Dynamically add a route in a Nuxt3 middleware - vue.js

I have a Nuxt3 project where I'd like to add new routes based on an API call to a database. For example, let's say a user navigates to /my-product-1. A route middleware will look into the database and if it finds an entry, it will return that a product page should be rendered (instead of a category page, for example).
This is what I came up with:
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
const router = useRouter()
addRouteMiddleware('routing', async (to) => {
if (to.path == '/my-awesome-product') {
component: () => import('/pages/product.vue'),
name: to.path,
path: to.path
console.log(router.hasRoute(to.path)) // returns TRUE
}, { global: true })
To keep it simple, I excluded the API call from this example. The solution above works, but not on initial load of the route. The route is indeed added to the Vue Router (even on the first visit), however, when I go directly to that route, it shows a 404 and only if I don't reload the page on the client does it show the correct page when navigated to it for the second time.
I guess it has something to do with the router not being updated... I found the following example in a GitHub issue, however, I can't get it to work in Nuxt3 as (as far as I'm aware) it doesn't provide the next() method.
When I tried adding router.replace(to.path) below the router.addRoute line, I ended up in an infinite redirect loop.
// from https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/3660
// You need to trigger a redirect to resolve again so it includes the newly added
let hasAdded = false;
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (!hasAdded && to.path === "/route3") {
path: "/route3",
name: "route3",
component: () => import("#/views/Route3.vue")
hasAdded = true;
How could I fix this issue, please?
Based on a suggestion, I tried using navigateTo() as a replacement for the next() method from Vue Router. This, however, also doesn't work on the first navigation to the route.
let dynamicPages: { path: string, type: string }[] = []
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, _from) => {
const router = useRouter()
path: to.path,
name: to.path,
component: () => import ('/pages/[[dynamic]]/product.vue')
if (!dynamicPages.some(route => route.path === to.path)) {
path: to.path,
type: 'product'
return navigateTo(to.fullPath)
I also came up with this code (which works like I wanted), however, I don't know whether it is the best solution.
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
const router = useRouter()
let routes = []
router.beforeEach(async (to, _from, next) => {
const pageType = await getPageType(to.path) // api call
if (isDynamicPage(pageType)) {
path: to.path,
name: to.path,
component: () => import(`/pages/[[dynamic]]/product.vue`),
if (!routes.some(route => route.path === to.path)) {
path: to.path,
type: pageType,

I suggest you use dynamic routing within /page directory structure - https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/pages#dynamic-routes
The [slug] concept is designed exactly for your usecase. You don't need to know all possible routes in advance. You just provide a placeholder and Nuxt will take care of resolving during runtime.

If you insist on resolving method called before each route change, the Nuxt's replacement for next() method you're looking for is navigateTo
And I advise you to use route middleware and put your logic into /middleware/routeGuard.global.ts. It will be auto-executed upon every route resolving event. The file will contain:
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
// your route-resolving logic you wanna perform
if ( /* navigation should happen */ {
return navigateTo( /* your dynamic route */ )
// otherwise do nothing - code will flow and given to.path route will be resolved
EDIT: However, this would still need content inside /pages directory or some routes created via Vue Router. Because otherwise navigateTo will fail, as there would be no route to go.
Here is an example of one possible approach:
Based on pageType returned from API Nuxt route guard can dynamically re-route the original URL to a specific slug page.


Insert localstorage with vuex

My script I'm using axios and vuex but it was necessary to make a change from formData to Json in the script and with that it's returning from the POST/loginB2B 200 api, but it doesn't insert in the localstorage so it doesn't direct to the dashboard page.
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
user: null,
const getters = {
isAuthenticated: (state) => !!state.user,
StateUser: (state) => state.user,
async LogIn({commit}, user) {
await axios.post("loginB2B", user);
await commit("setUser", user.get("email"));
async LogOut({ commit }) {
let user = null;
commit("logout", user);
methods: {
async submit() {
/*const User = new FormData();
User.append("email", this.form.username)
User.append("password", this.form.password)*/
try {
await this.LogIn({
"email": this.form.username,
"password": this.form.password
this.showError = false
} catch (error) {
this.showError = true
name: "App",
created() {
const currentPath = this.$router.history.current.path;
if (window.localStorage.getItem("authenticated") === "false") {
if (currentPath === "/") {
The api /loginB2B returns 200 but it doesn't create the storage to redirect to the dashboard.
I use this example, but I need to pass json instead of formData:
There are a couple of problems here:
You do a window.localStorage.getItem call, but you never do a window.localStorage.setItem call anywhere that we can see, so that item is probably always empty. There also does not seem to be a good reason to use localStorage here, because you can just access your vuex store. I noticed in the link you provided that they use the vuex-persistedstate package. This does store stuff in localStorage by default under the vuex key, but you should not manually query that.
You are using the created lifecycle hook in App.vue, which usually is the main component that is mounted when you start the application. This also means that the code in this lifecycle hook is executed before you log in, or really do anything in the application. Instead use Route Navigation Guards from vue-router (https://router.vuejs.org/guide/advanced/navigation-guards.html).
Unrelated, but you are not checking the response from your axios post call, which means you are relying on this call always returning a status code that is not between 200 and 299, and that nothing and no-one will ever change the range of status codes that result in an error and which codes result in a response. It's not uncommon to widen the range of "successful" status codes and perform their own global code based on that. It's also not uncommon for these kind of endpoints to return a 200 OK status code with a response body that indicates that no login took place, to make it easier on the frontend to display something useful to the user. That may result in people logging in with invalid credentials.
Unrelated, but vuex mutations are always synchronous. You never should await them.
There's no easy way to solve your problem, so I would suggest making it robust from the get-go.
To properly solve your issue I would suggest using a global navigation guard in router.js, mark with the meta key which routes require authentication and which do not, and let the global navigation guard decide if it lets you load a new route or not. It looks like the article you linked goes a similar route. For completeness sake I will post it here as well for anyone visiting.
First of all, modify your router file under router/index.js to contain meta information about the routes you include. Load the store by importing it from the file where you define your store. We will then use the Global Navigation Guard beforeEach to check if the user may continue to that route.
We define the requiresAuth meta key for each route to check if we need to redirect someone if they are not logged in.
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import store from '../store';
const routes = [
path: '/',
name: 'Dashboard',
component: Dashboard,
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
path: '/login',
name: 'Login',
component: Login,
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
// Create a router with the routes we just defined
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
// This navigation guard is called everytime you go to a new route,
// including the first route you try to load
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// to is the route object that we want to go to
const requiresAuthentication = to.meta.requiresAuth;
// Figure out if we are logged in
const userIsLoggedIn = store.getters['isAuthenticated']; // (maybe auth/isAuthenticated if you are using modules)
if (
(!requiresAuthentication) ||
(requiresAuthentication && userIsLoggedIn)
) {
// We meet the requirements to go to our intended destination, so we call
// the function next without any arguments to go where we intended to go
// Then we return so we do not run any other code
// Oh dear, we did try to access a route while we did not have the required
// permissions. Let's redirect the user to the login page by calling next
// with an object like you would do with `this.$router.push(..)`.
next({ name: 'Login' });
export default router;
Now you can remove the created hook from App.vue. Now when you manually change the url in the address bar, or use this.$router.push(..) or this.$router.replace(..) it will check this function, and redirect you to the login page if you are not allowed to access it.

Wait for state update in vuejs router´s beforeEnter

I want to restrict access to certain pages in my vue router. Instead of having the auth logic in each component, I would prefer, for instance, to just have a 'hasUserAccess' check in my child-routes where it´s needed
path: 'admin',
name: 'admin',
beforeEnter: hasUserAccess,
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin" */ '#/_ui/admin/Admin.vue')
function hasUserAccess(to, from, next) {
if (myState.user.isAdmin) {
} else {
next({ path: '/noaccess' });
This works as intended when navigating from another page to the 'admin' page. This does not work when i manually type the /admin url (or pressing f5 while on the admin page) because the user object hasn´t been fetched from the server yet (some other logic is taking care of fetching the user).
The 'beforeEnter' is async, but as far as I know it ain´t possible to 'watch' the user object, or await it, from the router since the router is not a typical vue component.
So how is this common problem normally solved?
Just apply the beforeEach to the router itself. On the router file, you could do this:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
//in case you need to add more public pages like blog, about, etc
const publicPages = ["/login"];
//check if the "to" path is a public page or not
const authRequired = !publicPages.includes(to.path);
//If the page is auth protected and hasUserAccess is false
if (authRequired && !hasUserAccess) {
//return the user to the login to force the user to login
return next("/login");
//The conditional is false, then send the user to the right place
return next();
Try to modify this at your convenience, but this is more or less what I do in a situation like yours.

onBeforeEnter does not exist in vue-router#next

I am trying to switch over to vuejs3 and the new vue-router.
Now I see that beforeRouteEnter is not exposed:
// same as beforeRouteUpdate option with no access to `this`
onBeforeRouteUpdate((to, from, next) => {
// your logic
console.log("Hello world") //this is only triggered if the id changes
So my question is: How can I trigger the initial axios-requests on a specific route like /dashboard as I did before?
It's not possible to execute code in setup before the route enters because at the time of setup the navigation has already been confirmed.
Another option #1
You can still use the options api, so you could still use beforeRouteEnter:
setup() {
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
Another option #2
Use beforeEnter in the router:
path: '/foo',
component: Foo,
beforeEnter(to) {

Vue router allways redirecting to error page

i am trying to setup a redirect when the user is not logged in. But when i do it like in my example the URL changes but i get This page could not be found from nuxt. The code is inside an login.js inside the plugins folder. Then i included this in the nuxt config like this.
plugins: [
And here is the actual code for handling redirecting
export default ({ app, store }) => {
app.router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
const loggedIn = store.state.account.loggedInAccount
if (!loggedIn) {
if (to.path !== '/redirect') {
next({ path: '/redirect' })
} else {
} else {
It looks like the routes are not mounted yet.
You should try to use middleware. It is the conventional way to implement the beforeEach function as mentioned by the official docs. You can read about it from here. If have access to the route object, store object and redirect function inside the middleware, so use redirect to direct to the other routes after validation.

vue-router next method not working always in beforeach

i'm creating a navigation guard for redirect user to some page,
i get auth status from vuex:
state: {
auth: false,
and in vue-router beforeach, i set a condition that when auth state is false and route is not adminAuth,
redirect to adminAuth route
var auth = store.state.auth
if (!auth){
if( to.name !== "adminAuth" ){
next( { name: 'adminAuth' } )
problem is when route changed first time, next() not working properly, but second time, working properly!
can you help me?
You want to intercept the navigation request using beforeResolve or beforeEnter because beforeEach is too soon and some attributes of the logic you want to use have not been processed yet, so it is possible on second navigation that some underlying logic appears resolved because the next request is accessing something set by the previous request.
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: { ... }
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => {
if(!router.app.$store.state.auth && to.name !== 'adminAuth') {
next( { name: 'adminAuth' } )