Telegrambots and several pictures in message - telegram-bot

When sending several photos in telegram messenger, bot recieves each picture separately with same mediaGroupId. But how can I resend all the pictures somewhere if I don't know how much messages/pictures I'm going to receive?


Messages sent to my sample Telegram Bot cannot be seen by one with whom I share the bot link

I have created a sample Telegram Bot.
I am being able to send text messages to the bot. For example, check the "Testing our new Telegram Bot!!!" messages that I am being able to send to the bot. enter image description here
However, when I share the bot link with someone else, he/she cannot see the messages. What is it that I am missing here?

Is there any way to transfer Telegram file IDs between different bots?

Many different media types on Telegram have a file_id and file_unique_id property, such as Stickers, Audio, and Document.
The file_id property is unique to each Telegram bot, so one Telegram bot will not report the same file_id as another Telegram bot will, even if it's the same piece of media.
I want to have two Telegram bots communicate with each other, but they are currently unable to do so because the file_id property is meaningless when one bot tries to talk to the other.
The file_unique_id property is consistent between the bots, but it does not seem like you can do much of anything with that identifier.
Is there any way to pass a reference to a file stored on Telegram's servers from one bot to another, without having to re-upload the file on both bots?
Bot can't interact with each other. But there's a workaround,
we can use channels as a medium (with only BotAPI)
Add two bots as admin in channel
Broadcast the messages from Bot A to channel
Now, the Bot B will get these as channel posts and your new fileid
for the same file which will be unique for Bot B (obviously)
You have officially transferred all fileid to Bot B
There aren't any official methods to share fileIds between bots. In fact, you can't even get 2 bots talk to each other, also you won't get bot updates in groups. So bot to bot communication is not possible at all at this moment.
But what you can do is to use Mtproto api and sign-in to telegram as a normal user (with phone number). And follow these steps using the logged in account:
Start both of your bots.
Forward messages you receive from bot 1 to bot 2.
This way you'll be able to access any files in bot 1 in bot 2.
You can use Telethon to write a script that does the job for you, listening to updates coming from bot 1 & forwarding them to bot 2.
Also using normal bot api you should forward received messages to your logged-in account.
The only way is to use a shared channel. Both bots have admin access. However, you may encounter error 429 while transferring the file.
The solution is to send the files to the channel at longer intervals.

Edited and Deleted hangout chat messages are not sent to bots

Hangout Chat is sending only new messages to the Bot, edits and deletes are not being sent and there is no info either in the documentation
Another issue is, bot's getting message only when its mentioned in a room, all other messages are not sent to bot.
How can i resolve/work around these issues?
Hangouts Chat bots is only sent new messages. Edited messages don't get sent to the bot. Though as Brett mentioned you can submit a feature request if you can think of use cases for the functionality (see below).
I suggest checking the Hangouts Chat API support page and search whether someone's filed a feature request (FR) on Google's issue tracker. If so, star it and add a link to it here via a comment. If not, file a new feature request and also link it here so others can vote on it.
As for the purpose of #mentioning a bot in rooms, this is likely done for privacy/security purposes. Having a bot or bots always listening to conversations in a room could raise such concerns. I'd expect bots to only get messages when it is directly #mentioned in a room unless Google feels otherwise. Who knows... may be if enough people star it, they may consider it.

Get chat_id from bot to bot conversation

So What Im trying to accomplish is a bot that forwards messages from one specific user to one specific group chat. I started my testing by using my own chat_id and the bot perfectly forwards my messages to the right groupchat.
The problem is tho, that I want to forward messages that I receive from a bot. So I am trying to gather the chat_id between this bot and my bot but I can't get my head around how I should send and/or receive a message from this bot to gather said chat_id because I cant use it's #username in a /sendMessage? URL.
Why doesn't my bot see messages from other bots? Bots talking to each
other could potentially get stuck in unwelcome loops. To avoid this,
we decided that bots will not be able to see messages from other bots
regardless of mode.
Telegram Bots FAQ

Telegram Bot messages

Is it possible that bots send messages in chats only to specific members, and the messages aren't visible for other members of the chat?
For example:
There is a chat with 200 members and the bot is one of them. Somebody sends a command /help and bot responds only to him and others don't see the response
You can't do this at this time, but there are deleteMessage method you might interested.
And there are inline keyboard can ask users to START your bot, just put as URL value.