SQL Query - Identifying entries between payment dates greater than 6 years - sql

I have this table (in reality it has more fields but for simplicity, it will demonstrate what I'm after)
Person ID
I need 2 specific things from this:
I need all entries where there is over 6 years difference between any given payment dates (when its been greater than or equal to 6 years from the date of the latest payment date). I don't need to count them, I just need it to return all the entries that meet this criteria.
I also need it to specify where a normal payment hasn't been made for 6 years or more from todays date but a reversal has however occurred within the last 6 years. (This might need to be a separate query but will take suggestions)
I'm using Data Lake (Hue).
Thank you.
I've tried to run a sub query with join and union but I'm not getting the desired results so will need to start from scratch. Any advice/insight on this is greatly appreciated.
Ideally, query one will show:
Person ID
Query 2 results should show:
Person ID


How to put 0 in a column when no records were made in a day

Im trying to fetch the numbers of customers per date for the last 28 days. I also need to get 0 if there are no customers in a certain day. However, I only know how to fetch all the dates with the records. Not the dates with 0 customers.
Instead of:
date customers
0 2022-01-02 1
1 2022-01-05 4
2 2022-01-06 1
I want to get
date customers
0 2022-01-01 0
1 2022-01-02 1
1 2022-01-03 0
1 2022-01-04 0
1 2022-01-05 4
2 2022-01-06 1
The most simple way is to add a calendar table that involves all dates in a single colums and add a RIGHT OUTER JOIN ti this table.
Another way is to use a CTE (recursive or with some CROOS JOINs) to produce dynamically the calendar then join.
An old proverb says that you only find in a database what you put in it...
Of course the best approach from a performance point of view is the fixed calendar table

pick up date within some range

I have table like this. This is a record of consultant done activity for aftercare when some new candidate starts a job.I have built a report to compare if aftercare is done on time or not. in the report it start showing 3 days ago that aftercare is due on this date. But some consultants do aftercare before or after and also on date which is correct. I am fetching MIN aftercaredone date to check and compare with the aftercare due date and shows in the report if it is correct like below.
MIN(case when DESCRIPTION='Aftercare Pre Start' then DUEDATECONCAND end) DUEDATEPreStart hin
But my min date logic fails here. Actually I like to pick up all aftercaredone dates and compare with aftercareduedate . If any date falls within required period then should show report result correct otherwise fails. I mean if someone did aftercare within 3 days difference from AFtercareduedate then should show correct or otherwise in query it should show N(means not done). And also I need to exclude weekends.
ConsultantID CandiateID candidateNAME AfterCareDueDate AftercareDone
123 1 Bob 01/02/2019 20/02/2019
123 1 Bob 01/02/2019 01/02/2019
123 1 Bob 01/02/2019 07/02/2019
100 2 Rob 01/02/2019 01/02/2019
100 2 Rob 01/02/2019 10/02/2019
200 3 ABC 01/02/2019 20/01/2019

Normalize monthly payments

First, sorry for my bad English. I'm trying to normalize a table in a pension system where subscribers are paid monthly. I need to know who has been paid and who has not and how much they've been paid. I believe I'm using SQL Server. Here's an example:
id_subscriber id_receipt year month pay_value payment type_pay
12 1 2016 January 100 80 1
13 1 2016 January 100 100 1
14 1 2016 January 100 100 1
12 2 2016 February 100 100 2
13 2 2016 February 100 80 1
But I'm not happy repeating the year and the month for every single subscriber. It doesn't seem right. Is there a better way to store this data?
The case is as follows: this company has many subscribers who must pay monthly and payment can be in various ways. They produce a single receipt for many customers, and each customer that receipt may be paying one or more installments.
These are my other tables:
id_suscriber(PK) first_name last_name address tel_1 tel_2
12 Juan Perez xxx xxx xxx
13 Pedro Lainez xxx xxx xxx
14 Maria Lopez xxx xxx xxx
id_receipt(PK) value elaboration_date deposit_date
1 1,000.00 2015-09-16 2015-09-20
2 890.00 2015-12-01 2015-12-18
id type description
1 bank xxxx
2 ventanilla xxx
This basically seems fine. You could split dates out into a separate table and reference that, but that strikes me as a kind of silly way to do it. I would recommend storing the month as an integer instead of a varchar column though. Besides not storing the same string over and over you can more reasonably do comparisons.
You could also use date values, although that might not be worth the trouble when you don't want greater granularity than the month.

MS ACCESS – Return a daily count of booked resources within a date range

Please note: this is not for an Access project as such, but a legacy application that uses an Access database for its back end.
Part of the application is a kind of Gantt chart, fixed to single day columns, where each row represents a single resource. Resources are booked out for a range of days and a booking is for a single resource, so they cannot overlap on a row. The range of dates that is in view is user selectable, open ended, and can be changed by various methods, including horizontal scrolling using mouse or keyboard.
I've been tasked with adding a row to the top of the chart to indicate overall resource usage for each day. Of course that's trivially easy to do by simply querying for each day in the range separately, but unfortunately that is proving to be an expensive process and therefore slows down horizontal scrolling a lot. So I'm looking for a way to do it more efficiently, hopefully with fewer database reads.
Here is a highly simplified example of the bookings table:
booking_ID | start_Date | end_Date | resource_ID
----------- -------------- ------------- -------------
1 2014-07-17 2014-07-20 21
2 2014-08-24 2014-08-29 4
3 2014-08-26 2014-09-02 21
4 2014-08-28 2014-09-04 19
Ideally, I would like a single query that returns each day within the specified range, along with a count of how many bookings there are on those days. So querying the data above for 20 days from 2014-07-17 would produce this:
check_Date | resources_Used
----------- ---------------
2014-07-17 1
2014-07-18 1
2014-07-19 1
2014-07-20 1
2014-07-21 0
2014-07-22 0
2014-07-23 0
2014-08-24 1
2014-08-25 1
2014-08-26 2
2014-08-27 2
2014-08-28 3
2014-08-29 3
2014-08-30 2
2014-08-31 2
2014-09-01 2
2014-09-02 2
2014-09-03 1
2014-09-04 1
2014-09-05 0
I can get a list of dates in the range by using a table of integers (starting at 0), with this:
SELECT CDATE('2014-07-17') + ID AS check_Date FROM Integers WHERE ID < 20
And I can get the count of resources used for a single day with something like this:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS resources_Used
FROM booking
WHERE start_Date <= CDATE('2014-09-04')
AND end_Date >= CDATE('2014-09-04')
But I can't figure out how (or if) I can tie them both together to get the desired results. Is this even possible?
Create a table called "calendar" and put a list of dates into it covering the necessary timeframe. It just needs one column called check_date with one row for each date. Use Excel, start at whatever date and just drag down, then import into the new table.
After your calendar table is set up you can run the following:
select c.check_date, count(b.resource_id) as resources_used
from calendar c, bookings b
where c.check_date between b.start_date and b.end_date
group by c.check_date

SQL: Display joined data on a day to day basis anchored on a start date

Perhaps my title is misleading, but I am not sure how else to phrase this. I have two tables, tblL and tblDumpER. They are joined based on the field SubjectNumber. This is a one (tblL) to many (tblDumpER) relationship.
I need to write a query that will give me, for all my subjects, a value from tblDumpER associated with a date in tblL. This is to say:
SELECT tblL.SubjectNumber, tblDumpER.ER_Q1
LEFT JOIN tblDumpER ON tblL.SubjectNumber=tblDumpER.SubjectNumber
WHERE tblL.RandDate=tblDumpER.ER_DATE And tblDumpER.ER_Q1 Is Not Null
This is straightforward enough. My problem is the value RandDate from tblL is different for every subject. However, it needs to be displayed as Day1 so I can have tblDumpER.ER_Q1 as Day1 for every subject. Then I need RandDate+1 As Day2, etc until I hit either null or Day84. The 'dumb' solution is to write 84 queries. This is obviously not practical. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I appreciate the responses so far but I don't think that I'm explaining this correctly so here is some example data:
SubjectNumber RandDate
1001 1/1/2013
1002 1/8/2013
1003 1/15/2013
SubjectNumber ER_DATE ER_Q1
1001 1/1/2013 5
1001 1/2/2013 6
1001 1/3/2013 2
1002 1/8/2013 1
1002 1/9/2013 10
1002 1/10/2013 8
1003 1/15/2013 7
1003 1/16/2013 4
1003 1/17/2013 3
Desired outcome:
(Where Day1=RandDate, Day2=RandDate+1, Day3=RandDate+2)
SubjectNumber Day1_ER_Q1 Day2_ER_Q1 Day3_ER_Q1
1001 5 6 2
1002 1 10 8
1003 7 4 3
This data is then going to be plotted on a graph with Day# on the X-axis and ER_Q1 on the Y-axis
I would do this in two steps:
Create a query that gets the MIN date for each SubjectNumber
Join this query to your existing query, so you can perform a DATEDIFF calculation on the MIN date and the date of the current record.
I'm not entirely sure of what it is that you need, but perhaps a calendar table would be of help. Just create a local table that contains all of the days of the year in it, then use that table to JOIN your dates up?