Generate BigQuery schema based on a provided NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON? - google-bigquery

Is there a way to quickly generate BigQuery table schema based on a provided NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON file?
Right now I'm just uploading the file as a new table with schema autodetection and run bq show --format=prettyjson | jq '.schema.fields' to get the schema.
This method is limited, especially when I'm working with a large input file.


Remove root from avro upload to bigquery using nodejs

Just starting out with bigquery and trying to find the best way to upload db tables to bq. We've been converting the table content to avro using the avsc library because from all the docs it seems that avro is the fastest way to load it but it adds a root element to the schema so that all the columns are, root.time etc. I saw there was another post about this from 2016 here and the solution is to use a temporary table and strip out the root like this,
bq query --external_table_definition=foo::AVRO=gs://your_bucket/path/file.avro* --destination_table your_dataset.your_table "SELECT root.* FROM foo"
but the nodejs library only has instructions to accomplish permanent tables, not temporary ones. Even if I wanted to create a permanent table, I can't because due to the "root" it places all columns in one row and the amount of data exceeds the amount allowed in a single row. How can I load the data to bigquery?
You can create an external table using the bq js library [1] you need to set the options object appropriately [2]

BigQuery Table creation options

When we create a table under a particular dataset, we have 5 options like empty table , Google cloud storage and upload etc.My question is if it is a Cloud storage , where does this table gets created in BigQuery or Cloud storage ? as my intention is to dump the data in cloud storage and then load in to BigQuer. Same goes for empty table also as we explicitly define schema , I understand the table will reside in BQ.
I have load the data by below script:
bq load --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 --autodetect --ignore_unknown_values \
commerce.balltoball gs://balltoballbucket/head_usa_names.csv
I suppose the balltoballbucket is referred to storage bucket where as commerce.balltoball is BigQuery refrence.
Apologies for newbie question. Thanks for your help.
If your bq load works, then UI should work for you. The documentation is here: (then pick Console tab)
Select file from GCS bucket: gs://balltoballbucket/head_usa_names.csv
File Format: CSV
Dataset Name: commerce
Table Name: balltoball
Other options see on the page:
(Optional) Click Advanced options.
As to where the table is stored, if you pick Native table as Table type, it is stored inside BigQuery storage, and External table for letting the data stay on GCS and only read from GCS when there is a query hitting the table.

Extract BigQuery partitioned table

Is there a way to extract the complete BigQuery partitioned table with one command so that data of each partition is extracted into a separate folder of the format part_col=date_yyyy-mm-dd
Since Bigquery partitioned table can read files from the hive type partitioned directories, is there a way to extract the data in a similar way. I can extract each partition separately, however that is very cumbersome when i an extracting a lot of partitions
You could do this programmatically. For instance, you can export partitioned data by using the partition decorator such as table$20190801. And then on the bq extract command you can use URI Patterns (look the example of the workers pattern) for the GCS objects.
Since all objects will be within the same bucket, the folders are just an hierarchical illusion, so you can specify URI patterns on the folders as well, but not on the bucket.
So you would do a script where you loop over the DATE value, with something like:
bq extract
--destination_format [CSV, NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON, AVRO]
--compression [GZIP, AVRO supports DEFLATE and SNAPPY]
--field_delimiter [DELIMITER]
--print_header [true, false]
gs://[BUCKET]/part_col=[DATE]/[FILENAME]-*.[csv, json, avro]
You can't do it automatically with just a bq command. For this it would be better to raise a feature request as suggested by Felipe.
Set the project as test_dataset using gcloud init before running the below command.
bq extract --destination_format=CSV 'test_partitiontime$20210716' gs://testbucket/20210716/test*.csv
This will create a folder with the name 20210716 inside testbucket and write the file there.

How Bigquery use data stored in google cloud?

Guys a very basic question but not able to decipher ,Please help me out.
Q1: When we create bigquery table using below command , the data resides in same Cloud Storage?
bq load --source_format=CSV 'market.cust$20170101' \
Q2: let's say my data director is gs://sp2040/raw/cards/cust/ for customer file Table structure defined is:
bq mk --time_partitioning_type=DAY market.cust \
Everyday I create new dir in the bucket such as 20170101, load new dataset. So after the data loaded in this bucket Do I need to fire below queries.
bq load --source_format=CSV 'market.cust$20170101' \
bq load --source_format=CSV 'market.cust$20170102' \
When we create bigquery table using below command , the data resides in same Cloud Storage?
Nope! BigQuery is not using Cloud Storage for storing data (unless it is federated Table linked to Cloud Storage)
Check BigQuery Under the Hood with Tino Tereshko and Jordan Tigani - you will like it
Do I need to fire below queries
Yes. you need to load those files into BigQuery, so you can query the data
Yes you would need load the data into BigQuery using those commands.
However, there are a couple of alternatives
PubSub and Dataflow: You could configure PubSub to watch your cloud storage and create notification when files are added, described here. You could then have Dataflow job that imported the file into BigQuery. DataFlow Documentation
BigQuery external tables: BigQuery can query cvs files that are stored in Cloud Storage without importing the data, as described here. There is wildcard support for filenames so it could be configured once. Performance might not be as good as directly storing items in BigQuery

BigQuery load - NULL is treating as string instead of empty

My requirement is to pull the data from Different sources(Facebook,youtube, double click search etc) and load into BigQuery. When I try to pull the data, in some of the sources I was getting "NULL" when the column is empty.
I tried to load the same data to BigQuery and BigQuery is treating as a string instead of NULL(empty).
Right now replacing ""(empty string) where NULL is there before loading into BigQuery. Instead of doing this is there any way to load the file directly without any manipulations(replacing).
What is the file format of source file e.g. CSV, New Line Delimited JSON, Avro etc?
The reason is CSV treats an empty string as a null and the NULL is a string value. So, if you don't want to manipulate the data before loading you should save the files in NLD Json format.
As you mentioned that you are pulling data from Social Media platforms, I assume you are using their REST API and as a result it will be possible for you to save that data in NLD Json instead of CSV.
Answer to your question is there a way we can load this from web console?:
Yes, Go to your bigquery project console and create table in a dataset where you can specify the source file and table schema details.
From Comment section (for the convenience of other viewers):
Is there any option in bq commands for this?
Try this:
bq load --format=csv --skip_leading_rows=1 --null_marker="NULL" yourProject:yourDataset.yourTable ~/path/to/file/x.csv Col1:string,Col2:string,Col2:integer,Col3:string
You may consider running a command similar to: bq load --field_delimiter="\t" --null_marker="\N" --quote="" \
PROJECT:DATASET.tableName gs://bucket/data.csv.gz table_schema.json
More details can be gathered from the replies to the "Best Practice to migrate data from MySQL to BigQuery" question.