class in the code :
class TestClass {
fun aMethod(#AggregateId param: UUID) {
Suddently the AggregateId changes of target for the other class. Even though I didn't change the rest of the code. What is the explaination of this ?
(using kotlin 1.5)

Flow working incorrectly. Called again when it shouldn't, but liveData is working correct

I use Jetpack Compose and have 2 screens. When I open second screen and back to the fisrt, flow variable calling again and ui updated again. But, I don't understand why... When I use liveData was working perfect.
My code with LiveData:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: LiveData<List<WordModel>> by lazy {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
words = words,
onNoticeClick = { viewModel.onWordClick(it) },
state = textState,
lazyState = viewModel.listState!!
private fun WordList(
words: List<WordModel>,
onNoticeClick: (WordModel) -> Unit,
state: MutableState<TextFieldValue>,
lazyState: LazyListState
) {
var filteredCountries: List<WordModel>
LazyColumn(state = lazyState) {
val searchedText = state.value.text
filteredCountries = if (searchedText.isEmpty()) {
} else {
words.filter {
it.word.lowercase().contains(searchedText) || it.translation.lowercase()
items(count = filteredCountries.size) { noteIndex ->
val note = filteredCountries[noteIndex]
word = note,
onWordClick = onNoticeClick
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): LiveData<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getAllWords(): LiveData<List<WordModel>> = {dbMapper.mapWords(it)}
class DbMapperImpl: DbMapper {
override fun mapWords(words: List<WordDbModel>): List<WordModel> = { word -> mapWord(word, listOf<NoticeModel>()) }
My code with Flow, which calling every time when open the first screen:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: Flow<List<WordModel>> = flow {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
.collectAsState(initial = listOf())
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): Flow<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getWords(): Flow<List<WordModel>> = wordDao.getAll().map { dbMapper.mapWords(it) }
And my router from MainRouting.kt:
sealed class Screen {
object Main : Screen()
object Notice : Screen()
object Your : Screen()
object Favorites : Screen()
object MainRouter {
var currentScreen: Screen by mutableStateOf(Screen.Main)
var beforeScreen: Screen? = null
fun navigateTo(destination: Screen) {
beforeScreen = currentScreen
currentScreen = destination
And MainActivity.kt:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private fun MainActivityScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
Surface {
when (MainRouter.currentScreen) {
is Screen.Main -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Your -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Favorites -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Notice -> NoticeScreen(viewModel = viewModel)
Perhaps someone knows why a new drawing does not occur with liveData (or, it is performed so quickly that it is not noticeable that it is), but with Flow the drawing of the list is visible.
You're passing the viewModel around, which is a terrible practice in a framework like Compose. The Model is like a waiter. It hangs around you, serves you water, does its job while you make the order. As you get distracted talking, it leaves. When it comes back, it is not the same waiter you had earlier. It wears the same uniform, with the same characteristics, but is still essentially a different object. When you pass the model around, it gets destroyed in the process of navigation. In case of flow, you are getting biased. Notice how you manually do a lazy initialization for the LiveData, but a standard proc. for Flow? Seems like the only logical reason for your observed inconsistency. If you want to use Flow in your calls instead of LiveData, just convert it at the site of initialization in the ViewModel. Your symptoms should go away.

Compilation throws `None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied`

Trying to implement a custom JSONB binding that maps to an object containing a map. Generated code throws a None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied error caused by the following line:
val SOME_FIELD: TableField<SomeRecord, Jsonb?> = createField("meta"), SQLDataType.JSONB.nullable(false).defaultValue(DSL.field("'{}'::jsonb", SQLDataType.JSONB)), this, "", JsonbBinding())
Here's my configuration:
class JsonbBinding : Binding<Any, Jsonb> {
private val mapper = ObjectMapper()
override fun converter(): Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
return object : Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
override fun from(dbObject: Any?): Jsonb {
if (dbObject == null) return Jsonb()
val props = mapper.readValue<MutableMap<String, Any>>(dbObject.toString())
return Jsonb(props)
override fun to(userObject: Jsonb?): Any? {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(userObject)
override fun fromType(): Class<Any> {
override fun toType(): Class<Jsonb> {
override fun sql(ctx: BindingSQLContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.render()?.let {
if (it.paramType() == ParamType.INLINED) {
} else {
override fun register(ctx: BindingRegisterContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.VARCHAR)
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetSQLOutputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetResultSetContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetSQLInputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
Also, it seems like the line causing problems is mapping database data to JOOQ's default JSONB object. Is that what's causing the issue? Is there anything I may want to do about it? Is there some other way of doing mapping database JSONB data to a map by JOOQ?
I think you're confusing the type variables on Binding<T, U> here:
T is the database / JDBC type (in this case org.jooq.JSONB)
U is the user type (in this case Any)
You have to implement the binding the other way round: Binding<JSONB?, Any?>. Since jOOQ already takes care of properly binding the JSONB type to JDBC, you can probably do with your Converter<JSONB?, Any?> implementation alone, and attach that to your generated code instead:
class JsonbConverter : Converter<JSONB?, Any?> { ... }
Also, you don't have to use your own Jsonb type to wrap JSON data here.

How to create a MXBean with control methods?

We are planning to implement some behaviour control in our
CordApp, for testing purposes. Is that possible to create a
M(X)Bean, accessible via JMX, which is going to change some
internal flags in our CordApp ? If this is not a good design
choice, please inform the best practice to follow.
Basically, we have a set of flags, like these:
abstract class BaseFlow() : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
var flagBehaviourOne : Boolean = true
var flagBehaviourTwo : Boolean = true
var flagBehaviourThree: Boolean = true
var flagBehaviourFour : Boolean = true
then, in some implementing class, we have something like this:
object SomeFlow {
class Initiator(private val destinatario: Party,
private val parameter: StateObject,
private val isAnonymous: Boolean = false,
private val pointer: Any) : BaseFlow() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
if (flagBehaviourOne || flagBehaviorTwo) {
// enforce some specific behaviour
} // end of SomeFlow.Initiator
} // end of SomeFlow
I have (partially) solved my problem.
I have added a new object class, along with its jmx interface :
package vfalcao.example.jmx
interface BehaviourControlMXBean {
fun setBehaviourOne(newValue: String)
fun isBehaviourOne() : String
// other "behaviours" ommited for brevity
object BehaviourControl : BehaviourControlMXBean {
// internal data
init {
val objectName = ObjectName("vfalcao.example.jmx:type=BehaviourControl,name=def")
val platformMBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()
platformMBeanServer.registerMBean(this, objectName)
then, in my BaseFlow class:
abstract class BaseFlow() : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
companion object {
init {
fun test() {
var behaviour1 = ((BehaviourControl.props["behaviour1"] as String).toBoolean())
if (behaviour1) {
// do something controlled by behaviour1

Use a class from a list of generic interface

I am trying to implement a QueryBus. Basically, I want to register a list of QueryHandlers. Each QueryHandler implements a handle method defined by an interface. Each QueryHandler is associated to a Query. I want to be able to retrieve a QueryHandler using the Query and call handle on it.
The thing is the handle has to be generic because each QueryHandler handles a Query differently. They all take a dedicated Query and may return whatever they want.
interface Query<R>
interface QueryHandler<R, Q : Query<R>> {
fun handle(query: Q): R
fun listenTo(): String
// DTOs
data class BookDto(val name: String)
// List books query
data class ListBooksQuery(val page: Int = 1): Query<List<BookDto>>
class ListBooksQueryHandler: QueryHandler<List<BookDto>, ListBooksQuery> {
override fun handle(query: ListBooksQuery): List<BookDto> {
return listOf(BookDto("Dune"), BookDto("Dune II"))
override fun listenTo(): String = ListBooksQuery::class.toString()
// Get book query
data class GetBookQuery(val name: String): Query<BookDto?>
class GetBookQueryHandler: QueryHandler<BookDto?, GetBookQuery> {
override fun handle(query: GetBookQuery): BookDto {
return BookDto("Dune")
override fun listenTo(): String = GetBookQuery::class.toString()
// Run it!
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Initializing query bus
val queryHandlers = mapOf(
with(ListBooksQueryHandler()) {this.listenTo() to this},
with(GetBookQueryHandler()) {this.listenTo() to this}
val command = ListBooksQuery()
val result = queryHandlers[command::class.toString()].handle(command)
// Should print the list of BookDto
I don't even know if its possible, to be honest.
I changed the usage example in the main to show what I am really trying to do. The List was for (bad?) demonstration purpose. I want to store the QueryHandlers and retrieve them from a map.
Additional resources:
Here is what I really want to do:
UPDATE I've read your gist and tried to come up with a solution that will provide a clean interface to the user of the QueryBusMiddleware.
Note that I used objects instead of classes for the QueryHandler implementations, which felt more natural to me (since there is only one possible entry in the map for each Query implementation).
interface Query<R>
interface QueryHandler<R, Q: Query<R>> {
fun handle(query: Q): R
fun listenTo(): String
// DTOs
data class BookDto(val name: String)
// List books query
data class ListBooksQuery(val page: Int = 1): Query<List<BookDto>>
object ListBooksQueryHandler: QueryHandler<List<BookDto>, ListBooksQuery> {
override fun handle(query: ListBooksQuery): List<BookDto> {
return listOf(BookDto("Dune"), BookDto("Dune II"))
override fun listenTo(): String = ListBooksQuery::class.toString()
// Get book query
data class GetBookQuery(val name: String): Query<BookDto?>
object GetBookQueryHandler: QueryHandler<BookDto?, GetBookQuery> {
override fun handle(query: GetBookQuery): BookDto {
return BookDto("Dune")
override fun listenTo(): String = GetBookQuery::class.toString()
// Run it!
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Initializing query bus
val queryHandlers = listOf(
val dispatcher: QueryBusMiddleware = QueryDispatcherMiddleware(queryHandlers)
// Calling query bus
val query = ListBooksQuery()
// Result should be List<BookDto>
val result = dispatcher.dispatch(query)
interface QueryBusMiddleware {
fun <R, Q : Query<R>> dispatch(query: Q): R
class QueryDispatcherMiddleware constructor(handlers: List<QueryHandler<*, *>>) : QueryBusMiddleware {
private val handlers = HashMap<String, QueryHandler<*, *>>()
init {
handlers.forEach { handler -> this.handlers[handler.listenTo()] = handler }
override fun <R, Q : Query<R>> dispatch(query: Q): R {
val queryClass = query::class.toString()
val handler = handlers[queryClass] ?: throw Exception("No handler listen to the query: $queryClass")
return handler::class.members.find { == "handle" }!!.call(handler, query) as R