Check if Telegram bot is already hosted - api

I have a task to deploy a bot from a mobile application. The problem is that I need to make sure that the bot is not already hosted from some other source, in which case I do not need to do anything, but I did not find a way in the official documentation how to check if the bot instance is already running by token


Is it possible to get information about a WhatsApp bot?

As I understand, every WhatsApp chatbot interacts with users through WhatsApp but the actual backend is hosted in a server of its own.
I was wondering if there is any way to get information about this server or its API when interacting with the chatbot. I tried fiddling on WhatsApp web with the developer console, with the network tab, but it appears that WhatsApp does a really good job masking the core of the bots.
Has anyone had any luck getting information about WhatsApp chatbots?
Well from the question it's kinda already answered Meta uses just the response from the server from where the bot script is hosted after sending a webhook event to it so what you might be getting is gonna be info on the WhatsApp network... with the new Cloud API for WhatsApp business you could get more info on how the WhatsApp bot work

[teams]How to update messaging endpoint via API or SDK?

I am working on a chatbot in NodeJs and we are using Ngrok to establish a tunnel, the problem we have for teams is that every time we relaunch Ngrok we get a diferent url so i have to manually change the messaging endpoint on the botframework website(under settings)
Is there a way to do this via the api? or maybe the SDK?
This was not an issue for other chat platforms but for Teams i cannot find this feature.
Unlike some other chat/bot platforms, Bot Framework (and therefore Teams) works by having the chat service initiate the connection to the bot instead of the other way around. That's why every bot requires an https: endpoint.
Ngrok is one way to do it without running the bot in the cloud, but as you note those temporary URLs only last 7 hours. You can purchase the premium version of Ngrok which lets you have static subdomains - for example at our Build conference I used
One of our developers also created Tunnel Relay which you can download. The utility itself is free but you have to have an Azure subscription and use Azure Service Bus - which at the basic tier is $0.05 per million transactions. All the details, including a download link, are on the GitHub page linked above.
There is no public API for changing your bot's messaging endpoint. (If there were, it would be a great way to steal the traffic from other bots.)

How to complete OAuth2 authentication on web servers?

Actually I'm working on a Discord Bot which uses Google Sheets as Database using GSpread API, it is hosted on Heroku. So, how to complete authentication ? My Bot is not working.
Make sure to head to Discord Developer Apps and check off PUBLIC BOT at the bottom. This is usually the case 90% of the time with problems like this.

Telegram API vs Bot API [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you help me understand the differences for Telegram API vs Bot API please, I tried telegram website but just get confused?
Telegram APIs
This API allows you to build your own customized Telegram clients. It is 100% open for all developers who wish to create Telegram applications on our platform. Feel free to study the open source code of existing Telegram applications for examples of how things work here. Don't forget to register your application in our system.
This API allows you to connect bots to our system. Telegram Bots are special accounts that do not require an additional phone number to set up. These accounts serve as an interface for code running somewhere on your server.
You can create Telegram client apps with your own UI and environment using Telegram APIs (to communicate with Telegram server). like Plus, Telegram Web, Mobogram.
But the Telegram Bot API is not about the UI and environment. It's about the possible services in the Telegram platform. Then users communicate with your Bot and get any services via their original Telegram apps (or their Telegram Clients). Game bot, English Learning bot.

Google Cloud Messaging, registration handshake

I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this, it says it goes something like server > GCM > client, the client must register and then it sends the registration token back to the server, but the 'client' part im confused about, does this only work on applications on the device? or can the app be on a website too? so for example if my app is a website, can I have the registration process on a website instead of an actual app on the device?
Yes, the currently listed client apps are Chrome, Android and iOS. Fortunately, you can use Progressive Web Apps to handle push notifications to websites.
The usual prerequisites are listed there, such as creating the Google Developer Console project, and other PWA fundamental configurations (add, register, and install Service Workers). The succeeding steps are PWA-specific implementations for you to have push notification implemented on the web page.
Happy coding!