a part of my Karate UI test is to select date range on calendar element. I was trying all possible ways, but unfortunatelly I'm failing with that.
The calendar is pretty the same solution as on this site: https://automationintesting.online/ (you need to select "Book this room" and then the calendar shows up).
This is a scenario I wrote:
Scenario: Calendar drag&drop
Given driver 'https://automationintesting.online/'
And click("//button[text()='Book this room']")
And input("//input[#name='firstname']", "John")
And input("//input[#name='lastname']", "Doe")
And input("//input[#name='email']", "john#email.com")
And input("//input[#name='phone']", "00123456789")
And click("//button[text()='Next']")
And mouse().move("//button[text()='04']").down().move("//button[text()='05']").up()
Then click("//button[text()='Book']")
I also tried the solution suggested in this thread Karate UI drag and drop
so for example:
* script("var myDragEvent = new Event('dragstart'); myDragEvent.dataTransfer = new DataTransfer()")
* waitFor("//button[text()='08']").script("_.dispatchEvent(myDragEvent)")
* script("var myDropEvent = new Event('drop'); myDropEvent.dataTransfer = myDragEvent.dataTransfer")
* script("//button[text()='09']", "_.dispatchEvent(myDropEvent)")
but it also didn't work.
Could anybody help me here?
I need to create 2 items, use get method to check if everything is ok and after that I should delete these items.
I have 1 tc - getItem, which uses 2 helpers (postItem and deleteItem).
For getItem I need to have itemId, which I get from postItem, where this variable is defined. After that I use the same itemId for deleteItem as afterhook. What I do:
Feature:get item
* url apiUrl
* call read('classpath:/helpers/features/postItem.feature')
* configure afterScenario = function(){karate.call('classpath:/helpers/features/deleteItem.feature')}
Scenario: Get items
* path '/items/'
And param id = itemId
When method Get
Then status 200
It works but I create only 1 item and delete it correctly because itemId is predefined in postItem and I`m able to re-use it. I saw how to use karate.repeat from HERE but when I do the next
* def item = function(i){ return karate.call ('classpath:/helpers/features/postItem.feature')}
I`m not able to get itemId and as a result not able to delete it. Have tried to use
* print item.response
but it is "null"
So I have 2 questions:
How to get variable from postItem
How to delete each of these created items using afterHook?
May I offer some advice. I would NOT try to create helpers and re-use them like this. Please take some time to read this, and then you may understand: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54126724/143475
I would definitely not use a hook also. Please think of the people who need to maintain your test in the future, they will cry.
Here is how I would write your test. And let me repeat, it is OK to repeat some code when your are doing test automation. For a real, working example, see here.
* url apiUrl + '/items'
* request {}
* method post
* status 201
* path response.id
* method get
* status 200
* request {}
* method post
* status 201
* path response.id
* method delete
# and so on
Otherwise, the only thing I will say is please refer to the documents on how you can call features and get data back in a loop without using karate.repeat() which should be used only for creating JSON arrays. You can see this answer which has an example and links to the documentation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75394445/143475
Have found solution how can I do this using DRY pattern + afterhooks.
Feature:get items
* url apiUrl
* def item = function(i){ return karate.call ('classpath:/helpers/features/postItem.feature')}
* def createdItem = karate.repeat(2, item )
* table createdItems
|itemId |
* configure afterScenario = function(){karate.call('classpath:/helpers/features/deleteItem.feature', createdItems )}
Scenario: Get all items
* path '/items'
When method Get
Then status 200
It works, but maybe it also can be updated. Im new in this)
So, basically, what I do:
I create 2 items, for get method using karate.repeat with calling postItem feature
I create table with itemId references
Create afterHook with calling deleteItem.feature, which should have argument itemId and I provide created table for this.
And I have scenario, which checks created items
And after that these created items are deleted by afterhooks.
As a result, I have clear scenario, which contains
Pre-conditions --> creating items (preparing data)
Scenario body --> GET method
Post-conditions --> deleting created items and returning to default state.
All of this I do because dont have DB read permission) In an ideal world, preparing data should be done via SQL and deleted as well)
Hope this will help someone)) Also, if you find better solution, feel free to write this here) Tnx
I was trying to create an automated testing with a requirement to random select from the given list (with different urls) tried some of the script available online however cant make it to work and getting ElementNotFound. Please help me on this
List elementList = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//android.view.View[#content-desc = 'carouselItem']"));
Random rand = new Random();
int index = rand.nextInt(elementList.size()-1);
enter image description here
I need to have a script which can copy the value from InternetAddress Field in the person document one by one in names.nsf and append it in the User Name field. Can someone help with a working script?
This can literally be done with a one-line formula, using a simple assignment statement and the list append operator. It is really the most basic thing you can do in all of Lotus Notes programming. It doesn't even need to use any of the #functions.
The syntax for an assignment is:
FIELD fieldThatYouWantToSet := value;
The syntax for the list append operator is:
value1 : value2;
The only other thing you need to know is that value1 and value2 can simply be the names of existing items (a.k.a. fields), and the list of values in the second item will be appended to the list of values in the first item.
Then, all you will need to do is to put this one-liner into a formula agent that runs against all documents in the current view, and run the agent from the Actions menu while you are in the view.
There are a few ways to accomplish this, the simplest being , as the user specified before, a simple field function would do.
FIELD UserName := UserNAme:InternetAddress;
You could set and run the above field function in an agent in $UsersView
In option-2, you could also use the "UnProcessedDoc" feature and set and run as an agent.
But, here, I have written one another way to set and run as an agent in $UsersView.
Hope this helps, please approve this answer if this had helped anyone.
At present , no Domino in my System, in order to test this snippet. I wish there exists any method online to test this snippet before I post.
But, logically, consider this snippet as a pseudo-code to accomplish ur objective.
Above all, it has been more than a decade or two ever since I have programmed in Domino. Because, I moved on to RDMS, DW, BI and now to Cloud... well Cloud-9. :)
Here is a portion of lotus script code to copy the value from InternetAddress Field in the person document one by one in names.nsf and append it in the UserName field.
Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "Names Db", "names.nsf" )
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim InternetAddress_value As Variant
Set view = db.GetView( "$Users" )
// loop thru all docs in $Users view.
// Get InternetAddress_value and rep it in UserName
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
If doc.HasItem("InternetAddress") Then
While Not(doc Is Nothing)
// in this line we concatenate username with IAaddress_value
new_value= doc.GetItemValue( "username" ) + doc.GetItemValue( "InternetAddress" )
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue( "UserName", new_value)
Call doc.Save( False, True )
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
End If
This solution is posted by Mangai#Notes#Domino#Now_HCL . Encourage to post more solutions by approving the answer.
Lets say that i have URL to channel9 movie;
Ex: https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Office-365-Tips--Tricks/01-Wprowadzenie
And I want to display this movie on my site, and display some information for it ex. duration.
All what I know already is that, I can get list of movies by calling
https://channel9.msdn.com/odata/Entries and skipping it +25 for showing next 25 results.
My implementation right now is something like:
Get first 25 elements from api
Iterate throught them
compare my url with elementFromApi[i].url
Its working but I don't like this solution, it is non elegant and slow as hell. I have no knowledge about the api so i dunno know how to refactor this^.
Maybe someone of You can help me.
PS. I need information from api, embed iframe with given url is not the solution here :)
PS2. Sorry for my english.
I got this requirement through my client and I ended up doing it using RSS! In your use case the URL is https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Office-365-Tips--Tricks/01-Wprowadzenie - Simply we can read the rss by using the link https://s.ch9.ms/Series/Office-365-Tips--Tricks/rss/mp4 - In PowerShell we can explore the content with the below piece of code
$Sessions = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri 'https://s.ch9.ms/Series/Office-365-Tips--Tricks/rss/mp4' -UseDefaultCredentials
foreach($Session in $Sessions) {
$Duration = [timespan]::FromSeconds($Session.duration)
Title = $Session.title
Duration = ("{0:0}:{1:00}:{2:00}" -f ($Duration.Hours , $Duration.Minutes , $Duration.Seconds))
Creator = $Session.creator
"URl(MP3)" = $Session.group.content.url[0]
"URl(MP4)" = $Session.group.content.url[1]
"URl(webm)" = $Session.group.content.url[2]
"URl(MP4High)" = $Session.group.content.url[3]
Note: Code needs to be improvised!
The same can be achieved using C# - But I am not a certified developer - So , I used PowerShell to meet client requirement.
Can you create a custom User Story grid in Rally with the following query?
(((Parent = null) AND (Owner.Name = "dummy.name#email.com")) OR ((Parent.Name contains "Example") AND (Owner.Name = "dummy.name#email.com")))
Every time I try to do this it only returns results for the second part of the query. It seems like it cannot combine the Parent = null and the Parent.Name contains "Example".
Thanks for any feedback! I know that we could create two grids, but it would be nice to combine it into one.
This looks like a bug to me. Ignoring the owner portion of the query and taking just the Parent portions, per the title of your question: ((Parent = null) or (Parent.Name = 'xxxx')), it seems that I am also always seeing results that match the latter condition. If I switch the order, I get Parent-less stories. I'd recommend submitting a Case to Rally Support - rallysupport#rallydev.com - they can get this filed with the Rally developers.