Haproxy + TCP + SSL Passthrough + send-proxy - ssh

I am using the following Haproxy configuration to pass SSH connections to the backend servers.
log local0
maxconn 2048
log global
timeout connect 500000ms
timeout client 86400s
timeout server 86400s
listen stats
bind :1936
mode http
stats enable
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats uri /
frontend front-ssh-servers
mode tcp
option tcplog
bind *:22
default_backend back-ssh-servers
timeout client 8h
backend back-ssh-servers
mode tcp
balance leastconn
stick-table type ip size 1m expire 8h
stick on src
server server1 X.X.X.X:22 check send-proxy
server server2 X.X.X.X:22 check send-proxy
server server3 X.X.X.X:22 backup send-proxy
The idea of adding send-proxy was to capture the actual client IP in the backend SSH servers. However, with send-proxy or send-proxy-v2, the connections are not reaching the destination backend SSH servers. Without the send-proxy option, the connections are reaching the backend SSH servers.
The Haproxy version is 1.8. Haproxy logs show the below.
2023-02-09T10:27:59-08:00 haproxy[3190902]: X.X.X.X:36730 [09/Feb/2023:10:27:59.175] front-ssh-servers back-ssh-servers/X.X.X.X 1/0/8 21 SD 2/1/0/0/0 0/0
The termination code is "SD". I read that proxy protocol also needs to be enabled at the backend hosts. Appreciate any help on how to achieve this for SSH connections. My backend hosts are running OpenSSH_7.4p1.


HAProxy: forward client ip (ssl traffic) to the backend

If I send SSL traffic to the backend server, I can see the client/source IP in the application logs.
Problem: If I place haproxy before the backend server, I get haproxy IP as the source IP. SSL termination happens at the backend server.
maxconn 64000
option http-server-close
option httplog
option forwardfor
option contstats
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 30000ms
timeout server 30000ms
timeout tunnel 3600000ms
timeout http-keep-alive 1000ms
timeout http-request 30000ms
timeout queue 30000ms
errorfile 504 /var/504.http
frontend tcp-frontend-mqtt-tls
mode tcp
bind :8883 accept-proxy
log global
log-format %ci\ %fi:%fp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tw/%Tc/%Tt\ %B\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq
tcp-request connection reject if { src -f /var/ip_blist.lst }
default_backend tcp-backend-mqtt-tls
backend tcp-backend-mqtt-tls
mode tcp
log global
balance leastconn
source usesrc clientip
server mqtt-node-0 hostname:61008 resolvers my-dns check inter 1000
I've tried adding send-proxyv-v2 and send-proxy
server mqtt-node-0 hostname:61008 resolvers my-dns check inter 1000 send-proxy-v2
server mqtt-node-0 hostname:61008 resolvers my-dns check inter 1000 send-proxy
but that doesn't help as the SSL termination happens on the backend. am I missing something?
send-proxy is a good way to do it but your backend server/application needs to be able to parse the PROXY protocol to receive the IP information.

HAProxy Multiple port mapping - forwarding request to same port as incoming request on same backend servers

I am fairly new to haproxy setup. I was able to successfully setup to route frontend requests to specific port on backend. But now I have got a request to route requests to same server but different ports. The backend port to where the request needs to be routed is same as the incoming port. I tried below config among many options but nothing seems to work
log local2
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
maxconn 4000
user haproxy
group haproxy
mode http
log global
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 1m
timeout server 1m
frontend haproxynode_https
mode tcp
option tcplog
timeout client 1h
default_backend backendnodes_https
backend backendnodes_https
mode tcp
timeout server 1h
option tcplog
option tcp-check
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 10s downinter 5s rise 2 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 250 maxqueue 256 weight 100
server master XX.XXX.XX.XX weight 1 port 80 maxconn 512 check
server master-1 XX.XXX.XX.XXX weight 1 port 80 maxconn 512 check
server master-2 XX.XXX.XX.XX weight 1 port 80 maxconn 512 check
Any pointers is highly appreciated
run first
haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -c
Is all ok with the conf file ?
add at the end :
listen stats
bind :20000
mode http
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats hide-version
stats refresh 60
stats realm Haproxy-Statistics
stats auth admin:password
stats admin if TRUE
Check the stats page : connect with a browser to
send more info please

curl: (7) Failed connect to; (vm on google clould) Connection refused

new to linux world.
I have setup two apache webserver , one haproxy and one testpc.
I am able to curl web server with index.html contents on port 80.
but when i try to curl haproxy on any port or port 80 i am getting curl:
(7) Failed connect to; Connection refused
firewall is turned off on all the servers, restarted the haproxy.
haproxy config file :
mode http
log global
option httplog
option dontlognull
option http-server-close
option forwardfor except
option redispatch
retries 3
timeout http-request 10s
timeout queue 1m
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 1m
timeout server 1m
timeout http-keep-alive 10s
timeout check 100s
maxconn 3000
frontend myserver
bind *:80
default_backend mybackendserver
balance roundrobin
mode http
server webserver check
server webserver1 check
when I try to curl them in my test machine i am getting curl:
(7) Failed connect to; Connection refused is the ip of my haproxy server.
If I recall correctly, you should enable the port :80 or whatever you use, directly from the Google Cloud dashboard.
Check this out.

HAProxy health check in tcp mode on https 404 status code

I have two servers each running one Wildfly application server with one service available via https. The service is taking care of the https encryption. In front of the two servers I have an HAProxy as a load balancer in tcp mode to pass the ssl traffic through to the two services.
The HAProxy health check only checks if the server is online, not the service. If the service is not running Wildfly returns:
<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>404 - Not Found</body></html>
which HAProxy interprets as healthy.
HAProxy config:
maxconn 2000
log global
mode http
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 10000
timeout server 10000
listen backend
bind *:8443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option httpclose
server backend1 wildfly:8443 check
server backend2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443 check
How can I make HAProxy understand that 404 - Not Found is not healthy.
Two lines did the trick:
option httpchk /server
httpchk tells HAProxy to send an http request and check the response status
/server specifies the URI / Subdomain of my service
server backend1 wildfly:8443 check check-ssl verify none
check-ssl tells HAProxy to check via https instead of http
verify none tells HAProxy to trust the ssl certificate of the service (alternativly you can specify a .pem file)
Full HAProxy config:
maxconn 2000
log global
mode http
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 10000
timeout server 10000
listen backend
bind *:8443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option httpchk /server
server backend1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443 check check-ssl verify none
server backend2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443 check check-ssl verify none

Cannot bind socket [] for HAproxy

I have made the following ha-proxy configuration and have recieved the following error while HAProxy restart:
HAproxy Config
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
log global
mode tcp
option tcplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
timeout client 3h
timeout server 3h
timeout connect 5000
frontend fe_websockets
bind ssl crt /home/test/Documents/test3.pem
mode tcp
log global
option tcplog
timeout client 3600s
backlog 4096
maxconn 50000
default_backend be_nywebsockets
backend be_nywebsockets
mode tcp
option log-health-checks
option redispatch
option tcplog
balance roundrobin
server web1 localhost:8443 check
# server web2 localhost:8081 check
timeout connect 1s
timeout queue 5s
timeout server 3600s
Why does HAProxy doesnt allow to bind 443 to some server port?
I have followed the configuration specified in the following link:
[ALERT] 101/231920 (8356) : Starting frontend fe_websockets: cannot bind socket []
Most likely, port 443 is already in use by another process. Check using netstat if you have existing processes in the haproxy box already bound to it.