Checking if the site connection is secure - api

this the api of marketplacetherange.zendesk
postman output when I try to use authenticate api
when i change the host ( it gives the 400 bad request cloudflare
when i try this on browser it gives 404
I want to run this api


Accessing Production API URL for jXchange Rest Legacy

Our institution is unable to get a response from We are able to create an Oauth token with the token url. Our local Ip has been whitelisted but the url is not available.
Currently we are using Insomnia and Postman for testing with unsuccessful response from the url. We cannot ping successfully the url.
Apart from the IP whitelisting, make sure there is no proxy interfering with the traffic to the endpoint.

can't make successful request to the API from the browser except from postman

I was given an API and I can log in to it and make successful requests with it on Postman but on the browser, the requests are failing with the content saying that `This site can't provide a secure connection

OAuth2 Authentication Flow - Does client GET my oauth2 server url or open that page in their browser?

I'm trying to write an OAuth2 authentication flow for my site, and currently I can't get past a CORs error. Let's say I want them to go to Discord oauth2 page to authenticate.
Option 1) The current user flow from the browser is making a GET request to my url This endpoint on my server redirects to discord oauth2 page. I allowed cors but this option is not working currently and I'm getting a CORS error.
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from
'') from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been
blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Option 2) But instead, if I actually make the browser go to my server endpoint with an <a> link tag for example, it works. But this seems more janky - takes a few more milliseconds to load.
Question: Is the proper flow to make a GET request to the server and then get redirected (option 1), or is it proper to actually go to the website via an anchor tag for example?

Azure API management always returning 404 resource not found

I have an API instance in AZURE where the configurations are as below.
API endpoint :
API suffix : myaboutpage
Backend Webservice URL :
What works
If i call the webservice URL directly as below for the operation GET to /about, i get response code 200
Response: 200
What does not work
If i perform the same operation via APIM, i get a 404 resource not found.
Response: 404 Resource not found
I could not figure our what could be the reason. Note that i do not have any basepath in the Swagger definition.
Make sure to check that your API in Azure APIM is configured to accept HTTP in addition to HTTPS. You can set this in API settings, on the same page where you set API backend URL

PUT/POST request in SOAPUI giving 403 forbidden, while same request working fine in rest client Postman

There is no authentication on server side so authentication should not be issue.
URL format: PUT
This is working fine in Postman.
In SOAP UI , I am giving input as under:
EndPoint: https://localhost
Resource: /api/v1/protections
in Media type, I am selecting "application/json"
and entering {"action": "BLOCK"} but getting "Wed Jan 20 16:25:27 PST 2016:DEBUG:Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Is there any suggestion to get the output in SOAP UI.
Depending on the server where the rest is exposed service generates an HTTP 403, you should verify that server is and thus find the fastest response.
Also try making a GET request from the browser to see if you can answer correctly because problem lock your machine to the server.
As is https, it may be that you lack some certificate set SOAPUI. possibly Postman you use already has configured. Try to check this setting.
In my case, I missed the Header "User-Agent" and "accept". I put in Soap UI and Works.
In Postman, this headers it put automatically.