Access different panels using loop -

I'm trying to create multiple labels in different panels, but it keeps creating only one panel.
Here is my code
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 7
Dim lbl As New Label() With
.Text = "Suppliant Name:",
.Location = New Point(117, 10 * 1),
.Height = 15,
.Width = 95}
End Sub

Private Sub Add
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 7
End Sub
Private Sub AddlbltoPanel(ByVal req as Panel)
'if it doesnt work with byval then check with byref
Dim lbl As New Label
lbl.Text = "Suppliant Name:"
lbl.Location = New Point(117, 10 * 1)
lbl.Height = 15
lbl.Width = 95
End Sub
I assume req* are your panels,
try above code


Positioning similar type objects on form programmatically in

I have a from which contains some PictureBoxes. They can be from one to many.
I create them at run-time depending on the existence of specific folders.
I create them and place them the one next to each other. This means that with a scrollable form I can view all of them easy.
My question is this: How do I position them in "rows"? For a specific form size, there can be 5 labels next to each other and infinite rows of them
How do I achieve this?
My (working) code:
Public allSeries As IEnumerable(Of String) = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(root)
For i As Integer = 1 To allSeries.Count
Dim pb As New Windows.Forms.PictureBox With {
.Name = "pb" & i.ToString,
.Size = New Drawing.Size(500, 500),
.Location = New Point(5, 5),
.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
.Image = Image.FromFile(allSeries(i - 1).ToString + "\sImage.jpg"),
.Tag = traveldestination, 'Store Directory path
.Cursor = Cursors.Hand}
For i As Integer = 2 To allSeries.Count
With Me
.Controls.Item("pb" + i.ToString).Left = .Controls.Item("pb" + (i - 1).ToString).Left + 520
End With
My (bad) and (not workng) code:
Dim pbsOnForm As Integer = 13 'total PictureBoxes on Form /for this instance
Dim pbsOnRow As Integer = 5 'PictureBoxes that "fit" in a row /for this intance)
For i As Integer = 1 To pbsOnForm
If i <= pbsOnRow Then
Me.Controls.Item("pb" + i.ToString).Top = Me.Controls.Item("pb" + i.ToString).Top
End If
If i > pbsOnRow And i <= 10 Then
Me.Controls.Item("pb" + i.ToString).Top = Me.Controls.Item("pb" + (i - pbsOnRow).ToString).Top
End If
Works, but when the PcrureBoxes will be more than 10, I do not know......
While using the TableLayoutPanel would fulfill most cases for this and is probably the best way to achieve this, here is some code to align the PictureBox's in row / column.
First we want to setup a method to handle the positioning. We need some variables scoped to the Form.
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim xPos As Integer = 5
Dim yPos As Integer = 5
Now we use these variables in a method that sets the location.
Private Sub PositionPictureBox(pb As PictureBox, Optional imgPerRow As Integer = 5)
pb.Location = New Point(xPos, yPos)
counter += 1
If counter = imgPerRow Then
counter = 0
xPos = 5
yPos = pb.Location.Y + pb.Height + 5
xPos = pb.Location.X + pb.Width + 5
End If
End Sub
Finally we call the method when the PictureBox is instantiated.
For i As Integer = 1 To allSeries.Count
Dim pb As New Windows.Forms.PictureBox
With pb
.Name = "pb" & i.ToString()
.Size = New Drawing.Size(50, 50)
.Location = New Point(5, 5)
.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
.Image = Image.FromFile("...")
.Tag = allSeries(i)
.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
End With

How to dynamicallty create multiple controls at runtime

I am trying to add multiple labels to a userform at runtime
It's for the player names of a board game; and until the game starts the number of players are not known. I have managed to figure out for myself how to use the dynamic array function to create the list of players. I used a For.....Next loop to add the player names. I thought I could do that to add the labels to the form, but it only adds one. Depending on where the new control type is declared, it either adds the first player only, or the last player
This code produces one label only within the groupbox, the last player
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Players_Num As Integer = InputBox("Enter the number of players")
Dim Players(Players_Num) As String
Dim newText As New Label
For i = 0 To Players_Num - 1
Players(i) = InputBox("Enter player name")
'This piece of code was jsut for me to test that I was successfully using a For...Loop
'to add the players names, and will be deleted later on
For x = 0 To Players_Num - 1
For z = 0 To Players_Num - 1
newText.Name = "txt" & Players(z)
newText.Text = Players(z)
newText.Size = New Size(170, 20)
newText.Location = New Point(12 + 5, 12 + 5)
End Sub
End Class
This one places only the first player
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Players_Num As Integer = InputBox("Enter the number of players")
Dim Players(Players_Num) As String
For i = 0 To Players_Num - 1
Players(i) = InputBox("Enter player name")
'This piece of code was jsut for me to test that I was successfully using a For...Loop
'to add the players names, and will be deleted later on
For x = 0 To Players_Num - 1
For z = 0 To Players_Num - 1
Dim newText As New Label
newText.Name = "txt" & Players(z)
newText.Text = Players(z)
newText.Size = New Size(170, 20)
newText.Location = New Point(12 + 5, 12 + 5)
End Sub
End Class
I've tried this in vs 2015 and 2019 Community
Where is it going wrong?
From the looks of the code, you are correctly creating the controls but their location is the same for all of them, essentially, they are being place one of top of the other, the first is hidden with the second, which is hidden with the third.
The line
newText.Location = New Point(12 + 5, 12 + 5)
needs to be modified to place the labels at different locations.
Perhaps, something like:
newText.Location = New Point(12 + 5, 12 + (z * 25))
This will vertically align the labels with a gap of 25 between them
You are placing them all in the same location
newText.Location = New Point(12 + 5, 12 + 5)
Use your 'z' index to place them at different locations in order to be able to see them
For me it is easier to contain controls in a TableLayoutPanel then add the TLP to what ever control collection, such as a GroupBox This way you can couple a Label with TextBox, for example. Here's an example how you can create controls from a DataTable. In your case you would only need 1 ColumnStyle for labels, I just thought I would show you a good practice for future shortcuts. (I rarely use the designer to place controls)
'Start test data
Dim DtTable As New DataTable
With DtTable
Dim NewDtRow As DataRow = .NewRow
For i As Integer = 0 To 25
Dim DtCol As New DataColumn With {.ColumnName = "Col" & i, .DataType = GetType(String)}
NewDtRow(DtCol.ColumnName) = "Test" & i
End With
'End test data
Dim TLP1 As New TableLayoutPanel With {.Name = "TlpFields"}
With TLP1
.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset
.AutoScroll = True
.AutoSize = True
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle With {.SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize})
End With
For Each DtCol As DataColumn In DtTable.Columns
With TLP1
.RowCount += 1
.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle With {.SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize})
'create labels
.Controls.Add(New Label With {
.Text = DtCol.ColumnName,
.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right}, 0, .RowCount)
'create textboxs
Dim TxtBox As New TextBox With {
.Name = "TextBox" & DtCol.ColumnName,
.Size = New Size(170, 20),
.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left}
'add binding
TxtBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", DtTable, DtCol.ColumnName)
.Controls.Add(TxtBox, 1, .RowCount)
End With

add multiple dynamic controls to userform and assign different event handlers to them

I am trying to add multiple spin button with each of them linked to different sets of cells that have some values assigned to them. i have tried adding the controls and use a class module to add the event handler procedure to them but to no avail. any help would be appreciated.
Dim spinArray() As New Class1
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
Dim quantspin As MSForms.SpinButton
subassy_break.Height = pnum1 * 70
subassy_break.Width = 500
With Label_Var
.Top = 15
.Left = subassy_break.Width - (Label_Var.Width + 15)
.Caption = msg
.AutoSize = True
.Font.Bold = True
End With
With UserForm
For i = 1 To pnum1
Set quantspin = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.spinbutton.1", "Quantity_Count_" & i)
With quantspin
.Min = 0
.SmallChange = 1
.Max = 1
.Left = 200
.Top = subassy_break.height- pnum1*20
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
also the new class module that i have added is
Public WithEvents spinevents As MSForms.SpinButton
Private Sub spinevents_change()
For i = 1 To pnum1
Cells(userow + i, usecol).Value = spinevents.Value
Next i
End Sub
This should help you figure it out:
Public WithEvents spinevents As MSForms.SpinButton
Public TargetCell As Range '<<the cell to operate on
Private Sub spinevents_change()
TargetCell.Value = spinevents.Value
End Sub
UserForm (simplified to show the relevant parts)
Dim spinners As Collection '<<< holds your clsSpin objects
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long, s As clsSpin, quantspin
Set spinners = New Collection
For i = 1 To 5
Set quantspin = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.spinbutton.1", "Quantity_Count_" & i)
With quantspin
.Min = 0
.SmallChange = 1
.Max = 100
.Left = 20 * i
.Top = 50
End With
'create a new instance of the class, set some properties
' and add it to the collection
Set s = New clsSpin
Set s.spinevents = quantspin
Set s.TargetCell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(i, 1)
spinners.Add s
Next i
End Sub

VBA - Trapping events on dynamically created Textbox

I am writing a VBA application in Excel. I have a Userform that dynamically builds itself based upon the data contained in one of the worksheets.
All of the code that creates the various comboboxes, textboxes and labels is working.
I created a class module to trap OnChange events for the Comboboxes, and again this works as expected.
Now I have a need to trap OnChange events for some of the textboxes, so I created a new class module modelled on that for the comboboxes to trap the events.
Public WithEvents tbx As MSForms.TextBox
Sub SetTextBox(ctl As MSForms.TextBox)
Set tbx = ctl
End Sub
Public Sub tbx_Change()
Dim LblName As String
MsgBox "You clicked on " & tbx.Name, vbOKOnly
End Sub
The message box is just so that I can confirm it works before I go further.
The problem I'm getting is in the UserForm code module:
Dim TBox As TextBox
Dim tbx As c_TextBoxes
Set TBox = lbl
Set tbx = New c_TextBoxes
tbx.SetTextBox lbl
pTextBoxes.Add tbx
This throws up a type mismatch error at Set TBox=lbl. It's the exact same code that works fine for the ComboBox, just with the variables given approriate names. I've stared at this for 2 hours.
Anyone got any ideas? Thanks for any pointers.
Edit - Here's the full userform module that I'm having trouble with:
Private Sub AddLines(FrameName As String, PageName As String)
Dim Counter As Integer, Column As Integer
Dim obj As Object
Dim CBox As ComboBox
Dim cbx As c_ComboBox
Dim TBox As TextBox
Dim tbx As c_TextBoxes
Dim lbl As Control
Set obj = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(PageName).Controls(FrameName)
If pComboBoxes Is Nothing Then Set pComboBoxes = New Collection
If pTextBoxes Is Nothing Then Set pTextBoxes = New Collection
For Counter = LBound(Vehicles) To UBound(Vehicles)
For Column = 1 To 8
Select Case Column
Case 1
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblMachine" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 2
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblFleetNo" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 3
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblRate" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 4
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblUnit" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 5
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "CBDriver" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 6
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblDriverRate" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 7
Set lbltbx = obj.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "TBBookHours" & FrameName & Counter, True)
Case 8
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LblCost" & FrameName & Counter, True)
End Select
With lbl
Select Case Column
Case 1
.Left = 1
.Width = 60
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
.Caption = Vehicles(Counter).VType
Case 2
.Left = 65
.Width = 40
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
.Caption = Vehicles(Counter).VFleetNo
Case 3
.Left = 119
.Width = 50
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
.Caption = Vehicles(Counter).VRate
Case 4
.Left = 163
.Width = 30
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
.Caption = Vehicles(Counter).VUnit
Case 5
.Left = 197
.Width = 130
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
Set CBox = lbl 'WORKS OK
Call CBDriver_Fill(Counter, CBox)
Set cbx = New c_ComboBox
cbx.SetCombobox CBox
pComboBoxes.Add cbx
Case 6
.Left = 331
.Width = 30
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
Case 7
.Left = 365
.Width = 30
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
Set TBox = lbl 'Results in Type Mismatch
Set tbx = New c_TextBoxes
tbx.SetTextBox TBox
pTextBoxes.Add tbx
Case 8
.Left = 400
.Width = 30
.Top = 10 + (Counter) * 20
End Select
End With
obj.ScrollHeight = (Counter * 20) + 20
obj.ScrollBars = 2
End Sub
And here's the c_Combobox class module:
Public WithEvents cbx As MSForms.ComboBox
Sub SetCombobox(ctl As MSForms.ComboBox)
Set cbx = ctl
End Sub
Public Sub cbx_Change()
Dim LblName As String
Dim LblDriverRate As Control
Dim i As Integer
'MsgBox "You clicked on " & cbx.Name, vbOKOnly
LblName = "LblDriverRate" & Right(cbx.Name, Len(cbx.Name) - 8)
'MsgBox "This is " & LblName, vbOKOnly
'Set obj = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(PageName).Controls(FrameName)
Set LblDriverRate = UFBookMachines.Controls(LblName)
For i = LBound(Drivers) To UBound(Drivers)
If Drivers(i).Name = cbx.Value Then LblDriverRate.Caption = Drivers(i).Rate
End Sub
And finally, here's the c_TextBoxes class module:
Public WithEvents tbx As MSForms.TextBox
Sub SetTextBox(ctl As MSForms.TextBox)
Set tbx = ctl
End Sub
Public Sub tbx_Change()
Dim LblName As String
'Does nothing useful yet, message box for testing
MsgBox "You clicked on " & tbx.Name, vbOKOnly
End Sub
After some quick testing, I am able to reproduce your error if I declare TBox as TextBox. I do not get an error if I declare TBox as MSForms.TextBox. I would recommend declaring all your TextBox variables with the MSForms qualifier.
Test code is situated similar to yours. I have a MultiPage with a Frame where I am adding a Control.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls("Frame1")
Dim lbl As Control
Set lbl = obj.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txt", True)
If TypeOf lbl Is TextBox Then
Debug.Print "textbox found1" 'does not execute
End If
If TypeOf lbl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
Debug.Print "textbox found2"
Dim txt1 As MSForms.TextBox
Set txt1 = lbl 'no error
End If
If TypeOf lbl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
Debug.Print "textbox found3"
Dim txt As TextBox
Set txt = lbl 'throws an error
End If
End Sub
I am not sure why the qualifier is needed for TextBox and not ComboBox. As you can see above, a good test for this is the If TypeOf ... Is ... Then to test which objects are which types. I included the first block to show that lbl is not a "bare" TextBox, but, again, I have no idea why that is. Maybe there is another type of TextBox out there that overrides the default declaration?

Drawing an array of PictureBoxes in

I'm trying to draw an array of PictureBoxes, for testing I use the same picture for each picturebox.
But instead of showing the picture, it shows the color blue.
I would show you a picture, but I dont have 10 reputation..
Dim teren(120) As PictureBox
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
teren(i * j) = New PictureBox()
teren(i * j).Size = New Size(61, 61)
teren(i * j).Name = "x" + i.ToString + "y" + j.ToString
teren(i * j).Location = New Point(x_locatie, y_locatie)
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
teren(i * j).ImageLocation = locatie
teren(i * j).Show()
y_locatie += 61
I also tried another method , but same result.
Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender1 As Object, er As PaintEventArgs)
If myImage IsNot Nothing Then
Dim r As New Rectangle(x, y, xlatime, ylungime)
er.Graphics.DrawImage(myImage, r)
End If
End Sub
Sub deseneaza(ByVal poza As String, ByRef x_perm As Integer, ByRef y_perm As Integer, ByRef lungime As Integer, ByRef latime As Integer)
myImage = Image.FromFile(poza)
x = x_perm
y = y_perm
xlatime = latime
ylungime = lungime
End Sub
'this part of code is in body of another function
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
deseneaza(locatie, x_locatie, y_locatie, 61, 61)
y_locatie += 61
I saw in other threads that their problem solution was something like that Dim teren() As PictureBox {teren1, teren2 , ... , teren n} But the problem in my case is that I need 120 PictureBoxes, and I think that it must be a way to do this without writing 120 pictureboxes.
Please try will generate 16 picture box, size 20x20, in a row. I put it under "FormLoading" event.
Dim Shapes(16) As PictureBox
For i = 1 To 16
Shapes(i) = New PictureBox
With Shapes(i)
.BackColor = SystemColors.Control 'Color.Green
.BackgroundImage = New Bitmap(My.Resources.led_blk)
.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom
.Size = New Size(20, 20)
.Visible = True
.Location = New Point( 23 * i, 50)
End With
I think GDI+ will be the way to go. I think you need a custom class that has a rectangle structure as a member with other properties that help you with further logic with the character intersecting with them. Paint should be done in the Paint event of the surface control you are using - PictureBox has the best rendering - IMO.
Public Class Tile
Public Property Bounds As New Rectangle
Public Property IsImpassable As Boolean
'others you think of
End Class
Dim iTop = 325
Dim pBox(48) As PictureBox
Dim pinColor = Color.SkyBlue
Dim leftStart = 50
For j = 0 To 3
For i = 0 To 11
pBox(i) = New PictureBox
'pBox(i).Image = Image.FromFile("\NoTest.bmp")
pBox(i).Visible = True
pBox(i).BackColor = pinColor
pBox(i).Top = iTop + (j * 40)
pBox(i).Width = 20
pBox(i).Height = 20
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i)
If i > 9 Then
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i) + 15
pBox(i).Width = 25
End If
pBox(i).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage