How to use React Navigation with endless routes? - react-native

I have an app where users can navigate almost endlessly to new screens (I'm using Stack Navigator). There are about 15 different screens, but every screen can be opened with a huge number of different IDs (showing data for different companies, etc). For example in the Company route, the user can open many different Person screens based on employees, and again from Person screens the user can navigate to many different screens, so the navigation is basically endless.
Because React Navigation keeps all screens in memory, after navigating maybe 20-30 different screens, the app becomes very laggy. And because the number of routes is basically endless, it's impossible to keep all screens in memory.
I end up replacing the screen (navigation.replace) instead of pushing it when the user navigates to a new screen. That way there is only one screen in the memory at a time. I also made an array where I push the name and parameters of the new route every time, so when user goes back, I get the previous routes from that array and I replace current screen with the screen from that history array. It works fine, but of course, going back is not as fast as using React Navigation in the standard way.
So the first question: what is the most efficient and CORRECT way of using React Navigation in my case?
Second question: because I have just one screen on React Navigation's history, the swipe back does not work on iOS. Is there an easy way to change swipe back to call my own back function instead of React Navigation's default back?


React Navigation same screen in different navigators

TL;DR version : Regarding navigation, how does one handle having the same screen in multiple different navigators ?
Long version :
I have a quite complex app made in React Native app, using React Navigation (social network type), with multiple nested navigators, depending on what the user is doing (registering, login, loading, using the app). The app basicaly allows you to share your experience in various places (who you are with, what you're drinking, etc). Those places have a dedicated profile screen that you can access.
When logged in, I have a bottom tab navigator that leads to the four main sections of the app : feed, post new content, search, user profile.
Each of those sections have a specific stack navigator.
My issue is that some screens can be accessed in multiples sections. I'll take a specific example but it applies to many screens. So, the "Place profile" screen can be accessed through the feed when you click on the place name, from the
search, when you search places, or from the user profile (because we list the user posts, and those posts can have a place mentionned).
I first tried to say that it belongs to the feed navigator and everytime a place is clicked, we move back to the feed tab and to the place screen. It works fine until I click on the "related places" link that opens the map in the search section. The back button (that use navigation.goBack()) goes back in the search stack instead of the global navigation history.
I then tried to add every potential screens to every needing section navigators. Back button is working fine, but I'm having navigation issues now when trying to go to a screen that belongs only to a specific navigator. For those, I then specified the "owner" of it (using navigation.navigate("Foo", { screen: "Bar", params: { baz: buz }})), but I'm having weird navigations results where the navigator state is preserved between tab navigations, despite using unmountOnBlur. Also, that solution is ugly as hell with typescript.
I thought of doing a generic screen version, that would be hosted by a specific parent screen that would handle the navigation. But I'm then required to inject so many things from that parent screen (I need the navigation object in almost every component) which also leads to another typescript hell.
Also, almost every screen and complex component is a class component and not a functionnal one. No debate on the topic, it is as it is and can't be changed, so useNavigation() is out of the realm of possibilites right now (even with a HOC).

react native - navigate back and forth between screens without losing screen data

I want the user to fill a form step by step. So right now i have 3 screens with data stored in each screen (via useState) and when user is done with this screen i navigate to the next screen and pass the data along through screen params.
This works fine except when user goes back and forth between the screens, then data from the last step gets lost, because screen gets killed and user would have to reenter it.
So i'm wondering what would be the best way to solve this issue?
react native 0.64
react navigation 5
My favourite way to deal with this sort of multi-page data storing is to use React Context. This way you can add and read which data you've gathered across any component (or in this case screen) that you have wrapped in the provider.
Here's a good resource:

Adding dumb/presentational component on the navigation stack in React Native

Is there a way to add a dumb/presentational React Native component on the React Navigation stack, so I don't leave the container when pressing the phones back button, but just show the previous component?
I cannot figure out how I should design my app. So far I have as many smart/container components as I have main pages (one for login, profile etc.) because my impression is that it is better to have few containers and more (presentaional) components.
So far I have only used top level navigation with React Navigation, but I have a flow where the user wants to book an appointment at the doctor.
My initial thought would be that I have one BookingContainer that renders different components, but I can't seem to figure a way to keep the navigation stack inside the one container, so now I have several containers (BookingMainContainer, BookingChooseDateContainer and BookingChooseTimeSlotContainer). The reason why I want one container is that much of the data I need is the same, so I want to just pass the data to the children instead of getting the (same) date from the state in the three related containers.

is multiple states normal in a react-native app?

My app is running a split view screen with left and right sub screens, I am also using redux. I have one state for "SplitView", one state for "LeftScreen" and another for "RightScreen". These states control the navigation for each of them. It works well for the most parts except one thing which when I navigate, all three screen will be reloaded, and even the HTTP request will be reloaded each time I navigate either on "LeftScreen" or "RightScreen".
Is this normal? or is there a better way to handle state change/navigation?

Navigation to Different "Versions" of the Same Screen React Native

I recently implemented navigation in my app using NavigatorIOS in React Native. However, I think I've encountered a problem. Say I have 10 nav buttons on my home screen. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming (since I haven't done the backend yet) that if I use the first button to navigate to the next screen (let's call it Second.js), wrote/saved some data, and then went back and navigated to Second.js with the second button, that data from before would still be there? If so, is there a way for each button to navigate to a different "version" of the same screen? For example, could each button go to its own version of Second.js so that each button has its own local data in its Second screen, or would I have to make Second1.js, Second2.js, Second3.js, etc.? If the former isn't possible, I'd need a fixed number of nav buttons, plus a lot of memory is wasted with all these new classes that are basically replicas of each other. Thank you!