How to preview vuelidate errors in console.log? - vue.js

I want to look at the list of errors in the vuelidate to check for what reason my data is not saved, because if I remove the validation function, everything is saved, the problem is that when I print the vuelidate error to the console, it displays undefined.
My function:
localStorage.setItem('questionnaire', JSON.stringify(value))


Property 'complete' does not exist on type 'EventTarget'

In Ionic Vue, I am trying to use ion-refresher. According to the documentation, I should end with '' but this gives me the following error: Property 'complete' does not exist on type 'EventTarget'.
What should I do, that is what the official documentation tells me. Thank you.
The complete() method is a method specific to the ion-refresher component in Ionic, so it will not be available on the EventTarget interface. To fix the error, you should make sure you are referencing the ion-refresher element correctly within your Vue component's template.
In your template, ensure you are using the correct event binding for the ionRefresh event, it should be like this:
<ion-refresher slot="fixed" #ionRefresh="onRefresh($event)">
And in your script you should be able to do this:
methods: {
onRefresh(event) {
// perform your refresh logic here;
} is the actual ion-refresher element in the DOM, and the complete() method is a method on that element that tells the ion-refresher to stop displaying the refreshing spinner.
Make sure that you have imported the ion-refresher component in your Vue file and also in your main.ts file for your Ionic Vue app.

VueJS method does not execute after I reload page, it executes after I save VS Code change [HELP?]

After I reload the page I can't get console.log inside of the method, which means it is not getting executed, but after I make change in VSC and save it, the method executes.
I would like to add note that I have show/hide modal for the form where I try to pre-fill the values, does that makes problem? I tried removing the toggle and the result was the same.
Pls see screenshots
Some code below:
created() {
this.pushButtonIds(); <---- I Try to execute this method on created but it gets executed after VS code change
pushButtonIds() {
for (const buttonId in this.filteredButtonList) {
buttonId: this.filteredButtonList[buttonId].buttonListId,
quidoId: null,
input: null,
console.log("Hello from component after saving change in VSC");
I tried to add the method to execute on beforeCreated but no success.
Just from the name, without knowing exactly, where filteredButtonList comes from, it looks to me that you call this function too early. Accessing DOM elements should take place when everything is actually in the DOM. Try moving the call into beforeMount() or even mounted().

Vue & Vuex splice -- cannot read property of null. Without splice content renders fine

When using Vuex and computed property it returns this error.
Im out of ideas as I tried for several hours to fix it.
it seems the data is not available when it tries rendering the template. The strange thing is, when I don't use splice the error doesn't show up.
Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null"
v-for="expert in experts"
<div class="experts__img">
computed: {
experts () {
return this.$store.getters.experts.slice(0,3);
If I alternatively use the splice in the frontend section I get the same error
v-for="expert in experts.splice(0,3)"
The error message indicates that in this code:
computed: {
experts () {
return this.$store.getters.experts.slice(0,3);
The experts Vuex getter is null. You need to ensure that the getter returns a non-null value at the time when the component is being rendered. Perhaps you didn't initialize some data properly initially? Alternatively you can write defensive code which handles the case when experts is null so you don't trigger the error.
You didn't provide your code for the experts Vuex getter, so I can't give you any further help.
Ok, so figured that I had experts: null in my state, but when I change it to experts:[] the error disappears but then still the content doesn't render at all now.
why doesn't the content show up once loaded? I thought computed with async would render once loaded!??!

Vuejs not working with dynamic array, works perfectly with static array

When I have
data: {
pictures: [
it renders perfectly, but when I fetch the data and get it like this in the console and perfect data in the vue dev tools
__ob__: Observer]
it populates the dom but not rendered.
what am I missing??
If I face that situation then I check if I have created that property as reactive.
Means I have added v-model on it or not.
Other way is to add it in watch propery as shown below
//just write name of the data propery and make it function
//that's it
Now it will listen for the changes.
If you still somehow cannot fix that problem then other solution it to use custom events or a function
You will call function or trigger an event whenever you change your pictures array.
Then in function or event you can update your pictures array

Aurelia: Programmatically changing reference value doesn't change model

We have a situation where we utilize a component in multiple web pages (a note editor). This note editor takes a value from an input element on the page and places that value into a component where the user can modify it. The user types in the note editor and clicks Submit. The note editor component then passes the new value back to the input on the original page.
We are using the "ref" to pass the value back and forth. Everything works fine except that the model doesn't update when we set the value of the ref from the note editor component. We find we need to type once in order for it update the model. Here is a simple Gist to illustrate our example:
This is just a simple example of programmatically setting the ref's value.
Note how "The value of my input is" stays as "Hello" but the input field changes to "Value Changed!!!!" when you press the button.
A few things to note:
1) We'd like to use Aurelia's "ref" instead of an "id" or "name".
2) We've tried to pass the model instead of the "ref". We can get the value of the model successfully and put it in the note editor, but the model doesn't update when we pass it back.
We have an answer (thanks!). Here is the code we tried to pass the model (so we wouldn't even need to use the ref). This failed for us.
Here is the View of the page.html
<TextArea value.bind="main.vAffectedClients" style="width:94%;" class="editfld" type="text" rows="6"></TextArea>
<input class="butn xxsBtn" type="button" value="..." click.trigger="OpenNoteDivAurelia(main.vAffectedClients)" />
Here is the View-Model of the page.js
import {NoteEditor} from './SmallDivs/note-editor';
#inject(NoteEditor, ...)
export class PageName {
constructor(NoteEditor, ...)
this.note = NoteEditor;
this.note.targetFld = myTargetFld;
this.note.vHidTextArea.value = myTargetFld;;
This part opens our component (note-editor) and successfully places the targetFld value inot our TextArea in the component.
Here is the View-Model when placing the value BACK to page.js/page.html
if (populateFld)
//This is the line that doesn't seem to work
this.targetFld = vHidTextArea.value;
this.isVisible = false;
This last function "CloseNote" is the one that doesn't work. The model (which we believe is pointed at this.targetFld) does not get the value of the textarea. It does not error, it simply does not do anything.
The events that Aurelia attaches to be notified of an input changing don't fire when you programmatically set the value property on an input. It's simple enough to fire one of these events yourself, though.
export class App {
mymodel = {"test":"Hello"};
myinput.value = "Value Changed!!!!";
myinput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
You actually don't need to pass the ref in to the function, anytime you use the ref attribute, a property is added to your VM w/the name you use in the ref attribute. So the above example could have been accomplished using this.myinput instead of the passed in object, since they're the same.
Here's a working example:
I'd be interested to look at your code where you're having issues passing the model around. I could probably help you figure out what's going wrong so you don't need to use ref to accomplish something like this.