So, RStudio 2022.12.0 Build 353 does not show the last rows of the tibble in the R-document file. Anyone knows the solution, please - dataframe

so, I have this data in the tibble displayed in the R-document. The first rows are shown fine the image of the first rows in the R-document, but the last are not shown (its just empty tibble, which has the data, but these cannot be seen cause I like can copy some of them) the image of the last rows in the R-document. The same thing is happening if the data were in the dataframe. Does anyone know how to overcome this issue, so in the R-document, one can see all the data clearly? Thanks in advance.
I can look at the data with View(), no problem, but it is not the way I want the reader to see the data as it's like a different window and not in the R-Document. I expect these last rows be either non-present or show the actual data.

ok, never mind. I just found a temporary and the best-at-the-moment solution, which is to use the function Though, it has not a good view like when you do it using the print() function, but it prints all the data (first rows) (last rows).


SAP - how to get dynamic table and content

I have one question which is getting me really tired lately, since I cannot find anything that could help me.
I have one SAP Smart Form, which is called by my ABAP program, but the thing is that once I call, I want to have on the main window some data coming, like:
I have these fields as you'll can see in the image below:
What I wish to do is to read the table wa-data. Ex:
Once I read these data, I need to put it to print in the respective fields, example:
day in the column 1, line 1,
day_des the column 2, line 2.
And then respectively, to fill the form.
Does anyone have tips how I can do that by SMARTFORMS transaction?
Thank you so much for any help guys.
I need to sort it out, getting the solution for this, how can I do that? What is the right steps to do?

How can I duplicate a row right below where it is on DataTables?

I found that DataTables now supports colspan and rowspan. but to use it better, I needed to duplicate same data thrice. What I need to make is something as image below, and I can't find whether DataTables supports splitting a row into multiple rows.
The image shows how I modify each set of data. It means, there will be 5 columns for each data, and it will be split into 3 lines.
Even the question was about duplicating, if there's other way to make a row/set of row for each data with same shape as image, than please explain.
Ok, I found very wierd trick.
I just made display:none to original table, and only showed child row table.
Not like original table, child row was free to custom the format.
The answer of other question on the link was useful.

Power Query result doesn't match returned data

This is a cross-post from the PowerBI forum:
I'm new to Power Query (Desktop) having previously only used it within Excel.
I have an SQL query source that returns the following data when viewed in the Power Query Editor:
yet in my report I get the following values for the Cabinet_DocID and Editor_ID:
I'm at a loss to explain what has happened to the values highlighted in red above. Why are they displaying as either 1 or two?
The only difference I can see in the source data between the columns that are correct/incorrect is that the values which were changed are numbers not text.
I feel like I am missing something stupid, but can't figure out what it is.
Any help greatly appreciated.
PS. It seems like this response to the same problem might answer my question but I haven't done anything to either of these columns so I'm confused AF right now.
Okay, so it seems the numbers appearing were as a result of the values being numerical.
My initial attempt at changing the format to text lead to frustration because I didn't realise that the report doesn't automatically update the displayed format of any data displayed until you deselect and re-select all the columns.
This seems like a flaw to me, but I guess it's working as designed..?

Is there a way to single out data within an SQL column?

So I'm working with an old joomla site and trying to export only useful data, and I found a pretty hacky way of accomplishing what I wanted to do.
So for the column I want to get to, images, even though there's been no useful information input into it, joomla automatically populates it with the following:
I Ideally only want to search for fields where the value for image_fulltext is not empty, and only get the value of the field.
My original idea was this hacky snippet just to find the relevant rows at least.
SELECT id, images FROM `JOOMLAPREFIX_content` WHERE images !='{"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""}'
This gets the me the relevant rows, but it also gets me more information than I want. (The first suggested solution, while a much less "hackey" query, gets me the same result, as you can see in the SQL snippet.)
Id Images
7 {"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"images\/featuredimage1832014.jpg","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""}
Is there a way to target only the value of image_fulltext, in the case of this row: "images/featuredimage1832014.jpg"?
SQL Fiddle
Try this:
SELECT id, images FROM `JOOMLAPREFIX_content` WHERE images NOT LIKE '%"image_fulltext":""%'

Print When (last element reached) Expression in JasperReports

Is it possible to generated a "Print When Expression" that detects the last element in an XML datasource file?
Basically I have a report with a column break inserted after a sub-report in a detail band so I can clearly define new pages for the beginning of a new record. But it always leaves me with a blank last page. So I am hoping that I can prevent this if I have a print when condition that prevents the column break if it is the last record element in the XML datasource.
Is this even possible?
The problem is that you don't know it's the last element until after you look for the next element. I don't think there is a simple way.
In principle it should be fine to do something like this:
Create a super-report around the entire report. Run the same query in the super-report. Count the rows. Then pass the number of rows to the original report (which is now a subreport) and re-run the query again. Clearly, running the query twice is another drawback.
If the data source were SQL, then I would suggest modifying the SQL to return the number of rows as part of the result set. But for non-SQL data sources, you need some way of knowing the number of rows (well... some way of identifying the last row) before you reach the last row.
Many years late...
if you sure your datasource is a JRBeanCollectionDataSource, you could use:
$V{REPORT_COUNT} == (( )).getData().size()