Get 'id' from '$route.params'-URL to call it in useQuery - vue.js

I'm working on a simple blog, I'm using Vue3 and Villus to send GraphQL queries. I build a component that shows all my posts. This works fine, in this component I send the ID in the URL for a single Post. For that, I build a blogpost_gql component. I need the ID for a GraphQL query. The ID is a part of the URL from Vue Router.
The URL looks like this:
The I tried to use: `
This function doesn't work in setup(). The static id in variables works well to query the schema. I figured out that this has something to do with lifecycle hooks. But I don't find a solution.
This is my current code:
import { useQuery } from 'villus';
import ImageText from "#/components/Molecules/ImageText/ImageText";
export default {
name: "BlogEntry_GraphQL",
components: {ImageText},
setup() {
console.log('Hallo setup')
const PostById = `
query PostById ($id: String) {
postById (id: $id){
const { data } = useQuery({
query: PostById,
variables: { id: this.$ },
return { data };
I really hope, that you can help me.
I want to get the id from the URL. After this I want to use this ID to make a query.

In Vue3, the setup lifecycle hook is a bit special: it doesn't have access to this, because the component hasn't been created yet. So this refers to nothing.
To access the current route state, you have to use the exposed vue-router composables, as explained in the documentation: vue-router composition-api:
export default {
setup() {
const route = useRoute()
const blogId =


How to initialize data with computed value inside asyncData?

I am building a web app with nuxt.
here's simplified code:
data() {
return {
item: {name:'', department: '', testField: '',},
async asyncData() {
const result = call some API
const dataToInitialize = {
name: result.username,
department: result.department,
testField: //want to assign computed value
return {item: dataToInitialize}
Inside asyncData, I call API and assign value to dataToInitialize.
dataToInitialize has testField field, and I want to assign some computed value based on username and department.
(for example, 'a' if name starts with 'a' and department is 'management'..etc there's more complicated logic in real scenario)
I have tried to use computed property , but I realized that asyncData cannnot access computed.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Any help would be appreciated!
not sure if it's right way, but I solved the issue by setting 'testfield' inside created.
created() {
this.item.testField = this.someMethod(this.item);
Looking at the Nuxt lifecyle, you can see that asyncData is called before even a Vue instance is mounted on your page.
Meanwhile, fetch() hook is called after. This is non-blocking but more flexible in a lot of ways.
An alternative using fetch() would look like this
export default {
data() {
return {
staticVariable: 'google',
async fetch() {
await this.$axios(this.computedVariable)
computed: {
computedVariable() {
return `www.${this.staticVariable}.com`
Another alternative, would be to use URL query string or params, thanks to Vue-router and use those to build your API call (in an asyncData hook).
Here is an example on how to achieve this:
EDIT after comment question
You can totally use a computed inside of a fetch() hook indeed. Here is an example on how to achieve this
export default {
data() {
return {
test: 'test',
async fetch() {
const response = await fetch(`${this.nice}`)
console.log(await response.json())
computed: {
nice() {
return this.test + 'wow!'
I found that destructuring fetch({}) causes issues with accessing this inside fetch scope ->
async fetch({ store, $anyOtherGlobalVar }){
// destructuring approach changes the scope of the function and `this` does not have access to data, computed and e.t.c
If you want to access this scope for example, avoid destructuring and access everything through this.
async fetch() {

How to dynamically set query parameters with AWS AppSync SDK for React-Native

Background: I'm working on building a mobile app with react-native, and am setting up AWS's AppSync for synchronizing the app with cloud data sources.
The challenge: I have a view which shows all items in a list. The list's ID is passed in as a prop to the component. I need to use that list ID to query for the items of that list. I have the query working fine if I hard-code the list ID, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to dynamically set the list ID for the query when props update.
Here's what I have working (with a hard-coded ID of testList01) in my ListPage component:
const getListItems = id => gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: ${id}) {
export default graphql(getListItems('testList01'), {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
props: props => ({
listItems: ? : [],
I would like to be able to dynamically set which list to look up the items for based on a list ID, which is being passed in from props. Specifically, I'm using react-navigation to enter the ListPage, a view where a user can see the items on a List. So here's the code that gets executed when a user clicks on a list name and gets routed to the ListPage component:
handleListSelection(list: Object) {
const { navigation, userLists } = this.props;
navigation.navigate('ListPage', {
listID: list.record_id,
listName: list.list_name,
From my previous (pre-AppSync/GraphQL) implementation, I know that I can access the list ID in ListPage via this.props.navigation.state.params.listID. I would like to be able to use that in my AppSync query, but because the query is created outside the component, I'm unable to access the props, and so am struggling to get the ID.
Got this working using a package called react-apollo-dynamic-query which I found here. The author of that package also links directly to a simple function for doing what I'm trying to do here.
Essentially it just wraps the regular graphql call in a simple way that exposes the props so they can be passed down to the query.
My code now looks likes this (which I have below my definition of the ListPage component, in the same file):
const getListItems = props => {
const listID = props.navigation.state.params.listID;
return gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: "${listID}") { // Note the variable being wrapped in double quotes
const config = {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
props: props => ({
listItems: ? : [],
const MyApolloComponent = graphqlDynamic(getListItems, config)(ListPage);
export default MyApolloComponent;
It should work like this:
const getListItems = (id) => {
return gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: ${id}) {
Call this getListItems like the below
export default graphql(getListItems(id), { //from where ever you want to send the id
options: {
fetchPolicy: '
I have not tested this code. Please update if this works. Although I am quite sure that it works.

How Can I correctly use dynamic variables in react-apollo graphql query?

I have an apollo-wrapped component that's supposed to provide my component with response data from the github graphql v4 api. I intend to use a string(SEARCH_QUERY) from another part of the app to be used in my gql query but github keeps returning undefined. I am following offical apollo docs
I dont see what I am doing wrong.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Text, FlatList } from 'react-native';
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { SEARCH_QUERY } from './Home' // this is a string like "react"
// The data prop, which is provided by the wrapper below contains,
// a `loading` key while the query is in flight and posts when ready
const ReposList = ({ data: { loading, search }}) => <Text>SearchResults</Text>
// this doesnt work because I cant properly inject 'SEARCH_QUERY' string
const searchRepos = gql`
query searchRepos($type: searchType!, $query: String!) {
search(type: REPOSITORY, query: $query, first: 100) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
owner {
// The `graphql` wrapper executes a GraphQL query and makes the results
// available on the `data` prop of the wrapped component (ReposList here)
export default graphql(searchRepos, {
options: { variables: { query: SEARCH_QUERY }, notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true }
This query without variables works well and returns search results as expected. straight forward, right?
const searchRepos = gql`{
search(type: REPOSITORY, query: "react", first: 100) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
owner {
When this is used github returns undefined.
const searchRepos = gql`
query searchRepos($type: searchType!, $query: String!) {
search(type: REPOSITORY, query: $query, first: 100) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
owner {
Your query is erroring out because you've defined a variable $type -- but you don't actually use it inside your query. You don't have to actually send any variables with your query -- you could define one or more in your query and then never define any inside the graphql HOC. This would be a valid request and it would be up to the server to deal with the undefined variables. However, if you define any variable inside the query itself, it has to be used inside that query, otherwise the query will be rejected.
While in development, you may find it helpful to log data.error to the console to more easily identify issues with your queries. When a query is malformed, the errors thrown by GraphQL are generally pretty descriptive.
Side note: you probably don't want to use a static values for your variables. You can calculate your variables (and any other options) from the props passed down to the component the HOC is wrapping. See this section in the docs.
const options = ({someProp}) => ({
variables: { query: someProp, type: 'REPOSITORY' },
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
export default graphql(searchRepos, {options})(ReposList)

How do I update the Apollo data store/cache from a mutation query, the update option doesn't seem to trigger

I have a higher order component in my react native application that retrieves a Profile. When I call an "add follower" mutation, I want it to update the Profile to reflect the new follower in it's followers collection. How do I trigger the update to the store manually. I could refetch the entire profile object but would prefer to just do the insertion client-side without a network refetch. Currently, when I trigger the mutation, the Profile doesn't reflect the change in the screen.
It looks like I should be using the update option but it doesn't seem to work for me with my named mutations.
const getUserQuery = gql`
query getUserQuery($userId:ID!) {
User(id:$userId) {
followers {
const followUserMutation = gql`
mutation followUser($followingUserId: ID!, $followersUserId: ID!) {
addToUserFollowing(followingUserId: $followingUserId, followersUserId: $followersUserId) {
followersUser {
#graphql(followUserMutation, { name: 'follow' })
#graphql(unfollowUserMutation, { name: 'unfollow' })
export default class MyProfileScreen extends Component Profile
update: (store, { data: { followersUser } }) => {
//this update never seems to get called
console.log('this never triggers here');
const newData = store.readQuery({ getUserQuery });
store.writeQuery({ getUserQuery, newData });
EDIT: Just realised that you need to add the update to the graphql definition of the mutation.
EDIT 2: #MonkeyBonkey found out that you have to add the variables in the read query function
#graphql(followUserMutation, {
name: 'follow',
options: {
update: (store, { data: { followersUser } }) => {
console.log('this never triggers here');
const newData = store.readQuery({query:getUserQuery, variables});
store.writeQuery({ getUserQuery, newData });
#graphql(unfollowUserMutation, {
name: 'unfollow'
export default class MyProfileScreen extends Component Profile
variables: { .... },
I suggest you update the store using the updateQueries functionality link.
See for example this post
You could use compose to add the mutation to the component. Inside the mutation you do not need to call client.mutate. You just call the mutation on the follow user click.
It might also be possible to let apollo handle the update for you. If you change the mutation response a little bit that you add the following users to the followed user and add the dataIdFromObject functionality. link

is it possible to specify which component should be used on router.go() in VueJS

In VueJS im trying to setup a scenario where the component used is determined by the url path without having to statically map it.
router.beforeEach(({ to, next }) => {
.then((response) => {$ = response
// I'd like to specify a path and component on the fly
// instead of having to map it
router.go({path: to.path, component: response.pageComponent})
.catch((err) => {
router.go({name: '404'})
Basically, I'd like to be able to create a route on the fly instead of statically specifying the path and component in the
Hope that make sense. Any help would be appreciated.
I think that what you're trying to archive is programmatically load some component based on the current route.
I'm not sure if this is the recommended solution, but is what comes to my mind.
Create a DynamicLoader component whit a component as template
<component :is="CurrentComponent" />
Create a watch on $route to load new component in each route change
export default {
data() {
return {
CurrentComponent: undefined
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
let componentName = to.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
beforeMount() {
let componentName = this.$route.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
Register just this route on your router
{ path: '/:ComponentName', component: DynamicLoader }
In this example I'm assuming that all my componennt will be in components/ folder, in your example seems like you're calling an external service to get the real component location, that should work as well.
Let me know if this help you
As par the documentation of router.go, you either need path you want to redirect to or name of the route you want to redirect to. You don't the component.
Argument of router.go is either path in the form of:
{ path: '...' }
or name of route:
name: '...',
// params and query are optional
params: { ... },
query: { ... }
so you dont need to return component from your API, you can just return path or name of route, and use it to redirect to relevant page.
You can find more details here to create named routes using vue-router.