Run "should_panic" tests with different inputs - testing

Assume the following function which gets the nth bit from a u8:
fn get_bit(&self, n: u8) -> bool {
if n > 7 {
panic!("Overflow detected while using `get_bit`: Tried to get the {n}th bit.");
let result = *self >> n & 1;
if result == 1 {
return true;
} else {
return false;
The basic (panic-case) test looks like this:
fn get_bit_panic_ut() {
As you can see this only tests for 8 as input. I want to make sure that this function will panic for any input between 8 and 255. So my naive attempt was:
fn get_bit_panic_ut() {
for i in 8..=255 {
println!("{i}"); // For demonstration purposes
If I run the above with the --nocapture flag, I can see that the test execution stops after 8. So my question is how do I test for all the other cases here?
One option I came across, which might work is the rtest crate. I wonder if rust provides any out of the box mechanics for scenarios like this.

No - but you can easily simulate it:
fn get_bit_panic_ut() {
for i in 8..=255 {
println!("{i}"); // For demonstration purposes
assert!(std::panic::catch_unwind(|| 0b0000_0000.get_bit(i)).is_err());


How can I print data in a way that consumes local variables when an assert fails in Rust?

I have some tests which have some variables that hold some important data and I'd like to print their data when an assertion fails. Getting the data I need consumes the variables, so the printing code must own the variables. In this example, I'd want to call dump_foo_data once an assertion fails:
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
fn my_test() {
let f = Foo();
// do a test
let success = true;
// do another test
let success = false;
I can make a very bad solution by making dump_foo_data non-returning and panic:
fn dump_foo_data(f: Foo) -> ! {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
Then instead of using assert!, I check the failure with an if and maybe call dump_foo_data:
let success = true;
if !success {
This is too many lines of code, and I need to specify f. In reality, I have more than one variable like f that I need to dump data from, so it's not very nice to list out single relevant local variable in every check.
I couldn't figure out how to write a macro to make this better because I'd still need to pass every relevant local variable to the macro.
I couldn't think of a way to use std::panic either. update_hook would need to take ownership of f, then I couldn't use it in tests.
Is there any good way to do this in Rust?
Edit: I've thought of another approach: put each relevant local in an Rc then pass each of those to std::panic::update_hook. I've not confirmed whether this'll work yet.
Edit 2: Maybe I could abuse break to do what I explained with goto in a comment.
One way that doesn't use any macro or shared-interior-mutability-reference magic might be to repossess f:
fn check_or_dump(success: bool, f: Foo) -> Foo {
match success {
true => f,
false => panic!("Behold foo data: {:?}", dump_foo_data(f)),
You use it like this:
let f = Foo();
let success = true;
let f = check_or_dump(success, f);
let success = false;
let f = check_or_dump(success, f);
// and so on.
Here's a solution without macro or interior mutability and that doesn't require you to list all the variables on each check. It is inspired by this answer:
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(_f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
fn my_test() {
let f = Foo();
let doit = || -> Option<()> {
// do a test
let success = true;
// do another test
let success = false;
if let None = doit() {
dump_foo_data (f);
panic!("Test failure");
I've worked out a solution using the panic handler:
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::panic::PanicInfo;
thread_local! {
static TL_PANIC_TARGETS: RefCell<Vec<Rc<dyn PanicTrigger>>> = RefCell::new(vec![]);
pub trait PanicTrigger {
fn panic_trigger(self: Rc<Self>);
pub fn register_panic_trigger<P: PanicTrigger + 'static>(p: Rc<P>) {
TL_PANIC_TARGETS.with(|v: _| {
fn set_panic_hook() {
let old_hook = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |pi: &PanicInfo| {
fn run_panic_triggers(_: &PanicInfo) {
TL_PANIC_TARGETS.with(|v: _| {
for pt in v.take() {
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(_f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
impl PanicTrigger for Cell<Option<Foo>> {
fn panic_trigger(self: Rc<Self>) {
if let Some(f) = self.take() {
fn my_test() {
let f = Rc::new(Cell::new(Some(Foo())));
let success = true;
let success = false;
fn main() { }
Basically, you put the relevant data in an Rc and keep a local reference and put one in TLS for the panic handler. You need to put it in an Option in a Cell so that you can move out of it.
Types that don't need to be owned to print relevant data can be registered too, and you don't need to implement PanicTrigger on a Cell<Option<T>>, just T.
This is thread-safe.
Because the data is so wrapped up, it's harder to manipulate in the test body. But now you can use normal assert!. It's a trade-off.

Return a Result from a for loop or nothing if there are no results

I want to return the Result as shown in below from the for loop. Please help which would be the best way solve this error. I tried the pattern matching with returning None which works. But I need to return Error.
pub fn get_account(&self) -> Result<Keys, Error> {
//PATH is default home directory
let values = match load_json_file(PATH + "/keys.json") {
Ok(account) => Ok(account),
Err(e) => {
return Err(Error::Invalid_Tx(
"The sender address cannot be nil".to_owned(),
let accounts: Vec<Keys> = values.unwrap();
let sender_address = self.sender.unwrap();
for acc in accounts {
if acc.address == sender_address {
return Ok(acc);
expected struct commands::key::Keys, found ()rustc(E0308)
You are trying to return two different types from the same function:
line 15: Ok(acc) is of type Result<Keys, Error>
line 18: Ok(()) has type Result<(), Error>
If "no result" is a valid return value, then you can change the function signature to:
pub fn get_account(&self) -> Result<Option<Keys>, Error>;
And then modify those return values to be Ok(Some(acc)) and Ok(None) respectively.
If "no result" is an error then you need to modify the Error type to include this variant. For example:
enum Error {
And return Err(Error::NotFound) at the end.
You can also tidy this function up a lot, by using thiserror, which is a popular crate for defining error types:
use thiserror::Error; // thiserror = "1.0.21"
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
enum Error {
#[error("The sender address cannot be nil")]
#[error("The key was not found")]
pub fn get_account(&self) -> Result<Keys, Error> {
let accounts: Vec<Keys> = load_json_file(PATH + "/keys.json")
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidTx)?;
let sender_address = self.sender.unwrap();
.find(|acc| acc.address == sender_address)
This is better because the Strings in the errors do not need to be allocated, but they are still available as static string slices if they are needed for display. I also got rid of the for loop altogether, which makes the function shorter and cleaner.

Concurrency, react-ing to more than one supply at a time

Please consider the code below. Why is the output of this is "BABABA" and not "AAABAA" / "AABAAAB"? Shouldn't the two supplies run in parallel and the whenever fire immedeatly when there is an event in any of them?
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
#whenever Supply.merge($supply1, $supply2) -> $x { $x.print }
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
When we subscribe to a supply block, the body of that supply block is run immediately in order to set up subscriptions. There's no concurrency introduced as part of this; if we want that, we need to ask for it.
The best solution depends on how close the example is to what you're doing. If it's very close - and you want to emit values every time interval - then the solution is to use Supply.interval instead:
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(3, 3) { done if $i++ > 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(1, 1) { done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
Which simply sets up a subscription and gets out of the setup, and so gives the output you want, however you do have a data race on the $i.
The more general pattern is to just do anything that gets the loop happening out of the setup step. For example, we could use an a kept Promise to just "thunk" it:
my constant READY = Promise.kept;
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); }
my $supply2 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); }
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
Which helps because the result of a Promise will be delivered to the supply block via the thread pool scheduler, thus forcing the execution of the content of the whenever - containing the loop - into its own scheduled task.
This isn't especially pretty, but if we define a function to do it:
sub asynchronize(Supply $s) {
supply whenever Promise.kept {
whenever $s { .emit }
Then the original program only needs the addition of two calls to it:
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("B") } }
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await; done if $i++> 5; emit("A") } }
react {
whenever asynchronize $supply1 -> $x { $x.print }
whenever asynchronize $supply2 -> $x { $x.print }
To make it work as desired. Arguably, something like this should be provided as a built-in.
It is possible to use a Channel as well, as the other solution proposes, and depending on the problem at hand that may be suitable; the question is a bit too abstracted from a real problem for me to say. This solution stays within the Supply paradigm, and is neater in that sense.
Thanks to jjmerelo here, I managed to get it working. The channel was the right track, but you actually have to consume the channels supply.
use v6;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { loop { await; $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { loop { await; $c.send("A"); } };
whenever $c.Supply -> $x { $x.print };
Additional question: How good does that scale? Can you have several thousand supplies sending to the channel?
Supplies are asynchronous, not concurrent. You will need to use channels instead of supplies to feed them concurrently.
use v6;
my $i = 0;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { for ^5 { await; $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { for ^5 { await; $c.send("A"); } };
await $supply2;
await $supply1;
.say for $c.list;
In this case, the two threads start at the same time, and instead of using .emit, then .send to the channel. In your example, they are effectively blocked while they wait, since they are both running in the same thread. They only give control to the other supply after the promise is kept, so that they run apparently "in parallel" and as slow as the slower of them.
Ok, so here is my real code. It seems to work, but I think there is a race condition somewhere. Here's some typical (albeit short) output.
A monster hatched.
A monster hatched.
A hero was born.
The Monster is at 2,3
The Monster is at 3,2
The Player is at 0,0
The Monster (2) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 14
The Player rolls 4
The Monster inflicts 4 damage
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (2)
The Player rolls 11
The Monster rolls 8
The Player inflicts 45 damage
The Monster is dead
The Monster is at -3,-3
The Player is at 4,-3
The Monster (1) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 8
The Player rolls 5
The Monster inflicts 11 damage
The Player has 32 hitpoints left
The Monster is at -4,1
The Player is at -1,4
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (1)
The Player rolls 12
The Monster rolls 11
The Player inflicts 46 damage
The Monster is dead
Game over. The Player has won
Now the strange thing is, sometimes, in maybe 20% of the runs, the last line of the output is
Game over. The GameObject has won
as if the object got caught while it already is partially deconstructed? Or something? Anyway here's the code.
class GameObject
has Int $.id;
has Int $.x is rw;
has Int $.y is rw;
has $.game;
has Int $.speed; #the higher the faster
has Bool $.stopped is rw;
multi method start( &action )
start {
loop {
last if self.stopped;
await 1 / self.speed );
$.game.remove-object( self );
method speed {
$!speed +
# 33% variation from the base speed in either direction
( -($!speed / 3).Int .. ($!speed / 3).Int ).pick
role UnnecessaryViolence
has $.damage;
has $.hitpoints is rw;
has $.offense;
has $.defense;
method attack ( GameObject $target )
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} ({}) attacks the {$target.WHAT.perl} ({$})";
my $attacker = roll( $.offense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} rolls $attacker";
my $defender = roll( $target.defense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} rolls $defender";
if $attacker > $defender
my $damage = ( 1 .. $.damage ).pick;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} inflicts {$damage} damage";
$target.hitpoints -= $damage ;
if $target.hitpoints < 0
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} is dead";
$target.stopped = True;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} has { $target.hitpoints } hitpoints left";
class Player is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.name;
multi method start
say "A hero was born.";
# say "The hero is moving";
# keyboard logic here, in the meantime random movement
$ { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Monster is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.species;
multi method start
say "A monster hatched.";
# say "The monster {} is moving";
# AI logic here, in the meantime random movement
$ { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Game
my $idc = 0;
has GameObject #.objects is rw;
has Channel $.channel = .new;
method run{
method setup
self.add-object( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(20), :damage(14), :offense(3), :speed(300), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(10), :damage(16), :offense(3), :speed(400), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( :id(++$idc), :name("Holli"), :hitpoints(50), :damage(60), :offense(3), :speed(200) :defense(2), :x(0), :y(0), :game(self) ) );
method add-object( GameObject $object )
#!objects.push( $object );
method remove-object( GameObject $object )
#!objects = #!objects.grep({ !($_ === $object) });
method mainloop
react {
whenever $.channel.Supply -> $event
if self.all-objects-stopped;
self.process-movement( $event );
whenever Supply.interval(1) {
method process-movement( $event )
#say "The {$event<object>.WHAT.perl} moves.";
given $event<object>
my $to-x = .x + $event<x>;
my $to-y = .y + $event<y>;
for #!objects -> $object
# we don't care abour ourselves
if $_ === $object;
# see if anything is where we want to be
if ( $to-x == $object.x && $to-y == $object.y )
# can't move, blocked by friendly
if $object.WHAT eqv .WHAT;
# we found a monster
.attack( $object );
# -5 -1 5
# we won the fight or the place is empty
# so let's move
.x = $to-x == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-x == -5 ?? 4 !!
.y = $to-y == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-y == -5 ?? 4 !!
method render
for #!objects -> $object {
"The {$object.WHAT.perl} is at {$object.x},{$object.y}".say;
method stop-objects
say "Stopping";
for #!objects -> $object {
$object.stopped = True;
method stop-game {
"Game over. The {#!objects[0].WHAT.perl} has won".say;
method game-is-over {
return (#!{.WHAT})).unique.elems == 1;
method all-objects-stopped {
(#!objects.grep({!.stopped})).elems == 0;

Testing Emitter func with channel return value in go

I am having a hard time getting my test for my emitter function which passes results through a channel for a data pipeline. This function will be triggered periodically and will pull records from the database. I compiled an stripped done version for this question the real code would more complex but would follow the same pattern. For testing I mocked the access to the database because I want to test the behavoir of the Emitter function.
I guess code is more than words:
This is the method I want to test:
//EmittRecord pull record from database
func EmittRecord(svc Service, count int) <-chan *Result {
out := make(chan *Result)
go func() {
defer close(out)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
r, err := svc.Next()
if err != nil {
out <- &Result{Error: err}
out <- &Result{Payload: &Payload{
Field1: r.Field1,
Field2: r.Field2,
}, Error: nil}
return out
I have a couple of types with an interface:
//Record is a Record from db
type Record struct {
Field1 string
Field2 string
//Payload is a record for the data pipeline
type Payload struct {
Field1 string
Field2 string
//Result is a type for the data pipeline
type Result struct {
Payload *Payload
Error error
//Service is an abstraction to access the database
type Service interface {
Next() (*Record, error)
This is my service Mock for testing:
//MockService is a struct to support testing for mocking the database
type MockService struct {
NextMock func() (*Record, error)
//Next is an Implementation of the Service interface for the mock
func (m *MockService) Next() (*Record, error) {
if m.NextMock != nil {
return m.NextMock()
panic("Please set NextMock!")
And finally this is my test method which does not work. It does not hit the done case and das not hit the 1*time.Second timeout case either ... the test just times out. I guess I am missing something here.
func TestEmitter(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
svc runner.Service
expectedResult runner.Result
{name: "Database returns error",
svc: &runner.MockService{
NextMock: func() (*runner.Record, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("YIKES")
expectedResult: runner.Result{Payload: nil, Error: fmt.Errorf("RRRR")},
{name: "Database returns record",
svc: &runner.MockService{
NextMock: func() (*runner.Record, error) {
return &runner.Record{
Field1: "hello",
Field2: "world",
}, nil
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan bool)
defer close(done)
var output <-chan *runner.Result
go func() {
output = runner.EmittRecord(tc.svc, 1)
done <- true
found := <-output
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
if found.Error.Error() != tc.expectedResult.Error.Error() {
t.Errorf("FAIL: %s, expected: %s; but got %s",, tc.expectedResult.Error.Error(), found.Error.Error())
} else if reflect.DeepEqual(found.Payload, tc.expectedResult.Payload) {
t.Errorf("FAIL: %s, expected: %+v; got %+v",, tc.expectedResult.Payload, found.Payload)
It would be great, if someone could give me an advice what I missing here and maybe some input how to verify the count of the EmittRecord function right now it is only set to 1
Thanks in advance
//Edited: the expectedResult as per Comment by #Lansana
Are you sure you have your expected results in the tests set to the proper value?
In the first slice in the test, you expect a fmt.Errorf("RRRR"), yet the mock returns a fmt.Errorf("YIKES").
And then later in the actual test conditionals, you do this:
if found.Error.Error() != "Hello" {
t.Errorf("FAIL: %s, expected: %s; but got %s",, tc.expectedResult.Error.Error(), found.Error.Error())
You are checking "Hello". Shouldn't you be checking if it's an error with the message "YIKES"?
I think your logic is good, but your test is just not properly written. Check my Go Playground example here and run the code. You will see there is no output or panics when you run it. This is because the code passes my test conditions in main.
You are adding more complexity to your test by more channels, and if those extra channels are invalid then you may have some false positives that make you think your business logic is bad. In this case, it actually seems to be working as it should.
Here is the highlight of the code from my playground example . (the part that tests your logic):
func main() {
svc1 := &MockService{
NextMock: func() (*Record, error) {
return nil, errors.New("foo")
for item := range EmittRecord(svc1, 5) {
if item.Payload != nil {
panic("item.Payload should be nil")
if item.Error == nil {
panic("item.Error should be an error")
svc2 := &MockService{
NextMock: func() (*Record, error) {
return &Record{Field1: "Hello ", Field2: "World"}, nil
for item := range EmittRecord(svc2, 5) {
if item.Payload == nil {
panic("item.Payload should have a value")
if item.Payload.Field1 + item.Payload.Field2 != "Hello World" {
panic("item.Payload.Field1 and item.Payload.Field2 are invalid!")
if item.Error != nil {
panic("item.Error should be nil")
The output from the above code is nothing. No panics. Thus, it succeeded.
Try simplifying your test to a working state, and then add more complexity from there. :)

Return Option inside Loop

The program aims to use a loop to check if the index of a iterator variable meets certain criteria (i.g., index == 3). If find the desired index, return Some(123), else return None.
fn main() {
fn foo() -> Option<i32> {
let mut x = 5;
let mut done = false;
while !done {
x += x - 3;
if x % 5 == 0 {
done = true;
for (index, value) in (5..10).enumerate() {
println!("index = {} and value = {}", index, value);
if index == 3 {
return Some(123);
return None; //capture all other other possibility. So the while loop would surely return either a Some or a None
The compiler gives this error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> <anon>:7:9
7 | while !done {
| ^ expected enum `std::option::Option`, found ()
= note: expected type `std::option::Option<i32>`
= note: found type `()`
I think the error source might be that a while loop evaluates to a (), thus it would return a () instead of Some(123). I don't know how to return a valid Some type inside a loop.
The value of any while true { ... } expression is always (). So the compiler expects your foo to return an Option<i32> but finds the last value in your foo body is ().
To fix this, you can add a return None outside the original while loop. You can also use the loop construct like this:
fn main() {
// run the code
fn foo() -> Option<i32> {
let mut x = 5;
loop {
x += x - 3;
for (index, value) in (5..10).enumerate() {
println!("index = {} and value = {}", index, value);
if index == 3 {
return Some(123);
if x % 5 == 0 {
return None;
The behaviour of while true { ... } statements is maybe a bit quirky and there have been a few requests to change it.