I am interpreting my code as a practice, but I don't know why the number 3 comes out from the result - numpy

I am currently trying to roll a dice randomly and set up the case as below for the random_walk.
When a number of dice is less than or equal to 2, then you may go one step lesser than the number.
When a number of dice is less than or equal to 5, then you may go one step further than the number.
Else, then you may go 6 steps + alpha(roll a dice once again and add up the value to 6)
When I run the code, the result shows like this:
[0, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, ....]
but I still do not understand why 3 comes out from the result.
For instance, if I roll the dice and get the number 2, then it should be 1 for my available steps. If I roll the dice and get the number 3, then it should be 4 for my available steps.
I don't see any room for 3 here, can you tell me where it came from?
Here is my code:
random_walk = [0]
for x in range(100) :
step = random_walk[-1]
dice = np.random.randint(1,7)
if dice <= 2:
# Replace below: use max to make sure step can't go below 0
step = max(0, step - 1)
elif dice <= 5:
step = step + 1
step = step + np.random.randint(1,7)

Your current logic is to add/minus 1 from your previous step, hence getting 3 when your previous step is 2. Seems like it should be
random_walk = [0]
for x in range(100) :
step = random_walk[-1]
dice = np.random.randint(1,7)
if dice <= 2:
# Replace below: use max to make sure step can't go below 0
step = max(0, dice - 1)
elif dice <= 5:
step = dice + 1
step = 6 + np.random.randint(1,7)
By the way your question is not related to pandas or dataframe so you should remove these tags.


Choosing Centroid for K-means with multi dimensional data

Cluster 1:
Data 0 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Data 1 [4, 32, 21, 3, 2]
Data 2 [2, 82, 51, 2, 1]
#end of cluster
These are some made up values (dimension = 5) representing the members of a cluster for k-means
To calculate a centroid, I understand that the avg is taken. However, I am not clear if we take the average of the sum of all these features or by column.
An example of what I mean:
Average of everything
sum = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 32 + 21.... + 1 / (total length)
centroid = [sum ,sum, sum, sum, sum]
Average of features
sum1 = avg of first col = (1 + 4 + 2) / 3
sum2 = avg of 2nd col = (2 + 32 + 82) / 3
centroid = [sum1 , sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5]
From what I have been told the first seems like the correct way. However, the second makes more sense to me. Can anyone explain which is correct and why?
Its Average of features. The centroid will be
centroid^T = ( (1 + 4 + 2) / 3 , (2 + 32 + 82) / 3, .... , (5 + 2 + 1) / 3)
= ( 7/3, ..., 8/3)
This makes sense because you want a vector that is supposed to work as a representative for every datapoint in the cluster. Therefore, for every component of the centroid we generate the average of all the points, which will be used as the sample in R^5 space representative of the cluster.

Running time of nested while loops

Function f(n)
s = 0
i = 1
while i < 7n^1/2 do
j = i
while j > 5 do
s = s + i -j
j = j -2
i = 5i
return s
end f
I am trying to solve the running time for big theta with the code above. I have been looking all over the place for something to help me with an example, but everything is for loops or only one while loop. How would you go about this problem with nested while loops?
Let's break this down into two key points:
i starts from 1, and is self-multiplied by 5, until it is greater than or equal to 7 sqrt(n). This is an exponential increase with logarithmic number of steps. Thus we can change the code to the following equivalent:
m = floor(log(5, 7n^(1/2)))
k = 0
while k < m do
j = 5^k
// ... inner loop ...
For each iteration of the outer loop, j starts from i, and decreases in steps of 2, until it is less than or equal to 5. Note that in the first execution of the outer loop i = 1, and in the second i = 5, so the inner loop is not executed until the third iteration. The loop limit means that the final value of j is 7 if k is odd, and 6 if even (you can check this with pen and paper).
Combining the above steps, we arrive at:
First loop will do 7 * sqrt(n) iterations. Exponent 1/2 is the same as sqrt() of a number.
Second loop will run m - 2 times since first two values of i are 1 and 5 respectively, not passing the comparison.
i is getting an increment of 5i.
Take an example where n = 16:
i = 1, n = 16;
while( i < 7 * 4; i *= 5 )
//Do something
First value of i = 1. It runs 1 time. Inside loop will run 0 times.
Second value of i = 5. It runs 2 times. Inside loop will run 0 times.
Third value of i = 25. It runs 3 times. Inside loop will run 10 times.
Fourth value of i = 125. It stops.
Outer iterations are n iterations while inner iterations are m iterations, which gives O( 7sqrt(n) * (m - 2) )
IMO, is complex.

Octave: summing indexed elements

The easiest way to describe this is via example:
data = [1, 5, 3, 6, 10];
indices = [1, 2, 2, 2, 4];
result = zeroes(1, 5);
I want result(1) to be the sum of all the elements in data whose index is 1, result(2) to be the sum of all the elements in data whose index is 2, etc.
This works but is really slow when applied (changing 5 to 65535) to 64K element vectors:
result = result + arrayfun(#(x) sum(data(index==x)), 1:5);
I think it's creating 64K vectors with 64K elements that's taking up the time. Is there a faster way to do this? Or do I need to figure out a completely different approach?
for i = [1:5]
idx = indices(i);
result(idx) = result(idx) + data(i);
But that's a very non-octave-y way to do it.
Seeing how MATLAB is very similar to Octave, I will provide an answer that was tested on MATLAB R2016b. Looking at the documentation of Octave 4.2.1 the syntax should be the same.
All you need to do is this:
result = accumarray(indices(:), data(:), [5 1]).'
Which gives:
result =
1 14 0 10 0
Reshaping to a column vector (arrayName(:) ) is necessary because of the expected inputs to accumarray. Specifying the size as [5 1] and then transposing the result was done to avoid some MATLAB error.
accumarray is also described in depth in the MATLAB documentation

Incorrect result of sum int-casted BitVec using Z3, Z3py

I am using the following python code to find two binary numbers that:
sum to a certain number
their highest bits cast to integers must sum up to 2
The second constraint is more important to me; and in my case, it will scale: let's say it might become that highest bits of [N] number must sum up to [M].
I am not sure why z3 does not give the correct result. Any hints? Thanks a lot.
def BV2Int(var):
return ArithRef(Z3_mk_bv2int(ctx.ref(), var.as_ast(), 0), var.ctx)
def main():
s = Solver()
s.set(':models', True)
s.set(':auto-cfgig', False)
x = BitVec('x',4)
y = BitVec('y',4)
s = Solver()
s.add(x+y == 16, Extract(3,3,x) + Extract(3,3,y) == 2)
print s.model()
# result: [y = 0, x = 0], fail both constraint
s = Solver()
s.add(x+y == 16, BV2Int(Extract(3,3,x)) + BV2Int(Extract(3,3,y)) == 2)
print s.model()
# result: [y = 15, x = 1], fail the second constraint
Update: Thanks the answer from Christoph. Here is a quick fix:
Extract(3,3,x) -> ZeroExt(SZ, Extract(3,3,x)) where SZ is the bit width of RHS minus 1.
(Aside: auto-cfgig should be auto-config.)
Note that bv2int and int2bv are essentially treated as uninterpreted, so if this part is crucial to your problem, then don't use them (see documentation and previous questions).
The problem with this example are the widths of the bit-vectors. Both x and y are 4-bit variables, and the numeral 16 as a 4-bit vector is 0 (modulo 2^4), so, indeed x + y is equal to 16 when x=0 and y=0.
Further, the Extract(...) terms extract 1-bit vectors, which means that the sum Ex.. + Ex.. is again a 1-bit value and the numeral 2 as a 1-bit vector is 0 (modulo 2^1), i.e., it is indeed the case that Ex... + Ex... = 2.

Luhn Algorithm not working

I've encountered a problem with a program I'm writing for school. I need to verify credit card numbers using the Luhn Algorithm, however I'm having some difficulty in getting the logic of the algorithm to work correctly. I believe I know where the problem is, but I'm unable to fix it.
I believe the problem is here:
For i = 0 To cardInput.Text.Length - 2 Step -2
Dim x = (i * 2)
If x > 9 Then
x = x - 9
End If
oddTotal += x
'Sum of undoubled digits
For i = 0 To cardLength - 1 Step -2
evenTotal += i
total = oddTotal + evenTotal
checkSum = total
infoOutput.Items.Add("CheckDigit: " & checkDigit)
infoOutput.Items.Add("CheckSum :" & checkSum)
'Verify that the card is valid by the Mod 10 (Lund algoritm)
If checkSum = checkDigit Or checkSum = 0 Then
valid = True
valid = False
End If
If it's needed, the rest of my project can be seen here
My code doesn't seem to start at the last digit and take every other digit back to the beginning to be doubled. Is the Step -2 operator incorrect here? What am I doing wrong?
There are several problems here. Particularly:
If you want a loop to count backwards, you have to start at the higher index and end at the lower one. So:
For i = cardInput.Text.Length - 2 To 0 Step -2
Then, instead of using i directly, you should use the i-ith digit:
Dim x = Val(cardInput.Text(i))
The same applies to your sum of evens.
If you want to check if the last digit is zero, use the Mod operator:
valid = (checkSum Mod 10 = 0)