What is the simplest way to emulate a bidirectional UDP connection between two ports on localhost? - udp

I'm adapting code that used a direct connection between udp://localhost:9080 and udp://localhost:5554 to insert ports 19080 and 15554. On one side, 9080 now talks and listens to 19080 instead of directly to 5554. Similarly, 5554 now talks and listens to 15554. What's missing is a bidirectional connection between 19080 and 15554. All the socat examples I've seen seem to ignore this simplest of cases in favor of specialized ones of limited usefulness.
I previously seemed to have success with:
sudo socat UDP4:localhost:19080 UDP4:localhost:15554 &
but I found that it may have been due to a program bug that bypassed the connection. It no longer works.
I've also been given tentative suggestions to use a pair of more cryptic commands that likewise don't work:
sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:19080,fork UDP4-SENDTO:localhost:15554 &
sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:15554,fork UDP4-SENDTO:localhost:19080 &
and additionally seem to overcomplicate the manpage statement that "Socat is a command line based utility that establishes two bidirectional byte streams and transfers data between them."
I can see from Wireshark that both sides are correctly using their respective sides of the connection to send UDP packets, but neither side is receiving what the other side has sent, due to the opacity of socat used in either of these ways.
Has anyone implemented this simplest of cases simply, reproducibly, and unambiguously? It was suggested to me as a way around writing my own emulator to pass packets back and forth between the ports, but the time spent getting socat to cooperate could likewise be put to better use.

You use fix ports, and you do not specify if one direction is initiating the transfers.
Therefore the datagram addresses are to prefer. Something like the following command should do the trick:
socat \
UDP-DATAGRAM:localhost:9080,bind=localhost:19080,sourceport=9080 \

Only the 5-digit port numbers belong in the socat commands. The connections from or to 9988, 9080, and 5554 are direct existing connections. I only need socat for the emulated connections that would exist if an actual appliance existed.

I haven't tested this but it appears possible that the two 'more cryptic' commands might cause a non-desirable loop... perhaps the destination ports could be modified as shown below and perhaps that may help achieve your objective. This may not be viable based on your application as you may need to adjust your receive sockets accordingly.
sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:19080,fork UDP4-SENDTO:localhost:5554 &
sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:15554,fork UDP4-SENDTO:localhost:9080 &


Can SSH be fault-tolerant, or, is there a way to overcome RST messing up my TCP connections (some kind of retry pipe at both ends?)

I'm trying to use "scp" to copy TB-sized files, which is fine, until whatever router or other issue throws a tantrum and drops my connections (lost packets or unwanted RSTs or whatever).
# scp user#rmt1:/home/user/*z .
user#rmt1's password:
16% 6552MB 6.3MB/s 1:27:46 ETAclient_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
lost connection
It occurs to me that (if ssh doesn't already support this) it should be possible for something at each end point and in between the connection to simply connect with its peer, and when "stuff goes wrong", to transparently just bloody handle-it (to re-try indefinitely and reconnect basically).
Anyone know the solution?
My "normal" way of tunnelling remote machines into a local connection is using ssh of course, catch-22 - that's the thing that's breaking so I can't do that here...
SSH uses TCP, and TCP is generally designed to be relatively fault-tolerant, with retries for dropped packets, acknowledgements, and other techniques to overcome occasional network problems.
If you're seeing dropped connections nevertheless, then you are seeing excessive network problems, more than any standard protocol can be expected to handle, or you are seeing a malicious attacker intentionally try to disrupt the connection, which cannot be avoided. Those are both issues that no reasonable network protocol can overcome, and so you're going to have to deal with them. That's true whether you're using SSH or some other protocol.
You could try using SFTP instead of SCP, because SFTP supports resuming (e.g., put -a), but that's the best that's going to be possible. You can also try a command like lftp, which may have more scripting possibilities to copy and retry (e.g., mirror --continue --loop), and can also use SFTP under the hood.
Your best bet is to find out what the network problem is and get that fixed. mtr may be helpful for finding where your packet loss is.

Wrapping one's head around port forwarding with iptables

Honestly, I get part of what's going on. Like I need to enter rules, to forward with specific filters. But do I need one rule, two, three? Why do some people do FORWARD and others also OUT and yet some others even IN. Do I need separate rules for SYN, ESTABLISHED, RELATED? Is conntrack a separate package? Why does one guide do -t nat and all the others don't?
It's really painful, since everybody delivers almost copy&pastable guides, but not enough explanation of what they are actually providing as a solution, or how to get help if the reader's setup (oh surprise) is not 100% the same.
What I basically want to achieve is:
accept connections from everybody on *:443
send all the requests to (nobody but me can reach
enable requesters to receive the response from as well
see in dmesg whether or not stuff works, but not more if not necessary
Please explain why you are doing or not doing something. I really want to grasp this stuff. Thanks!
The best explanation I found is in archwiki, even with further references to more in depth descriptions and diagrams. One real in depth guide I found through archwiki is this iptables tutorial.
For instance, here (Simple stateful firewall) is a detailed example with explanation of all the decisions.
Because I'm a visual learner I also found this youtube video very helpful that shows and explains a running example with two VMs that pretty much anybody can reproduce at home.
Now I feel I'm at a level that I mostly just need to reference the following diagram, which shows how a package walks through the tables and chains:
Furhter reading:
discussion whether one should drop or reject
the internet protocols RFC
What's going on with NEW and SYN packages?
Why do some tutorials use conntrack and others use state?
Side notes:
I always got confused why some guides contain ESTABLISHED,RELATED rules and others don't. Whether or not these rules are there decides if already existing network traffic is cut or not. For instance if you are using an ssh session to connect to the machine, it would be nice if your ssh session wouldn't get killed by adding iptables rules, thus having a rule that allows your ESTABLISHED connection is nice. RELATED packages are for instances responses to ping or network information packages (ICMP).
The Simple stateful firewall example also explains the differences between different nmap tests.
Also a good overview

UDP Health Check

So we have an application that makes udp calls and sends packets. However, since responses are given for UDP calls, how could we ensure that the service is up and the port is open and that things are getting stored?
The only thought we have right now is to send in test packets and ensure they are getting saved out to the db.
So my over all question is, is there a better, easier way to ensure that our udp calls are succeeding?
On the listening host, you can validate that the port is open with netstat. For example, if your application uses UDP port 68, you could run:
# Grep for :<port> from netstat output.
$ netstat -lnu | grep :68
udp 0 0*
You could also send some test data to your application, and then check your database to verify that the fixture data made it into your database. That doesn't mean it always will be, just that it's working at the time of the test.
Ultimately, the problem is that UDP packets are best-effort, and not guaranteed. So unless you can configure your logging platform to send some sort of acknowledgment after data is received and/or written, then you can't guarantee anything. The very nature of UDP is that it leaves acknowledgments (if any) to the application layer.
We took a different approach and we are checking to make sure the calls made it to the db. Its easy enough to query a table and ensure records are in there. If none recent, we know something is wrong. CodeGnome had a good idea, just not the route we went. Thanks!

How to measure bandwith of an SSH tunnel?

I'm running a SSH Tunnel with OpenSSH on linux using the subprocess python module.
I want to find out how many bytes were sent and received from that SSH tunnel.
How can I find it out?
ssh(1) provides no mechanism for this. The OS does not provide a mechanism for this. Packet sniffing with e.g. tcpdump(1) is an option, but that would probably require root privileges, and would only be approximate if ssh(1) connections are made to the remote peer outside of your application. IPTables Accounting would give you similar tradeoffs, but would probably be much less overhead than tcpdump(1).
If you don't mind being very approximate, you could keep track of all the data you send to and read from your subprocess. ssh(1) will compress data before encrypting it, so you might over-estimate the amount of data sent, but ssh(1) will also have some overhead for re-keying, channel control, message authenticity, and so on, so it might even come close for 'average' data.
Of course, if a router along the way decides to drop every other packet, your TCP stack will send twice the data, maybe more.
Very approximate indeed.
You could measure the raw ssh transfer with something like pv:
ssh user#remote -t "cat /dev/urandom" | pv > /dev/null
ssh user#remote -t "pv > /dev/null" < /dev/urandom
(you could try with /dev/zero - but if you are using ssh compression, you'd get a very unreal transfer rate.)

How to find a locally available UDP port with unix Sockets API

I have an application where I have potentially many processes must send a message to one process. I figured the most expedient way to do this would be to just send a UDP datagram.
When opening a socket, I need to specify which port to listen to. As I just want to fire and forget the UDP datagram, I'd like to just have the OS pick an available port. I'd rather not have to hunt for one, especially as many instances of my process may be running. Is there a way I can tell the OS to just pick an available port (or better yet, not even open a listening socket) to fire and forget my UDP datagram?
Yes. Specify 0 as the port. The OS will pick an available port for you.
Answering the "Problem" rather than the "Question"
If all the processes are operating on the same PC, you might want to look into shared files or some other means of communications other than a networking stack.
I'd suggest you explore the options in Boost's Interprocess library
Quick guide here:
Specifically, I suggest you use a named pipe or shared memory between your processes.