Variable is crossing different events - vba

Apologies for the vague title, but here is my issue. I have a form that has several select lists and associated text boxes. Basically the way it works is if you select a name from the first list, an AfterUpdate event is triggered to query the DB to see if the Eng_ID and Person_ID already exist in the table. If so, then delete that row then insert the updated row. If there is not any records, then just insert the data. The problem is that when I click a name in the first list, then move to the second list, what's happening is that the the Person_ID of the first list is used for the DLookup query, then it delets the record, then inserts the record of the new person I selected in a different listbox. The code is below: Thanks in advance
' Add/Remove Participant 1
Private Sub lstPar1_AfterUpdate()
Dim n As Integer
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
With Me.lstPar1
For n = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
strCriteria = "Eng_ID = " & Nz(Me.Eng_ID, 0) & " And Person_ID = " & .ItemData(n)
If .Selected(n) = False Then
' If a person has been deselected, then delete row from table
If Not IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblEngParRole WHERE " & strCriteria
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
' If a person has been selected, then insert row into the table
If IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEngParRole (Eng_ID, Person_ID, ParticipantNumber, Role)" & "VALUES(" & Me.Eng_ID & "," & .ItemData(n) & "," & 1 & ",'" & Me.txtParRole1.Value & "' )"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
End If
Next n
End With
End Sub
' Add/Remove Participant 2
Private Sub lstPar2_AfterUpdate()
Dim n As Integer
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
With Me.lstPar2
For n = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
strCriteria = "Eng_ID = " & Nz(Me.Eng_ID, 0) & " And Person_ID = " & .ItemData(n)
If .Selected(n) = False Then
' If a person has been deselected, then delete row from table
If Not IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblEngParRole WHERE " & strCriteria
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
' If a person has been selected, then insert row into the table
If IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEngParRole (Eng_ID, Person_ID, ParticipantNumber, Role) " & "VALUES(" & Me.Eng_ID & "," & .ItemData(n) & "," & 2 & ",'" & Me.txtParRole2.Value & "' )"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
End If
Next n
End With
End Sub
Using this image, if I select Daniel and enter his role, then the eng_ID, Person_ID, ParticipantNumber and Role are entered into the database as 130, 118, 1, Collaborator.
If I select Kristin, it deletes Daniel becuause it's still using Person_ID of 118 instead of hers which is 134, and since there is a corresponding record, it delets Daniel then adds Kristin.

I don't have Access to test this with, but it seems like you need to separate Participant1 records from Participant2 records when you perform your DLookups.
Also you can generalize your code by pulling the common parts into a separate sub.
Private Sub lstPar1_AfterUpdate()
CheckParticipant Me.lstPar1, 1, Me.txtParRole1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub lstPar2_AfterUpdate()
CheckParticipant Me.lstPar2, 2, Me.txtParRole2.Value
End Sub
Sub CheckParticipant(objList As Object, participantNum As Long, role As String)
Dim n As Integer
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
With objList
For n = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
strCriteria = "Eng_ID = " & Nz(Me.Eng_ID, 0) & " And Person_ID = " & .ItemData(n) & _
" And ParticipantNumber=" & participantNum
strSQL = ""
If Not .Selected(n) Then
' If a person has been deselected, then delete row from table
If Not IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblEngParRole WHERE " & strCriteria
End If
' If a person has been selected, then insert row into the table
If IsNull(DLookup("Eng_ID", "tblEngParRole", strCriteria)) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEngParRole (Eng_ID, Person_ID, ParticipantNumber, Role)" & _
" VALUES(" & Me.Eng_ID & "," & .ItemData(n) & "," & participantNum & _
",'" & role & "' )"
End If
End If
If Len(strSQL) > 0 Then CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Next n
End With
End Sub


How to auto-increment primary key in SQL INSERT INTO statement

Private Sub btnAddInfo_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Routine
'Declare variables
Dim intStudentID As Integer
Dim intTestID As Integer
Dim dblMark As Double
Dim intResultID As Integer
'Declare database
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Set the database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Select ResultId FROM StudentResult ORDER BY RESULTID DESC", dbOpenDynaset)
'assign value to intResultID variable
intResultID = rst!ResultId
'Adds the additional 1 to the latest result id that was used
If Not rst.EOF Then
intResultID = intResultID + 1
End If
'Assigns value to variables
intStudentID = Forms!frmAdd!lstStudentID
strDescription = Forms!frmAdd!lstTest
dblMark = txtMark.Value
intTestID = Forms!frmAdd!lstTest
'Checks that Student ID has been selected
If Not IsNull(lstStudentID) Then
'Inserts new test record into StudentResult table
db.Execute "INSERT INTO StudentResult " _
& "(ResultId,StudentId,TestId, Mark) VALUES " _
& "('" & intResultID & "','" & intStudentID & "','" & intTestID & "','" & dblMark & "');"
End If
'Clears fields
txtMark.Value = ""
lstStudentID.Value = ""
lblExistingStudent.Caption = "Existing Student Name:"
'Closes database
Set db = Nothing
I'm trying to add new records. There is a list of 4 tests. ResultId is the primary key and it is an AutoNumber column.
The button adds tests scores just fine if the selected StudentID has not added a score for that TestId yet. But when I try to add a StudentId and TestId combination that has been entered before, it does not add a new record or even update the existing one.
Both StudentId and TestId allow duplicates. I've tried doing this counter variable but it has not worked. This is for a class and the professor says a student should be able to retake tests and it should just add a new record.
Thank you in advance for your help. Please let me know if you need any pictures of the form, tables, or more of my code.
Exclude the AutoNumber field, and don't wrap numbers in quotes:
If Not IsNull(lstStudentID) Then
' Verify values:
Debug.Print "StudentID:", intStudentID, "TestID:", intTestID, "Mark:", Str(dblMark)
'Inserts new test record into StudentResult table
db.Execute "INSERT INTO StudentResult " _
& "(StudentId, TestId, Mark) VALUES " _
& "(" & intStudentID & "," & intTestID & "," & Str(dblMark) & ");"
End If

Is ther a Join function in vba to combine multiple fields rather than using concatenate function in access?

Thank you to all your responses.
I have a table with one id field and R1-R30 fields.
I was able to concatenate R1-R30 fields in a query using
Route: Trim([R1] & IIf([R2]="",""," ") & [R2] & IIf([R3]="",""," ") & [R3] & IIf([R4]="",""," ") & [R4] & IIf([R5]="",""," ") & [R5] & IIf([R6]="",""," ") & [R6] & IIf([R7]="",""," ") & [R7] & IIf([R8]="",""," ") & [R8] & IIf([R9]="",""," ") & [R9] & IIf([R10]="",""," ") & [R10] & IIf([R11]="",""," ") & [R11] & IIf([R12]="",""," ") & [R12] & IIf([R13]="",""," ") & [R13] & IIf([R14]="",""," ") & [R14] & IIf([R15]="",""," ") & [R15] & IIf([R16]="",""," ") & [R16] & IIf([R17]="",""," ") & [R17] & IIf([R18]="",""," ") & [R18] & IIf([R19]="",""," ") & [R19] & IIf([R20]="",""," ") & [R20] & IIf([R21]="",""," ") & [R21] & IIf([R22]="",""," ") & [R22] & IIf([R23]="",""," ") & [R23] & IIf([R24]="",""," ") & [R24] & IIf([R25]="",""," ") & [R25] & IIf([R26]="",""," ") & [R26] & IIf([R27]="",""," ") & [R27] & IIf([R28]="",""," ") & [R28] & IIf([R29]="",""," ") & [R29] & IIf([R30]="",""," ") & [R30])
My question is if the Join function I found can be applied to a query where the delimeter could be a spare, comma or slash.
Join (source_array,[delimiter])
This would be the code to take all values of 1 single recordset into a bidimensional array, and then take those values into a unidimensional array (excluding null values, because null values cannot be joined with JOIN).
I think it would be better just looping trough every field with the loop, but in case it might help, i'll post it.
To replicate your issue, I just created a database with 1 single table with 2 records:
I'll concatenate all fields, excluding ID field. So with an easy query, I can get a recordset of 1 single record, using ID field as parameter:
SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4
FROM Tabla1
WHERE (((Tabla1.Id)=1));
And then the VBA code to Msgbox the fields joined, using a comma as delimiter.
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim SingleArray() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim MySQL As String
Dim STRJoined As String
MySQL = "SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4 " & _
"FROM Tabla1 WHERE (((Tabla1.Id)=2));" 'query to get a single recordset.
Set rst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQL, 2, 4)
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
vArray = rst.GetRows
ReDim SingleArray(UBound(vArray))
For i = 0 To UBound(SingleArray)
If IsNull(vArray(i, 0)) = True Then
SingleArray(i) = ""
SingleArray(i) = vArray(i, 0)
End If
Next i
Debug.Print vArray(0, 0) 'Field 1
Debug.Print vArray(1, 0) 'Field 2
Debug.Print vArray(2, 0) 'Field 3
Debug.Print vArray(3, 0) 'Field 4
STRJoined = Join(SingleArray, ",")
Debug.Print STRJoined
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Erase vArray
Erase SingleArray
End Sub
If I execute this code using as WHERE parameter ID=1 , in debugger Window I get:
First Record
My first record. Got a null value in Field 3 (it's empty)
First Record,1,,My first record. Got a null value in Field 3 (it's empty)
With ID=2 I get:
Second Record
Not null
Second Record
Second Record,2,Not null,Second Record
So this kinda works. I hope you can adapt it to your needs. but as i said. looking at the code, I think it would be easier just looping trough fields in a single query with all records. something like this:
Dim RST As Recordset
Dim Joined_Records() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim MySQL As String
Dim STRJoined As String
Dim FLD As Field
MySQL = "SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4 " & _
"FROM Tabla1;" 'query to get all recordset you want to join
Set RST = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQL, 2, 4)
If RST.RecordCount > 0 Then
i = 0
ReDim Joined_Records(RST.RecordCount)
Do Until RST.EOF = True
For Each FLD In RST.Fields
If IsNull(FLD.Value) = True Then
STRJoined = STRJoined & "" & ","
STRJoined = STRJoined & FLD.Value & ","
End If
Next FLD
Joined_Records(i) = Left(STRJoined, Len(STRJoined) - 1) 'we get 1 minus because there is an extra comma at end
i = i + 1
STRJoined = ""
End If
Set RST = Nothing
Set FLD = Nothing
For i = 0 To UBound(Joined_Records) Step 1
Debug.Print Joined_Records(i)
Next i
Erase Joined_Records
End Sub
I don't know how many records you got. Try both and check how long does each option takes, and then choose 1.
Hope you can adapt all this to your needs. Welcome to SO.

Insert values from one table to another, better performance - Access 2000, VBA?

I have made this method:
Public Sub Proba()
Dim CPANonEmptyColumns As Integer
CPANonEmptyColumns = 0
Dim Max As Integer
Max = 0
Dim Koloni As String
Koloni = ""
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intI As Integer
Dim rsCPA As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsCPANezbirni As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs_t1t2 As DAO.Database
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set dbs_t1t2 = CurrentDb
'Open a recordset on all records from the Employees table that have
'a Null value in the ReportsTo field.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CPA_t1t2"
Set rsCPA = dbs_t1t2.OpenRecordset(strSQL) '//, dbOpenDynaset)
'If the recordset is empty, exit.
If rsCPA.EOF Then Exit Sub
intI = 1
With rsCPA
Do Until .EOF
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO CPA_nezbirni (tipprod, promet) VALUES ('" & ![tipprod] & "', '" & ![promet] & "');"
' check individual column if it has a value and increment max if CPANonEmptyColumns
If ![t4k1] <> Null Or ![t4k1] <> "" Then
CPANonEmptyColumns = CPANonEmptyColumns + 1
Koloni = Koloni & "t4k1,"
End If
If ![t4k2] <> Null Or ![t4k2] <> "" Then
CPANonEmptyColumns = CPANonEmptyColumns + 1
Koloni = Koloni & "t4k2,"
End If
If ![t4k3] <> Null Or ![t4k3] <> "" Then
CPANonEmptyColumns = CPANonEmptyColumns + 1
Koloni = Koloni & "t4k3,"
End If
If CPANonEmptyColumns > Max Then
Max = CPANonEmptyColumns
End If
Debug.Print "Red: " & Str(intI) & " Max: " & Str(Max) & ", Koloni: " & Koloni
CPANonEmptyColumns = 0
Koloni = ""
intI = intI + 1
End With
Set rsCPA = Nothing
Set dbs_t1t2 = Nothing
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub
Basically, I open two tables, CPA_t1t2 and CPA_nezbirni. I want to copy the appropriate values for the appropriate columns, tipprod and promet from CPA_t1t2 to CPA_nezbirni.
The problem is, the source table CPA_t1t2 has 18000 rows and it needs time to run all those "INSERT" queries with the statement:
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO CPA_nezbirni (tipprod, promet) VALUES ('" & ![tipprod] & "', '" & ![promet] & "');"
I am always suspicions when it comes SQL about performance. Since it needed 3-4 minutes to finish the procedure and insert values into CPA_nezbirni, is the SQL more slower way to copy value from one table to another?
Is there better, faster way by using the procedure above and some VBA, trough the same "Do Until" loop?

Field name confusion

rs2.FindFirst "[aniin] ='" & strTemp & "'"
aniin being an alias from the SQL within the function.
also tried ...
rs2.FindFirst (niin = newdata)
is my attempt to isolate the field name niin from the record value in the form from the one in the strSQL2. All my attempts have failed. I am trying to make sure that what the user typed in does match the list from the SQL string.
Private Function IsPartOfAEL(newdata) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
Dim db2 As DAO.Database
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTemp As String
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id, tbl_master_niin.niin as aniin " & vbCrLf & _
"FROM tbl_master_niin INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)= " & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & "));"
Set db2 = CurrentDb
Set rs2 = db2.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
strTemp = newdata
If rs2.RecordCount <> 0 Then
rs2.FindFirst "[aniin] ='" & strTemp & "'"
If rs2.NoMatch Then
IsPartOfAEL = False
IsPartOfAEL = True
End If
MsgBox "Query Returned Zero Records", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db2 = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.description
Resume ExitHere
End Function
First: You should never include a constant like vbCrLf when building a query string. The query parser doesn't care if there's a linefeed, and in fact this can sometimes cause issues.
Your code seems to do nothing more that verify whether the value in newdata exists in the tbl_ael_parts and is associated with the value master_ael_id value currently showing on frm_qry_niin_local. If so, then just use DCount, or use this for your query:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & ") AND niin=" & newdata & ");"
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = currentdb.OPenrecordset(strsql2)
If (rst.EOF and rst.BOF) Then
' no records returned
' records found
End If
If niin is a Text field:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & ") AND (niin='" & newdata & "'));"
If both niin and master_ael_id are Text fields:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
'" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & "') AND (niin='" & newdata & "'));"

Inserting every OTHER ROW from one table to another (VBA MS Access 2010)

I am working with manually created empty copy of table Products, which I named Products_Backup. What I want to do is to insert every other row from "Spices" category of products into this empty Products_Backup table, since there would be only 6 rows from total of 12 rows, that are in Products table under "Spices" category. The problem is that I don't know how to do that. I tried to use MOD operator for newly created ProductID, but my mentor told me that it is not a proper solution, since he could easily change this ProductID's value and I would get odd rows instead of even.
Private Sub CommandButton0_Click()
Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim I As Integer, s, s1 As String
Set db = CurrentDb
s = "SELECT Products.* FROM Products WHERE (((Products.CategoryNumber)=2));" ' This value is for Spices
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(s)
I = 1
While Not rst.EOF
s1 = "INSERT INTO Products_Backup (ProductName, ProductID, CategoryNumber, OrderedUnits) VALUES ('" & rst!ProductName & "', " & I & " , '" & rst!CategoryNumber & "', '" & rst!OrderedUnits & "');"
MsgBox ("Record inserted")
db.Execute s1
I = I + 1
If I Mod 10 = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Inserted " & I & ".record")
End If
End Sub
So with this I can insert all 12 records into Products_Backup, with MsgBox telling me when 10th record was inserted.
But I still have no idea what to do to insert every other row into Products_Backup to get 6 records.
Dim booEveryOther as Boolean
booEveryOther = False
While Not rst.EOF
If booEveryOther Then
s1 = "INSERT INTO ...
End If
booEveryOther = Not booEveryOther
Just use a Boolean value that is set to Not itself with every new record.
i think this should do it better
While Not rst.EOF
s1 = " INSERT INTO Products_Backup (ProductName, ProductID, CategoryNumber, OrderedUnits) " & _
" VALUES ('" & rst!ProductName & "', " & I & " , '" & rst!CategoryNumber & "', '" & rst!OrderedUnits & "');"
db.Execute s1
If I Mod 10 = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Inserted " & I & ".record")
MsgBox ("Record inserted")
End If
I = I + 1