How can I solve my "sub main was not found" problem? -

Module PrimePairs
Public Function IsPrime(n As Long) As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the value: ")
n = Console.ReadLine()
n = Math.Abs(n) ' Allows to consider negative prime numbers
If n < 2 Then ' Disallows -1, 0, 1
Return False
End If
Dim i As Long
i = 2
While i < n ' Note that for n = 2 we don't enter the loop and thus return True.
If n Mod i = 0 Then
Return False
End If
i += 1
End While
Return True
End Function
Public Function PrimePairs(ByVal n As Long, ByVal n2 As Long) As Integer
Dim count As Integer = 0
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then
For i = 1 To (n / 2) + 1
n2 = n - i
If IsPrime(i) And IsPrime(n2) = True Then
count += 1
End If
n2 = n - 2
If IsPrime(n2) = True Then
count = +1
End If
End If
Console.WriteLine("The result is:", count)
Return n
End Function
End Module
I want my code to calculate how many prime number twins can write the input I gave.

The problem is that your project actually does not contain a Sub Main(), as the error states.
You defined two functions in the Module Program, but console applications need a predefined entry point, which usually is the Main method.
The compiler is telling you that your project is not valid because it didn't find any entry point.
Just add a Sub Main() to get your project working, then call your functions from that method.
Option Strict On
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the value: ")
Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine()
Dim number As Long
If Long.TryParse(input, number) Then // More about this function in the answer below
Dim prime As Boolean = IsPrime(number)
If prime Then
Console.WriteLine(number & " is prime.")
Console.WriteLine(number & " is not prime.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsPrime(n As Long) As Boolean
n = Math.Abs(n) ' Allows to consider negative prime numbers
If n < 2 Then ' Disallows -1, 0, 1
Return False
End If
Dim i As Long = 2
i = 2
While i < n ' Note that for n = 2 we don't enter the loop and thus return True.
If n Mod i = 0 Then
Return False
End If
i += 1
End While
Return True
End Function
End Module
Also, I suggest you to enable Option Strict On as I added at the beginning of file. This prevents the compiler from doing implicit casts and forces you to explicitly declare your variables.
E.g., your line of code
n = Console.ReadLine()
is not valid with Option Strict On, because n is supposed to be a long, but Console.ReadLine() returns a string.
If you are a beginner, this will allow you to better understand how programming works and will help you to avoid errors - take good habits from the beginning, you can thank me later ;)
That's why I changed your code withLong.TryParse(input, number): this function returns true if provided input can be cast (=converted) to a long, and assigns the casted value to number variable.
There's a lot more I'd like to suggest you, but I would go off-topic.


Is it possible to allow Integer Overflow in Excel VBA?

Pretty simple, but I couldn't find anything by Googling. An example of what I want to happen:
Function myFunc()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer
a = 20000
b = 15000
c = a + b
myFunc = c
End Function
I want myFunc() to return -30536 instead of throwing an overflow exception. I know I could write a function that does that, but I've written a bunch of code for a project with the assumption that overflow was allowed, so I'm hoping there's a quick fix.
EDIT: I don't need help coming up with a function that solves the overflow issue with type conversions. I have one already; I just want to avoid changing hundreds of addition and subtraction operations. I'm also bit frustrated that VBA seems to go out of its way to disable overflow functionality--it should let the user decide if they want to use it or not.
I would suggest writing MyFunc to do the math as Long, and test for integer "overflow" and adjust
Function MyFunc(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Integer
Dim sum As Long
Const Mask As Integer = -1
sum = CLng(a) + CLng(b)
If sum > 32767 Then
sum = sum - 65536
ElseIf sum < -32768 Then
sum = sum + 65536
End If
MyFunc = sum
End Function
Test with
Sub zx()
Debug.Print MyFunc(20000, 15000)
End Sub
In order to prevent Integer overflow in your Excel VBA code, you may use the custom Function to perform the Integer to Long type casting like shown below:
Sub TestIntegerConversion()
Debug.Print myFuncLong(20000, 15000)
End Sub
Function myFuncLong(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Long
myFuncLong = CLng(a) + CLng(b)
End Function
or without using custom Function in a simple form like this:
Sub PreventOverflow()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
a = 20000
b = 15000
Debug.Print CLng(a) + CLng(b)
End Sub
Alternatively, you may write your own custom function, which should implement that "overflow math" (you have somehow to specify using plain math notation how to get the number -30536 from 35000) and return the result either as Long, or String. Possible implementation is shown below (note: Overflow exception number is 6)
Sub OverflowCustomMath()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Long
a = 20000
b = 15000
On Error GoTo Err:
Debug.Print a + b
If (Err.Number = 6) Then
'apply your custom overflow math, as for e.g.
Debug.Print CLng(a) + CLng(b)
End If
End Sub
Hope this may help.
Use typical VBA error handler but tests for your case.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
MsgBox myFunc
End Sub
Function myFunc()
On Error GoTo Local_err
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer
a = 20000
b = 15000
c = a + b
myFunc = c
Exit Function
If Err = 6 Then
myFunc = -30536
MsgBox Err & " " & Err.Description
' myFunc = whatever error value to return
End If
Resume Local_exit
End Function

VB perfect function

What is wrong with this perfect number function?
The method is supposed to decide whether the input number is/is not a perfect number. The answer is supposed to be all the perfect numbers from 1 to the input.
For example: 1 - 100 the answer would be 6 and 28
Public Function isPerfect(myInput As Integer) As Boolean
endCounter = myInput \ 2
sum = 1
For perfectCounter As Integer = 2 To endCounter
If myInput Mod perfectCounter = 0 Then
sum += perfectCounter
If sum = myInput Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Sub btnPerfect_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPerfect.Click
input = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumber.Text)
msg = "The perfect numbers between 1 and " & input & " are : "
For inputCounter As Integer = 0 To input
If isPerfect(inputCounter) = True Then
msg += inputCounter & " "
End If
MsgBox(msg, , "Perfect Number")
txtNumber.Text = Nothing
End Sub
You have at least a couple of problems:
You are validating the perfect number inside the loop, before you've even finished summing the divisors.
For instance...
If sum = myInput Then
Return True
End If
The above should be checked after the loop.
More importantly, because you are setting endCounter to myInput \ 2, you are not summing all the divisors. Maybe you did this as an optimization. But if so, you forgot something along the way.
A quick fix is to change the endCounter assignment to:
endCounter = myInput - 1
Also, to avoid getting back 1 as a valid perfect number, I would initialize sum to 0, and would start the loop normally at 1 instead of 2.
So your function could look something like:
Public Function isPerfect(myInput As Integer) As Boolean
Dim endCounter As Integer = myInput - 1
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For perfectCounter As Integer = 1 To endCounter
If myInput Mod perfectCounter = 0 Then
sum += perfectCounter
End If
Return sum = myInput
End Function
I'm sure you could optimize this further if you want to.
(*) Consider turning on Option Explicit as well.
Here is the correct implementation of isPerfect:
Public Function isPerfect(myInput As Integer) As Boolean
dim Sum as Integer = 1
For i as Integer = 2 To myInput / 2
If myInput Mod i = 0 Then Sum = Sum + i
Return Sum = myInput
End Function

Recursive factorial output

I'm trying to write a recursive function through a vb console application that will output the factorial or a number between 1 and 10. I get a System.StackOverflowException when I run it. Can anyone help explain what I've done wrong?
Module Module1
Dim Number As Byte
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Write a number from 1-10")
Number = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
Function FactorialCalc()
Dim Counter As Byte
Dim A As Byte
' Dim Factorial As Integer
If Number < 1 Or Number > 10 Then
Console.WriteLine("Please select a number from 1-10")
End If
Loop Until Number >= 1 And Number <= 10
A = Number
FactorialCalc = Number * FactorialCalc(Number - 1)
Counter = Counter + 1
Loop Until Counter = A + 1
End Function
End Module
A factorial program shouldn't be all this long. All you need is:
Module Module1
Dim Number As Integer
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Write a number from 1-10")
Number = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until Number >= 1 And Number <= 10
Dim Result = FactorialCalc()
End Sub
Function FactorialCalc(num as Integer) As Integer
Return num * If(num > 2, FactorialCalc(num - 1), 2)
End Function
End Module
your recursive call to FactorialCalc(Number - 1) is going to keep getting called endlessly, there by exhausting your stack space. The condition to break out of the recursion is after your recursive call and so control never reaches the point beyond the call to the recursive function and keeps calling it over and over again.

How to represent a number in the form of A*10-^n?

I recently wrote this program in Visul Basic 13.
it searchs for the nth catalan number but after 48 even Decimal type is too short.
Is there any other way to represent them? like in the form of A*10^n?
Public Class Try_Catalan_Number
'Catalan numbers form a sequence of natural numbers that occur in various counting problems,
'often involving recursively defined objects.
Inherits Base_Number
Public Overrides Sub Test()
Dim Return_Catalan_Value As Decimal
If Function_Catalan(Return_Catalan_Value) = False Then
Return_To_Form_Boolean = False
Return_To_Form_Boolean = True
End If
Return_To_Form_Value = Function_Catalan(Return_Catalan_Value)
End Sub
Private Function Function_Catalan(Return_Catalan_Value As Decimal) As Decimal
'We return a Decimal function because catalan numbers can be very big and decimal is the biggest type.
Dim Binomial_Cofficients As Decimal
Dim Result As Decimal
Dim Number_Of_Loops As Integer
Dim tmpNumber As Object
Dim K As Decimal
Dim N As Decimal
If (Number > 48) Then
Return False
Exit Function
End If
'48 is the largest catalan number position which can be displayed...any position above 48 is too big.
tmpNumber = Number - 1
N = 2 * tmpNumber
K = tmpNumber
Result = 1
For Number_Of_Loops = 1 To K
Result = Result * (N - (K - Number_Of_Loops))
Result = Result / Number_Of_Loops
Next Number_Of_Loops
Binomial_Cofficients = Result
tmpNumber = Number - 1
tmpNumber = ((1 / (1 + tmpNumber)) * Binomial_Cofficients)
Return_Catalan_Value = tmpNumber
Return Return_Catalan_Value
End Function
End Class
[I assume by "Visul Basic 13" you mean the VB which is associated with Visual Studio 2013, i.e. VB version 12.0.]
You can use System.Numerics.BigInteger (you'll have to add a reference to System.Numerics):
Imports System.Numerics
Module Module1
Friend Function Factorial(n As Integer) As BigInteger
If n < 2 Then Return 1
If n = 2 Then Return 2
Dim f As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("2")
For i = 3 To n
f *= i
Return f
End Function
Friend Function CatalanNumber(n As Integer) As BigInteger
Return Factorial(2 * n) / (Factorial(n + 1) * Factorial(n))
End Function
Sub Main()
For i = 0 To 550
End Sub
End Module
I did not test to see the maximum Catalan number it can calculate, and I have no inclination to verify the results beyond those shown on the Wikipedia page.
Optimisations are left as an exercise for the reader ;)
Edit: FWIW, I can get it to run a bit faster by using
Function CatalanNumber(n As Integer) As BigInteger
Dim nFactorial = Factorial(n)
Dim twonFactorial = nFactorial
For i = (n + 1) To 2 * n
twonFactorial = BigInteger.Multiply(twonFactorial, i)
Return twonFactorial / (BigInteger.Pow(nFactorial, 2) * (n + 1))
End Function
The speed increase varies from roughly 50% (n=50) to 20% (n=5000). If you're only using the function a few times for fairly small n, there may be little point worrying about it.
Edit2 Re-writing your function a bit to make it easier to read and removing the off-by-one error, we get:
Private Function Function_Catalan(a As Integer) As BigInteger
If a = 0 Then Return 1
Dim binomialCofficient As BigInteger = BigInteger.One
Dim n As Integer = 2 * a
Dim k As Integer = a - 1
For i As Integer = 1 To k
binomialCofficient = binomialCofficient * (n - (k - i)) / i
Next i
Return binomialCofficient / a
End Function
to get this format you could use:
String.Format("{0:E4}", InputNumber)

My program is assigning a value to ALL objects in an array. What's happening and how do I prevent it ? (VB 2008)

I have exhausted all of my options and am very desperate for help since I cannot figure out where the bug in my code is, or if there is something I don't understand.
I'm trying to create a "methinks it is a weasel!" mimmick from Richard Dawkins' late 80s documentary about evolution. The goal is to progress through a genetic algorithm until the algorithm guesses the correct answer through mutation and fitness tournaments.
Now, here's the problem:
Private Function fitnessTourney(ByVal editGuess() As Guess, ByVal popIndex As Integer, ByVal tourneySize As Integer, ByVal popNum As Integer)
Dim randInt(tourneySize - 1) As Integer
Dim loopCount1 As Integer = 0
Dim fitnessWinner As New Guess
And, this loop is where I am experiencing the critical error
For i = 0 To tourneySize - 1
randInt(i) = Int(Rnd() * popNum)
While editGuess(randInt(i)).Used = True
If loopCount1 > tourneySize Then
loopCount1 = 0
For i2 = 0 To popNum - 1
i = -1
Continue For
End If
loopCount1 += 1
randInt(i) = Int(Rnd() * popNum)
End While
For i = 0 To popNum - 1
What this loop is trying to do is pick out four random instances of the editGuess array of objects. This loop tries to prevent one from being used multiple times, as the population is competing to one of the 10 members (highest fitness of the 4 chosen candidates is supposed to win).
The critical error is that I mysteriously get an endless loop where any instances of editGuess(randInt(i)).Used will always evaluate to true. I have tried to fix this by resetting all instances to False if it loops too many times.
The stumper is that I'll have all instances evaluate to False in the debugger. Then, when I reach "editGuess(randInt(i)).setUsed(True)" (the exact same thing as "editGuess(randInt(i)).Used = True"), it sets this value for EVERY member of the array.
Is there anyone who can see what is happening? I am so close to completing this!
Here's the Guess class:
Public Class Guess
Dim Fitness As Integer
Dim strLength As Integer
Dim strArray(30) As String
Dim guessStr As String
Dim Used As Boolean
Public Sub New()
Fitness = 0
guessStr = ""
strLength = 0
Used = 0
End Sub
Public Sub determineFitness(ByVal correctPhrase As String)
Dim lowerVal
If guessStr.Length <= correctPhrase.Length Then
lowerVal = guessStr.Length
lowerVal = correctPhrase.Length
End If
strArray = guessStr.Split("")
Fitness = 0 - Math.Abs(correctPhrase.Length - guessStr.Length)
For i = 0 To lowerVal - 1
If correctPhrase(i) = guessStr(i) Then
Fitness = Fitness + 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Mutate(ByVal mutatepercentage As Decimal, ByVal goodLetters As String)
If mutatepercentage > 100 Then
mutatepercentage = 100
End If
If mutatepercentage < 0 Then
mutatepercentage = 0
End If
mutatepercentage = mutatepercentage / 100
If Rnd() < mutatepercentage Then
strLength = Int(Rnd() * 25) + 5
If strLength < guessStr.Length Then
guessStr = guessStr.Remove(strLength - 1)
End If
End If
For i = 0 To strLength - 1
If Rnd() < mutatepercentage Then
If i < guessStr.Length Then
guessStr = guessStr.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, goodLetters(Int(Rnd() * goodLetters.Length)))
guessStr = guessStr & goodLetters(Int(Rnd() * goodLetters.Length))
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setFitness(ByVal num As Integer)
Fitness = num
End Sub
Public Sub setStrLength(ByVal num As Integer)
strLength = num
End Sub
Public Sub initializeText()
End Sub
Public Sub setUsed(ByVal bVal As Boolean)
Used = bVal
End Sub
End Class
And, finally, here's where and how the function is called
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
population1(counter) = fitnessTourney(population1, counter, 4, 10)
population2(counter) = fitnessTourney(population2, counter, 4, 10)
population1(counter).Mutate(2, goodLetters)
population2(counter).Mutate(20, goodLetters)
Label1.Text = population1(counter).guessStr
Label2.Text = population2(counter).guessStr
counter += 1
If counter > 9 Then
counter = 0
End If
End Sub
End Class
Thank you guys for your comments.
Here is the custom constructor I use to the form. This is used to populate the population arrays that are passed to the fitnessTourney function with editGuess.
Public Sub New()
For i = 0 To 9
population1(i) = New Guess
population2(i) = New Guess
counter = 0
correctPhrase = "Methinks it is a weasel!"
goodLetters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ !##$%^&*()_+-=?></.,;\|`'~"
goodLettersArr = goodLetters.Split("")
For i = 0 To 9
population1(i).setStrLength(Int(Rnd() * 25) + 5)
population2(i).setStrLength(Int(Rnd() * 25) + 5)
For i2 = 0 To population1(i).strLength
population1(i).guessStr = population1(i).guessStr & goodLetters(Int(Rnd() * goodLetters.Length))
For i2 = 0 To population2(i).strLength
population2(i).guessStr = population2(i).guessStr & goodLetters(Int(Rnd() * goodLetters.Length))
Label1.Text = population1(i).guessStr
Label2.Text = population2(i).guessStr
population1(0).guessStr = correctPhrase
End Sub
I haven't studied all of your code thoroughly, but one big problem is that you are calling Randomize from within the loop. Every time you call Randomize, it re-seeds the random numbers with the current time. Therefore, if you call it multiple times before the clock changes, you will keep getting the first "random" number in the sequence using that time which will always evaluate to the same number. When generating "random" numbers, you want to re-seed your random number generator as few times as possible. Preferably, you'd only seed it once when the application starts.
As a side note, you shouldn't be using the old VB6 style Randomize and Rnd methods. Those are only provided in VB.NET for backwards compatibility. You should instead be using the Random class. It's easier to use too. With the Random class, you don't even need to call a randomize-like method, since it automatically seeds itself at the point in time when you instantiate the object. So, in the case of the Random class, the thing to be careful is to make sure that you only instantiate the object once before entering any loop where you might be using it. If you create a new Random object inside a loop, it will similarly keep generating the same numbers.