Editable vuetify stepper with validation - vue.js

Is there any way to make an editable Vuetify stepper where I can make a validation that prevents the event of clicking on another step if the validation is incorrect?
I tried to modify the default event of the editable stepper-step with some event modifiers, like making an event I made before the Vuetify event and saying inside if I want to continue with the default event.


Vuetify v-select how to call change only when user select an option?

Currently the v-select change event will fires multiple times during user typing keywords.
Is there any event will be only fired if user has select an option or press Enter to select an option.
I don't want the change event be fired during user typing keywords.
Unfortunately, it looks like the change event only has a parameter that is the value of selected option. There is not event passed through for you to check what actually raised the change event. However, looking at the link above, there are other events you can use.
There is a keydown event listed here that you might be able to leverage. It takes in a keyboard event, you should be able to check what keyboard event was raise i.e. 'Enter'. There are also other events such as mousedown or mouseup.

htmx: Trigger based on all radio buttons in a form

I'm trying to trigger ht-get of a form based on the change of any of the radio buttons in the form without the user having to hit the submit button. Therefore, I'm trying to use the hx-trigger attribute on the form with the from:find feature, but I keep getting an htmx:syntax:error in the console and no triggering.
<form action="/cvss/calc" method="get" id="cvss-calc" novalidate hx-get="/cvss/calc/cvss_details_html" hx-trigger="from:find form#cvss-calc .btn-check">
All the radio buttons have the btn-check class defined on them. I've also tried from:find .btn-check but that doesn't work either.
What would be the proper format for doing this?
UPDATE: I figured it out, I was apparently trying to be too fancy. I changed the hx-trigger to be just "change" and it works wonderfully since the form only has radio boxes.
It would still be nice, though, to know how to listen for change signals from only specific sets of inputs.

Vue native color picker #input when no change is made

Here's a situation: I have a regular non-Vue component color picker with the simple <input type="color"/> which works almost perfect, except in one case. The case being, when there's already a color existing in the picker and all the user does is click "Ok". I would expect that the vue #input or #change event would fire and set the color value even if the user didn't choose a different color. However, when the user simply clicks "Ok" and does not choose a new color, there is no event fired for either #change or #input. What's a way to fire this event in such a case?
That functionality is unfortunately not available.
You can use #focus, with the caveat that it will fire when you click, and when you exit (cancel or OK)
You could add some custom #blur and #focus events to get something similar, but I think using just #focus (triggered on click too) may work in most scenarios

how to prevent checkbox change event in vb.net desktop application

I have a checkbox in my vb.net desktop application,on check change event iam performing some action.i want that on pageload check change event should not fire and it shows checkbox.checked on gui.
Windows sometimes fires an event during form load, for whatever reason. It's really irritating, as you may have noticed. This is "by design" according to Microsoft.
You can initialize a variable (global or static), such as a boolean called "Loading" for example, to true. Then, in the form Shown event reset it to false. In the beginning of the event handler, check that variable and exit whenever Loading is true.
I bet you are creating the checkbox and after that you are setting it to checked.
You should create it already checked.
would be nice if you post the code how you create that checkbox and set it true.
You could use the Click Event of CheckBox and 100% safe every time the checkBox is changing state

DevExpress VerticalGrid Validate event and behavior with RadioButton cell editors

I'm using the VerticalGrid in MultiRecordView. Its Validate event fires when the grid detects that a record that has been changed is losing focus. I'm writing data to the database from this event.
My users want to use the keyboard left/right arrow keys to move forwards and backwards through the recordset, so I trap those keys and set the FocusedRecord accordingly.
If one of the row editors is a RepositoryItemRadioButton, the Validate event doesn't always fire. The users will click on the radio-button value desired and then, before they click on another row in the record, they'll hit the arrow key to move to the next record. The change to the radio button group has not been detected by the grid in that sequence of events.
The radio button change is detected only when the button loses focus.
Is there a way to cause the vertical grid to recognize that a radio button editor has been changed and fire the Validate event, if the user doesn't give another row in the record the focus?
I thought EditValueChangedFiringMode property controlled that behavior, but setting it to Default or to Buffered does not have the desired effect.