How to animate expo-linear-gradient with reanimated? - react-native

I am using react-native-reanimated and want to animate the colors of my expo-linear-gradient. Unfortunately, nothing changes. I also created a Expo Snack.
import * as React from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
import { LinearGradient } from 'expo-linear-gradient';
const AnimatedLinearGradient = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(LinearGradient);
export default function App() {
const colorsValue = useSharedValue(1);
const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => {
return {
colors: [
interpolateColor(colorsValue.value, [0, 1], ['#FFFFFF', '#000000']),
interpolateColor(colorsValue.value, [0, 1], ['#FFFFFF', '#00ff00']),
return (
style={{ height: 400, width: '100%' }}
title="Change colors"
onPress={() => (colorsValue.value = withTiming(0, { duration: 2000 }))}
Am I using animatedProps wrongly here? Any help would greatly be appreciated.

unfortunately, I'm not sure you can do that. You're using correctly the useAnimatedProps hook, but usually it doesn't work for all properties.
If you want to achieve this type of animation, I highly recommend you to try the LinearGradient component from #shopify/react-native-skia package.
You can easily reuse the same logic, but with the Skia values:
const colorsValue = useSharedValue(1);
const skiaFirstColor = useValue(0);
const skiaSecondColor = useValue(0);
useSharedValueEffect(() => {
skiaFirstColor.current = interpolateColor(colorsValue.value, [0, 1], ['#FFFFFF', '#000000']);
skiaSecondColor.current = interpolateColor(colorsValue.value, [0, 1], ['#FFFFFF', '#00ff00']);
}, colorsValue); // you can pass other shared values as extra parameters
const colors = useComputedValue(() => {
return [skiaFirstColor.current, skiaSecondColor.current]
}, [skiaFirstColor, skiaSecondColor])
return (<...
<LinearGradient colors={colors} />
Let me know if it helps.

I think it is not possible to do this with expo-linear-gradient because under the hood of this component on ios for example is CALayer and if you check reanimated docs for useAnimatedProps it says that:
Only "native" properties of "native views" can be set via useAnimatedProps. The most common usecase for this hook is when we want to animate properties of some third-party native component, since most of the properties for the core React Native components are a part of the styles anyways (at least the properties for which it makes sense to be animated). You can use the following functions to animate properties that Reanimated don't support by default:
addWhitelistedNativeProps() is used to animate properties that trigger layout recalculation, you can find them here.
addWhitelistedUIProps() is used for properties that are updated directly on the UI thread, currently allowed props are listed here.
Also looks like it is not possible to do with SVG -
Maybe this example can help you to build your animation with SVG


How to make child prevent ScrollView from scrolling

I have a graph, where I allow a user to "scrub" their finger over the graph, and see a tooltip
This graph is nested inside a ScrollView
I want to "disable" the scroll view when the touch is happening over that graph
I'm not sure how to do that.
function Graph() {
return (
<View onTouchStart={e => /* prevent ScrollView from scrolling */} />
I know about scrollEnabled on ScrollView, but it won't be easy for me to thread that prop. Is there a way I can just "stop propagation" for that touch event, inside Graph?
onTouchStart={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} does not do the trick
My current solution is the following:
import React, { createContext, useRef } from "react";
import { ScrollView } from "react-native";
export const ScrollEnabledContext = createContext(null);
export default function StoppableScrollView(props) {
const ref = useRef(null);
const setIsEnabled = (bool) => {
ref.current && ref.current.setNativeProps({ scrollEnabled: bool });
return (
<ScrollEnabledContext.Provider value={setIsEnabled}>
<ScrollView ref={ref} {...props} />
By using setNativeProps, I prevent a render. I can reference ScrollEnabledContext in the child component to prevent scrolls. A bit brittle, but gets the job done. Would be fantastic if I didn't have to do this, and could use something like stopPropagation

Attach ref to Reanimated ScrollView to access .scrollTo

Using react-native-reanimated v1.
I have created a snack reproducing this issue -
I have created a reanimatable component out of ScrollView like this:
import { ScrollView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import Reanimated from 'react-native-reanimated';
const ReanimatedScrollView = Reanimated.createAnimatedComponent(ScrollView);
When I render it I want to get a ref to it so I can do ref.current.scrollTo(). However the ref is coming back without scrollTo on it. Here is my code:
const ref = useRef();
const scrollToFoo = () => {
if (ref.current) {
ref.current.scrollTo({ y: 100 });
return (
<ReanimatedScrollView ref={ref} />
If I do this with a regular ScrollView, ref.current properly has scrollTo on it.
You can use getNode() to get access to the component:
ref.current.getNode().scrollTo({ y: 100 });

VideoJS overlay and React

I was wondering, is it possible to add a react component as the content?
I added the component inside the overlay like so -
content: <SomeReactComponent />,
align: 'bottom-left',
overlays: [{
start: 'play',
end: 'end'
and the SomeReactComponent is just a react component for a dynamic image renderer that looks like this
import like from './like.png';
import love from './love.png';
import neutral from './neutral.png';
class SomeReactComponent extends Component {
getImage(pic) {
const image = pic;
return image;
render() {
const pic = [love, like, neutral];
return (
{ =>
<img src={this.getImage(pic)} style={{ width: '75%', height: '75%', objectFit: 'scale-down' }} />
When i call this.player.overlay in my console, it says the overlays.options.content is a Symbol of React.element, however, I'm not getting anything as an overlay
It's not possible to use React component for this property unfortunately, but only string or node element. Take a look to the doc for more information.

How to handle responsive layout in React Native

I'm using the react-native-dimension library for making my UI responsive as follows:
const{width,height} = Dimensions.get('window');
and in my style.js file :
The problem is that when I rotate the screen, the width and height variables have got previous values!
For example in the portrait mode my variables are:
width : 800
height: 1280
and when I rotate the screen my variables are:
width : 800 // previous value
height: 1280 // previous value
In addition, I use the react-native-orientation to determine the mode of the screen.
I want to know how can I change the values of them (width, height) automatically when I rotate the device, or are there any other libraries for this?
Thanks in advance.
I usually handle the height, width confusion with the following code:
import {Dimensions} from 'react-native';
const {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
const actualDimensions = {
height: (height<width) ? width : height,
width: (width>height) ? height : width
export default actualDimensions;
Instead of requiring the height and width from Dimensions, use the actualDimensions and for managing the orientation gracefully you should give a try to this library as well.
The Dimensions are loaded before the JS bundle gets loaded into the app so it is recommended to fetch the height, width dynamically for every render
You can read this here
I usually used Flexbox to arrange the layout for my components. It helps them to be responsive. Maybe you could give a try too.
Layout with Flexbox
You can use these steps to make your UI responsive.
1: use percentage whenever it's possible
2: use the power of flexbox to make your UI grow and shrink
3: use Dimension API
Actually, you do right but half of the task. you got the width and height from Dimensions and it is right, but how react-native understand your orientation changes?
First, your code should understand the change of orientation, then you set a call-back function to change the state of your application for implementing new width and height.
Awfully, I don't know the react-native can understand a change of orientation with its built-in functions or not. So I'm using this library to understand orientation changes and then I use setState to re-render the codes.
Absolutely, I put the width and height inside state of the component.
If you wanna lock the orientation change, use this library.
You are facing that issue is because you forgot to call const{width,height}
= Dimensions.get('window'); again when the orientation has changed.
In order to get the latest value of width and height after the orientation change you would have to call the Dimensions.get('window') function again and get width and height from it's output.
Instead of using multiple libraries, you can just use one library(react-native-styleman), that lets you handle this type of stuff very easily:
Here is how the code would look like using react-native-styleman.
import { withStyles } from 'react-native-styleman';
const styles = () => ({
container: {
// your common styles here for container node.
flex: 1,
// lets write a media query to change background color automatically based on the device's orientation
'#media': [
orientation: 'landscape', // for landscape
styles: { // apply following styles
// these styles would be applied when the device is in landscape
// mode.
backgroundColor: 'green'
//.... more landscape related styles here...
orientation: 'portrait', // for portrait
styles: { // apply folllowing styles
// these styles would be applied when the device is in portrait
// mode.
backgroundColor: 'red'
//.... more protrait related styles here...
let MainComponent = ({ styles })=>(
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text> Hello World </Text>
// now, lets wire up things together.
MainComponent = withStyles(styles)(MainComponent);
export {
I am using react-native-responsive-screen. it is working also with orientation change
import {
widthPercentageToDP as wp,
heightPercentageToDP as hp,
listenOrientationChange as lor,
removeOrientationListener as rol
} from 'react-native-responsive-screen';
class Login extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: { flex: 1 },
textWrapper: {
height: hp('70%'),
width: wp('80%')
myText: { fontSize: hp('5%') }
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.textWrapper}>
<Text style={styles.myText}>Login</Text>
export default Login;

React Native Button causing Invariant Invalid

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why this little bit of code will not work!
I have isolated the issue to the Button element (the import statement seems fine).
I am seeing the error "Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. Check the render method of Login.
import React, { ScrollView, Image, StyleSheet, Button } from "react-
import { connect } from "react-redux/native";
const onButtonClicked = () => {};
class Login extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {}
render() {
return (
style={{ flex: 1 }}
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center"
<Button title="Login default" onPress={() => {}} />
Login.propTypes = {
dispatch: React.PropTypes.func
Login.defaultProps = {
dispatch: () => {}
const Styles = StyleSheet.create({
coinLogo: {
marginTop: 50,
height: 200,
width: 200
loginButton: {
marginTop: 50
export default connect(state => ({}))(Login);
This is a nasty issue because the error message is really vague. It has to do (I think) with object destructuring.
When you destructure an object, say:
var myObject = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
let {a, b, c, d} = myObject;
Your transpiler does the following:
let a = myObject.a;
let b = myObject.b;
let c = myObject.c;
let d = myObject.d; // Ah! But we never defined a 'd' key, did we?
And of course, non-existing keys evaluate to undefined without raising an error, so what you get is d having a value of undefined.
Let's go back to your imports. I think they should look like this:
import React from 'react'; // The React API moved to the react package, you should be getting an error because of this. See (Unless you are using React Native <= 0.25)
import { ScrollView, Image, StyleSheet, Button } from "react-native";
import { connect } from "react-redux"; // As far as I know, the connect is exported directly from 'react-redux', but it might be OK the way you had it.
Now, let's go to your render. We are trying to render a ScrollView, a Image and a Button. RN is raising the error because one of those is being evaluated to undefined, which is not allowed, but it is not telling us which one. You can try and console.log the values of the three and check which one is undefined. However, I strongly think it is the Button, because it was added in RN 0.37, and as I mentioned before in the import of React, you must be running a version of RN previous to the 0.26.0 tag, otherwise the code would have raised a different error.
Let me know if that is the case.