Is there a way to sync files that are saved either locally or in GitLab to the Microsoft File Shares storage? So I want it to be unidirectional local -> File Shares storage.
I did not find anything yet. I know there is a way to do it when using a Blob storage, via the azcopy sync command.
A way to do it is to delete all files first and then use the az storage file upload-batch command but this is way too cumbersome and ugly.
I even checked the rclone cli but this is also not possible for the Microsoft File Shares storage.
Am I missing something? This is ridiculous...
I finally found the answer:
azcopy sync '<local-directory-path>' 'https://<storage-account-name><file-share-name><SAS-token>' --recursive --delete-destination 'true'
Example from Documentation:
azcopy sync 'C:\myDirectory' '' --recursive --delete-destination 'true'
I have a quick question on rclone.
I am trying to download data from, where it gives a sample code for downloading:
rclone sync spaces:tradestatistics/hs-rev1992-visualization hs-rev1992-visualization
My question is that how to access list of files in that source and can it be directly done with terminal?
Assuming you've already installed rclone (
To configure rclone to see storage on S3, see
Assuming spaces: is your correctly configured rclone source remote, you can list all files using terminal amnd rclone lsl command:
rclone lsl spaces:tradestatistics/hs-rev1992-visualization
where tradestatistics is the bucket and hs-rev1992-visualization is the root folder.
A more human-readable list can be done with lsf. It's not recursive, so add -R:
rclone lsf -R spaces:
More details at with info on other lists.
I used the serverless-s3-local to trigger aws lambda locally with serverless framework.
Now it worked when I created or updated a file by function in local s3 folder, but when I added a file or changed the context of the file in local s3 folder manually, it didn’t trigger the lambda.
Is there any good way to solve it?
Thanks for using serverlss-s3-local. I'm the author of serverless-s3-local.
How did you add a file or change the context of the file? Did you use the AWS command as following?
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=S3RVER AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=S3RVER aws --endpoint http://localhost:8000 s3 cp ./face.jpg s3://local-bucket/incoming/face.jpg
"ETag": "\"6fa1ab0763e315d8b1a0e82aea14a9d0\""
If you don't use the aws command and apply these operations to the files directory, these modifications aren't detected by S3rver which is the local S3 emurator. resize_image example may be useful for you.
I'm very new at this and need some help; I'm sure I'm not doing something right. I have a Synology NAS that has a cool options to sync files to Google cloud storage. This is a great way to get my backups off site
I have my backups syncing to a cold line storage bucket. Now that my files are syncing I'm looking to document the process if I need to retrieve them.
I want to download a whole folder and all of the files inside it to a windows server. I installed the gsutil and trying to run this command.
gsutil -m cp -R dir gs://bhp_backup_sync/backup/foldername
but after I run this I get the following exception.
CommandException: No URLs matched: dir
CommandException: 1 file/object could not be transferred.
NOOB here what am I missing?
i am working with s3 bucket. i need to copy an image from my amazon server to s3 bucket. any idea how can i do it? i saw some sample codes but i dont know how to use it.
if (S3::copyObject($sourceBucket, $sourceFile, $destinationBucket, $destinationFile, S3::ACL_PRIVATE)) {
echo "Copied file";
} else {
echo "Failed to copy file";
it seems that this code is used only to bucket but not for the server?
thanks for help.
Copy between S3 Buckets
AWS released a command line interface for copying between buckets.
$ aws s3 sync s3://mybucket-src s3://mybucket-target --exclude *.tmp
This will copy from one target bucket to another bucket.
I have no tested this, but I believe that this will operate in series, by downloading the files to your system and then uploading to the bucket.
See the documentation here : S3 CLI Documentation
I've used s3cmd for several years, and it's been very reliable. If you're using Ubuntu it's available with:
apt-get install s3cmd
You can also use one of the SDKs to develop your own tool.
I have the s3cmd command line tool for linux installed. It works fine to put files in a bucket. However, I want to move a file into a 'folder'. I know that folders aren't natively supported by S3, but my Cyberduck GUI tool converts them nicely for me to view my backups.
For instance, I have a file in the root of the bucket, called '' that I want to move to the 'idea' folder. I am trying this:
s3cmd mv s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket/idea/
but I get strange errors like:
WARNING: Retrying failed request: /idea/ (timed out)
WARNING: Waiting 3 sec...
I also tried quotes, but that didn't help either:
s3cmd mv 's3://mybucket/' 's3://mybucket/idea/'
Neither did just the folder name
s3cmd mv 's3://mybucket/' 's3://mybucket/idea/'
Is there a way within having to delete and reput this 3GB file?
Update: Just FYI, I can put new files directly into a folder like this:
s3cmd put s3://mybucket/idea/
But still don't know how to move them around....
To move/copy from one bucket to another or the same bucket I use s3cmd tool and works fine. For instance:
s3cmd cp --r s3://bucket1/directory1 s3://bucket2/directory1
s3cmd mv --recursive s3://bucket1/directory1 s3://bucket2/directory1
Probably your file is quite big, try increasing socket_timeout s3cmd configuration setting
Remove the ' signs. Your code should be:
s3cmd mv s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket/idea/
Also try what are the permissions of your bucket - for your username you should have all the permissions.
Also try to connect CloudFront to your bucket. I know it doesn' make sense but I have similar problem to bucket which do not have cloudfront instance clonnected to it.