How to keep cookie when redirecting to different domain? - express

I am trying to make use of the Spotify API in an express.js application. I am running into some issues when following the authorization flow that can be found on the Spotify Api docs.
Spotify actually links this guide for authentication using express that I have mainly been following.
I have been able to successfully request and gain authorization with the following route:
app.get('/login', function(req, res) {
var state = generateRandomString(16); // state parameter I provide Spotify API
console.log('Original state (generated in /login): ', state); // Original state (generated in /login): UzLczCmKIKuzvIMP
let options = {
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
sameSite: 'lax',
overwrite: true,
res.cookie('spotify_auth_state', state, options);
console.log(`Cookie before redirecting to Oauth: ${JSON.stringify(res.cookies)}`); // Cookie before redirecting to Oauth: undefined
// your application requests authorization
var scope = 'user-read-private user-read-email';
res.redirect('' +
response_type: 'code',
client_id: client_id,
scope: scope,
redirect_uri: redirect_uri,
state: state
Make note of the state variable that I am storing in the cookies as spotify_auth_state.
Once authorization has been granted, the Spotify API redirects the client to a link that you provide in the Developer portal. In this case I use localhost:3000/request_tokens to redirect the client to my route to request tokens to actually make use of the API.
This is the following route that the Spotify Oauth redirects to:
app.get('/request_tokens', function(req, res) {
// your application requests refresh and access tokens
// after checking the state parameter
var code = req.query.code || null;
var state = req.query.state || null;
var storedState = req.cookies ? req.cookies['spotify_auth_state'] : null;
console.log(`State sent from spotify (should match): ${state}`); // State sent from spotify (should match): UzLczCmKIKuzvIMP
console.log(`Saved state (as cookie): ${storedState}`); // Saved state (as cookie): undefined
console.log(`Cookies when redirected to /request_tokens: ${JSON.stringify(req.cookies)}`); // Cookies when redirected to /request_tokens: {}
if (state === null || state !== storedState) {
res.redirect('/#' +
error: 'state_mismatch',
state: state,
stored_state: storedState
} else {
My issue is that I never get the `else' statement which is the goal. This is because, per Spotify documentation, my app should compare the state parameter that it received in the redirection URI with the state parameter it originally provided to Spotify in the authorization URI. If there is a mismatch then your app should reject the request and stop the authentication flow
The guide saves the 'state' variable in a cookie in the /login route when it is generated and then pulls it from the cookies once Spotify redirects to my /request_tokens route. However, when trying to find the cookie with I keep finding that it is undefined.
I assume it gets cleared because I am redirecting to a different domain (Spotify's authorization) so it is no longer there when Spotify redirects back to my local host. Can this 'state' variable be saved and checked via cookies or is there a better way to do this?


PassportJS OAuth2Strategy: authenticate returns 400 instead of redirecting

I'm trying to setup discord oauth2 pkce using passportjs and the passport-oauth2
const discordStrategy = new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
state: true,
pkce: true,
scope: ['identity', 'scope'],
passReqToCallback: true,
(req: Request, accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, profile: DiscordUserProfile, cb: any) => {
prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email: ?? '' }}).then(foundUser => {
if (foundUser === null) {
// Create a new user with oauth identity.
} else {
cb(null, foundUser)
}).catch(error => {
cb(error, null);
I've been following the google example as well as some others, these examples indicate that, I should be able to use:
passport.use('discord', discordStrategy);
authRouter.get('/discord', passport.authenticate('discord'));
and this should redirect to the OAuth2 providers login page, but instead, I get a 400 Bad Request "The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax." The response body contains an object:
{"scope": ["0"]}
Why is this happening instead of the expected redirect?
My intention is that, once the user logs in, I should get a code, then I can post that code and the code verifier to get an access token, then once the access token is obtained, the actual authenticate call can be made
Edit: I put breakpoints in the passport.authenticate function and I stepped through it. It does actually get through everything and it calls the redirect. The parsed URL it generates, even if I copy it and manually navigate to the URL, it gives me the same, just gives:
{"scope": ["0"]}
and no login page, why?
If you add a version number to the base api url, e.g. /v9 it gives a full error message.
It turned out I had typo'd the scopes, I had 'identity' instead of 'identify' - now this part of the process is working as expected.

Checking the validity of JWT Tokens - beforeEnter

I've got a function that runs 'beforeEnter' in the Vue router to verify that the user has been authenticated, otherwise triggers a message.
It checks to see if a (jwt) token is saved in the localStorage - this works if the user signs out manually, as it removes the token from the localStorage. However when the token expires it still remains in the localStorage so the function thinks ((localStorage.token)) the user is logged in.
The server still blocks any requests made as the token is invalid - so is safe.
How do I check the token's validity on the server side, in the 'beforeEnter' middleware, before the page loads?
Do I need to make an endpoint that checks a tokens validity and returns the result? (I'm using fetch(), however I've seen people use axios interceptors...)
Worth nothing that I'm not using VUEX, and there seems to be more details on that?
function protectedPage(to, from, next) {
if (localStorage.token) {
} else {"The session has ended. Please login.", {
theme: "toasted-primary",
position: "top-center",
duration: null,
action: {
text: "Login",
onClick: (e, toastObject) => {
Since exp is part of the payload, and JWT is just a base64 string, you can just decode it and check the exp time on your Vue app.
This is a function to decode JWT token and get the payload (taken from here)
function parseJwt (token) {
var base64Url = token.split('.')[1];
var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(Buffer.from(base64, "base64").toString("ascii").split("").map(function(c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return JSON.parse(jsonPayload);
and check it on your beforeRouteEnter function:
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
if (localStorage.token) {
const jwtPayload = parseJwt(localStorage.token);
if (jwtPayload.exp < {
// token expired
} else {
You don't really need to check it on your backend server, since there's no security concern by decoding the JWT token payload and checking it in on the client side. Plus it saves you one HTTP request every time a user access a route.
You need a backend middleware which bound to each API call and validates user session if still exists and has same tokens.
If the session has been expired or token has been changed and doesn't match with the current user session, you can redirect user to the login page from backend and force him to create a fresh session.
I think you don't need to fetch the authentication for each route entrance, just block the backend api calls and return a message or redirect to the login page. User can still browse the pages with the expired session info but won't be able to perform any fetch or form actions.

Using node-spotify-web-api to grant user access and fetch data

So I'm new to using OAuth and I honestly got quite lost trying to make this work. I looked up the documentation for Spotify's Authorization code and also found a wrapper for node which I used.
I want to be able to log in a user through spotify and from there do API calls to the Spotify API.
Looking through an example, I ended up with this code for the /callback route which is hit after the user is granted access and Spotify Accounts services redirects you there:
app.get('/callback', (req, res) => {
const { code, state } = req.query;
const storedState = req.cookies ? req.cookies[STATE_KEY] : null;
if (state === null || state !== storedState) {
res.redirect('/#/error/state mismatch');
} else {
spotifyApi.authorizationCodeGrant(code).then(data => {
const { expires_in, access_token, refresh_token } = data.body;
// Set the access token on the API object to use it in later calls
// use the access token to access the Spotify Web API
spotifyApi.getMe().then(({ body }) => {
}).catch(err => {
res.redirect('/#/error/invalid token');
So above, at the end of the request the token is passed to the browser to make requests from there: res.redirect('/#/user/${access_token}/${refresh_token}');
What if insted of redirecting there, I want to redirect a user to a form where he can search for artists. Do I need so somehow pass the token around the params at all time? How would I redirect a user there? I tried simply rendering a new page and passing params there but it didn't work.
you could store the tokens in a variety of places, including the query parameters or cookies - but I'd recommend using localstorage. When your frontend loads the /#/user/${access_token}/${refresh_token} route, you could grab the values and store them in localstorage (e.g. localstorage.set('accessToken', accessToken)) and retrieve them later when you need to make calls to the API.

Not able to redirect to client side with token from server(express) side route

I am using 'googleapis' npm package to do token based google authentication.
I am redirected to '/api/auth/success/google' route inside express after google provided authentication and redirects us to the uri stated in google app credentials.
The problem I am facing is that ,I have retrieved the tokens on server side,but I am unable to send those tokens to client side for them to be saved in cookies.
The problem I am facing is because,'/api/auth/success/google' is redirected from google side and not an ajax call from client side.So if I send the tokens back in res,where will it redirect.Also please suggest a way to redirect from server side to client side,along with access_token.
server side code.
//Route reached after google successful login/authentication
console.log("inside redirect");
var code = req.query.code;
oauth2Client.getToken(code, function(err, tokens) {
// Now tokens contains an access_token and an optional refresh_token. Save them.
if(!err) {
Client side call
//Google login requested from this function
type : 'POST',
url : baseURL + 'api/authenticate/google',
success: (function(data) {
if (data.redirect) {
document.location.href = data.redirect;
//Route handling request of google access'/api/authenticate/google',function(req,res){
// generate a url that asks permissions for Google+ and Google Calendar scopes
var scopes = [
var url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline', // 'online' (default) or 'offline' (gets refresh_token)
scope: scopes // If you only need one scope you can pass it as string
res.send({ redirect: url });
//Google App Credentials
var OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
var oauth2Client = new OAuth2(googlecredentials.CLIENT_ID, googlecredentials.CLIENT_SECRET, googlecredentials.REDIRECT_URL);
googlecredentials.CLIENT_ID -
REDIRECT_URL - http://localhost:3000/api/auth/success/google where localhost:3000 runs server side
If you send the redirect URL back in the res, the client-side should be able to check for the presence of the redirect URL in the response, and if it exists, push your user to that URL.

Backbone.js and user authentication

I have been wondering for quite a while how I would go about authenticating users using Backbone because I have been reading a few articles about it and a lot of them are talking about tokens and keys.. But I just want to be able to sign in a user and register a user like you would normally.
I was thinking that on the web app start up there would be a request to the route '/me' and then the server gives the user back appropriate information if he/she is logged in.
Like if the route came back with {loggedIn: false} the backbone router would send the user to the login/register pages only. But if it came back with a users profile information then it would obviously mean he had a session.
Is this an okay way of going back user authentication when using Backbone?
Short answer: wire up $.ajax to respond to 401 (Unauthorized) status codes.
Long answer: We're consuming a RESTful api from a single page website. when the server detects an unauthorized request, it just returns a 401. The client will redirect to /login?#requested/resource.
/login will prompt for authorization (redirect to google's oath server in our case) then add an authorization cookie and redirect to the originally requested #requested/resource
we're also sending the auth cookie on every $.ajax request.
Hopefully this is helpful.
function ($) {
var redirectToLogin = function () {
var locationhref = "/login";
if (location.hash && location.hash.length > 0) {
locationhref += "?hash=" + location.hash.substring(1);
location.href = locationhref;
var $doc = $(document);
$doc.ajaxSend(function (event, xhr) {
var authToken = $.cookie('access_token');
if (authToken) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + authToken);
$doc.ajaxError(function (event, xhr) {
if (xhr.status == 401)