MWAA & SlackWebHookOperator - SSLError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol - ssl

One use case I have with MWAA is sending out Slack notifications by the use of Slack Incoming Webhook. To do so, I have installed the Slack Provider package so that I could create a connector and make use of the operator called SlackWebhookOperator.
To validate the connection and test the operator, I’ve created a simple DAG to send out a message to a slack channel:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.contrib.operators.slack_webhook_operator import SlackWebhookOperator
with DAG(
'depends_on_past': True,
'email': \[''\],
'email_on_failure': True,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 7,
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1)
description='Send slack notification using SlackWebhookOperator',
schedule_interval= None,
start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
) as dag:
slack_msg = "Testing SlackWebhookOperator from TEST MWAA"
slack_test = SlackWebhookOperator(
username='Airflow TEST MWAA',
Issue description
When executing the DAG slack_operator_validation, the task 'slack_test' fails with the following error:
[2023-01-19, 02:07:39 UTC] {{}} ERROR - Failed to send a request to Slack API server: <urlopen error EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1091)>
After some investigation I found this thread where a couple of folks have resolved the issue by installing ndg-httpsclient & pyasn1 libs. With that in mind I applied a terraform change to install these packages into MWAA environment and it succeeded. However it didn’t fix the issue.


Code Signing Wix installer in the pipeline using azure key vault

I'm trying to code sign a Wix installer package that was developed by another company (I have limited knowledge of Wix).
As a proof of concept piece of work we did I signed the MSIs and EXE using WixSharp.DigitalSignature as below, which seemed to work with a self signed certificate
project.DigitalSignature = new DigitalSignature()
PfxFilePath = Resources.CertificateUri,
HashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithmType.sha256,
Description = Resources.BootstrapperProject,
TimeUrls = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Uri>() { new Uri("") }
But now the time has come to implement with a proper certificate from GlobalSign it seems the above option isn't now possible as we now have to store the certificate in Azure Key Vault.
We have tried signing the MSIs and EXEs with AzureSignTool through the pipelines but when running the installer I'm always getting the error "0x80070001 - Incorrect function".
The log file outputs the below information:
[0ADC:1034][2021-12-21T11:00:53]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {0315ab7d-04da-4a77-8536-fa0e0211c531}, version:
[0ADC:1034][2021-12-21T11:00:53]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0315ab7d-04da-4a77-8536-fa0e0211c531}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:53]i336: Acquiring container: WixAttachedContainer, copy from: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DigiView Installer.exe
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:58]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLastUsedSource' to value 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\'
[1710:1720][2021-12-21T11:00:58]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to extract all files from container, erf: 1:2:0
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:58]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to wait for operation complete.
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:58]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to open container.
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:58]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to open container: WixAttachedContainer.
[1710:10C8][2021-12-21T11:00:58]e312: Failed to extract payloads from container: WixAttachedContainer to working path: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\{4D72E5B3-50AB-4B5D-BD93-BC559386F434}\5A4A1D973A87D89730BC20C9B805B7A384EF1383, error: 0x80070001.
[1710:0F88][2021-12-21T11:00:59]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
There is very limited information online about this scenario, does anyone have a way forward for the particular problem I'm facing? Or can point me to some useful resources?

Sentry don't upload DSYMs files to S3 filestore backend and giving me exception: NoSuchKey: An error occurred (NoSuchKey)

I am using on-premise Sentry in a OpenShift.
I want to be able to use the S3 bucket to upload dsym files.
While trying to upload dsym files from the sentry-cli using the below command I am getting error:
sentry-cli upload-dif -t dsym --project service-level-reporting --log-level debug
sentry-worker log:
[ERROR] celery.worker.job: Task sentry.tasks.assemble.assemble_dif[01205ec8-fb54-4cc0-ae48-ce75bb96f880] raised unexpected: NoSuchKey(u'An error occurred (NoSuchKey) when calling the GetObject operation: Unknown',) (data={u'hostname': 'celery#sentry-worker-42-mw42p', u'name': 'sentry.tasks.assemble.assemble_dif', u'args': '[]', u'internal': False, u'kwargs': "{'chunks': ['7f91f5edfe5ce6650448c3edf6cdea6bed5a3699'], 'checksum': '7f91f5edfe5ce6650448c3edf6cdea6bed5a3699', 'project_id': 7L, 'name': 'libswiftos.dylib'}", u'id': '01205ec8-fb54-4cc0-ae48-ce75bb96f880'})
I have checked my pods that the target S3 bucket is accessible. Could someone please help us to resolve this issue?
It seems you don't set you aws keys for sentry cli or you are requesting to S3 with wrong keys. If you didn't configure sentry-cli for aws keys maybe this can help you:

Full installation on SAP DATA HUB, stuck at SAP vora installation phase

I am in process on installing SAP DATA HUB (full installation), I am currently stuck at SAP vora installation phase with the error attached.
I am installing vora from sap data hub runtime package, installing on kubernet cluster (minikube) hosted on GCP.
If anyone has any clue kindly let me know.
Error screen shot
Error details:
error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: unknown object type schema.GroupVersionKind{Group:"batch", Version:"v1", Kind:"Job"}; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
Wait until vsolution import job is completed...
Error from server (NotFound): jobs.batch "vsystem-importer-job" not found
Wait until vsolution import job is completed...
Error from server (NotFound): jobs.batch "vsystem-importer-job" not found
Wait until vsolution import job is completed...

Error running akka-http-microservice Activator template

Error running akka-http-microservice Activator template
Unable to run example template: akka-http-microservice from the Activator
Project builds, but on running, unable to access URL,
'Internal Server Error'
Error on running service: [ERROR] [04/21/2016 12:06:35.506]
Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs
completed. Outputs might have been truncated.
This is just with code taken directly from downloaded template *.zip file.
Running on Mac OSx, El Capitan. Running Scala v2.10.3.
Activator v1.3.9
(update) still a problem after attempted fix from tutorials support team:
[DEBUG] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.749] [] [akka://default/system/IO-TCP/selectors/$a/2] Connection established to []
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.832] [] [akka://default/user/StreamSupervisor-0/flow-2-0-unknown-operation] Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs completed. Outputs might have been truncated. (akka.http.impl.util.One2OneBidiFlow$OutputTruncationException$)
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.851] [] [] Error during processing of request HttpRequest(HttpMethod(GET),http://localhost:9000/ip/,List(Host: localhost:9000, C
Most responsive help forums related to this issue are:
1) Activator templates
2) Akka Mailing List!forum/akka-user
I got a response from the company supporting the Activator template tutorials here; and they have fixed the transient issue:
HOWEVER -- I tried running the Service again, and it looks like there's still a problem:
[DEBUG] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.749] [] [akka://default/system/IO-TCP/selectors/$a/2] Connection established to []
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.832] [] [akka://default/user/StreamSupervisor-0/flow-2-0-unknown-operation] Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs completed. Outputs might have been truncated. (akka.http.impl.util.One2OneBidiFlow$OutputTruncationException$)
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.851] [] [] Error during processing of request HttpRequest(HttpMethod(GET),http://localhost:9000/ip/,List(Host: localhost:9000, C
Tried instead to download LATEST tutorial template; and overwrite the one I'd downloaded yesterday. Then rebuilt, rerun that.
NOW the microservice comes up; and it appears to be working! Problem resolved!

Errors setting up federation for rabbitmq

I am setting up federation on one rabbitmq broker (B), with another broker as the upstream broker (A).
I'm getting this error on trying to run the command to set up the upstream broker.
localhost:$ sbin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_federation
The following plugins have been enabled:
Plugin configuration has changed. Restart RabbitMQ for changes to take effect.
localhost:$ sbin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_federation_management
The following plugins have been enabled:
localhost:$ sbin/rabbitmqctl set_parameter federation-upstream my-upstream '{"uri":"amqp://localhost:5672","expires":3600000}'
Setting runtime parameter "my-upstream" for component "federation-upstream" to "{\"uri\":\"amqp://localhost:5672\",\"expires\":3600000}" ...
Error: Validation failed
component federation-upstream not found
I did restart the broker after enabling the federation plugins. Why am I getting this error "component federation-upstream not found" ?
I could set up the upstream broker and policy through the Management UI, but federation is still not working.
I got the same error:
"validation failed component federation-upstream not found"
which went away after I installed the rabbitmq_federation plugin.
Here's my sequence:
Installing rabbitmq_federation_management
getting error
Installing rabbitmq_federation and that cleared the error