Decode a tuple using Json.Decode.andThen - elm

Using Elm 0.19.1, I have the following two functions:
criteriaDecoder : List Field -> List Operator -> Int -> List (Cmd Msg) -> ( Decoder Criterion, List (Cmd Msg) )
criteriaDecoder fields operators currentDepth cmdsList =
field "type" JD.string
|> JD.andThen
(\fieldType ->
criterionDecoder fields operators currentDepth cmdsList fieldType
criterionDecoder : List Field -> List Operator -> Int -> List (Cmd Msg) -> String -> ( Decoder Criterion, List (Cmd Msg) )
criterionDecoder fields operators currentDepth cmdsList criterionType =
case criterionType of
"condition" ->
( decoder, cmds ) =
conditionDecoder fields operators cmdsList
( Condition <| decoder, cmds )
"conditionGroup" ->
( decoder, cmds ) =
groupDecoder fields operators currentDepth cmdsList
( CriterionGroup <| decoder, cmds )
_ ->
( <| "Could not decode criterion for type: " ++ criterionType, cmdsList)
Basically, it should get the value from field type from the JSON. This value must be used to determine the right decoder in criterionDecoder. Both functions must return a (Decoder Criterion, List ( Cmd Msg )) object.
The problem is as following: In the criteriaDecoder, I use the JD.andThen function to get the value of the field type. However, this will create a type mismatch. The JD.andThen function expects a Decoder object, while the criterionDecoder will return a tuple of a Decoder Criterion and a List ( Cmd Msg ). How can I solve this problem?

You cannot return (Decoder Criterion, List ( Cmd Msg )) if the Cmd values depend on what's being decoded, because the Decoder has not run yet (i.e. it doesn't know which Cmd values to return until it's used to decode some value).
If the Cmd values that you're returning depend on the input to the decoder (which seems to be the case), those Cmd values will need to be an output of the decoder. So, instead of (Decoder Criterion, List ( Cmd Msg )), your decoder will also need to produce the Cmd values, Decoder (Criterion, List ( Cmd Msg )).


Reading a FileReader type with a Maybe in elm

(This is related to Initializing an empty file value in Elm )
I am using Elm (0.18) and imported simonh1000's FileReader library. To store a file value, we use the following json type:
type alias FileContentArrayBuffer =
and I structure my model thusly:
type alias Model =
username : String
, filecontent: Maybe FileContentArrayBuffer
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
username = "mark"
, filecontent = Nothing
When a file is dropped into place, getFileContents is called. The relevant functions and msg's are as follows:
getFileContents : NativeFile -> Cmd Msg
getFileContents nf =
FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer nf.blob
|> Task.attempt OnFileContent
type Msg
| OnFileContent (Result FileReader.Error (Maybe FileContentArrayBuffer))
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OnFileContent res ->
case res of
Ok (Just filecontent) ->
( { model | filecontent = filecontent }, Cmd.none )
Ok Nothing ->
Debug.crash "No Content"
Err err ->
Debug.crash (toString err)
When I compile I get this error:
The right side of (|>) is causing a type mismatch.
56| FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer nf.blob
57|> |> Task.attempt OnFileContent
(|>) is expecting the right side to be a:
Task.Task FileReader.Error FileReader.FileContentArrayBuffer -> a
But the right side is:
Task.Task FileReader.Error (Maybe FileReader.FileContentArrayBuffer)
-> Cmd Msg
Not sure why, given that I have included the Maybe in my Type and provided cases. Any ideas?
If you define Msg like this instead:
type Msg
| OnFileContent (Result FileReader.Error FileContentArrayBuffer)
Then your update case can set the file value when successful or set to Nothing in failure:
OnFileContent res ->
case res of
Ok filecontent ->
( { model | filecontent = Just filecontent }, Cmd.none )
Err err ->
( { model | filecontent = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
Note that Debug.crash should be avoided at all costs. It really is just there for temporary debugging. It would be better perhaps to add an error message property on your model to notify the user of a problem.

Msg's with extra variables in elm inputs

I am trying to partition my Msg values in Elm (0.18) into different types. I'd like it to conform to this kind of typing:
type MsgSession
= LogIn
| LogOut
type MsgSettings
= SetUsername String
= SetPassword String
type Msg
= SessionMsg MsgSession
| SettingsMsg MsgSettings
My update function looks like this:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
SessionMsg sessionMsg ->
sessionUpdate sessionMsg model
SettingsMsg settingsMsg ->
settingsUpdate settingsMsg model
...which means that I have to define the child updates as well...
sessionUpdate : MsgSession -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
sessionUpdate msg model =
case msg of
LogIn ->
-- do stuff
LogOut ->
-- do stuff
My LogOut event looks like this, and works fine:
button [onClick (SessionMsg LogOut)] [text "Log Out"]
But once there is a variable involved with the event, it doesn't work. I have a similar setup for settingsUpdate:
settingsUpdate : MsgSettings -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
settingsUpdate msg model =
case msg of
SetUsername string ->
SetPassword string ->
But I can't get onInput to send as a variable. For example, this code
input [onInput SettingsMsg SetUsername] []
Yields this error:
Function `onInput` is expecting 1 argument, but was given 2.
483| onInput SettingsMsg SetUsername
Parentheses also don't work.
input [onInput (SettingsMsg SetUsername)] []
The argument to function `SettingsMsg` is causing a mismatch.
483| SettingsMsg SetUsername)
Function `SettingsMsg` is expecting the argument to be:
But it is:
String -> MsgSettings
What do I have to pass into onInput to make this work?
You should be able to use composition:
input [onInput (SettingsMsg << SetUsername)] []
Which, if you're more comfortable with explicit lambdas, looks like this:
input [onInput (\name -> SettingsMsg (SetUsername name))] []

Decode JSON where value can be a string or an array of different values

Yet another question on how to decode things with Elm...
So the problem is that I need to decode a value which can be either a string, for example
or it can be an array of 2 elements, where first one is a string and the second is a float:
["price", 50.5]
And for the eventual value I have a type:
type Something
= PriceUnknown
= Price Float
into which I need to convert the value from the json response.
I tried to use a bunch of things using somewhat between the lines of:
decode MyString
|> required "other_value" Json.Decode.string
|> required "price" JD.oneOf [JD.string, JD.list (JD.oneOf [JD.string, JD.float])] |> mapper
( I use json_decode_pipeline package here )
But obviously it complains about different values in the lists and whatnot so I am stuck.
Thank you in advance.
You are pretty close, but all of the Decoders in oneOf have to have the same type. Also, destructuring mixed lists can be a pain. This uses elm-community/json-extra to make a manual decoding step easier.
myDecoder : Decoder SomethingElse
myDecoder =
decode MyString
|> required "other_value" Json.Decode.string
|> required "price" priceDecoder
priceDecoder : Decoder Something
priceDecoder =
[ priceUnknownDecoder
, priceKnownDecoder
priceUnknownDecoder : Decoder Something
priceUnknownDecoder =
|> JD.andThen
(\string ->
if string == "price_unknown" then
JD.succeed PriceUnknown
else "Invalid unknown price string."
priceKnownDecoder : Decoder Something
priceKnownDecoder =
|> JD.andThen
(\(tag, price) ->
if tag == "price" then
JD.succeed (Price price)
else "Invalid tag string."
listTupleDecoder : Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a, b)
listTupleDecoder firstD secondD =
JD.list JD.value
|> JD.andThen
(\values ->
case values of
[first, second] ->
JD.decodeValue firstD first
JD.decodeValue secondD second
|> JD.Extra.fromResult
_ -> "There aren't two values in the list."

Objects into JSON decoder through Elm ports

I am passing an array of objects via ports into my Elm app. An example of an one of the objects in the array is:
FullName: 'Foo Bar',
Location: 'Here'
As you can see the keys in the object start with a capital, so I need to decode these in Elm. In my Elm code I have a type for the Person
type alias Person =
{ fullName : String
, location : String
and the port:
port getPeople : (List Json.Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
Finally I have a decoder (I am using Elm Decode Pipeline) to parse the data into the Person type.
peopleDecoder : Decoder Person
peopleDecoder =
decode Person
|> required "FullName" string
|> required "Location" string
My question is how do I map the incoming port data into the Person type? I know I could do this in JS but I'd rather do it in my Elm code.
Json.Decode.decodeValue can decode a Json.Decode.Value, but it returns a Result String (List Person).
If you defined your Msg like this:
type Msg
= GetPeople (Result String (List Person))
You could set up your subscription like this:
port getPeople : (Json.Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
getPeople (GetPeople << decodeValue (list peopleDecoder))
(Note that the first argument in the port has been changed to just a Value instead of List Value)

Type error in the update function in Elm

I'm new to elm (0.17) and I try to understand how it works. In this case, I try to develop a kind of project estimation.
This is what I did:
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
-- model
type alias Host = {
name : String,
cost : Int
type alias Model =
{ email : String
, hosting : List Host
, period : List Int
, interventionDays : List Int
, total : Int
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(Model "" [{name="AAA", cost=15}, {name="BBB", cost=56}, {name="CCC", cost=172}] [1..12] [1..31] 0, Cmd.none)
type Msg = Submit | Reset
calculate : Int
calculate = 42 -- to test
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update action model =
case action of
Submit ->
(model, calculate)
Reset ->
(model, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
-- view
hostOption host =
option [ value (toString host.cost) ] [ text ]
durationOption duration =
option [value (toString duration) ] [ text (toString duration)]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.form []
[ h2 [] [ text "Estimate your project"]
, input [ placeholder ] []
, select []
( hostOption
, select []
( durationOption model.period)
, select []
( durationOption model.interventionDays)
, Html.span [][text (toString]
, button [onClick Submit] [text "Submit"]
, button [onClick Reset] [text "Reset"]
I think I have understood some ideas behind elm but I need help because elm-make command returns:
The 1st and 2nd branches of this `case` produce different types of values.
40| case action of
41| Submit ->
42| (model, calculate)
43| Reset ->
44|> (model, Cmd.none)
The 1st branch has this type:
( a, Int )
But the 2nd is:
( a, Cmd a )
Hint: All branches in a `case` must have the same type. So no matter which one
we take, we always get back the same type of value.
Detected errors in 1 module.
I understand the problem but I do not know how to fix it. Do I have to define my calculate function to work with model data ?
I'm going to guess that you want to update the the total field of your model with calculate.
The first tuple item that the update function returns is the updated model. As things stand, both of your actions return the existing model without changing it. So you could try this:
case action of
Submit ->
({ model | total = calculate }, Cmd.none)
Reset ->
See here for the syntax for updating records.
Note that I also changed the Reset branch to return init, the initial model and command.
The compiler error is telling you that the update method, in some cases will return a (Model, Cmd) tuple, and in another cases will return a (Model, Int) tuple.
The update function as you have it, should return the modified model and also a Cmd to execute an action, in other words, a (Model, Cmd) tuple.
If you return (model, calculate) it will return a (Model, Int) tuple, since calculate is an Int. That is what is breaking the compiling.
So to fix it, first you need to decide what to do with each of the Msg. I assume by the name of them that the Calculate Msg will update the total and the Reset Msg will set the model to the default state.
For that you could do:
case action of
Submit ->
({ model | total = calculate }, Cmd.none)
Reset ->
In this case, both branches will return a tuple of type (Model, Cmd).
Note that the Reset branch will return init, which is already of type (Model, Cmd).
Check the official guide for more examples: