How to render portable block from sanity in vue app - vue.js

I'm testing around with sanity right now and I am trying to display portable text of sanity on my vue frontend. Sadly it does not work as expected.
So i use the npm package sanity-blocks-vue-component to render the portable text and the normal fetch function which is privided in the docs of sanity.
This is my file where I fetch it successfully but the SanityBlock does nothing:
<div :class="name">
<SanityBlocks :block="content.impressumContent" />
import { SanityBlocks } from 'sanity-blocks-vue-component';
import sanity from "../../sanity.js";
const query = `*[_type == "impressum"]{
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
name: 'p-impressum',
loading: true,
content: [],
created() {
methods: {
fetchData() {
this.error = this.impressum = null;
this.loading = true;
(content) => {
this.loading = false;
this.content = content;
(error) => {
this.error = error;
And that's the scheme that I fetch:
export default {
name: 'impressum',
type: 'document',
title: 'Impressum',
fields: [
name: 'impressumContent',
title: 'Impressum Content',
type: 'array',
of: [
type: 'block'
I don't get my head around why this isn't working. Hopefully somone can help me.


TipTap Vue custom component selects the entire line, not the selected one

I will immediately introduce the custom extension Tag.js
import { mergeAttributes, Node } from "#tiptap/core";
import { VueNodeViewRenderer } from "#tiptap/vue-3";
import { markInputRule } from "#tiptap/core";
import { markPasteRule } from "#tiptap/core";
import Component from "~/components/Editor/Tag.vue";
const starInputRegex = /(?:^|\s)((?:\*)((?:[^*]+))(?:\*))$/;
const starPasteRegex = /(?:^|\s)((?:\*)((?:[^*]+))(?:\*))/g;
const underscoreInputRegex = /(?:^|\s)((?:_)((?:[^_]+))(?:_))$/;
const underscorePasteRegex = /(?:^|\s)((?:_)((?:[^_]+))(?:_))/g;
export default Node.create({
name: "vuetag",
group: "block",
content: "inline*",
selectable: true,
parseHTML() {
return [
tag: "tag",
renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
return ["tag", mergeAttributes(HTMLAttributes), 0];
addNodeView() {
return VueNodeViewRenderer(Component);
addInputRules() {
return [
find: starInputRegex,
type: this.type,
find: underscoreInputRegex,
type: this.type,
addPasteRules() {
return [
find: starPasteRegex,
type: this.type,
find: underscorePasteRegex,
type: this.type,
addCommands() {
return {
() =>
({ commands }) => {
return commands.setNode(;
Component Tag.vue
<el-tag><node-view-content /></el-tag>
import { NodeViewContent, nodeViewProps, NodeViewWrapper } from "#tiptap/vue-3";
export default {
components: {
props: nodeViewProps,
<style lang="scss"></style>
There is a text: Did you see that? That’s a Vue component. We are really living in the future.
Let's say I want the phrase Did you see that? specify as a tag. I highlight this phrase and click on the button, the event setTag() is triggered
The result I get is this:<tag>Did you see that? That’s a Vue component. We are really living in the future.</tag>
The problem is that here the whole one line becomes a tag, that is, inside the Tag component.Vue
And there should be such a result: <tag>Did you see that?</tag> That’s a Vue component. We are really living in the future.
As an el-tag, I took from

Storybook.js (Vue) Docs Template Output

Using StoryBook.js, when I navigate to a component, view its "Docs" and click the "Show Code" button, why do I get code that looks like this...
(args, { argTypes }) => ({
components: { Button },
props: Object.keys(argTypes),
template: '<Button v-bind="$props" />',
}) opposed to this...
<Button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Label</Button>
:class="'btn btn-' + (outlined ? 'outline-' : '') + variant"
export default {
name: "Button",
props: {
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
outlined: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
type: {
type: String,
default: 'button',
variant: {
type: String,
default: 'primary',
validator(value) {
return ['primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'].includes(value)
import Button from '../components/Button'
export default {
title: 'Button',
component: Button,
parameters: {
componentSubtitle: 'Click to perform an action or submit a form.',
argTypes: {
disabled: {
description: 'Make a button appear to be inactive and un-clickable.',
outlined: {
description: 'Add a border to the button and remove the fill colour.',
type: {
options: ['button', 'submit'],
control: { type: 'inline-radio' },
description: 'Use "submit" when you want to submit a form. Use "button" otherwise.',
variant: {
options: ['primary', 'success'],
control: { type: 'select' },
description: 'Bootstrap theme colours.',
const Template = (args, { argTypes }) => ({
components: { Button },
props: Object.keys(argTypes),
template: '<Button v-bind="$props" />',
export const Filled = Template.bind({})
Filled.args = { disabled: false, outlined: false, type: 'button', variant: 'primary' }
export const Outlined = Template.bind({})
Outlined.args = { disabled: false, outlined: true, type: 'button', variant: 'primary' }
export const Disabled = Template.bind({})
Disabled.args = { disabled: true, outlined: false, type: 'button', variant: 'primary' }
I thought I followed their guides to the letter, but I just can't understand why the code output doesn't look the way I expect it to.
I simply want any of my colleagues using this to be able to copy the code from the template and paste it into their work if they want to use the component without them having to be careful what they select from the code output.
For anyone else who encounters this issue, I discovered that this is a known issue for StoryBook with Vue 3.
As mine is currently a green-field project at the time of writing this, I put a temporary workaround in place by downgrading Vue to ^2.6.
This is OK for me. I'm using the options API to build my components anyway so I'll happily upgrade to Vue ^3 when Storybook resolve the above linked issue.
One of possible options is to use current workaround that I found in the GH issue mentioned by Simon K
Create file withSource.js in the .storybook folder with following content:
import { addons, makeDecorator } from "#storybook/addons";
import kebabCase from "lodash.kebabcase"
import { h, onMounted } from "vue";
// this value doesn't seem to be exported by addons-docs
export const SNIPPET_RENDERED = `storybook/docs/snippet-rendered`;
function templateSourceCode (
replacing = 'v-bind="args"',
) {
const componentArgs = {}
for (const [k, t] of Object.entries(argTypes)) {
const val = args[k]
if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && t.table && t.table.category === 'props' && val !== t.defaultValue) {
componentArgs[k] = val
const propToSource = (key, val) => {
const type = typeof val
switch (type) {
case "boolean":
return val ? key : ""
case "string":
return `${key}="${val}"`
return `:${key}="${val}"`
return templateSource.replace(
.map((key) => " " + propToSource(kebabCase(key), args[key]))
export const withSource = makeDecorator({
name: "withSource",
wrapper: (storyFn, context) => {
const story = storyFn(context);
// this returns a new component that computes the source code when mounted
// and emits an events that is handled by addons-docs
// this approach is based on the vue (2) implementation
// see
return {
components: {
Story: story,
setup() {
onMounted(() => {
try {
// get the story source
const src = context.originalStoryFn().template;
// generate the source code based on the current args
const code = templateSourceCode(
const channel = addons.getChannel();
const emitFormattedTemplate = async () => {
const prettier = await import("prettier/standalone");
const prettierHtml = await import("prettier/parser-html");
// emits an event when the transformation is completed
(context || {}).id,
prettier.format(`<template>${code}</template>`, {
parser: "vue",
plugins: [prettierHtml],
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "ignore",
setTimeout(emitFormattedTemplate, 0);
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Failed to render code", e);
return () => h(story);
And then add this decorator to preview.js:
import { withSource } from './withSource'
export const decorators = [

Nuxt asyncData result is undefined if using global mixin head() method

I'm would like to get titles for my pages dynamically in Nuxt.js in one place.
For that I've created a plugin, which creates global mixin which requests title from server for every page. I'm using asyncData for that and put the response into storage, because SSR is important here.
To show the title on the page I'm using Nuxt head() method and store getter, but it always returns undefined.
If I place this getter on every page it works well, but I would like to define it only once in the plugin.
Is that a Nuxt bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Here's the plugin I wrote:
import Vue from 'vue'
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
async asyncData({ context, route, store, error }) {
const meta = await store.dispatch('pageMeta/setMetaFromServer', { path: route.path })
return {
pageMetaTitle: meta
...mapGetters('pageMeta', ['getTitle']),
head() {
return {
title: this.getTitle, // undefined
// title: this.pageMetaTitle - still undefined
I would like to set title in plugin correctly, now it's undefined
Kinda solved it by using getter and head() in global layout:
computed: {
...mapGetters('pageMeta', ['getTitle']),
head() {
return {
title: this.getTitle,
But still is there an option to use it only in the plugin?
Update 2
Here's the code of setMetaFromServer action
import SeoPagesConnector from '../../connectors/seoPages/v1/seoPagesConnector';
const routesMeta = [
path: '/private/kredity',
dynamic: true,
data: {
title: 'TEST 1',
path: '/private/kreditnye-karty',
dynamic: false,
data: {
title: 'TEST'
const initialState = () => ({
title: 'Юником 24',
description: '',
h1: '',
h2: '',
h3: '',
h4: '',
h5: '',
h6: '',
content: '',
meta_robots_content: '',
og_description: '',
og_image: '',
og_title: '',
url: '',
url_canonical: '',
export default {
state: initialState,
namespaced: true,
getters: {
getTitle: state => state.title,
getDescription: state => state.description,
getH1: state => state.h1,
mutations: {
SET_META_FIELDS(state, { data }) {
if (data) {
Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => {
state[key] = value;
actions: {
async setMetaFromServer(info, { path }) {
const routeMeta = routesMeta.find(route => route.path === path);
let dynamicMeta;
if (routeMeta) {
if (!routeMeta.dynamic) {
info.commit('SET_META_FIELDS', routeMeta);
} else {
try {
dynamicMeta = await new SeoPagesConnector(this.$axios).getSeoPage({ path })
info.commit('SET_META_FIELDS', dynamicMeta);
return dynamicMeta &&;
} catch (e) {
info.commit('SET_META_FIELDS', routeMeta);
return routeMeta &&;
} else {
info.commit('SET_META_FIELDS', { data: initialState() });
return { data: initialState() };
return false;

VueJS - vue-charts.js

I am trying to pass data I fetch from API to vue-chartjs as props, I am doing as in the documentation but it does not work.
Main component
<monthly-price-chart :chartdata="chartdata"/>
import MonthlyPriceChart from './charts/MonthlyPriceChart'
export default {
return {
chartdata: {
labels: [],
datasets: [
label: 'Total price',
data: []
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false
components: {
created() {
.then(response => {
let rides =
forEach(rides, (ride) => {
.catch(error => {
In response I have an array of obejcts, each of which looks like this:
month: "2018-10",
total_distance: 40,
total_price: 119.95
Then I want to send the data somehow to the chart so I push the months to chartdata.labels and total_price to chartdata.datasets[0].data.
chart component
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'
export default {
extends: Bar,
props: {
chartdata: {
type: Array | Object,
required: false
mounted () {
this.renderChart(this.chartdata, this.options)
console.log(this.chartdata) outputs my chartsdata object from my main component and the data is there so the data is passed correctly to chart but nothing is rendered on the chart.
The documentation says this:
import LineChart from './LineChart.vue'
export default {
name: 'LineChartContainer',
components: { LineChart },
data: () => ({
loaded: false,
chartdata: null
async mounted () {
this.loaded = false
try {
const { userlist } = await fetch('/api/userlist')
this.chartData = userlist
this.loaded = true
} catch (e) {
I find this documentation a bit vague because it does not explain what I need to pass in chartdatato the chart as props. Can you help me?
Your issue is that API requests are async. So it happens that your chart will be rendered, before your API request finishes. A common pattern is to use a loading state and v-if.
There is an example in the docs:

VueJS and dynamic titles

Trying to use vue-meta
I can't understand how to set title based on XHR response. So far I have:
export default {
name: 'Model',
data() {
return {
model: [],
metaInfo: {
title: 'Default Title',
titleTemplate: '%s - site slogan'
methods: {
getModels() {
window.axios.get(`/api/${this.$route.params.manufacturer}/${this.$route.params.model}`).then((response) => {
this.model =;
this.metaInfo.title =; // THIS NOT WORKING
watch: {
$route(to, from) {
if ( === 'model' ) {
created() {
when I try to set
this.metaInfo.title =;
Getting error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set property 'title' of undefined
So this.metaInfo is undefined...
I need my title be based on response from XHR request.
You need to use the function form of metaInfo and have it get updates from reactive data
export default {
data() {
return {
title: "Default Title",
// ...
metaInfo() {
return {
title: this.title,
// ...
methods: {
getModels() {
window.axios.get("url...").then((response) => {
this.title =;
// ...
I assume you call this.metaInfo.title =; inside a method on the vue instance. The problem I see is that you should put the metaInfo object inside the return object from data(). Like this:
data() {
return {
model: [],
metaInfo: {
title: 'Default Title',
titleTemplate: '%s - site slogan'
Here is my solution:
I have a root component in my SPA app: App.vue with this code in it:
export default {
* Sets page meta info, such as default and page-specific page titles.
metaInfo() {
return {
titleTemplate(titleChunk) {
const suffix = "Marvin Rodank's dank site";
return titleChunk ? `${titleChunk} - ${suffix}` : suffix;
That sets up my default page title for all pages, and then after that, the answer by Stephen Thomas contains the key logic.
For all pages with static page titles, it's easy:
metaInfo() {
return { title: 'List examples' };
But dynamic page titles were more difficult, but still easy once you realize the page loads in two phases:
phase 1: browser displays the default page title
phase 2: page title is updated with the dynamic title
metaInfo() {
return {
In the dynamic title example there, my child component fetches the object this.example from an API endpoint, so it is important to note that this.$metaInfo().title updates itself when this.example is populated.
You could test it with code such as this:
metaInfo() {
return {
mounted() {
const obj = {
name: 'Sally',
age: 1337,
this.example = obj;