Unable to resolve service for type 'BusinessServices.CustomerBusinessService' while attempting to activate 'Repository.CustomerRepository' - asp.net-core

Issue Message:
System.AggregateException: 'Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: Repository.ICustomerRepository Lifetime: Scoped ImplementationType: Repository.CustomerRepository': Unable to resolve service for type 'BusinessServices.CustomerBusinessService' while attempting to activate 'Repository.CustomerRepository'.)'
API Controller:
namespace WebAPIforAzureSQL.Controllers
public class AzureController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICustomerRepository customerRepository;
private readonly ICustomerBusinessService customerBusinessService;
public AzureController(ICustomerRepository _customerRepository, ICustomerBusinessService _customerBusinessService)
customerRepository = _customerRepository;
customerBusinessService = _customerBusinessService;
public IEnumerable<Customers> Customers()
return customerRepository.GetAllCustomers();
public Customers OneCustomer([FromHeader] int customerID)
return customerRepository.GetCustomer(customerID);
public bool NewCustomer([FromHeader] Customers c)
return customerRepository.AddCustomer(c);
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using WebAPIforAzureSQL;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Repository;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
using Contracts;
using BusinessServices;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
builder.Services.AddApiVersioning(opt =>
opt.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
opt.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
opt.ReportApiVersions = true;
opt.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(
new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader(),
new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version")
// Add ApiExplorer to discover versions
builder.Services.AddVersionedApiExplorer(setup =>
setup.GroupNameFormat = "'v'VVV";
setup.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true;
builder.Services.AddDbContext<AmounDB001DbContext>(option =>
//adding Services
builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomerBusinessService, CustomerBusinessService>();
var app = builder.Build();
var apiVersionDescriptionProvider =
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
options =>
foreach (var description in apiVersionDescriptionProvider.ApiVersionDescriptions)
Repository Class
namespace Repository
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
private readonly AmounDB001DbContext amounDB001DbContext;
private readonly CustomerBusinessService customerBusinessService;
public CustomerRepository(
AmounDB001DbContext _amounDB001DbContext,
CustomerBusinessService _customerBusinessService
this.amounDB001DbContext = _amounDB001DbContext;
customerBusinessService= _customerBusinessService;
public bool AddCustomer(Customers c)
if (c != null && customerBusinessService.CheckAllFields(c))
return true;
return false;
public bool RemoveCustomer(Customers c)
if (c != null && customerBusinessService.CheckAllFields(c))
return true;
return false;
public bool UpdateCustomer(Customers c)
if (c != null && customerBusinessService.CheckAllFields(c))
return true;
return false;
public List<Customers> GetAllCustomers()
return amounDB001DbContext.Customers.ToList();
public Customers GetCustomer(int customerID)
if (customerID == 0)
return null;
return amounDB001DbContext.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerID == customerID);
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?

I think you should change the constructor of CustomerRepository, replacing the parameter type CustomerBusinessService with the interface you registered as a service ICustomerBusinessService.
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
private readonly AmounDB001DbContext amounDB001DbContext;
private readonly ICustomerBusinessService customerBusinessService;
public CustomerRepository(
AmounDB001DbContext _amounDB001DbContext,
ICustomerBusinessService _customerBusinessService
this.amounDB001DbContext = _amounDB001DbContext;
customerBusinessService= _customerBusinessService;


Endpoint is null when accessed in middleware during asp.net core 3.1 integration test

I run integration tests for my asp.net core application, the call passes from multiple middle-wares but stops at one of them which has the following line :
var endpoint = context.Features.Get<IEndpointFeature>()?.Endpoint;
var attribute = endpoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata<AllowAHeader>();
The endpoint is null.
public class CustomWebApplicationFactory<TStartup> : WebApplicationFactory<TStartup>
where TStartup : class
protected override IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder()
var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(x =>
return builder;
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>
foreach (var option in services.Where(s =>
s.ServiceType.BaseType ==
services.AddDbContext<DbContext>(options =>
Here is the test
public class ClientTests : IClassFixture<CustomWebApplicationFactory<TestStartup>>
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public ClientTests(CustomWebApplicationFactory<TestStartup> customWebApplicationFactory)
_client = customWebApplicationFactory.CreateClient();
public async Task GetClients()
_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Integration-Testing", "True");
_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Integration-Authroize", "Basic");
var result = await _client.PostAsync("v1/client", null);
The TestStartup :
public class TestStartup : Startup
public TestStartup(IConfiguration configuration)
: base(configuration)
protected override void ConfigureMiddlewareForIntegrationTest(IApplicationBuilder app)
public class AuthenticatedTestRequestMiddleware
public const string TestingHeader = "X-Integration-Testing";
public const string TestingHeaderAuthValueValue = "X-Integration-Authroize";
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public AuthenticatedTestRequestMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
if (context.Request.Headers.Keys.Contains(TestingHeader))
if (context.Request.Headers.Keys.Contains(TestingHeaderAuthValueValue))
var encoded = "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes("user" + ":" + "123456"));
context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", encoded);
In ConfigureWebHostDefaults add:
x.UseHttpSys(opt =>
opt.RequestQueueMode = RequestQueueMode.Create;
Have not figured out exactly why it's needed, but I'm guessing it's a bug being the value of RequestQueueMode is 0 by default, same as RequestQueueMode.Create's value.

How to make Route based on a sub-domain MVC Core

How to make this
- user1.domain.com goes to user1/index (not inside area)
- user2.domain.com goes to user2/index (not inside area)
I mean's the
Are same view but different data depending on user{0}
using MVC Core 2.2
There're several approaches depending on your needs.
How to make this - user1.domain.com goes to user1/index (not inside area) - user2.domain.com goes to user2/index (not inside area)
One approach is to rewrite/redirect the url. If you don't like do it with nginx/iis, you could create an Application Level Rewrite Rule. For example, I create a sample route rule for your reference:
internal enum RouteSubDomainBehavior{ Redirect, Rewrite, }
internal class RouteSubDomainRule : IRule
private readonly string _domainWithPort;
private readonly RouteSubDomainBehavior _behavior;
public RouteSubDomainRule(string domain, RouteSubDomainBehavior behavior)
this._domainWithPort = domain;
this._behavior = behavior;
// custom this method according to your needs
protected bool ShouldRewrite(RewriteContext context)
var req = context.HttpContext.Request;
// only rewrite the url when it ends with target doamin
if (!req.Host.Value.EndsWith(this._domainWithPort, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return false; }
// if already rewrite, skip
if(req.Host.Value.Length == this._domainWithPort.Length) { return false; }
// ... add other condition to make sure only rewrite for the routes you wish, for example, skip the Hub
return true;
public void ApplyRule(RewriteContext context)
if(!this.ShouldRewrite(context)) {
context.Result = RuleResult.ContinueRules;
var req = context.HttpContext.Request;
if(this._behavior == RouteSubDomainBehavior.Redirect){
var newUrl = UriHelper.BuildAbsolute( req.Scheme, new HostString(this._domainWithPort), req.PathBase, req.Path, req.QueryString);
var resp = context.HttpContext.Response;
context.Logger.LogInformation($"redirect {req.Scheme}://{req.Host}{req.Path}?{req.QueryString} to {newUrl}");
resp.StatusCode = 301;
resp.Headers[HeaderNames.Location] = newUrl;
context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;
else if (this._behavior == RouteSubDomainBehavior.Rewrite)
var host = req.Host.Value;
var userStr = req.Host.Value.Substring(0, host.Length - this._domainWithPort.Length - 1);
req.Host= new HostString(this._domainWithPort);
var oldPath = req.Path;
req.Path = $"/{userStr}{oldPath}";
context.Logger.LogInformation($"rewrite {oldPath} as {req.Path}");
context.Result = RuleResult.SkipRemainingRules;
throw new Exception($"unknow SubDomainBehavoir={this._behavior}");
(Note I use Rewrite here. If you like, feel free to change it to RouteSubDomainBehavior.Redirect.)
And then invoke the rewriter middleware just after app.UseStaticFiles():
// note : the invocation order matters!
app.UseRewriter(new RewriteOptions().Add(new RouteSubDomainRule("domain.com:5001",RouteSubDomainBehavior.Rewrite)));
By this way,
user1.domain.com:5001/ will be rewritten as (or redirected to) domain.com:5001/user1
user1.domain.com:5001/Index will be rewritten as(or redirected to) domain.com:5001/user1/Index
user1.domain.com:5001/Home/Index will be rewritten as (or redirected to) domain.com:5001/user1//HomeIndex
static files like user1.domain.com:5001/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js won't be rewritten/redirected because they're served by UseStaticFiles.
Another Approach Using IModelBinder
Although you can route it by rewritting/redirecting as above, I suspect what your real needs are binding parameters from Request.Host. If that's the case, I would suggest you should use IModelBinder instead. For example, create a new [FromHost] BindingSource:
internal class FromHostAttribute : Attribute, IBindingSourceMetadata
public static readonly BindingSource Instance = new BindingSource( "FromHostBindingSource", "From Host Binding Source", true, true);
public BindingSource BindingSource {get{ return FromHostAttribute.Instance; }}
public class MyFromHostModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly string _domainWithPort;
public MyFromHostModelBinder()
this._domainWithPort = "domain.com:5001"; // in real project, use by Configuration/Options
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var req = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request;
var host = req.Host.Value;
var name = bindingContext.FieldName;
var userStr = req.Host.Value.Substring(0, host.Length - this._domainWithPort.Length - 1);
if (userStr == null) {
bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(name, $"cannot get {name} from Host Domain");
} else {
var result = Convert.ChangeType(userStr, bindingContext.ModelType);
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(result);
return Task.CompletedTask;
public class FromHostBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); }
var has = context.BindingInfo?.BindingSource == FromHostAttribute.Instance;
return new BinderTypeModelBinder(typeof(MyFromHostModelBinder));
return null;
Finally, insert this FromHostBinderProvider in your MVC binder providers.
services.AddMvc(otps =>{
otps.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new FromHostBinderProvider());
Now you can get the user1.domain.com automatically by:
public IActionResult Index([FromHost] string username)
return View(view_model_by_username);
public IActionResult Edit([FromHost] string username, string id)
return View(view_model_by_username);
The problem after login the Identity cookie not shared in sub-domain
Here my Code where's wrong !!!
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public static Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.IDataProtectionBuilder dataProtectionBuilder;
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
// This lambda determines whether user consent for non-essential cookies is needed for a given request.
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => true;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
services.AddIdentity<ExtendIdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireUppercase = false;
options.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = false;
options.Password.RequiredUniqueChars = 0;
options.Password.RequireLowercase = false;
}).AddEntityFrameworkStores<ApplicationDbContext>(); // .AddDefaultTokenProviders();
services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options => options.CookieManager = new CookieManager());
services.AddScoped<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
services.AddScoped<IExtendIdentityUser, ExtendIdentityUserRepository>();
services.AddScoped<IItems, ItemsRepository>();
services.AddMvc(otps =>
otps.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new FromHostBinderProvider());
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
And this class to sub-domain like that https://user1.localhost:44390/Home/Index
internal class FromHostAttribute : Attribute, IBindingSourceMetadata
public static readonly BindingSource Instance = new BindingSource("FromHostBindingSource", "From Host Binding Source", true, true);
public BindingSource BindingSource { get { return FromHostAttribute.Instance; } }
public class MyFromHostModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly string _domainWithPort;
public MyFromHostModelBinder()
this._domainWithPort = "localhost:44390"; // in real project, use by Configuration/Options
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var req = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request;
var host = req.Host.Value;
var name = bindingContext.FieldName;
var userStr = req.Host.Value.Substring(0, host.Length - this._domainWithPort.Length);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userStr))
bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(name, $"cannot get {name} from Host Domain");
var result = Convert.ChangeType(userStr, bindingContext.ModelType);
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(result);
return Task.CompletedTask;
public class FromHostBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); }
var has = context.BindingInfo?.BindingSource == FromHostAttribute.Instance;
if (has)
return new BinderTypeModelBinder(typeof(MyFromHostModelBinder));
return null;
Using ICookieManager
public class CookieManager : ICookieManager
#region Private Members
private readonly ICookieManager ConcreteManager;
#region Prvate Methods
private string RemoveSubdomain(string host)
var splitHostname = host.Split('.');
//if not localhost
if (splitHostname.Length > 1)
return string.Join(".", splitHostname.Skip(1));
return host;
#region Public Methods
public CookieManager()
ConcreteManager = new ChunkingCookieManager();
public void AppendResponseCookie(HttpContext context, string key, string value, CookieOptions options)
options.Domain = RemoveSubdomain(context.Request.Host.Host); //Set the Cookie Domain using the request from host
ConcreteManager.AppendResponseCookie(context, key, value, options);
public void DeleteCookie(HttpContext context, string key, CookieOptions options)
ConcreteManager.DeleteCookie(context, key, options);
public string GetRequestCookie(HttpContext context, string key)
return ConcreteManager.GetRequestCookie(context, key);

closed generic type registration - Autofac – cannot resolve parameter x of constructor

I am getting the following exception:
"None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'NetCore.DAL.EF.Repositories.Core.Common.SystemSettingRepository' can be invoked with the available services and parameters:\r\nCannot resolve parameter 'NetCore.DAL.EF.DatabaseFactory1[NetCore.DAL.EF.AppDbContext] databaseFactory' of constructor 'Void .ctor(NetCore.DAL.EF.DatabaseFactory1[NetCore.DAL.EF.AppDbContext])'."
Here is the Autofac registration info for SystemSettingRepository:
autofacServiceProvider.Non-Public members._lifetimeScope.ComponentRegistry.Registrations[28] = {Activator = SystemSettingRepository (ReflectionActivator), Services = [Dcs.NetCore.ApplicationCore.BLL.Domain.Features.Common.SystemSettings.ISystemSettingRepository, Dcs.NetCore.Infrastructure.Common.IRepository`1[[Dcs.NetCore.ApplicationCore.BLL.Domain.Entities.Common.SystemSetting, Dcs.NetCore.ApplicationCore.BLL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], NetCore.DAL.EF.Repositories.Core.Common.SystemSettingRepository], Lifetime = Autofac.Core.Lifetime.CurrentScopeLifetime, Sharing = None, Ownership = OwnedByLifetimeScope}
autofacServiceProvider.Non-Public members._lifetimeScope.ComponentRegistry.Registrations[28].Target.Services[0].ServiceType = {Dcs.NetCore.ApplicationCore.BLL.Domain.Features.Common.SystemSettings.ISystemSettingRepository}
autofacServiceProvider.Non-Public members._lifetimeScope.ComponentRegistry.Registrations[28].Target.Services[1].ServiceType = {Dcs.NetCore.Infrastructure.Common.IRepository`1[Dcs.NetCore.ApplicationCore.BLL.Domain.Entities.Common.SystemSetting]}
autofacServiceProvider.Non-Public members._lifetimeScope.ComponentRegistry.Registrations[28].Target.Services[2].ServiceType = {NetCore.DAL.EF.Repositories.Core.Common.SystemSettingRepository}
As you can see, the services are registered. However, the databaseFactory parameter is not. Here is my code:
public class Startup
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
return AutofacBuilder();
private AutofacServiceProvider AutofacBuilder()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
this.AutofacContainer = builder.Build();
var autofacServiceProvider = new AutofacServiceProvider(this.AutofacContainer);
return autofacServiceProvider;
public class AutofacModule_AspNetCore : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
private void RegisterComponents()
.WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter((p, i) => p.Name == "databaseFactory",
(p, i) => i.Resolve<DatabaseFactory<AppDbContext>>()))
//.WithParameter("databaseFactory", new DatabaseFactory<AppDbContext>())
//.WithParameter("databaseFactory", )
private void RegisterDbContexts()
private void RegisterAppDbContextInstance()
// register DbContextOptionsBuilderHelper
// configure DbContextOptions
var dbContextOptionsBuilderHelper = new AppDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper();
var dbContextOptionsBuilder = dbContextOptionsBuilderHelper.GetDbContextOptionsBuilder();
// register DbContext
.WithParameter("options", dbContextOptionsBuilder.Options)
public class DatabaseFactory<T> : Disposable, IDatabaseFactory<T>
where T : DbContext //, new()
private T _dbContext;
private AppDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper _appDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper;
private DefaultDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper _defaultDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper;
public DatabaseFactory()
this._appDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper = new AppDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper(); // TODO: refactor to ctor injection
this._defaultDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper = new DefaultDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper(); // TODO: refactor to ctor injection
public T Get()
if (_dbContext == null)
return _dbContext;
private void Create()
switch (typeof(T).Name)
case "AppDbContext":
case "DefaultDbContext":
private void CreateAppDbContext()
var dbContextOptionsBuilder = _appDbContextOptionsBuilderHelper.GetDbContextOptionsBuilder();
this._dbContext = new AppDbContext(dbContextOptionsBuilder.Options) as T;
//protected override void DisposeCore()
// cref: Autofac.Util.Disposable
// //TODO: should I override Autofac.Util.Disposable here?
// var msg = "DatabaseFactory.DisposeCore() executing";
// if (_dbContext != null)
// _dbContext.Dispose();
public partial class AppDbContext : DbContext
public AppDbContext(DbContextOptions<AppDbContext> options) : base(options)
{ }
public AppDbContext()
public class SystemSettingRepository : RepositoryBase<SystemSetting, AppDbContext>, ISystemSettingRepository
public SystemSettingRepository(DatabaseFactory<AppDbContext> databaseFactory)
: base(databaseFactory)
{ }
public interface ISystemSettingRepository : IRepository<SystemSetting>
public partial interface IRepository<T> where T : class
public abstract class RepositoryBase<T, U> : IRepositoryBase<T, U>
where T : class
where U : DbContext //, new()
private U _dbContext;
private readonly DbSet<T> _dbset;
protected RepositoryBase(DatabaseFactory<U> databaseFactory)
DatabaseFactory = databaseFactory;
_dbset = DataContext.Set<T>();
protected virtual DatabaseFactory<U> DatabaseFactory
private set;
protected virtual U DataContext
get { return _dbContext = DatabaseFactory.Get(); }
public virtual async Task<T> AddAsync(T dao)
EntityEntry<T> entityEntry = _dbset.Add(dao);
var result = await SaveChangesAsync();
if (result > 0 && entityEntry != null && entityEntry.Entity != null)
return entityEntry.Entity;
return null;
public interface IRepositoryBase<T, U>
where T : class
where U : DbContext //, new()
{ }
The issue is caused by the way of registration of DatabaseFactory<>. This type is registered as an interface IDatabaseFactory<>. But it is resolved as itself in lambda argument of method WithParameter() on registration of repositories:
.WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter((p, i) => p.Name == "databaseFactory",
// resolving type it self
// while it was registered as interface
(p, i) => i.Resolve<DatabaseFactory<AppDbContext>>()))
Autofac doesn't know how to resolve it, because it doesn't have corresponding registration. To make your code work you can resolve DatabaseFactory as an inteface like this:
.WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter((p, i) => p.Name == "databaseFactory",
(p, i) => i.Resolve<IDatabaseFactory<AppDbContext>>()))
Or add AsSelf() call to registration:
// Register also as DatabaseFactory<>

Unable to resolve service for type 'fruittyPie.Models.ShoppingCartItem' while attempting to activate 'fruittyPie.Controllers.CartController'

I'm creating a shopping cart controller first time, I'm stuck in this exception
I know there is a need to add scoped service in startup class, but don't know how to do in my case
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type
'fruittyPie.Models.ShoppingCartItem' while attempting to activate
my startup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
services.AddTransient<IPieRepository, PieRepository>();
services.AddTransient<ICatagoryRepository, CatagoryRepository>();
services.AddTransient<IFeedBackRepository, FeedbackRepository>();
new PhysicalFileProvider(
Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot")
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
public class CartController : Controller
private readonly AppDbContext _appDbContext;
private readonly ShoppingCartItem _shoppingCartItems;
private readonly ShoppingCart _shoppingCart;
public CartController(AppDbContext appDbContext,ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
_appDbContext = appDbContext;
_shoppingCartItems = shoppingCartItem;
_shoppingCart = shoppingCart;
public string ShoppingCartId { get; set; }
public IActionResult Index()
// List<ShoppingCartItem> shoppingCartItems = new List<ShoppingCartItem>();
ViewBag.cart =
(c => c.CartId == ShoppingCartId)
.Include(s => s.productx)
ViewBag.total = _appDbContext.ShoppingCartItemx.Where(d => d.CartId == ShoppingCartId)
.Select(f => f.productx.Price * f.Amount).Sum();
return View();
public void AddToCart(Product productz, int amount)
var shoppingCartItemz = _appDbContext.ShoppingCartItemx.SingleOrDefault(
s => s.productx.Id == productz.Id && s.CartId == ShoppingCartId);
if (shoppingCartItemz == null)
shoppingCartItemz = new ShoppingCartItem
CartId = ShoppingCartId,
productx = productz,
Amount = 1
public int RemoveFromCart(Product productz)
var shoppingCartItemz = _appDbContext.ShoppingCartItemx.SingleOrDefault(
s => s.productx.Id == productz.Id && s.CartId == ShoppingCartId);
var localAmount = 0;
if (shoppingCartItemz != null)
if (shoppingCartItemz.Amount > 1)
localAmount = shoppingCartItemz.Amount;
return localAmount;
ShoppingCartItem and ShoppingCart are not registered as services but you added them to your constructor. ASP.NET will now try to resolve those parameters from the dependency injection container, which obviously fails.
These parameters do not belong in the constructor. You can remove them and query the desired ShoppingCartItem and/or ShoppinCart entities from the AppDbContext.

Wiring up validation in MediatR and ASP.NET Core using autofac

I've just started to use MediatR in an asp.net core project and am struggling to wire up validation ...
Here's my controller:
public class PersonController : Controller
IMediator mediator;
public PersonController(IMediator mediator)
this.mediator = mediator;
public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromBody]CreatePerson model)
var success = await mediator.Send(model);
if (success)
return Ok();
return BadRequest();
... and the CreatePerson command, validation (via FluentValidation) and request handler:
public class CreatePerson : IRequest<bool>
public string Title { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public class CreatePersonValidator : AbstractValidator<CreatePerson>
public CreatePersonValidator()
RuleFor(m => m.FirstName).NotEmpty().Length(1, 50);
RuleFor(m => m.Surname).NotEmpty().Length(3, 50);
public class CreatePersonHandler : IRequestHandler<CreatePerson, bool>
public CreatePersonHandler()
public bool Handle(CreatePerson message)
// do some stuff
return true;
I have this generic validation handler:
public class ValidatorHandler<TRequest, TResponse> : IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> where TRequest : IRequest<TResponse>
private readonly IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> inner;
private readonly IValidator<TRequest>[] validators;
public ValidatorHandler(IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> inner, IValidator<TRequest>[] validators)
this.inner = inner;
this.validators = validators;
public TResponse Handle(TRequest message)
var context = new ValidationContext(message);
var failures = validators
.Select(v => v.Validate(context))
.SelectMany(result => result.Errors)
.Where(f => f != null)
if (failures.Any())
throw new ValidationException(failures);
return inner.Handle(message);
... but I'm struggling to wire the validation up correctly in Startup.ConfigureServices using autofac:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<SingleInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => c.Resolve(t);
builder.Register<MultiInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => (IEnumerable<object>)c.Resolve(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(t));
builder.RegisterGenericDecorator(typeof(ValidatorHandler<,>), typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), "Validator").InstancePerLifetimeScope();
var container = builder.Build();
return container.Resolve<IServiceProvider>();
When I run the app and POST /api/person
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Paul",
"surname": ""
I get a 200.
CreatePersonHandler.Handle() was called but CreatePersonValidator() is never called.
Am i missing something in Startup.ConfigureServices()?
I suggest that you read the official documentation on how to wire up decorators in Autofac.
Decorators use named services to resolve the decorated services.
For example, in your piece of code:
you're instructing Autofac to use ValidationHandler<,> as a decorator to IRequestHandler<,> services that have been registered with the Validator name, which is probably not what you want.
Here's how you could get it working:
// Register the request handlers as named services
// Register the decorators on top of your request handlers
fromKey: "BaseImplementation").InstancePerLifetimeScope();
I find specifying the name of the fromKey parameter helps in understanding how decorators work with Autofac.