In bash you can do something like this:
unset "${!AWS_#}"
But this will give a substitution error in zsh.
I haven't found a really great way to do this in zsh. Presumably because zsh has a different expansion/substitution than bash. I'm assuming I would have to do a lookup and then loop through the return. I'm wondering if someone has a nice one liner (or has ran into this themselves).
Use the -m flag.
unset -m "AWS_*"
From the entry for unset in man zshbuiltins:
If the -m flag is specified the arguments are taken as patterns (should be
quoted) and all parameters with matching names are unset. Note that this
cannot be used when unsetting associative array elements, as the subscript
will be treated as part of the pattern.
This works, but is pretty gross:
unset $(printenv | grep AWS_ | awk -F \= '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ')
This also works but is more gross:
for i in (printenv | grep AWS_ | awk -F \= '{print $1}')
unset $i
I have got the following URL:
I need to pull out smat-mes-test and smat:
git config --local remote.origin.url|sed -n 's#.*/\([^.]*\)\.git#\1#p'
This works. But I also need the project name, which is smat
I am not really familiar to complex regex and sed, I was able to find the other command in another post here. Does anyone know how I am able to extract the smat value here?
With your shown samples please try following awk code. Simple explanation would be, setting field separator(s) as / and .git for all the lines and in main program printing 3rd last and 3nd last elements from the line.
your_git_command | awk -F'/|\\.git' '{print $(NF-2),$(NF-1)}'
Your sed is pretty close. You can just extend it to capture 2 values and print them:
git config --local remote.origin.url |
sed -E 's~.*/([^/]+)/([^.]+)\.git$~\1 \2~'
smat sma-mes-test
If you want to populate shell variable using these 2 values then use this read command in bash:
read v1 v2 < <(git config --local remote.origin.url |
sed -E 's~.*/([^/]+)/([^.]+)\.git$~\1 \2~')
# check variable values
declare -p v1 v2
declare -- v1="smat"
declare -- v2="sma-mes-test"
Using sed
$ sed -E 's#.*/([^/]*)/#\1 #' input_file
smat sma-mes-test.git
I would harness GNU AWK for this task following way, let file.txt content be
awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{sub(/\.git$/,"",$NF);print $(NF-1),$NF}' file.txt
gives output
smat sma-mes-test
Explanation: I instruct GNU AWK that field separator is slash character, then I replace .git (observe that . is escaped to mean literal dot) adjacent to end ($) in last field ($NF), then I print 2nd from end field ($(NF-1)) and last field ($NF), which are sheared by space, which is default output field separator, if you wish to use other character for that purpose set OFS (output field separator) in BEGIN. If you want to know more about NF then read 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)
Why not sed 's!.*/\(.*/.*\)!\1!'?
string=$(config --local remote.origin.url | tail -c -21)
var1=$(echo "${string}" | cut -d'/' -f1)
var2=$(echo "${string}" | cut -d'/' -f2 | sed s'#\.git##')
If you have multiple urls with variable lengths, this will not work, but if you only have the one, it will.
If I did have something variable, personally I would replace all of the forward slashes with carriage returns, throw them into a file, and then export the last and second last lines with ed, which would give me the two last segments of the url.
Regular expressions literally give me a migraine headache, but as long as I can get everything on its' own line, I can quite easily bypass the need for them entirely.
I'm using tcsh (I know, it's not good). Anyway, I'm defining a variable as
set arqlink = `ls -aFl /usr/lib64/libelf* | awk '/->/{print $NF}' |
grep "libelf-0"`
but it doesn't work and I don't know why since
ls -aFl /usr/lib64/libelf* | awk '/->/{print $NF}' | grep "libelf-0"
works just fine.
thanks in advance.
best regards,
By default tcsh has nonomatch unset.
If set, a Filename substitution or Directory stack substitution (q.v.) which
does not match any existing files is left untouched rather than
causing an error.
Set this on and your line will work.
set nonomatch
set arqlink = `ls -aFl /usr/lib64/libelf* | awk '/->/{print $NF}' | grep "libelf-0"`
Alternatively, use stat and you won't need to set nonomatch.
set arglink = `stat -c %N /usr/lib64/libelf* | awk '/->/{print $NF}' | grep "libelf-0"`
Bottom line is, -F is forcing ls to append * to the filenames which is considered no match. You can also alter your original command and get rid of -F.
Remove spaces on both sides of = and note the backtick (not single quote) added on both sides of command.
set arqlink=`ls -aFl /usr/lib64/libelf* | awk '/->/{print $NF}' |
grep "libelf-0"`
..And I know why:
I have a xml document with lots of information inside. I need to extract what I need and eventually print them on a new file.
The xml (well, part of it.. rows just keeps repeating)
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
I need to extract the folder after "Outbound" and clean it from quotes or slashes.
Also, I need to exclude the "/error" so I get only 1 result for each of them.
My command is:
grep -o -v "/error" "Outbound/" config.xml | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\/\"//g" > /tmp/sync_users
The error is: grep: Outbound/: No such file or directory which of course means that I'm giving to grep too many arguments (?) - If i remove the -v "/error" it would work but would print also the names with "/error".
Can someone help me?
As some pointed out in their example (thanks for the time you put in), I'd need to extract these words based on the sample above:
could be intersting to use sed in this case
sed -e '\#/Outbound/#!d' -e '\#/error"$#d' -e 's#.*/Outbound/##;s#/\{0,1\}"$##' Config.xml
awk version, assuming (for last print) that your line is always 1 folder below Outbound as shown
awk -F '/' '$0 !~ /\/Outbound\// || /\/error"$/ {next} {print $(NF-1)}' Config.xml
Loose the grep altogether:
$ awk '/outboxdir/{gsub(/^.+Outbound\/|\/" *\r?$/,""); print}' file
/^outboxdir/ /outboxdir/only process records that have start with outboxdir on them
gsub remove unwanted parts of the record
added space removal at the end of record and CRLF fix for Windows originated files
To give grep multiples patterns they have to be separated by newlines or specified by multiples pattern option (-e, F,.. ). However -v invert the match as a whole, you can't invert only one.
For what you're after you can use PCRE (-P argument) for the lookaround ability:
grep -o -P '(?<=Outbound\/)[^\/]+(?!.*\/error)' config.xml
Regex demo here
The regex try to
match something not a slash at least once, the [^\/]+
preceded by Outbound/ the positive lookbehind (?<=Outbound\/)
and not followed by something ending with /error, the negative lookahead (?!.*\/error)
With your first sample input:
$ grep -o -P '(?<=Outbound\/)[^\/]+(?!.*\/error)' test.txt
How about:
grep -i "outbound" your_file | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/error//' -e 's/\/\"//' | uniq
Should work :)
You can use match in gawkand capturing group in regex
awk 'match($0, /^.*\/Outbound\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]*)\/?"$/, a){
if(a[2]!="error"){print a[1]}
}' config.xml
you get,
grep can accept multiple patterns with the -e option (aka --regexp, even though it can be used with --fixed-strings too, go figure). However, -v (--invert-match) applies to all of the patterns as a group.
Another solution would be to chain two calls to grep:
grep -v "/error" config.xml | grep "Outbound/" | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\/\"//g"
I'm running an awk command the prints out an output with a ":" in the result. How can I remove that? Is there a way to do the whole awk command in one?
The command I'm running is:
fdisk -l | '/Disk/{print $2
Which gives:
This should do the trick:
fdisk -l | awk -F'[ :]+' '/^Disk \// {print $2}'
-F'[ :]+' sets the field Separator to a space or colon, as long as there are more than one.
And I match /^Disk \/, to prevent some false positives (the forward slash needs to be escaped by a backslash).
For a list of all /dev/{disks} you can try using lsblk with the -o {flags}, and you don't need to be SU either... N.B. 'PATH' is a column header
lsblk -o PATH
That'll give you all disks and partitions (including loop partitions) as you'll see from "fdisk -l".
There's a lot more information that 'lsblk -o {flags}' will give you... Try this one for fun (and google/man for more)...
I'm using the following awk command in an expect script to get the gateway for a particular destination
route | grep $dest | awk '{print $2}'
However the expect script does not like the $2 in the above statement.
Does anyone know of an alternative to awk to perform the same function as above? ie. output 2nd column.
You can use cut:
route | grep $dest | cut -d \ -f 2
That uses spaces as the field delimiter and pulls out the second field
To answer your Expect question, single quotes have no special meaning to the Tcl parser. You need to use braces to protect the body of the awk script:
route | grep $dest | awk {{print $2}}
And as awk can do what grep does, you can get away with one less process:
route | awk -v d=$dest {$0 ~ d {print $2}}
Before switching to another utility, check if changing field separator worrks. Documentation for field separators in GNU Awk here.
SED is the best alternative to use. If you don't mind a dependency, Perl should also be sufficient to solve the task
Depending on the structure of your data, you can use either cut, or use sed to do both filtering and printing the second column.
Alternatively, you could use Perl:
perl -ne 'if(/foo/) { #_ = split(/:/); print $_[1]; }'
This will print second token of each line containing foo, with : as token separator.