How can I create half Circular Chart with arrow pointing at current value - React Native - react-native

I need to create a chart like that one in image attached. The only one problem I have is with this arrow that is pointing at certain value. I have no idea how can i create it. From all of the libraries I couldn't find anything suitable. Can anyone help me with the solution?

As an example, you can take this library
It is based on reanimated. It is not 100% what you need but you can fork it and do some additions.


Hicharts graph zoom on react native

I used Highcharts on my project in mobile react native and found after trying to pinch-to-zoom on graph x-axis and y-axis are not refreshing to shows smaller x-coordinate numbers.
However when I used to work in Expo, it was properly worked and showing correct number during pinch-to-zoom.
Please advise if you ran into same issue and how you fixed it? I am guessing there should be an event needs to be trigger to refresh charts.
Tried to use Highcharts zoon feature on react native code for my graph, expecting to see smaller numbers of X and Y axis on graph after pinch-to -zoom
I have found, that you have already asked your question on Freshdesk, our support channel. In the future, please do not duplicate topics across our support channels, as we work as a single team of developers.
The React-Native package is deprecated, so that means, that we dropped support for that package, and it now is in hands of the community. If you need any support with this package, you can create an Issue in GitHub and might find some help there. Alternatively, you can try to search for some new package, which is not official. On the other hand, you can try to use methods, like chart.redraw ( or chart.reflow ( - they are responsible for redrawing/reflowing the chart, which will refresh the chart.

Custom input box styling in react-native-elements

Being new to react-native, I am trying to style my input fields using react-native-elements to look similar to their example ones (Example).
Even after going through the source code for the example I still can't seem to figure out where I would start when it comes to customizing these fields to that extent.
As a heads up for anyone else looking to do the same thing, I ended up using this library to make nicer looking animated input fields. It isn't quite the same as what I had originally planned, but if you're in the same scenario as I was, I definitely recommend taking a look.

Running Text as Breaking News animation in React-Native?

I'm new in React-Native Animation.
I want to create Running Text like Running Text in Breaking News.
Appreciate for any help.
I don't know whether you want to create the animation on your own or just use existing components. If you just need the animation, try importing components like react-native-marquee or react-native-marquee-label.
If you want to understand how it's done and want to implement it yourself, just have a look at the source codes of those projects, e. g. this one.

How to programmatically close an ActionSheetIOS in React Native?

I can't find a way to programmatically close an ActionSheetIOS. When the device orientation changes, if there is an action sheet open, I need to close it before reopening it (otherwise it is erroneously anchored to the wrong location). I haven't been able to find a way to trigger closing it without requiring user input. Is this possible programmatically?
The documentation does not mention this being possible in the current version (0.38.0). I also could not find any related issue, so the only ideas that comes to mind are either finding a package that implements the functionality, or extending the implementation of ActionSheetIOS to include that functionality. Maybe this question might be helpful.
React Native version 0.69.0 has added the ActionSheetIOS.dismissActionSheet() method, which will dismiss the most upper action sheet.

Create sidebar in mac app with sections

I want to create a sidebar in one of my mac applications. Basically it will look much like the Things sidebar.
Here is the picture that I basically want to recreate:
I can't figure out how to show the "sections" (collect, focus and active projects) and how to have certain items always show up (inbox, today, next, etc...) and finally I would really appreciate if someone would explain how to make the active projects section, with the triangle.
Also I need the active projects section to load from an entity in core data.
I would also really appreciate if you could post an example.
Apple's "SourceView" sample should be helpful with this:
Apple Example
PXSourceList is an open source NSOutlineView subclass specifically built for mimicking what you posted. I've used it in a number of projects, and it's very easy and flexible to use. I highly recommend it.
The active projects section is probably just a 1 column NSOutlineView with no column header.