Reviving email thread with Google Apps trust and Safety team - google-oauth

As a dev I have inherited a Google app that is not verified.
The app was left mid-way through the verification process, and the email thread mentioned on the OAuth consent screen section has long since been deleted (I have access to said admin email address, and it isn't there):
I have looked through google help resources and stack overflow questions such as this:
Comply with domain verification requirements
But I can't seem to find a way to restart or resurrect this email conversation with Google having deleted the original thread. I don't really want to have to delete the existing app and create a new one as there are customers using it (as an unverified app).
Is there a way for me to have the verification emails resent, does anyone know?
For some additional context - I want to reopen the verification conversation to allow only enterprise accounts to use the app, as described here:
Thanks in advance

My bad - you just have to go in and edit the app, make any change, and you are prompted that a new email will be sent.


Instagram doesn't approve my app with some partly irrelevant feedback

I have written an app which notifies users when someone make them unfollow (As like as any other apps in this area). Then, I got my app approved by Instagram. After six/seven attempts, they don't approve the app till now. I followed their instructions as feedback and fixed any probable privacy problem which my app might have. But I didn't get any bright answer from them as far.
I throw my app on the following use case:
My product helps brands and advertisers understand, manage their
audience and media rights.
And I wrote my API use cases as follows:
Thank you for considering our request to approve our application. The
required information for enabling live mode for our application is
explained in the following lines:
Q1: How your app does use the Instagram API?
First of all, our user (i.e. brands or advertisers) selects the “Unfollow Finder Service” on our application.
We redirect the user to Instagram login page, as indicated in API documentation, to authorize his account to accessing required scopes.
i. Note that we already told the user everything that we are going to
We tend to call follow APIs whenever the authorized user clicks a button in our application.
Ultimately, we inform the authorized user with the information obtained from step 3.
Q2: How does it fall into one of the approved use cases?
The list of users who recently unfollowed/followed an
Instagram account are definitely crucial and beneficial for the brands
and advertisers on Instagram. In this way, they can get feedback
implicitly from their customers. Our service help them to manage their
audiences and provide better content for them. So, according to Q1,
our use case falls into “My product helps brands and advertisers
understand, manage their audience and media rights.” We never violate
the approved scopes and Instagram's privacy.
Q3: Who will be using your app?
In our region, lots of brands and businesses utilize
Instagram to publish their content. They are the users of our service
and can use it to improve their relation with their audiences. Kind
As you see, I'm trying to tell them everything in detail. But in my last submission, they declined me with the following feedback:
General issues:
Policy Violation ("Like", "Follow", "Comment" Exchange Program): Your
app shouldn't participate, enable or promote any “like”, “share”,
“comment” or “follower” exchange programs. In working to build a high
quality platform experience, we ask that you comply with our Platform
Policy (
I just want permission on follower_list scope from them. The surprising part is that they noted me with almost irrelevant feedback. It seems that they do not want to approve my app at all.
Do I violate their privacy?
Does anyone face this problem? How can I fix it and had my app approved?
Sorry for asking this question here since I almost googled entire web (+Stackoverflow) and find no helpful answer. All of my previous attempts were gone away.
Thanks in advance.

Instagram Sandbox Invites page redirects to the developer register page

I have an app in sandbox mode and I have a sandbox user that is pending. (It has also been at least a day since the user was added). The user can successfully use my app and has given authorization; however, the user's likes returns an empty response (I know they can only access liked media from other authorized sandbox users, but the user has liked media from my account that is set as the admin). The Instagram API documentation states that the user may go to their developer site and accept/decline sandbox invites from the Sandbox Invites tab except my user is shown the developer register page instead. Does anyone know what is going on/how to fix this?
Instagram made sweeping changes to it's API and the way it is accessed recently. As a result of the lockdown the Sandbox Invite process is glitchy at best. I myself just ran into this issue of invites not showing up.
It seems, for the moment, the only way to access the invite is to fill out the developer form(I just used a http://localhost:8000 URL and a random phone number that is not likely to exist, although try without one as it might not be necessary). That should automatically forward you to the invite page where the invited user can then accept or decline a Sandbox Invite.
It's a bit of a mess and the lack of documentation / indication to indicate that this step is mandatory doesn't help matters. Hope this helps save some time and headaches!

I am working on a google app with the Gmail API and my IP is getting flagged for "Unusual Activity. How do I request Google to white list an IP?

I am currently working on a Chrome Extension that uses the Gmail API to sync emails.
As I am testing, refreshing, changing code etc, I often get a message that Google has detected Unusual Activity from my IP address, causing the entire office to have to enter CAPTCHAS to do any Google searches.
Today I actually had my test email account locked for one hour because I was requesting email too often.
Does anyone know of a way to ask Google to whitelist a specific IP for development?
EDIT* if you are going to downvote my question can you at least explain why? I would like to be a good netizen but if you dont tell me what I am doing wrong you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
As Google documents in their help article: "...we notify you about unusual account activity, such as sign-ins or password changes from unfamiliar locations and devices. You can review this activity and confirm whether or not you actually took the action."
You might also check this article about "How to Turn Off a Gmail IP Address Tracker" at

How do I detect Google account deletion?

I've just started working with Google OAUTH2 in order to add a "Sign in with Google" button to my web site.
According to the "Google+ Platform Developer Policies" section B.2.a.III, if a user deletes their Google account, I must delete all personal information I obtained from the Google API relating to them.
Does this apply to my web application as well? And if so, how do I detect that a user's Google account no longer exists? Surely, a successful login will only occur if the Google account exists; so how can I tell if a previously existing account is no longer there?
Maybe someone has a better approach, but a simple and practical solution would be have a link buried somewhere on your site that allows a user to request account deletion via email (assuming you still possess a valid email for him - if he deletes is Gmail and that's all you have then you have no way to contact him other than manually via phone or something).
The doc you link to says Give users a reasonably convenient way to delete any of their personal information you’ve obtained from the API.
So assuming you still have a valid email address, this would work:
Your FAQ says "What if I want to delete my account?". Links to account deletion page.
Account deletion page: What's your email? _____ (Continue)
Email is sent to user with (securely randomized) confirmation link.
Confirmation link is clicked by user which deletes all of his data from your site.
Success of that process is dependent only on your system and the email arriving.
(If you are concerned about complying to EU data protection law, you might want to implement this feature anyway - since one legally has the right to demand the deletion of one's own personal data.)

Are apps that access gmail only have write-only access or full gmail access (potential security risk?)

I use a backup app to backup SMS text messages to my GMail account registered on my HTC Desire Z Android 2.3 phone.
The app requests access to the gmail account. But what does this actually mean? Does it mean:
the application has write-only access to the gmail - i.e. can insert emails but not delete or adjust other existing emails (does the Android API provide for that?)
the application has full access to the email, and could potentially delete emails if there was a bug
First off: this question doesn't seem to belong on Stackoverflow. This site is for asking specific questions about coding problems, not about how some code in some program based on some SDK on some device may or may not work.
If an application can access your Gmail account, as far as I know, this means full control, including deletion.
That doesn't have to mean there is actual code in the program that even tries to delete something, but I guess you're right: coding bugs could probably delete your email.
But that goes for a lot of applications: you trust the developer to test extensively before you rely on him/ her to handle your photos, email, passwords etc with care right? :)