MUX API timeframe - api

Is there a way to get the data in the timeframe > 30 days? It seems the maximum range I can get is 35 days, more than that it would raise an error.
Has anyone do something similar before?


How do I change the below graph query to get only service message from past 7 days?

How do I change the below graph query to get only service message from past 7 days?
I am trying to get data from past 7 days. Every time I run this query I should get data from past 7 days only.
There is no comment in documentation which properties on serviceUpdateMessage resource type support filtering but you can try one of the below queries with $filter parameters.
GET /v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages?$filter=startDateTime gt 2022-11-29T12:00:00Z
GET /v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages?$filter=startDateTime ge 2022-11-29T12:00:00Z
GET /v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages?$filter=endDateTime gt 2022-11-29T12:00:00Z
GET /v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages?$filter=endDateTime ge 2022-11-29T12:00:00Z
Filtering on dates

How do I tell I find all AWS metrics using high-resolution?

i run into this error in AWS cloudwatch
which does not make sense as I think/thought we had 0 high resolution metrics(high resolution only records for 3 hours). We typically just do 1 minute interval reporting. How do I find all metrics with high resolution? In this way I am hoping I can edit them to not high resolution.
I searched around a ton on the documentation and I looked into micrometer code which seems to default to highResolution = false and a step of 2 minutes. (We are using micrometer). I am trying to figure out next steps on figuring out why AWS thinks this data is high resolution data.
I was also thinking 'ok, perhaps it would roll up to 1 minute data then 5 minute data' so in my query I tried 1 minute and 5 minute but I still get the error of only 3 hours of data.
Error is thrown because you're using the query syntax (SELECT ...) and that only supports the latest 3 hours of data. The feature is called Metrics Insights, you can see the limits here:
Error is not related to high resolution metrics. Even if they were high resolution, when you're setting the period to 5 min, you would only retrieve datapoints aggregated to 5 min granularity.

I cant figure out what date time format to use for expiration hours

I'm completely new to this and have no background in IT or anything. I don't know how to use SQL although I am currently reading to learn. I'm using infomaker to create a report for work. Currently I'm using existing reports and making modifications and learning to use the program that way. I'm adding a clause to look for everything with a 12 hour expiration (for medication).
my column is pulling "compound.expires" but when I attempt to put in a value of 12 hours I get an error that says "a field in a datetime or interval value is incorrect or an illegal operation"
I was wondering if anyone has an idea as to how to format my 12 hour value to get the appropriate information. When I export the data to excel the expire hours show up in this format:
0 00:00
0 12:00
30 00:00
This is an example where its 0 hours, 12 hours, and 720 hour expiration. I have tried doing
'0 12:00'
If anyone has an idea as to what value I need to use that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

weird intervals in postgresql

I am working with postgresql and when i want to calcalute the average of some intervals between
two timestamps. The intervals are correct but I get something like "235 days 29:28:02.642857"
I find it strange that it says 235 days and 29 hours instead of 236 days and 5 hours.
As noted by #pozs, you can use justify_hours(interval) to get them converted properly. If you want to convert the days to months, you may use justify_days(interval). If you want to do both at once, do justify_interval(interval)

Bitcoin Exchange API - more frequent high low

Any way to get more a high-low value more frequent than every 24 hours from say the Bitstamp API ticker?
This link only tells you how to get the value for every 24 hours
(this also seems to be a problem with every other exchange I've tried)
24 hours is compared by time_now - 24 hours so it should give you updated rates every second or may be every minute depends on the configuration of the api file.