What's the proper way to implement a "static" authorization token feature using OIDC (or OAuth2) - authentication

I am exploring possible solutions for creating something like "API Keys" to consume my API. The goal is to allow for users to generate one or many "API Keys" from the web app and use the static generated key from the CLI app.
The web app and the client app are already using standard OIDC with JWT tokens for authentication and authorization using RBAC (role-based access control). The CLI app can already authenticate the user through the standard browser flow (redirects the user to the browser to authenticate and exchange the token back to the client).
The "API Keys" solution I am trying to achieve should have some fine-grained options where it won't authenticate as the user, but will authorize the client on behalf of the user (something like the GitHub Personal Access Token).
To me it seems like a "solved problem" as multiple services provide this kind of feature and my goal is to do it the most standard way possible using the Oauth2/OIDC protocols but I can't find details on what parts of the protocols should be used.
Can anybody provide any guidance on how it is supposed to be done using the Oauth2/OIDC entities?
Can I achieve it by only using Role-based access control or do I need Resource-based access control?
It went through the path of creating a new client for each "API Key" created, but it didn't feel right to create so many clients in the realm.
Any guidance or links to any materials are appreciated.

Can anybody provide any guidance on how it is supposed to be done
using the Oauth2/OIDC entities?
OIDC is based on OAUth 2.0 so after user login you have id tokens, access token and refresh token on the backend side. To generate new access token without asking user for authentication data you should use refresh token: https://oauth.net/2/refresh-tokens/
Can I achieve it by only using Role-based access control or do I need
Resource-based access control?
resource-based access control is more flexible solution here, but if you business requirement is not complex, then role based might be enough.
It went through the path of creating a new client for each "API Key"
created, but it didn't feel right to create so many clients in the
It is one application so you should use one client with specific configuration for access token and roles/permissions for users.
We can use GitHub as an example:
User is authenticated during login
for OIDC code is exchanged for id token, access token and refresh token
session for user is set for web browser
User can request access token
in GitHub authenticated user can request github.com/settings/personal-access-tokens/new endpoint
request is accepted, because user is authenticated based on session
backend service responsible for returning access token can obtain new access token using refresh token from point 1.
access token is returned to GitHub user

To call your API in an OAuth way, CLI users must authenticate periodically. Resulting access tokens can be long lived, as for GitHub keys, if you judge that secure enough. The access token returned can be used exactly like an API key. There may be a little friction here between usability and security.
The classic flow for a console app is to use the Native Apps Desktop Flow from RFC8252. This involves the user interactively signing in using the code flow, then receiving the response on a loopback URL. It is an interactive experience, but should only be required occasionally, as for GitHub tokens.
The access token returned is sent in the authorization header and you can use it as an API key. Access tokens can use a reference token format. to make them shorter and confidential, to prevent information disclosure. These will be more natural in a CLI.
When your API is called, it must receive access tokens containing scopes and claims, to identify the user. This will enable you to authorize correctly and lock down permissions.
sub: 586368,
scope: repos_write,
topic: mobile,
subscription_level: silver
exp: ?
Sometimes CLI access tokens are long lived, for convenience. A more secure option is for the CLI to use token refresh. It can then store a refresh token in OS secure storage, then renew access tokens seamlessly. My blog post has some screenshots on how this looks, and a desktop app that does not require login upon restart. The CLI needs to deal with expired access tokens and handle 401 responses.
Some developer portal scenarios use DCR. It is another option in your security toolbox. It could potentially enable a silent client per CLI user:
User runs a standard authentication flow with a DCR scope
This returns an access token that enables client registration
The resulting token is used to register a new client
This could potentially be a client ID and client secret used in a CLI
Afterwards, the user and client are bound together. Probably not immediately relevant, but worth knowing about.


Who generates JWT when using Google OpenID Connect authnentication for my ASP.NET Core Web API app?

I am building an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API application for mobile clients (and maybe later SPA JS app). The application should have sign-in with Google option. I also want to add my own app's custom sign up and sign in options that would also be based on JWT authentication and not cookie.
I understand that for my custom sign in flow my app will generated JWT that will be sent to the client.
But I have few questions how that works when user signs-in with its Google account:
who's responsibility is to generate the JWT when user signs-in with its Google account? Is that responsibility of Google or mine application? I don't want Google to return JWT to the client in the cookie.
Then when client is authenticated with Google, and sends requests to my application, how can my application validate JWT token it gets?
When user signs in with Google for the first time, should I automatically register that user in my application (I am using Identity framework) by taking claim values (email) from the JWT? What is the general practice here?
I am trying to understand these processes and flows so sample code is not necessary (but I do welcome it).
Ad.1. Normally, in a larger system, you would have an authorization server (AS) that would handle user authentication and the issuance of tokens. Your clients would contact only the AS, and the AS will be able to provide the user with different forms of authentication: e.g., through your website's password or through Google. The AS is the single point of issuing tokens to your clients. It can issue tokens regardless of the authentication method used. So it then doesn't matter whether the user authenticated with Google or a password, the client will still get the same access token.
Ad.2. When the AS issues token to your client, then you don't have any problems validating that token. The client doesn't care if the user authenticated with Google or not, it's not relevant in this case.
If you decide to skip using an AS and let the client receive tokens directly from Google, then you can still verify them. An ID token is a JWT and can be easily validated with a JWT library using verification keys provided by Google. Access tokens returned by Google are opaque tokens (If I remember correctly), and you need to check whether Google exposes an endpoint to verify them.
Ad.3. That is the general practice. When the user authenticates with Google and you notice that you don't have that user's data in your system, then you take the information from Google's ID token and create a user entry in your system.

When an Oauth provider is used to delegate authentication, then does the appserver return any token to the caller?

In Oauth and Openidconnect, the appserver endpoint invocation starts the Oauth flow and the app server gets the token from the auth server and is able to pass the token to resource server to access resources (delegation) on behalf of the resource owner.
The token exchange happens between the app server and resource server, and the token never arrives at the end users browser.
I'm working on a web api (aka app server) that will be consumed by a mobile app. There is no other server involved. Presently the login endpoint returns a signed JWT token to the user if correct credentials are supplied (validate against the db). User places this token in the header of the subsequent request.
Assuming I don't want to have a user db and validate logins, and instead delegate the auth check to another service like azure b2c or firebase (that use the Oauth), then I assume the flow is like given below:
Api registered the firebase/azure b2c (let's call this the provier) clientid, secret.
User invokes login endpoint of my api
The api invokes the provider's Oauth flow.
User gets popup to authenticate with the provider.
Eventually the provider will send the token (containing the claim like username) to the api (aka app server)
Does the user get back any token? Otherwise, when the user makes subsequent endpoint calls, then how is the endpoint able to identify who is this user and whether he is already authenticated?
Although it is okay to send back the access token to the user , but from the security best practise 's point of view , it is better not to do it which I quote the reasons as follow from this:
Because of the issues outlined above, the best security recommendation
for an SPA is to avoid keeping tokens in the browser at all. This can
be achieved with the help of a lightweight back-end component, often
described as a Backend-For-Frontend.
The backend component can then be configured as a confidential OAuth
client and used to keep tokens away from the browser. It can either be
stateful and keep tokens in custom storage, or stateless and store the
tokens in encrypted HTTP-only, same-site cookies. Whichever variant is
chosen, the backend component creates a session for the SPA, using
HTTP-only, secure, same-site cookies, thus enabling a high level of
security. Such cookies cannot be read by scripts and are limited to
the domain of the SPA. When combined with strict Content Security
Policy headers, such architecture can provide a robust protection
against stealing tokens
Also from here ,they suggest for mobile app 's OAuth2 best practise , it should perform the OAuth flow inside a system browser component.

OAuth authorization flow for private API with Microsoft AD

Our company is using Microsoft AD for user management and authentication, also the authorization is done using the AD groups/roles. In the most 3rd party applications the users can authenticate with their AD accounts.
Now we are developing new applications, which should use an internal API. Therefor we created a new enterprise app in our Microsoft tenant and defined a couple of roles.
On the client side it is the normal flow - users authenticate with their accounts and the client receives the access token it should send to the API. And here is the point where I am not sure what is the best way to implement it.
Since all the users already exist in the AD, there is no need to only use access token to get the user identifier and create/link the user in the internal database - I want to use the AD users and to be able to verify the roles and use them in the services behind the API gateway "as is". But the roles are not stored in the access token, so I assume, I have to request them from Microsoft separately. But also I do not want to request them every time a user sends a request to my API and want to rely on the token the cliends sends to me and which I can verify.
So what is the best way to implement it? Should I create a new Bearer JWT in our own auth service, containing all information I need, and provide it to the client, so that it sends it to me every time? Should client use this token for authorizing the user as well? But it also can request the IDToken from Microsoft? Would our internal token replace IDToken and Access Token? Or should we just use IDToken for requests to the API?
Creating an own token looks like an overhead to me, since we only work with AD users but I also don't want to use IDToken for authorization in the API.
In an OAuth architecture your apps (primarily APIs) accept tokens from the Authorization Server (Azure AD in your case). You then use these tokens to authorize requests for data based on Scopes and Claims. Avoid issuing your own tokens and use AS tokens consistently. It feels like you then need to deal with domain specific claims, which is tricky, and these are the main concerns:
Option 1: Custom Claims in JWT Access Tokens
This requires Azure AD to reach out to your internal API at the time of token issuance. This is the preferred option but it may not be supported - or possible - depending on the provider and hosting infrastructure.
Option 2: Custom Claims via Lookup
Here is some example C# code of mine that shows a technique where you form a custom claims principal in the target API. The extra claims are looked up (typically from a database) when the access token is first received, then cached for future requests with the same access token. It is not ideal but I have had to use it in the past due to vendor limitations.
Confidential Internet Tokens
Be careful when including claims in access tokens to not reveal sensitive data to internet clients, eg web or mobile apps. Aim to use the phantom token pattern if possible, so that you do not reveal any sensitive data. If the Authorization Server does not support issuing reference tokens, then option 2 above may be the least bad option.

OAuth 2 authentication for both iframe and api

I'm integrating several web sites/services into my application. I use iframes (or webview for Vue Electron) for UI integration and I also use API to implement cross-communication between those services.
At the moment I have to go through OAuth 2 authentication twice for each service: once as part of natural authentication in iframe and another when I ask the user to give me access to this service (for api reasons).
Is there any way to streamline this process?
The state of the art response would be to modify your application completely.
You should have 1 SPA application and not iframe
This application would authenticate to get OAuth2 token
This application would then call the backend (access multiple backend, or access on api management layer that call backends).
Thing is, with this you can have 2 strategies :
give all permission (scope) at 1st authentication
give the smalled scope possible at 1st authentication, then when needed "reauthenticate" (in fact validate new scope) to get new access token
When an API want to call another API, you have also 3 strategies:
you simply use the same client token the API receive to the service your API call (no human interaction needed)
your API generate a token from a service account (using ROPC authentication scheme) or via a client credential scheme (the access token will be valid but usually not be bind to a real user), (no human interaction needed). (the API will be the client of the 2nd API)
your identity provider have an endpoint to transform access token : Your API can give the client access token, and authorization server will transform this with the client_id of your API. You send this token to 2ndAPI ( token will show subject of your UI application, but client ID will be the 1st API clientId) (no human interaction needed)
Now if you use IFrame with multiple sub-application on the same domain (the domain need to be exactly the same!), it is possible to share the same access token for instance via local storage. (security is not top notch)
You will probably need to authenticate with a bigger scope list sometime but it is your only option. You will simulate a single page application, but issue is that you will have potentially different client_id depending first application you authenticate to.
Edit: Multiple authorization server
From your comment, you have multiple authorization server. One strategy could be to ask user to authenticate, your application can then get an access_token and a refresh_token.
Depending on your authorization server, refresh_token can be used a lot / on a long period of time, so that if you store it somewhere, the next time the user visit your application, your application can silently get an access_token from this refresh token. Your application have then access to remove api without newer interaction from your user.
Of course, this means you have to save this token the most safely you can.
By using OpenID Connect you could combine authentication and authorization in a one step and get both an id_token to logon your user to your app as well as an access_token to access APIs in a single authentication response.

Architecturing API keys and access tokens

I have a question regarding how I should architecture a REST API using access token and API keys.
I have an API that needs authentication. I want to enable two use cases:
The user logs into the interface using OAuth2 (password grant), and is granted a temporary access token. This token is used to authenticate the user. Therefore, the UI, that itself using the API, can fetch data and display it.
I also want the user to have an API key to do the same calls, but in its application. Obviously, contrary to the access token, I want the API key to be long lived. Also, contrary to the access token that is tied to a given user (if we introduce a team mechanism, each user will have different access token, although they access the same resources), the API key should be unique to the project.
While similar, I'm not sure about how should I architecture that. I think that, internally, both API keys and access tokens should be stored in the same table, but API keys having no expiration time. Am I right?
One thing I'm not sure also is the concept of client. It seems that in the spec, the client is more like an external application. However may I actually use this concept here?
For instance, each "project" is actually a different client (although the client here is the same application, not an application created by a third-party developer).
Therefore, if user A creates an account on the system, a client A will be automatically created, with an access token tied to the client A, with a long-lived access token (aka API key). This can be used to perform API calls directly on his code, for instance.
Then, if user A logs into the dashboard, a temporary access token will be created, but this time with no application, but tied to the user, with a short life.
Does this sound sane? Have anyone already implemented such a thing?
I think you should not consider the "API keys" a substitute of the access token.
You will have to use an access token anyway to bear the authentication between requests, so what you're actually modelling with your "API keys" is not a replacement of the usual bearer token, but rather a different client that provides other grant types to request a token with.
The flow I'd personally implement is the following:
The user authenticates with the password grant type with a common client for every user (i.e. your "web app" client, which is public, i.e. it doesn't have a client_secret).
The user can then create its own client. As per OAuth2 specs, these are not public, so they will consists of a client_id and a client_secret. These are what you call "API keys".
A user will then be able to request an access token via their client, with any given grant type you want to support (e.g. direct client credentials, authorization code, implicit, third parties, etc.). You will have to stress quite a bit about the due safety practices on how to handle the client credentials.
Obviously, you will have to implement your OAuth2 server in such a way that clients can belong specific users, and have different acceptable grant types (i.e. you may not want to allow the password grant usage with a user client, while you may want to disallow any grant type other than the password one for your web app client).
You will then be able to define tokens TTLs, or lack thereof, on a per client or per grant type basis (e.g. access token requested via password grant, only usable by web app client, will have a short TTL, while authorization code grant will provide long lived tokens).
I would advise against complete lack of TTL, though, and rather use the refresh_token grant type to renew expired access tokens.
Furthermore, you'll probably have to define an authorization system of some some sort (ACL, RBAC, whatever), to define which client can do what. This means each access token should contain a reference to the client used for its creation.
So, to sum it up, here are the relations:
User has a Client.
Client has a User.
Client has many Token.
Token has a Client.
Token has a User.
YMMV on bidirectionals.
You should be able to implement everything I described with the most common OAuth2 servers implementations of any given platform.
TL;DR: "API keys" are actually OAuth2 clients.
I wrote a post about the way to use access tokens for RESTful applications: https://templth.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/implementing-authentication-with-tokens-for-restful-applications/. Perhaps can this give some hints.
To answer your questions, I think that we need to have something homogeneous. I mean all your authentication mechanisms should be based on access tokens. Your API keys would allow you to get an access token that would be actually used for authentication.
As far as I understand, you have two kinds of users of your applications:
End-users using the Web UI (login with password through OAuth2)
Applications (login with API keys)
So I would implement these two kinds of users and make them the ability to get access tokens. Access tokens will be used in both cases to access the RESTful services.
In addition, I think that this answer can give you some other hints: Securing my REST API with OAuth while still allowing authentication via third party OAuth providers (using DotNetOpenAuth).
Hope it answers your question.
Thank you for your answer.
I'm actually quite experience with OAuth2 itself, my question was more targeted to API keys. I like the idea of an API key exchanging an access token but I think that does not work. The API key is fixed and does not change, while the access token can expires.
The question is: how the app can know if this is an access token or API keys. I mean, ok, let's say that in my database, each user has an "api_key" column in their database.
Contrary to an access token, the api_key does not expires (although the user can eventually rotate it). What I want, as I told, is homogeneous handling of authentication.
Case 1: my own web app do API calls
The workflow is as follow, using OAuth2:
User enters his mail/password.
Authorization server returns a temporary access token (eg.: "abc").
In the web app, all API calls are done using this token. For instance: "/payments/1" with Authorization header: "Bearer abc".
Nice and simple.
Case 2: the user has an API key, that does not expire and can be used privately in their own app
Obviously, the authorization mechanism must stay the same. So:
User goes into his account, and read that his API key is "def".
In their server code, they can do the same call, with same authentication mechanism. So he can call "/payments/1" with Authorization: "Bearer def".
And it must work. As you can see, nothing has changed in both examples. They access the same resource, same authorization mechanism... but in one case we have an access token and in other case we have an API key. And I have no idea how I should implement that both from a database point of view and in the authorization code.
One potential idea I had is using different auth mechanism. For OAuth, it would be "Authorization: Bearer accessToken", while for API it would be a Basic authentication: "Authorization: Basic apiKey".
Does this sound good?