There is a list and if the list is empty we need to hide the tile in the frontend and if the list is not empty we have to display the tile with list if the list is not empty
I am using a flast list to render ticket list which displays data as
Avatar image Emp 1 (4)
Avatar image Emp 2 (3)
In bracket there is count of tickets shared with that user. This is the header section which can expand and collapse on expand it will display ticket details which user can select.
I want if user clicks on avatar all the list items should get selected and if user again clicks on avatar then it should deselect all the list items.
If user selects I am creating a new array and pushing the sect3d elements and on deselect I want to remove those selected from an array
How to achieve this?
I'm working on code that creates a form with two list boxes. In the first list box I'm listing a set of items in a Civil 3D file (wich is already working). In the second list box I want to show all the sub items of the items that are listed in the first list box.
In other words, when I open the form, the first list box contain all the items (already working), when I click or double click one of this items, the second list box will list all the sub items that is in this item that I clicked.
Any ideas in how to do it?
i have a bing map in my application. All stored locations from my db are displayed on map as pushpins. On the right of the map i have a list of this positions. What do I need to do to change the color of pushpin on the map after clickng the position on the list view ?
To do this you need some kind of data to link the list item to the pushpin. If you have a unique ID value to can store this as an attribute of your list item (Tag property works well). You can also store the ID value in the Tag property of the pushpin.
Then, when you want to set the selected pushpin, loop through all the pushpins on the map and check for the correct, id in the tag property. want to set the background color of the pushpins to the default value you want, and when you find the pushpin with the matching id, set the background color to the highlighting color.
In my form,i have a list of employees in a combo box and i need to map some employees to particular department.I need to change the combo-box to List box.Scenario is as follows,
1. List A contains all employees.
2. If i click 'Add' button the selected employees must move to list B
and list A must contain remaining employees
I searched for List box but i couldn't find in extjs4.
Is there any example or link for multiselect listbox in ext-js4?
There is no built-in ListBox widget in ExtJs4. However, Ext.view.View may become an listbox after some manipulations.
Here is an example of such a tuned View. Demos may be found here, here and here (this one looks like just what you need).
You can create two such listboxes and the "add" button. Then assign handler to button which would remove selected item from the first listbox's store and add it to the second's store.
How can I hide (filter) some of default list templates programmatically.
the list["List template gallery"] is empty and web.ListTemplates[1].Hide is read only.