Add iframe to page on prestashop - prestashop

Prestashop doesn't save iframe
I have enabled in the settings Allow iframes in HTML fields to YES. I tried to add an iframe through a custom tpl, but if there is an iframe in the custom tpl, then the page gives a 500 error. I have prestashop

Allow iframes in HTML fields to YES
This is related to the form fields which allows HTML, on a TPL you should be use whatever you need without being affected by that setting.
but if there is an iframe in the custom tpl, then the page gives a 500
A 500 error can be also a masked error on the PHP / TPL. So maybe you have some issues on the TPL which are unrelated to the iframe.
My recommendation would be to enable the debug mode on the configuration file located at /config/
if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) {
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
Then check the template again and see if there is an error on the code.


Vue Spa show <noscript> tag content as description text in search engine. ex.Google search

I have a landing page build using Vue 2 with vue router and vue pwa.
When public to production, everything run okay but when i search my web in Google, results show only title page, content in noscript tag as description and when view cached version of my page Google show totally empty page.
But my web on production still run normal, full function and i definitely don't disable Js in browser. I also tried use Google Search Console to request re-index my page but nothing change.
Disable prefetch and preload in vue.config.js resolved my problem.
chainWebpack: config => {
Everything turned on in the server? Just had that happen today anyway what code you using to add the title and description. Looks like something may not be executing when the page loads.

Custom nuxt 500 error page with preloaded state

Environment: Nuxt.js (Vue/Vuex/Node framework with SSR).
If user encounters an Internal Server Error, I want to use a custom Vue template, similar to the one I'm already using for 404 errors.
By looking at Nuxt source, it looks like the only way is to add a custom 500 page is to override the default .nuxt/views/error.html with my own custom error page.
I don't want just a static HTML page that the user must click out of to re-enter the app, though. I want it to still load the Nuxt app with some preloaded '500 error' state.
In Nuxt docs I don't see how to accomplish this. Any advice?
Things I have tried already:
Redirecting from error.html (doesn't work because of double redirect)
Iframe (works, but don't want to do it this way)

Unable to show page in iframe in Ektron CMS

I am working on Ektron CMS, on admin dashboard I add an custom widget in which I call an iframe for content page, on picking URL from iframe, 404 page not found error occurs. All URL and signs are using correctly still error occurs.
Be sure that you are entering a fully qualified domain name in your IFrame. Unless you are very careful about your paths, relative locations will likely be incorrect. Rather than "/page/item.aspx" or "" make sure you include your protocol, e.g. "" . This is particularly easy to forget if you are generating this url dynamically.
Also, if you are pointing to ektron content, make sure the content is published and public.

customizing apache tomcat authentication Required popup

i want to add a "register" link into the apache authentication popup.
i would also like to change the error message page that is called when you press cancel.
i looked into directory www/error where i found some files but it seem none of those files is the error page that is called.
how can i find the Authorization Required page that is called ?
so i can change it.
You can't - that's native browser behavior, not an Apache popup. Try different browsers and see how they do the popup differently.

Prevent built-in prompts in xul

I have an application that loads a web page in the browser and saves it to custom local folder (images, html, css). In the process the "src" attribute of images (in html) and "background-url" property (in css) need to be changed to reflect the locally saved files rather than the original ones. This generates extra web traffic as changing them forces the browser to download the files from modified locations (the browser does this by resolving the uri of the page with the value of element's "src" attribute - the same for "background-url" property ) and as a result, it generates lots of 404 Not Found requests.
I'm using nsIIOService interface to go offline before saving the page (the page is fully loaded and all network activity so far has been stopped) and then back online after the saving is complete. But then the browser displays an alert box "This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu." whenever I try to change the aforementioned attributes/properties.
Is there any way to prevent such message from appearing or to make the browser not validate the images because of modified "src" values?
I tried to use DOMWillOpenModalDialog on both the browser and the xul application window, but it seems it's of no use - the dialog still appears. The application is not an user application, so it's difficult when such "built-in" messages appear.
Use preventDefault to stop the modal dialog:
document.getElementById(‘content’).contentWindow.addEventListener(‘DOMWillOpenModalDialog’,function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }, true);
As an alternative, try using disablePrivilege, sandbox, redefining the prompt service, or overriding window.alert.