ELFCLASS32 when compiling CMake on Solaris 11 - cmake

I trying to compile CMake from sources on Solaris 11 machine:
# uname -a
SunOS 5.11 11.3 sun4v sparc sun4v
tar -xzvf cmake-3.25.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz cd
cmake-3.25.2-linux-x86_64 ./bootstrap --prefix=/opt/cmake-3.25.2
After few time next error occurs:
CMake 3.14.3, Copyright 2000-2019 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors
C compiler on this system is: gcc -std=gnu11
C++ compiler on this system is: g++
Makefile processor on this system is: gmake
g++ has setenv
g++ has unsetenv
g++ does not have environ in stdlib.h
g++ has stl wstring
g++ has <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
g++ -I/opt/CMake/Bootstrap.cmk -I/opt/CMake/Source -I/opt/CMake/Source/LexerParser -I/opt/CMake/Utilities cmAddCustomCommandCommand.o cmAddCustomTargetCommand.o cmAddDefinitionsCommand.o cmAddDependenciesCommand.o cmAddExecutableCommand.o cmAddLibraryCommand.o cmAddSubDirectoryCommand.o cmAddTestCommand.o cmBreakCommand.o cmBuildCommand.o cmCMakeMinimumRequired.o cmCMakePolicyCommand.o cmCPackPropertiesGenerator.o cmCacheManager.o cmCommand.o cmCommandArgumentParserHelper.o cmCommandArgumentsHelper.o cmCommands.o cmCommonTargetGenerator.o cmComputeComponentGraph.o cmComputeLinkDepends.o cmComputeLinkInformation.o cmComputeTargetDepends.o cmConditionEvaluator.o cmConfigureFileCommand.o cmContinueCommand.o cmCoreTryCompile.o cmCreateTestSourceList.o cmCustomCommand.o cmCustomCommandGenerator.o cmDefinePropertyCommand.o cmDefinitions.o cmDepends.o cmDependsC.o cmDisallowedCommand.o cmDocumentationFormatter.o cmEnableLanguageCommand.o cmEnableTestingCommand.o cmExecProgramCommand.o cmExecuteProcessCommand.o cmExpandedCommandArgument.o cmExportBuildFileGenerator.o cmExportFileGenerator.o cmExportInstallFileGenerator.o cmExportSet.o cmExportSetMap.o cmExportTryCompileFileGenerator.o cmExprParserHelper.o cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.o cmFileCommand.o cmFileTimeComparison.o cmFindBase.o cmFindCommon.o cmFindFileCommand.o cmFindLibraryCommand.o cmFindPackageCommand.o cmFindPathCommand.o cmFindProgramCommand.o cmForEachCommand.o cmFunctionCommand.o cmFSPermissions.o cmGeneratedFileStream.o cmGeneratorExpression.o cmGeneratorExpressionContext.o cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker.o cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluationFile.o cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.o cmGeneratorExpressionLexer.o cmGeneratorExpressionNode.o cmGeneratorExpressionParser.o cmGeneratorTarget.o cmGetCMakePropertyCommand.o cmGetDirectoryPropertyCommand.o cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.o cmGetPropertyCommand.o cmGetSourceFilePropertyCommand.o cmGetTargetPropertyCommand.o cmGetTestPropertyCommand.o cmGlobalCommonGenerator.o cmGlobalGenerator.o cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3.o cmGlobVerificationManager.o cmHexFileConverter.o cmIfCommand.o cmIncludeCommand.o cmIncludeGuardCommand.o cmIncludeDirectoryCommand.o cmIncludeRegularExpressionCommand.o cmInstallCommand.o cmInstallCommandArguments.o cmInstallDirectoryGenerator.o cmInstallExportGenerator.o cmInstallFilesCommand.o cmInstallFilesGenerator.o cmInstallGenerator.o cmInstallScriptGenerator.o cmInstallSubdirectoryGenerator.o cmInstallTargetGenerator.o cmInstallTargetsCommand.o cmInstalledFile.o cmLinkDirectoriesCommand.o cmLinkItem.o cmLinkLineComputer.o cmListCommand.o cmListFileCache.o cmLocalCommonGenerator.o cmLocalGenerator.o cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.o cmMSVC60LinkLineComputer.o cmMacroCommand.o cmMakeDirectoryCommand.o cmMakefile.o cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.o cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.o cmMakefileTargetGenerator.o cmMakefileUtilityTargetGenerator.o cmMarkAsAdvancedCommand.o cmMathCommand.o cmMessageCommand.o cmMessenger.o cmNewLineStyle.o cmOSXBundleGenerator.o cmOptionCommand.o cmOrderDirectories.o cmOutputConverter.o cmParseArgumentsCommand.o cmPathLabel.o cmPolicies.o cmProcessOutput.o cmProjectCommand.o cmProperty.o cmPropertyDefinition.o cmPropertyDefinitionMap.o cmPropertyMap.o cmReturnCommand.o cmRulePlaceholderExpander.o cmScriptGenerator.o cmSearchPath.o cmSeparateArgumentsCommand.o cmSetCommand.o cmSetDirectoryPropertiesCommand.o cmSetPropertyCommand.o cmSetSourceFilesPropertiesCommand.o cmSetTargetPropertiesCommand.o cmSetTestsPropertiesCommand.o cmSiteNameCommand.o cmSourceFile.o cmSourceFileLocation.o cmState.o cmStateDirectory.o cmStateSnapshot.o cmStringReplaceHelper.o cmStringCommand.o cmSubdirCommand.o cmSystemTools.o cmTarget.o cmTargetCompileDefinitionsCommand.o cmTargetCompileFeaturesCommand.o cmTargetCompileOptionsCommand.o cmTargetIncludeDirectoriesCommand.o cmTargetLinkLibrariesCommand.o cmTargetPropCommandBase.o cmTargetPropertyComputer.o cmTargetSourcesCommand.o cmTest.o cmTestGenerator.o cmTimestamp.o cmTryCompileCommand.o cmTryRunCommand.o cmUnexpectedCommand.o cmUnsetCommand.o cmUVHandlePtr.o cmVersion.o cmWhileCommand.o cmWorkingDirectory.o cmake.o cmakemain.o cmcmd.o cm_string_view.o cmCommandArgumentLexer.o cmCommandArgumentParser.o cmExprLexer.o cmExprParser.o cmListFileLexer.o Directory.o EncodingCXX.o FStream.o Glob.o RegularExpression.o SystemTools.o EncodingC.o ProcessUNIX.o String.o System.o Terminal.o uv-src-strscpy.c.o uv-src-timer.c.o uv-src-uv-common.c.o uv-src-unix-cmake-bootstrap.c.o uv-src-unix-core.c.o uv-src-unix-fs.c.o uv-src-unix-loop.c.o uv-src-unix-loop-watcher.c.o uv-src-unix-no-fsevents.c.o uv-src-unix-pipe.c.o uv-src-unix-poll.c.o uv-src-unix-posix-hrtime.c.o uv-src-unix-posix-poll.c.o uv-src-unix-process.c.o uv-src-unix-signal.c.o uv-src-unix-stream.c.o -lkstat -lnsl -lsendfile -lsocket -lrt -o cmake
ld: fatal: file cmListFileLexer.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file EncodingC.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file ProcessUNIX.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file String.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file System.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file Terminal.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-strscpy.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-timer.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-uv-common.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-cmake-bootstrap.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-core.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-fs.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-loop.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-loop-watcher.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-no-fsevents.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-pipe.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-poll.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-posix-hrtime.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-posix-poll.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-process.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-signal.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file uv-src-unix-stream.c.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake: *** [cmake] Error 1
Error when bootstrapping CMake:
Problem while running gmake
Log of errors: /opt/CMake/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake_bootstrap.log
How to compile properly?

EDIT: Bare in mind that the tarball cmake-3.25.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz contains precompiled 64bit binaries.
As #Tsyvarev pointed out you are producing 32bit objects. Because you are building on solaris it might be related to the fact that Solaris provides libraries for different architectures. Due to this your linker is probably picking up the wrong binaries.
Possible fixes:
Make sure that the linker picks up only the right binaries (64bit)
Get CMake which is provided by the package manager of Solaris and build from source files. (official)
Use an unofficial CMake package [like this one here]
The official package might be outdated. The unofficial one is well, unofficial.


SRS configure error in Mac pro m1 (arm64 cpu)- ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386

Operation on 'Mac M1 pro' which cpu is arm64 architecture.
on srs branch: 4.0release
cd trunk
./configure --osx
Get error as below:
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [apps/openssl] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Build openssl-1.1-fit failed.
Log is:
User config: --osx
Detail config: --prefix=/usr/local/srs --config=conf/srs.conf --hls=on --hds=off --dvr=on --ssl=on --https=on --ssl-1-0=off --ssl-local=off --sys-ssl=off --transcode=on --ingest=on --stat=on --http-callback=on --http-server=on --stream-caster=on --http-api=on --utest=off --cherrypy=off --srt=off --rtc=on --simulator=off --cxx11=off --cxx14=off --ffmpeg-fit=on --nasm=on --srtp-nasm=on --clean=on --gperf=off --gmc=off --gmd=off --gmp=off --gcp=off --gprof=off --static=off --shared-st=off --shared-srt=off --shared-ffmpeg=off --log-verbose=off --log-info=off --log-trace=on --gcov=off --debug=off --debug-stats=off --cross-build=off --cc=gcc --cxx=g++ --ar=ar --ld=gcc --randlib=randlib
SRS_WORKDIR: ., SRS_OBJS_DIR: objs, SRS_OBJS: ./objs, SRS_PLATFORM: Platform-Darwin-21.2.0-Clang13.1.6-SRS4-arm64
Alias python2 as python
Checking gcc/g++/gdb/make.
Required tools are ok.
OSX detected, install tools if needed
OSX install tools success
SED is sed_utility
The state-threads is ok.
Building openssl-1.1-fit.
Operating system: i686-apple-darwinDarwin Kernel Version 21.2.0: Sun Nov 28 20:28:41 PST 2021; root:xnu-8019.61.5~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
Configuring OpenSSL version 1.1.1b (0x1010102fL) for darwin-i386-cc
Using os-specific seed configuration
Creating configdata.pm
Creating Makefile
gcc -I. -Iinclude -fPIC -arch i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DL_ENDIAN -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_GF2m -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DRC4_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DRMD160_ASM -DAES_ASM -DVPAES_ASM -DWHIRLPOOL_ASM -DGHASH_ASM -DECP_NISTZ256_ASM -DPADLOCK_ASM -DPOLY1305_ASM -DOPENSSLDIR="\"/Users/hangwu/git/srs/trunk/objs/Platform-Darwin-21.2.0-Clang13.1.6-SRS4-arm64/openssl-1.1-fit/_release/ssl\"" -DENGINESDIR="\"/Users/hangwu/git/srs/trunk/objs/Platform-Darwin-21.2.0-Clang13.1.6-SRS4-arm64/openssl-1.1-fit/_release/lib/engines-1.1\"" -DNDEBUG -DOPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS -MMD -MF apps/app_rand.d.tmp -MT apps/app_rand.o -c -o apps/app_rand.o apps/app_rand.c
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [apps/openssl] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Build openssl-1.1-fit failed.
What's the possible reason for this error?
Is there any way to avoid it?
It seems the gcc config param '-arch i386' is not right for my environment, is it the root cause of this error?
Now, at 2022.08.22, Apple M1 is ok to build and run SRS 5.0. Please see issue M1: Not possible to build on Apple Silicon for detail.
We have the docker images for linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64/v8, it should work on Apple M1 also, see #3058.
Aside from openssl build issue, we also adopt the ST(state-threads) for Apple M1. Apart from the ST(state-threads) adaption, the configure script was updated to identify M1.
ST also is avaialble for Apple M1 now, please see #22.

How to statically link PROJ to pybind11

I'm interested in statically linking PROJ to a library created with pybind11.
but, I get error by cmake.
Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it?
My CMakeLists.txt is this.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
project(myearth LANGUAGES CXX)
pybind11_add_module(myearth MyEarth.cpp)
add_library(proj4 STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(proj4 PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/PROJ/lib/libproj.a)
target_link_libraries(myearth PRIVATE proj4)
CMake Error.
I think fPIC option is for shared library. so, libproj.a is not necessary this option because this is static library.
(venv) ~/Projects/LinkLibTest/MySample/build$ make
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/myearth.dir/MyEarth.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX shared module myearth.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
/usr/bin/ld: ../PROJ/lib/libproj.a(proj_4D_api.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `pj_errno' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/myearth.dir/build.make:98: myearth.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:100: CMakeFiles/myearth.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2
(venv) ~/Projects/LinkLibTest/MySample/build$
I created libproj.a by the following command.
$ ./configure --prefix=/output --disable-shared
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
Linux Mint 20.3 64bit
CMake v3.22.2
PROJ v5.2.0 (https://proj.org/)
Python v3.6.8
Thank you.
Shared libraries must have position independent code, but your version of PROJ was built without it; you will have to rebuild PROJ with PIC.
$ ./configure --prefix=/output --with-pic

cmake error with grpc in tensorflow

When trying to build tensorflow using cmake, I got the following error. I'm not sure whether it's an issue related to tensorflow or grpc. Any idea on what's going on?
This is on Mac OS Sierra.
steps to reproduce:
# clone tensorflow repo
# in tensorflow directory
cd tensorflow/contrib/cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/python3
make tf_tutorials_example_trainer
# ...
Scanning dependencies of target tf_tutorials_example_trainer
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/tf_tutorials_example_trainer.dir/Users/kevenwang/VirtualBoxShared/another_tf/tensorflow/cc/tutorials/example_trainer.cc.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable tf_tutorials_example_trainer
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_ares_cancel", referenced from:
on_readable_cb(grpc_exec_ctx*, void*, grpc_error*) in libgrpc_unsecure.a(grpc_ares_ev_driver_posix.cc.o)
on_writable_cb(grpc_exec_ctx*, void*, grpc_error*) in libgrpc_unsecure.a(grpc_ares_ev_driver_posix.cc.o)
"_ares_destroy", referenced from:
grpc_ares_ev_driver_unref(grpc_ares_ev_driver*) in libgrpc_unsecure.a(grpc_ares_ev_driver_posix.cc.o)
_grpc_ares_ev_driver_create in libgrpc_unsecure.a(grpc_ares_ev_driver_posix.cc.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[3]: *** [tf_tutorials_example_trainer] Error 1
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/tf_tutorials_example_trainer.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/tf_tutorials_example_trainer.dir/rule] Error 2
Maybe you install the grpc lib by Homebrew.
In that case , you need to link the c-ares lib.
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(demo "/usr/local/lib/libcares.a" ...)

j2objc Compile error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:

i get the following error when i run j2objcc -o blssmibi BLSSMIBI.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_Curve", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BLSSMIBI.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
what should i do to fix this?
There's no Curve class anywhere in j2objc's libraries, so my guess it's a dependency from the Java file that you used to generate BLSSMIBI (maybe that's the it looks like a package prefix was used). If you aren't sure what a class's dependencies are, try compiling with javac to a temporary directory and see what name.class files are created (ignore the ones with $ in their names, as they're inner classes). That list of class files is used to figure out all the classes that need transpiling, as well as all the .o files that the app requires.

nettle-3.0 and gmp-6.0.0 - undefined symbols "gmpz_limbs_write, gmpz_limbs_read..."

I am trying to compile nettle 3.0 with gmp 6.0.0 and I kept getting missing symbols:
Making all in tools
gcc -g -O2 -ggdb3 -Wno-pointer-sign -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wnested-externs -L.. pkcs1-conv.o misc.o ../getopt.o ../getopt1.o -lhogweed -lnettle -lgmp -o pkcs1-conv
ld: warning: relocation error: R_386_32: file ../getopt.o: symbol optarg: external symbolic relocation against non-allocatable section .debug_info; cannot be processed at runtime: relocation ignored
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
__gmpz_limbs_write ../libhogweed.so
__gmpz_limbs_finish ../libhogweed.so
__gmpz_limbs_modify ../libhogweed.so
__gmpn_zero ../libhogweed.so
__gmpz_roinit_n ../libhogweed.so
__gmpn_cnd_sub_n ../libhogweed.so
__gmpn_cnd_add_n ../libhogweed.so
__gmpz_limbs_read ../libhogweed.so
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `pkcs1-conv'
Current working directory /root/nettle-3.0/tools
I installed gmp 6.0.0 to /usr/local, then - in the nettle directory -, I ran ./configure --prefix=/usr/local, then make and got the error above.
It looks nettle is finding an older version first. Have you tried?
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-include-path=/usr/local/include --with-lib-path=/usr/local/lib
I found the options by using ./configure --help.