Add data automatically to a table B when you add data to table A - keystonejs

Can I update a table in Keystone when I add data to another table?
For example: I have a table named Property where I add details of the property. As soon as I enter the data into this Property table, another table, named NewTable, should automatically get populated with the contents.
Is there a way to achieve this?

There are two ways I can see to approach this:
The afterOperation hook, which lets you configure an async function that runs after the main operation has finished
A database trigger that runs on UPDATE and INSERT
afterOperation Hook
See the docs here. There's also a hooks guide with some context on how the hooks system works.
In your case, you'll be adding a function to your Property list config.
The operation argument will tell you what type of operation just occurred ('create', 'update', or 'delete') which may be handy if you also want to reflect changes to Property items or clean up records in NewTable when a Property item is deleted.
Depending on the type of operation, the data you're interested in will be available in either the originalItem, item or resolvedData arguments:
For create operations, resolvedData will contain the values supplied but you'll probably want to reference item, it'll also contain generated and defaulted values that were applied, such as the new item's id. In this case originalItem will be null.
For update operations, resolvedData will be just the data that changed, which should have everything you need to keep the copy in sync. If you want a move compete picture originalItem and item will be the entire item before and after the update is applied.
For delete operations originalItem will be the last version of the item before it was removed from the DB. resolvedData and item will both be null.
The context argument is a reference to the Keystone context object which includes all the APIs you'll need to write to your NewTable list. You probably want the Query API, eg. context.query.NewTable.createOne(), context.query.NewTable.updateOne(), etc.
The benefits to using a Keystone hook are:
The logic is handled within the Keystone app code which may make it easier to maintain if your devs are mostly focused on JavaScript and TypeScript (and maybe not so comfortable with database functionality).
It's database-independent. That is, the code will be the same regardless of which database platform your project uses.
Database Triggers
Alternatively, I'm pretty sure it's possible to solve this problem at the database level using UPDATE and INSERT triggers.
This solution is, in a sense, "outside" of Keystone and is database specific. The exact syntax you'll need depends on the DB platform (and version) your project is built on:
You'll need to manually add a migration that creates the relevant database structure and add it to your Keystone migrations dir. Once created, Prisma (the DB tooling Keystone uses internally) will ignore the trigger when it's performing its schema comparisons, allowing you to continue using the automatic migrations functionality.
Note that, due to how Prisma works, the table with the copy of the data (NewTable in your example) will need to either be:
Defined as another Keystone list so Prisma can create and maintain the table, or..
Manually created in different database schema, so Prisma ignores it. (I believe this isn't possible on SQLite as it lacks the concepts of multiple schemas within a single DB)
If you try to manually create and manage a table within the default database schema, Prisma will get confused (producing a Drift detected: Your database schema is not in sync with your migration history error) and prompt you to reset your DB.


Effectively make database records read-only

How can I make sure that specific data in the database isn't altered anymore.
We are working with TSQL. Inside the database we store contract revisions. These have a status: draft / active. When the status has become active, the revision may never be altered anymore. A revision can have 8 active modules (each with its own table), each with their own settings and sub-tables. This creates a whole tree of tables with records that may never change anymore when the contract revision has been set to active.
Ideally I would simply mark those records as read-only. But such thing does not exists as of today. The next thing that comes to mind are triggers. Thus I have to add those triggers to a lot of tables, all which are related to the contract revision.
Now maybe there are other approaches, like a database only for archiving on which the user only has insert rights. Thus when a contract revision has become active, it is moved from one DB to the archive DB (insert is allowed). And can never be altered anymore (DENY UPDATE|DELETE).
But maybe there are other more ingenious options I haven't thought of, and you did. Maybe including the CLR or what not.
So how can I make a tree-structure of records inside our TSQL database effectively readonly that is the most maintenance free, easy to understand, quickly to setup, and can be applied in a most generic way?
What ever you do (triggers, granted rights...) might be overcome by a user with higher rights, this you know for sure...
Is this just to archive this data?
One idea coming into my mind was to create a nested XML with all data within on big structure and put this somewhere into a side table. Create a INSTEAD OF UPDATE,DELETE TRIGGER where you just do nothing. Let these tables be 1:1-related.
You can still work with this data, but not quite as fast as being read from physical tables.
If you want, you even might convert the XML to a string and calculate some Hash-Code, which you store in a different place to check for manipulations.
The whole process might be done in one single Stored Procedure call.

Breeze and Point In Time Entities

We are creating a system that allows users to create and modify bills for their clients. The modifications need to be maintained as part of the bill for auditing purposes. It is to some extent a point in time architecture but we aren't tracking by time just by revision. This is a ASP.NET MVC 5, WebAPI2, EntityFramework 6, SQL Server app using Breeze on the client and the server.
I'm trying to figure how to get back the Breeze and our data model to work correctly. When we modify an entity we essentially keep the old row, make a copy of it with the modifications and update some entity state fields w/ date/time/revision number and so on. We can always get the most recent version of the entity based off of an entity ID and an EditState field where "1" is the most current.
I made a small sample app to work on getting Breeze working as part of the solution and to enable some nice SPA architecture and inline editing on the client and it all works... except that since our entity framework code automatically creates a new entity that contains the modifications, the SaveChanges response contains the original entity but not the new "updated" entity. Reloading the data on the client works but it would of course be dumb to do that outside of just hacking around for demo purposes.
So I made a new ContextProvider and inherited from EFContextProvider, overrode the AfterSaveEntities method and then things got a bit more complicated. Not all the entities have this "point in time" / revision functionality but most of them do. If they do I can as I said above get the latest version of that entity using its EntityId and EditState but I'm not seeing a straight forward way to get the new entity (pretty new to EF and very new to Breeze) so I'm hoping to find some pointers here.
Would this solution lie in Breeze or our DataContext? I could just do some reflection, get the type, query the updated entity and shove that into the saveMap. It seems like that might break down at some point (not sure how or when but seems sketchy). Is our architecture bad? Should we have gone the route of creating audit/log tables to store the modified values instead of keeping the datamodel somewhat smaller by keeping all of the revisions of the entities in their original tables but with the revision information and making the queries slightly more complicated? Am I just missing something in EF?
... and to head of the obvious response, I know we should have used a document database but that wasn't an option on this project. We are stuck in relational land.
I haven't tried this but another approach would be to simply change the EntityState of the incoming entity in the BeforeSaveEntities method from Modified to Added. You will probably need to also update some version field in this 'new' entity so that it doesn't have a primary key conflict with the original.
But... having built apps like this in the past, I really recommend another approach. Store your 'historical' entities of each type in a separate table. It can be exactly the same shape as the 'current' table. When you save you first copy the 'current' entity into the 'historical' table ( again with some version numbering or date schema for the primary key) and then just update your 'current' entity normally.
This might not give you the answer you expected, but here is an idea:
When saving an object, intercept save on server, you get an instance of object you need to modify, read object from database that has the same ID, put copy of that old object to legacy table in your database and continue with saving into main table. That way only latest revision stays in main table while legacy table would contain all previous versions.
So, all you would need to do is have two tables containing same objects:
public DbSet<MyClass> OriginalMyClasses{get;set;}
public DbSet<MyClass> LegacyMyClasses{get;set;}
override SaveChanges function and intercept when entry E state is Modified, read E type, get the original and legacy tables, read object O from Original with same ID as E, save O to Legacy table, and finally return base.SaveChanges(); (let it save as it is supposed to by default).

Is it possible to set shared variables outside of the plugin pipeline CRM 2011

I want to create a record of an entity, but I need to pass a list of guids to the pre create plugin. I don't want to create fields or related entities to do this. Can I use the Shared Variables to do it?
In other words is it possible to set shared variables before initiating the action that will trigger the plugins that will consume them?
I can be creating this type of records from different points that integrate with crm, silverlight, external pages or even plugins of other entities. My current problem can be solved with a field on the entity, but this way if I had to send parameters to control the execution of the plugin for two or more independent actions I would need one field for each action or instead use only one field using a complex format/parse pattern to parameterize each different action. Using fields to accomplish this feature looks a bit excessive.
If the shared variables could be set before the call of the action that will trigger the plugin that would solve the problem and I wouldn't have to create fields in the crm database, because the data I want to pass to the plugin it will only be needed at that time, like a parameter in a function, no need to persist them in the database.
But if it is not possible I will have to stick with the fields :(
Not if they vary by entity/execution of the plugin.
Set them in the plugin configuration if they don't change but need to be updated
without a recompile.
Apply them as a delimited string in a single field on the entity if they vary per record.
What's the reason for not wanting to use 2?
Nope. The easiest solution that I can think of is to add a BAT (big-ass text) field to the entity and populate it with a comma-delimited list of GUIDs, then access that field in your Create plugin. You could even clear it out if you don't want that extra data in your system.
Edit after your edit:
General comment about your thinking process: you are probably overthinking it. :) Using a single field, you could pass in any kind of "command" using a json or xml formatted string. As I said above, in the pre-create plugin, after you have extracted this "argument" field, you can clear out that field in the Target entity image and that data will never be persisted to the database. Technically it achieves the exact result you want with the only side effect being one extra "argument" field that is always NULL in the database. Don't fight simplicity so hard! :)

sql server global data version

I wonder what is the best way to implement global data version for database. I want for any modification that is done to the database to incerease the version in "global version table" by one. I need this so that when I talk to application users I know what version of data we are talking about.
Should I store this information in table?
Should I use triggers for this?
This version number can be stored in a configuration table or in a dedicated table (with one field).
This parameter should not be automatically updated because you are the owner of the schema and you are responsible for knowing when you need to update it. Basically, you need to update this number every time you deploy a new application package (regardless of the reason for the package: code or database change).
Each and every deployment package should take care of updating the schema version number and the database schema (if necessary)
I tend to have a globals or settings table with various pseudo-static values stored.
- Just one row
- Many fields
This can include version numbers.
In terms of maintaining the version number you refer to, would this change when the data content changes? If so, the a trigger would be useful. If you mean for the version number to relate to table structures, etc, I'd be more inclined to manage this by hand. (Some changes may be irrelevant as far as teh applications are concerned, or there maybe several changes wrapped up into a single version upgrade.)
The best way to implement a "global data version for database" is via your source control system and build process. When all the changes have been submitted and passed testing your build process will increment your versioning number schema.
The version number could be implemented in a stored procedure. The result of the call to the stored proc could be added to a screen in your app so you can avoid users directly accessing a table.
To complete the previous answers, I came across the concept of "Migrations" (from the Ruby on Rails world apparently) today, and there was already a question on SO that covered existing frameworks in .Net.
The concept is still to store DB versioning information as data in a table somewhere, but for that versioning information to be managed automatically by a framework, rather than manually by your custom deployment processes:
previous SO question with overview of options:

Do you put your database static data into source-control ? How?

I'm using SQL-Server 2008 with Visual Studio Database Edition.
With this setup, keeping your schema in sync is very easy. Basically, there's a 'compare schema' tool that allow me to sync the schema of two databases and/or a database schema with a source-controlled creation script folder.
However, the situation is less clear when it comes to data, which can be of three different kind :
static data referenced in the code. typical example : my users can change their setting, and their configuration is stored on the server. However, there's a system-wide default value for each setting that is used in case the user didn't override it. The table containing those default settings grows as more options are added to the program. This means that when a new feature/option is checked in, the system-wide default setting is usually created in the database as well.
static data. eg. a product list populating a dropdown list. The program doesn't rely on the existence of a specific product in the list to work. This can be for example a list of unicode-encoded products that should be deployed in production when the new "unicode version" of the program is deployed.
other data, ie everything else (logs, user accounts, user data, etc.)
It seems obvious to me that my third item shouldn't be source-controlled (of course, it should be backuped on a regular basis)
But regarding the static data, I'm wondering what to do.
Should I append the insert scripts to the creation scripts? or maybe use separate scripts?
How do I (as a developer) warn the people doing the deployment that they should execute an insert statement ?
Should I differentiate my two kind of data? (the first one being usually created by a dev, while the second one is usually created by a non-dev)
How do you manage your DB static data ?
I have explained the technique I used in my blog Version Control and Your Database. I use database metadata (in this case SQL Server extended properties) to store the deployed application version. I only have scripts that upgrade from version to version. At startup the application reads the deployed version from the database metadata (lack of metadata is interpreted as version 0, ie. nothing is yet deployed). For each version there is an application function that upgrades to the next version. Usually this function runs an internal resource T-SQL script that does the upgrade, but it can be something else, like deploying a CLR assembly in the database.
There is no script to deploy the 'current' database schema. New installments iterate trough all intermediate versions, from version 1 to current version.
There are several advantages I enjoy by this technique:
Is easy for me to test a new version. I have a backup of the previous version, I apply the upgrade script, then I can revert to the previous version, change the script, try again, until I'm happy with the result.
My application can be deployed on top of any previous version. Various clients have various deployed version. When they upgrade, my application supports upgrade from any previous version.
There is no difference between a fresh install and an upgrade, it runs the same code, so I have fewer code paths to maintain and test.
There is no difference between DML and DDL changes (your original question). they all treated the same way, as script run to change from one version to next. When I need to make a change like you describe (change a default), I actually increase the schema version even if no other DDL change occurs. So at version 5.1 the default was 'foo', in 5.2 the default is 'bar' and that is the only difference between the two versions, and the 'upgrade' step is simply an UPDATE statement (followed of course by the version metadata change, ie. sp_updateextendedproperty).
All changes are in source control, part of the application sources (T-SQL scripts mostly).
I can easily get to any previous schema version, eg. to repro a customer complaint, simply by running the upgrade sequence and stopping at the version I'm interested in.
This approach saved my skin a number of times and I'm a true believer now. There is only one disadvantage: there is no obvious place to look in source to find 'what is the current form of procedure foo?'. Because the latest version of foo might have been upgraded 2 or 3 versions ago and it wasn't changed since, I need to look at the upgrade script for that version. I usually resort to just looking into the database and see what's in there, rather than searching through the upgrade scripts.
One final note: this is actually not my invention. This is modeled exactly after how SQL Server itself upgrades the database metadata (mssqlsystemresource).
If you are changing the static data (adding a new item to the table that is used to generate a drop-down list) then the insert should be in source control and deployed with the rest of the code. This is especially true if the insert is needed for the rest of the code to work. Otherwise, this step may be forgotten when the code is deployed and not so nice things happen.
If static data comes from another source (such as an import of the current airport codes in the US), then you may simply need to run an already documented import process. The import process itself should be in source control (we do this with all our SSIS packages), but the data need not be.
Here at Red Gate we recently added a feature to SQL Data Compare allowing static data to be stored as DML (one .sql file for each table) alongside the schema DDL that is currently supported by SQL Compare.
To understand how this works, here is a diagram that explains how it works.
The idea is that when you want to push changes to your target server, you do a comparison using the scripts as the source data source, which generates the necessary DML synchronization script to update the target. This means you don't have to assume that the target is being recreated from scratch each time. In time we hope to support static data in our upcoming SQL Source Control tool.
David Atkinson, Product Manager, Red Gate Software
I have come across this when developing CMS systems.
I went with appending the static data (the stuff referenced in the code) to the database creation scripts, then a separate script to add in any 'initialisation data' (like countries, initial product population etc).
For the first two steps, you could consider using an intermediate format (ie XML) for the data, then using a home grown tool, or something like CodeSmith to generate the SQL, and possible source files as well, if (for example) you have lookup tables which relate to enumerations used in the code - this helps enforce consistency.
This has another benefit that if the schema changes, in many cases you don't have to regenerate all your INSERT statements - you just change the tool.
I really like your distinction of the three types of data.
I agree for the third.
In our application, we try to avoid putting in the database the first, because it is duplicated (as it has to be in the code, the database is a duplicate). A secondary benefice is that we need no join or query to get access to that value from the code, so this speed things up.
If there is additional information that we would like to have in the database, for example if it can be changed per customer site, we separate the two. Other tables can still reference that data (either by index ex: 0, 1, 2, 3 or by code ex: EMPTY, SIMPLE, DOUBLE, ALL).
For the second, the scripts should be in source-control. We separate them from the structure (I think they typically are replaced as time goes, while the structures keeps adding deltas).
How do I (as a developer) warn the people doing the deployment that they should execute an insert statement ?
We have a complete procedure for that, and a readme coming with each release, with scripts and so on...
First off, I have never used Visual Studio Database Edition. You are blessed (or cursed) with whatever tools this utility gives you. Hopefully that includes a lot of flexibility.
I don't know that I'd make that big a difference between your type 1 and type 2 static data. Both are sets of data that are defined once and then never updated, barring subsequent releases and updates, right? In which case the main difference is in how or why the data is as it is, and not so much in how it is stored or initialized. (Unless the data is environment-specific, as in "A" for development, "B" for Production. This would be "type 4" data, and I shall cheerfully ignore it in this post, because I've solved it useing SQLCMD variables and they give me a headache.)
First, I would make a script to create all the tables in the database--preferably only one script, otherwise you can have a LOT of scripts lying about (and find-and-replace when renaming columns becomes very awkward). Then, I would make a script to populate the static data in these tables. This script could be appended to the end of the table script, or made it's own script, or even made one script per table, a good idea if you have hundreds or thousands of rows to load. (Some folks make a csv file and then issue a BULK INSERT on it, but I'd avoid that is it just gives you two files and a complex process [configuring drive mappings on deployment] to manage.)
The key thing to remember is that data (as stored in databases) can and will change over time. Rarely (if ever!) will you have the luxury of deleting your Production database and replacing it with a fresh, shiny, new one devoid of all that crufty data from the past umpteen years. Databases are all about changes over time, and that's where scripts come into their own. You start with the scripts to create the database, and then over time you add scripts that modify the database as changes come along -- and this applies to your static data (of any type) as well.
(Ultimately, my methodology is analogous to accounting: you have accounts, and as changes come in you adjust the accounts with journal entries. If you find you made a mistake, you never go back and modify your entries, you just make a subsequent entries to reverse and fix them. It's only an analogy, but the logic is sound.)
The solution I use is to have create and change scripts in source control, coupled with version information stored in the database.
Then, I have an install wizard that can detect whether it needs to create or update the db - the update process is managed by picking appropriate scripts based on the stored version information in the database.
See this thread's answer. Static data from your first two points should be in source control, IMHO.
Edit: *new
all-in-one or a separate script? it does not really matter as long as you (dev team) agree with your deployment team. I prefer to separate files, but I still can always create all-in-one.sql from those in the proper order [Logins, Roles, Users; Tables; Views; Stored Procedures; UDFs; Static Data; (Audit Tables, Audit Triggers)]
how do you make sure they execute it: well, make it another step in your application/database deployment documentation. If you roll out application which really needs specific (new) static data in the database, then you might want to perform a DB version check in your application. and you update the DB_VERSION to your new release number as part of that script. Then your application on a start-up should check it and report an error if the new DB version is required.
dev and non-dev static data: I have never seen this case actually. More often there is real static data, which you might call "dev", which is major configuration, ISO static data etc. The other type is default lookup data, which is there for users to start with, but they might add more. The mechanism to INSERT these data might be different, because you need to ensure you do not destoy (power-)user-created data.