I want to be able to change the Ideal date in the iteration burndown chart - rally

I need to be able to adjust the Ideal date on the iteration burndown chart. I am experimenting and the hours were added after the start of the sprint but I want them to show as added on the first day so the chart is reflecting my perception.
What would I need to tweak in the source code for me to trick it into showing what I want?
I am not a developer so I haven't tried much yet.


How to use Gantt chart to show overlapped time duration, scheduled time and worked time

I would like to use Gantt chart to create a chart to show scheduled time duration and worked time duration, the worked time will overlap the scheduled time for each scheduled session. Data example and chart example are attached in excel. I am new to Gantt chart, Appreciate if anyone could advise. Thanks!
data is here:

Generating dynamic displayed annotations in Tableau dashboard

Given the impressive flexibility of the platform, I feel certain there is a way to accomplish this but I'm having trouble putting it together. I have a dashboard in Tableau that is comprised of two data visualizations. On one sheet I have a bar graph of sales by category that is filtered by Month/Year of sale, pretty straight forward. On the other sheet I have a simple line graph of totals sales over time. This gives the user context for the sales per month they see represented in the bar graph.
What I would like to achieve is this: When a user changes the Month-Year filter for the bar graph, I would like an annotation to show up on the line graph that highlights that month in the overall sales data along with some summary stats (total sales, average order price, etc.). I have been reviewing the following dynamic annotations concept http://vizpainter.com/dynamic-annotations-part-3/ but I don't think it will get me where I want to go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There are three things you need to learn how to use in Tableau: Tooltips, Annotations and Worksheet actions.
Most data can be added to a tooltip and formatted however you want. Tooltips will appear dynamically when you hover over parts of the dataviz. If you want permanent labels then you can use Annotations (which can be attached to a data point or area and can contain dynamic data).
Worksheet Actions allow events on one sheet to trigger changes in what is shown on another. For example, a selection of worksheet A can Highlight an area on worksheet B, which is what you want.
The best way to learn how to use these is to follow the online documentation and help. But the first step is knowing what to look for. Search for Tooltips, Annotations and Actions in the online help.
As an alternative look for examples using these tools on Tableau Public. Here is a link to a dashboard that uses Actions and Dynamic Tooltips to explore the popularity of UK childrens' names: https://public.tableau.com/shared/NCJ6F59B9?:display_count=yes
Feel free to download and explore how actions and tooltips are used.

How can I grab the time from the IE status bar?

I am using IE to run open a link and perform a calculation. These calculations take some time, and I'd like to generate an excel file that stores the calculation duration. Only time indication I'm currently aware of is the status bar on the bottom. How can I get that value and import it into an Excel worksheet?
Alternatively, if there's any other workaround to just getting the time required to run a page and storing the value, please let me know.

Calendar app Flipview controls

I'm building a Windows 8 app and have come to a point where I don't understand how to solve my problem. (I'm new to C# development in general, so some things are more foreign to me not counting the new WIN-RT paradigms)
I've created a XAML file that displays 1 week (Sunday - Saturday) and populates each day column with the date of the month for that day (20-27 for ex.) for right now, it just makes a new Calendar object and uses the current date.
Here's my problem:
I'd like to implement a flipview to change from week to week, forward and backwards in time (this is very similar to the functionality in the Windows 8 Calendar app)
I do not know how to move from one week to another, because most demos online use image file resources. I want to move to the same XAML file I have, with just differently populated number fields, etc.
Thank you for your time!
Since FlipView is an ItemsControl - you can use the same method you would use when populating lists - use an ItemsSource to bind to a collection of weeks and specify an ItemTemplate/DataTemplate that will display the week view.
Ultimately you might hit some issues with the fact that a calendar should not really be a list with a beginning and an end. Perhaps you could implement some pseudo-virtualization hack, but ultimately it would probably be better for you to implement your own interaction logic.

Need to set Tapku Calendar to only have certain dates selectable?

I'm using the Tapku Library (http://developinginthedark.com/posts/iphone-tapku-calendar-markers) to implement a Monthly Calendar View for my application, but the thing is that I only want certain days in the Calendar View to be selectable, based on an array of NSDates that I have.
I suppose I could handle this in didSelectDate, but I'm hoping that there is a easier way to go about this. Any advice?
Actually, if what you want is for only certain days to be selectable, then using didSelectDate is at first kind of pointless, because that day was already selected.
What you actually need, according to your description of the problem, is for only certain "day squares" respond to touch input , AND, somehow convey to the user that a certain "day square" is disabled or unselectable, by giving the square a disabled look.
The problem is that Tapku Calendar doesn't allow you to do that, unless you go about and adapt the source code to your liking.
So, going back to didSelectDate, as it seems it's your only choice of handling user selection/interaction right now... the user is going to be able to select dates that you ideally didn't want to be selectable, so you should manage that appropriately to your situation.