How to use numeric chat IDs to avoid expensive `get_entity(channel_name)` calls? - telethon

As per this comment, I'm trying to use numeric channel IDs in my telethon code, so that I don't end up spamming the Telegram API with expensive name lookup calls and getting throttled, but I'm having some difficulty.
e.g. assuming I've already instantiated and connected client:
messages = client.get_messages(numeric_channel_id)
...fails with this error:
ValueError: Could not find the input entity for PeerUser(user_id=[numeric_channel_id]) (PeerUser)
I think there's some cacheing going on, because if I do a get_entity call using the account name first, then the get_messages call works. i.e. something like this:
messages = client.get_messages(numeric_channel_id)
That works just fine, but now I'm doing the expensive get_entity(name) call which is what I'm trying to avoid (because it will result in FloodWaitError problems).
Is there any way I can use the numeric ID of a channel to avoid the expensive get_entity call, in this scenario?
I've also tried forcing the entity type to Channel, like this:
channel = Channel(id=numeric_channel_id, title=None, photo=None, date=None)
messages = client.get_messages(channel)
...but the results are the same, except that the error mentions PeerChannel rather than PeerUser

ID usage is not going to work unless you cached the target as you stated, that's the only way to use the integer id.
you must have met the entity from events or manual requests (say, username fetching).
you should be using client.get_input_entity('username')
it will try to search the local cache first for the saved id + hash that equals the passed username, if found it won't do ResolveUsername (heavy one) and use the local access_hash + id and return you an inputPeer. you pass that to any request you want.
you mustn't use id alone unless you're certain you have met its holder, in other words, id you use has to be something you found out from within the library and within the same session, not something you knew/found out externally.
There is no magical way to fetch something with id you claim you know, if you actually know it, the lib has to create (when the access_hash is present) an InputPeer

As the other answer states, fetching by username will always work but is expensive. However note that such a call will fill the cache so it can later be fetched again much more cheaply by ID.
If you really need a stable reference to some entity and cannot rely on the session cache, and want to avoid usernames, the documentation for Entities vs. Input Entities may be helpful.
What it boils down to is, you can do this:
print(await client.get_input_entity('username'))
...which will show something like:
InputPeerChannel(channel_id=1066197625, access_hash=-6302373944955169144)
...and then, the account that made the get_input_entity call will always be able to use the printed result, without the need for it to be in cache:
from import InputPeerChannel
USERNAME = InputPeerChannel(channel_id=1066197625, access_hash=-6302373944955169144)
# ...
await client.send_message(USERNAME, 'Hi') # works without cache


What is the right way to save the process instance id(s) created?

Using Camunda as the tool for orchestration of the microservices. At later time, I find the process_instances_id generated necessary for continuing a particular process by using it in messageEventReceived(). Code as follows:
val processid = getProcessID(key1, key2)
val runtimeService = processengine.getRuntimeService
val subscription = runtimeService.createEventSubscriptionQuery
runtimeService.messageEventReceived(subscription.getEventName, subscription.getExecutionId)
As of this moment the processid is saved and then retrieved from the database using the getProcessID(...) function when necessary. Is this proper?
Does camunda already have the list of process_ids in its own database? If so, how do I retrieve a particular process instance id just giving composite key(s)? Is that even possible?
It is the common way. You can also use the public api to get the process instance and his id via the process definition key.
See the following example from the documentation:
For your given example there is also a simpler way. It is possible to correlate the message via the runtime service.
See this example from the documenation:
.setVariable("payment_type", "creditCard")
You can use
the query supports fluent criteria for filtering, for example on process_key, variables, businessKey ...

Performance issue with TaxonomyManager.GetTree(path)

I am using TaxonomyManager gettree(path) method to get a particular tree hierarchy in my c# code but it is taking more than 3 min to get the result, due to this the website is taking long time to load. How to reduce the time to load the website, is there any other way i can use to get the hierarchy from Ektron.
We had this exact same issue and actually got on with Ektron support to help resolve it.
Now, whenever we work with taxonomies we cache them on the server-side to avoid the performance hit. Something like
string cacheKey = "Something unique for your situation";
TaxonomyData taxonomyData;
if (Ektron.Cms.Context.HttpContext.Cache[cacheKey] == null)
// Pull taxonomy data and store in cache.
Ektron.Cms.Context.HttpContext.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, taxonomyData);
taxonomyData = (TaxonomyData)Ektron.Cms.Context.HttpContext.Cache[cacheKey];
Since you already know how to pull the TaxonomyData I left that out. We don't store the taxonomy data, instead we store the object we create with the taxonomy data, so just cache whatever you need to and then you can avoid the performance hit 'most' of the time.
I don't remember where the ektron cache time is set, whether it's in the web.config or within the WorkArea. Ektron support said to use the Ektron cache, not sure how much of a difference it would make to use the regular cache instead.

Should we always validate resource id in url and body in HTTP PUT request?

Suppose I am updating a employee record
url - /api/employees/10
body -
id : 10,
name : xyz
Should I validate for the employee id in url is same as in response? Because one employee can hit the url himself but update the data of another employee by sending another value in the PUT body.
If you have to validate, it's likely that you want to use POST. A POST is not idempotent and you are supposed to manage the change.
PUT is idempotent, and it just creates a resource. It implies that you don't actually care what id 10 is and whether it is a new id or an existing id. You just replace id 10 with the resource you supply. You only use PUT when you know what the uri should be.
Yes, if the representation of the object in the body contains its own key, you should validate that it matches the key from the URL. It's an error for the client to try to PUT an object at /api/employees/10 that isn't a valid value for employee #10's record, so you should check for that and report it as an error just as you would check that the object has correct syntax.
I believe that the best error code to return in this case is 422 Unprocessable Entity, but I might be wrong about that.
Another thing you can do instead is don't include the key at all in the body. However I find that keeping the key in makes sense for consistency with the way the same type of object is represented in other parts of the API (possibly embedded inside other objects). This is especially true when using XML (although it looks like you are using JSON here).

Use an AppReceiptId to verify a user's identity in a Windows Store App?

I want to be able to use the AppReceiptId from the result of CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync() and tie it to a username in my backend service, to verify that the user has actually purchased the app.
I know I'm supposed to use CurrentAppSimulator in place of CurrentApp, but CurrentAppSimulator.GetAppReceiptAsync() always returns a different, random value for AppReceiptId. This makes it difficult to test with my service.
Is there a way to make it always return the same value, other than just using a hardcoded one? I'm worried that when I replace CurrentAppSimulator with CurrentApp and submit it to the store, it won't behave the way I expect it to. In the real world, the AppReceiptId won't ever change, right?
The Code I use to get AppReceiptId:
var receiptString = await CurrentAppSimulator.GetAppReceiptAsync();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
var ReceiptNode = (from s in doc.ChildNodes
where s.NodeName == "Receipt"
select s).Single();
var AppReceiptNode = (from s in ReceiptNode.ChildNodes
where s.NodeName == "AppReceipt"
select s).Single();
var idNode = (from s in AppReceiptNode.Attributes
where s.NodeName == "Id"
select s).Single();
string id = idNode.NodeValue.ToString();
id will always be some random Guid.
CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync().Id is a unique ID for the actual purchase. Although it does technically represent a unique purchase made by a single Windows ID, it doesn't represent the user themselves and I don't think there's any guarantee on the durability of that ID.
Would you be better suited using the Windows Live SDK to track the actual user identity across devices?
At any rate, to answer your original question, no I don't believe there's any way to make it return the same ID all the time. The only logical place for that functionality would be in the WindowsStoreProxy.xml file, and I don't see anything in the schema that would allow you to specify this information.

WCF Data Service - update a record instead of inserting it

I'm developing a WCF Data Service with self tracking entities and I want to prevent clients from inserting duplicated content. Whenever they POST data without providing a value for the data key, I have to execute some logic to determine whether that data is already present inside my database or not. I've written a Change interceptor like this:
public void OnChangeEntity(MyEntity item, UpdateOperations operations){
if (operations == UpdateOperations.Add)
// Here I search the database to see if a matching record exists.
// If a record is found, I'd like to use its ID and basically change an insertion
// into an update.
item.EntityID = existingEntityID;
However, this is not working. The existingEntityID is ignored and, as a result, the record is always inserted, never updated. Is it even possible to do? Thanks in advance.
Hooray! I managed to do it.
item.EntityID = existingEntityID;
this.CurrentDataSource.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(item, EntityState.Modified);
I had to change the object state elsewhere, ie. by calling .ChangeObjectState of the ObjectStateManager, which is a property of the underlying EntityContext. I was mislead by the .MarkAsModified() method which, at this point, I'm not sure what it does.