SQL ''Field" = {variable}' Select by attribute arcpy - sql

I am trying to run a select by attribute where I select all points where "Id" field matches the numeric variable point_id. point_id = 375.
I've tried a few quotation styles and using curly brackets to call my variable. I'm not the most familiar with SQL queries and get an error saying the positional argument follows the keyword string. I have also tried storing my SQL as a variable on it's own called a whereClause and get the same error.
First attempt code
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(in_layer_or_view = deer,
selection_type = "NEW_SELECTION",
Second attempt code

The is a Python issue, not related to ArcGIS or SQL.
You are trying to pass three arguments. For the first two arguments you're using keyword argument (explicitly specifying the argument name: in_layer_or_view = deer), but for the third one you're using positional argument (letting python assign the value to the appropriate argument based on the order of the arguments).
The execption you're getting is telling you that you can't mix the two types this way. Once you started using keyword arguments in the function call, all of the next argument must be passed with their explicit name too.
To fix this, you can use positional argument for all of the arguments (i.e. not specifing argument names at all), or alternatively keep specifing the names for all of the rest of the arguments.
In your case, this should work:
or alternatively:


How can I perform a regex/text search on a SUPER type?

What I'm doing now:
I have a table with one field that is a json value that is stored as a super type in my staging schema.
the field containing the json is called elements
In my clean table, I typecast this field to VARCHAR in order to search it and use string functions
I want to search for the string net within that json in order to determine the key/value that I want to use for my filter
I tried the following:
, elements_raw
from clean.events
where 1=1
and lower(elements) like '%net%'
or strpos(elements,'net')
My output
When running the above query, I keep getting an empty set returned.
My issue
I tried running the above code and using the elements_raw value instead but I got an issue :ERROR: function strpos(super, "unknown") does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
I checked the redshift super page and it doesn't list any specifics on searching strings within super types
Desired result:
Perform string operations on super field
Cast super field to a string type
There are some super related idiosyncrasies that are being run into here:
You cannot change the type of a super field via :: or cast()
String functions like and strpos do not work on super types
To address both of these issues, you can use the function json_serialize to return your super as a string.

Format - Expected Array

I keep getting an error when I try to format this number. I've done it in VBA before and I tried to change the SOPID to a variant, a string, and an integer.
Dim SOPID As Integer
SOPID = DMax("file_id", "tblSOP") + 1
'Output test data
MsgBox (format(SOPID, "000"))
I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Assuming the code was pasted directly from your IDE, the casing of format is suspicious; that would be Format, unless there's a format variable or function that's in-scope, ...and that's being invoked here.
Look for a public (could be implicitly Public, or if it's in the same module then it could also be Private) format function procedure that expects an array argument: that's very likely what's being invoked here.
Rubberduck (free, open-source; I manage this project) can help you easily identify exactly what's being invoked and an inspection would tell you about any shadowed declarations, but to be sure you can fully-qualify the function call to avoid inadvertently invoking another function that's in scope:
MsgBox VBA.Strings.Format$(SOPID, "000")
Note that there are no parentheses around the argument list of a parameterized procedure call in VBA; the parentheses you have there are surrounding the first argument and making the expression be evaluated as a value that is then passed to the invoked function: this isn't necessary.
Also note the $: the VBA.Strings.Format function takes and returns a Variant; VBA.Strings.Format$ takes and returns a String. If you aren't dealing with any Null values (an Integer couldn't be Null), consider using the String-returning alias.

In VBA, is the syntax different when creating an object vs. not?

Apologies, this was difficult to word as a clear question.
The following line is valid:
objWord.Documents.Add Template:=templatePath
But this line is not:
Set objMergedReq = objWord.Documents.Add Template:=templatePath
I get the following compiler error:
Expected: end of statement
Why are the two interpreted differently? How do I eliminate the error? Do I need extra parentheses in case 2?
The crux is this:
objWord.Documents.Add Template:=templatePath
This is a function call, but the returned value (an object reference) is discarded and thus, the function is really used as if it were a procedure; with VBA's implicit procedure call syntax, parentheses are not present. You can use the [deprecated] explicit call syntax to require the parentheses:
Call objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=templatePath)
As you noticed, this is illegal:
Set objMergedReq = objWord.Documents.Add Template:=templatePath
Because the syntax for a function call (you're not discarding the returned value here) requires the parentheses whenever an argument list is specified:
Set objMergedReq = objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=templatePath)
If you're tempted to "just use parentheses everywhere", know that you'll run into other syntax issues, as soon as you need to specify 2 or more arguments:
MsgBox (message, vbOkOnly + vbInformation) 'illegal
That's because when arguments are surrounded by parentheses, you're really telling VBA to evaluate the contents of the parentheses as a value, and pass the result ByVal to the function/procedure, even if that function/procedure is explicitly specifying the parameter as ByRef.
you need to use parenthesis when setting, so set x=f(y)
When there is no return value, like when you use a Sub, or you ignore the return value, you don't put the parameters in parenthesis. Optionally, you can use "Call" and then put the parameters in parenthesis.
In your example,
objWord.Documents.Add Template:=templatePath
the add method does create a return value, but you are not using it. Therefore, you either don't use parentheses (as you show), or you could use the "Call" statement:
Call objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=templatePath)
In your second example, you are using the return value, so parenthesis are required:
Set objMergedReq = objWord.Documents.Add(Template:=templatePath)
The "Set" is needed because you are assigning an object. The same rules apply if the return value is a non object -- you would just omit the "Set".

Objective-c Ensure that var-arg parameters are of the correct type and count

In objective-c how do you ensure that if you have a function that takes variable parameters that the format specifiers align with the actual parameters that are passed to the functoin?
This is done through the use of the NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION macro.
Let's say that you have a function like this:
LOG(int level,NSString *format,...);
The level is the log level while the format contains the format string and the variable arguments are the parameters to the format string.
In order to ensure at compile time that the count and type of the parameters is correct one defines the function as this:
LOG(int level,NSString *format,...) NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2,3);
Note that the 2 and 3 here refer to the position in the arguments list of the format string and the start of the variable parameter list.
C doesnt check either by default.
with LLVM both the number and the type of parameters can be checked(enforced) via the CF macro NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION

What is the definition of ":=" in vb

I came across some sample code in VB.Net which I have some experience with and kinda having a duh moment figuring out the meaning of :=.
RefreshNavigationImages(bForward:=True, startIndex:=-1)
The sig for this method is RefreshNavigationImages(boolean, int). Is this a default value if null? Like "bIsSomething ?? false"?
Tried to bing/google but they just don't like searching for operators especially if it's only 2 chars.
They are named parameters. They let you specify values for arguments in function calls by name rather than order.
The := indicates the use of named parameters. Rather than relying on the order of the parameters in the method declaration, named parameters allow you to specify the correlation of parameters to values by specifying the name of the parameter.