Uploading large excel files to Big Query - sql

how can i upload a large excel file and dataset (larger than 10 mb) to big query ?
Can anyone help ?
I tried to research a way to do it, but everything i found was a little bit complicated.
I just started working with SQL and I don't have much experience.

!!! WARNING prior to answer.
The below answer will incur costs. You can use --dry-run to estimate the number of bytes that are processed for bq and then combine it with Pricing calculator:
What you are trying to achieve, is possible by loading a dataset from a google cloud storage bucket.
To make it easy for new users, there is a "Guide me" option from GCP on how to upload datasets larger than 10 mb.
GCP "Guide me" site
Don't forget to first estimate the costs.
An example of how this can be used using a Google Storage URI is referenced in this page:
bq load \
--source_format=CSV \
mydataset.mytable \
gs://mybucket/mydata.csv \
Again, use pricing calculator to estimate costs.
To be able to create buckets on a specific project, you need specific IAM permissions, also referenced here


Send Bigquery Data to rest endpoint

I want to send data from BigQuery (about 500K rows) to a custom endpoint via post method, how can I do this?
These are my options:
A PHP process to read and send the data (I have already tried this one, but it is too slow and the max execution time pops up).
I was looking for Google Cloud Dataflow, but I don't know Java.
Running it into Google Cloud Function, but I don't know how to send data via post.
Do you know another option?
As mentioned in the comments, 500k rows for a POST method is far too much data to be considered as an option.
Dataflow is a product oriented for pipelines development, intended to run several data transformations during its jobs. You can use BigQueryIO (with python sample codes) but, If you just need to migrate the data to a certain machine/endpoint, creating a Dataflow job will add complexity to your task.
The suggested approach is to export to a GCS bucket and then download the data from it.
For instance, if the size of Data that you are trying to retrieve is less than 1GB, you can export to a GCS bucket from the Command Line Interface like: bq extract --compression GZIP 'mydataset.mytable' gs://example-bucket/myfile.csv. Otherwise, you will need to export the data in more files using wildcard URI defining your bucket destination as indicated ('gs://my-bucket/file-name-*.json').
And finally, using gsutil command gsutil cp gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[OBJECT_NAME] [SAVE_TO_LOCATION] you will download the data from your bucket.
Note: you have more available ways to do that in the Cloud documentation links provided, including the BigQuery web UI.
Also, bear in mind that there are no charges for exporting data from BigQuery, but you do incur charges for storing the exported data in Cloud Storage. BigQuery exports are subject to the limits on export jobs.

Load a huge data from BigQuery to python/pandas/dask

I read other similar threads and searched Google to find a better way but couldn't find any workable solution.
I have a large large table in BigQuery (assume inserting 20 million rows per day). I want to have around 20 million rows of data with around 50 columns in python/pandas/dask to do some analysis. I have tried using bqclient, panda-gbq and bq storage API methods but it takes 30 min to have 5 millions rows in python. Is there any other way to do so? Even any Google service available to do similar job?
Instead of querying, you can always export stuff to cloud storage -> download locally -> load into your dask/pandas dataframe:
Export + Download:
bq --location=US extract --destination_format=CSV --print_header=false 'dataset.tablename' gs://mystoragebucket/data-*.csv && gsutil -m cp gs://mystoragebucket/data-*.csv /my/local/dir/
Load into Dask:
>>> import dask.dataframe as dd
>>> df = dd.read_csv("/my/local/dir/*.csv")
Hope it helps.
First, you should profile your code to find out what is taking the time. Is it just waiting for big-query to process your query? Is it the download of data> What is your bandwidth, what fraction do you use? Is it parsing of that data into memory?
Since you can make SQLAlchemy support big-query ( https://github.com/mxmzdlv/pybigquery ), you could try to use dask.dataframe.read_sql_table to split your query into partitions and load/process them in parallel. In case big-query is limiting the bandwidth on a single connection or to a single machine, you may get much better throughput by running this on a distributed cluster.
Some options:
Try to do aggregations etc. in BigQuery SQL before exporting (a smaller table) to
Run your Jupyter notebook on Google Cloud, using a Deep Learning VM on a high-memory machine in the same region as your BigQuery
dataset. That way, network overhead is minimized.
Probably you want to export the data to Google Cloud Storage first, and then download the data to your local machine and load it.
Here are the steps you need to take:
Create an intermediate table which will contain the data you want to
export. You can do select and store to the intermediate table.
Export the intermediate table to Google Cloud Storage, to JSON/Avro/Parquet format.
Download your exported data and load to your python app.
Besides downloading the data to your local machine, you can leverage the processing using PySpark and SparkSQL. After you export the data to Google Cloud Storage, you can spin up a Cloud Dataproc cluster and load the data from Google Cloud Storage to Spark, and do analysis there.
You can read the example here
and you can also spin up Jupyter Notebook in the Dataproc cluster
Hope this helps.
A couple years late, but we're developing a new dask_bigquery library to help easily move back and forth between BQ and Dask dataframes. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Best way to copy millions of files from S3 to GCS?

I am searching for a way to move a very large number of files (over 10 million) from an S3 bucket over to Google Cloud Storage but so far am having issues.
Currently I am using gsutil because it has native support for communicating between both S3 and GCS but I am getting less than great performance. Maybe I am just doing things wrong but I have been using the following gsutil command:
gsutil -m cp -R s3://bucket gs://bucket
I spun up a c3.2xlarge AWS instance (16GB 8CPU) so that I could have enough horse power but it doesn't appear that the box is getting any better throughput than a 2GB 2CPU box, I don't get it?
I have been messing around with the ~/.boto config file and currently have the following options set:
parallel_process_count = 8
parallel_thread_count = 100
I thought for sure increasing the thread count by a factor of 10x would help but from my testing so far hasn't made a difference. Is there anything else that can be done to boost performance?
Or is there maybe a better tool for moving S3 data to GCS? I am looking at the SDK's and am half way tempted to write something in Java.
Google Cloud Storage Online Cloud Import was built specifically to import large sizes and number of files to GCS from either a large list of URLs or from an S3 bucket. It was designed for data sizes that would take too long using "gsutil -m" (which was a good thing to try first). It is currently free to use.
(Disclaimer, I am the PM for the project)

Migrating data from S3 to Google cloud storage

I need to move a large amount of files (on the order of tens of terabytes) from Amazon S3 into Google Cloud Storage. The files in S3 are all under 500mb.
So far I have tried using gsutil cp with the parallel option (-m) to using S3 as source and GS as destination directly. Even tweaking the multi-processing and multi-threading parameters I haven't been able to achieve a performance of over 30mb/s.
What I am now contemplating:
Load the data in batches from S3 into hdfs using distcp and then finding a way of distcp-ing all the data into google storage (not supported as far as I can tell), or:
Set up a hadoop cluster where each node runs a gsutil cp parallel job with S3 and GS as src and dst
If the first option were supported, I would really appreciate details on how to do that. However, it seems like I'm gonna have to find out how to do the second one. I'm unsure of how to pursue this avenue because I would need to keep track of the gsutil resumable transfer feature on many nodes and I'm generally inexperienced running this sort of hadoop job.
Any help on how to pursue one of these avenues (or something simpler I haven't thought of) would be greatly appreciated.
You could set up a Google Compute Engine (GCE) account and run gsutil from GCE to import the data. You can start up multiple GCE instances, each importing a subset of the data. That's part of one of the techniques covered in the talk we gave at Google I/O 2013 called Importing Large Data Sets into Google Cloud Storage.
One other thing you'll want to do if you use this approach is to use the gsutil cp -L and -n options. -L creates a manifest that records details about what has been transferred, and -n allows you to avoid re-copying files that were already copied (in case you restart the copy from the beginning, e.g., after an interruption). I suggest you update to gsutil version 3.30 (which will come out in the next week or so), which improves how the -L option works for this kind of copying scenario.
Mike Schwartz, Google Cloud Storage team
Google has recently released the Cloud Storage Transfer Service which is designed to transfer large amounts of data from S3 to GCS:
(I realize this answer is a little late for the original question but it may help future visitors with the same question.)

Optimize data upload on GoogleBigQuery

I'm currently using the Google BigQuery platform for uploading many datas (~ > 6 Go) and work with them as datasource with Tableau Desktop Software.
Presently it takes me an average of one hour to upload 12 tables in CSV format (total of 6 Go), uncompressed, with a python script using the Google API.
The google docs specify that "If loading speed is important to your app and you have a lot of bandwidth to load your data, leave files uncompressed.".
How can I optimize this process ? Should be a solution to compressed my csv files to improve the upload speed ?
I also think about using Google Cloud Storage, but I expect my problem will be the same?
I need to reduce the time it's take me to upload my data files, but I don't find great solutions.
Thanks in advance.
Compressing your input data will reduce the time to upload the data, but will increase the time for the load job to execute once your data has been uploaded (compression restricts our ability to process your data in parallel). Since it sounds like you'd prefer to optimize for upload speed, I'd recommend compressing your data.
Note that if you're willing to split your data into several chunks and compress them each individually, you can get the best of both worlds--fast uploads and parallel load jobs.
Uploading to Google Cloud Storage should have the same trade-offs, except for one advantage: you can specify multiple source files in a single load job. This is handy if you pre-shard your data as suggested above, because then you can run a single load job that specifies several compressed input files as source files.