How to use "org.eclipse.ui.internalTweaklets" - eclipse-plugin

No usage information of this extension point is found in Google
Although it is internal, I still want to know how to use it

This extension point is a way for internal Eclipse code to define classes to make small changes (tweaks) to various operations.
The format of the extension point is:
name="Cocoa Title Path Updater">
On my Eclipse on macOS this the only use of this extension point.
definition is the name of an existing abstract class in Eclipse. Only classes which support tweaklets can be specified, this is not a general mechanism to change anything.
implementation is a class extending the abstract class that is being provided by the plug-in.
id and name don't appear to be used.
The particular extension point I have shown is only used on macOS and is used to set the call the NSWindow.representedFile API when the main window title is set.


How to organize Kotlin extension methods

Let's say I have a few extension methods for "MyClass".
My question is, what's the best practice to organize/store these methods?
Should they be simply put into a "MyClassExtensions" Kotlin file?
I have tried to encapsulate these methods within a class, but after importing the class I couldn't seem to figure out how to use/access the extension methods.
For clarification, I was not asking for help what to call a file that contains extension methods. I was asking about best practices/approaches to store/organize such methods. Ie. should they be simply put into kotlin files, or should they be encapsulated in a class. I am coming from a Java background, so I'm used to store stuff in classes.
As far as I am concerned, you should put them into a utility file, as you did in Java code base before.
But mention, you no longer need to put them into a class. Top-level functions are the best choice.
You can refer to the kotlin standard library or some open source projects like anko, those would be good examples.
In my case, I put extensions of one class into a file which have the same name of the original file in another package, and use
to reduce the number of generated class files.

ELKI PAM clustering

I'm using ELKI for the first time and I'm having a problem understanding it's structure. It seems that I need to do a lot to produce some results.
How can I perform PAM K-medoid clustering with custom distance measure?
Implement your distance function (see this tutorial)
The section "Basic distance function" is a minimal working example. Add the elki.jar, create this class, run the project in eclipse, and you should be able to choose this distance function in PAM.
Make sure it has either
a public, parameterless constructor (easiest), or
a public static class Parameterizer (see documentation)
so that it can be instantiated and configured by the GUI.
To make it appear in the UI dropdown, ensure it is either
in a folder on your classpath (development mode - just don't build a jar - easiest), or
in a .jar, and listed in the META-INF/elki/<interfacename> service file
or type the class name. But usually there is a mistake in step 2 if it doesn't show up in the dropdown; and the class cannot be instantiated.
Run PAM and choose your distance function in the dropdown.
The most common mistake is that people don't have a constructor the UI could use.
The constructor must be public and parameterless, or you need to add a parameterizer to specify the parameters.

Is CamelGroovyMethods used as a groovy category?

Apache Camel comes with some relatively nice Groovy extensions so that you, for instance, can use closures with the Java DSL for defining routes.
Most, if not all, of the additional methods providing these extensions seem to be located in the class CamelGroovyMethods with static methods like
public static ProcessorDefinition<?> process(ProcessorDefinition<?> self,
Closure<?> processorLogic){/* implementation */}
How is the actual extension of the Camel java classes realised? Is CamelGroovyMethods used as a category somewhere, and if so, where is use(CamelGroovyMethods) called?
Just a guess, but as they are called extension methods they have probably been defined as such. Look in the jar, you should find a file called org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule in META-INF/services. Have a look at Creating an extension module. I've used this technique myself and it works great except if you want to provide custom constructors, that requires an alternate mechanism.
Yep, found it ExtensionModule file in GitHub. They even provided the dsld file to assist with code completion in Eclipse.

Header files without implementation

I'm working on a open source project, which consist on a framework for iOS devices, and one of the methods is not working as I expected. I tried to search for the implementation of the method, but all I found was a a header file and the method declaration; I didn't find the implementation anywhere. Neither did I find the .m file corresponding to that class.
So I have some questions:
How can a class exist without it's implementation and still its methods perform certain operations?
What is the purpose of writing this kind of classes.
In this kind of situations where should be the methods implemented?
The open source project is FastPdfKit and the method is wholeTextForPage:
Well, those methods are somewhere, so it's not that they don't exist, you just can't see them.
Try for example to open UITableView.h, you can see the methods definition, but not the implementation. The implementation is hidden in the library, but you can't see it.
In a nutshell, developers do this to hide the details of the implementation of a class to other users. You just receive a header that tells you which methods you can use, and how, but the details about how are they implemented are hidden for you.
For example, Apple doesn't want you to see how they implemented UITableView, but they want you to know how you can use it.
Here you can find a tutorial about how to create a library for Objective-C:
Creating Static Libraries for Objective-C

How can I implement the service locator pattern in Cocoa Touch across multiple projects?

This is a problem which has been bugging me for a while now. I'm still pretty new with some of these patterns so you'll have to forgive me (and correct me) if I use any of the terms incorrectly.
My Methodology
I've created a game engine. All of the objects in my game engine use inversion of control to get dependencies. These dependencies all implement protocols and are never accessed directly in the project, other than during the bootstrapping phase. In order to get these objects, I have the concept of a service locator. The service locator's job is to locate an object which conforms to a specific protocol and return it. It's a lot like a factory, but it should handle the dependencies as well.
In order to provide the services to the service locator, I have what I call service specifiers. The service locator knows about all of the service specifiers in the project, and when an object is requested, attempts to get an instance of an object conforming to the provided protocol from each of them. This object is then returned to the caller. What's cool about this set up is the service specifier also knows about a service locator, so if it has any dependencies, it just asks the service locator for those specific dependencies.
To give an example, I have an object called HighScoreManager. HighScoreManager implements the PHighScoreManager protocol. At any time if an instance of PHighScoreManager is required, it can be retrieved by calling:
id<PHighScoreManager> highScoreManager = [ServiceLocator resolve: #protocol(PHighScoreManager)];
Thus, inversion of control. However, most of the time it isn't even necessary to do this, because most classes are located in a service specifier, if one required PHighScoreManager as a dependency, then it is retrieved through the service locator. Thus, I have a nice flat approach to inversion of control.
My Problem
Because I want the code from my game engine to be shared, I have it compiled as a static library. This works awesome for everything else, but seems to get a little tricky with the service locator. The problem is some services change on a game to game basis. In my above example, a score in one game might be a time and in another it might be points. Thus, HighScoreManager depends on an instance of PHighScoreCreator, which tells it how to create a PScore objecct.
In order to provide PHighScoreCreator to HighScoreManager, I need to have a service specifier for my game. The only way I could think of to accomplish this was to use the Cocoa version of reflections. After digging around, I found out classes were discoverable through NSBundle, but it seems there's no way to get the current bundle. Thus, if I want to be able to search out my service specifiers, I would have to compile my game logic into its own bundle, and then have the engine search out this bundle and load it. In order to do this I'd have to create a third project to house both the engine code and the game logic bundle, when in reality I'd like to just have a game project which used the engine static library.
My Real Question
So after all of that, my question is
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish in Cocoa Touch, or
Is there a way to discover classes which conform to my service specifier protocol from the main bundle?
Thanks for the help and taking the time to read the question.
Have a look at:
+[NSBundle mainBundle];
+[NSBundle bundleForClass:];
+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:];
+[NSBundle allBundles];
+[NSBundle allFrameworks];
These allow you to interact programmatically with the various bundles at runtime. Once you have a bundle to work with there are a number of strategies you could employ to find the specific class(es) you are looking for. For example:
Retrieve the bundle identifier — this will be an NSString like #"com.example.GameEngineClient".
Transform it into a legal Objective-C class name by stripping everything before the last dot, or replacing all the dots with underscores, or whatever, and then appending a predefined protocol name. Your protocol from above, for instance, might result in a string like #"GameEngineClient_PHighScoreManager".
Get the bundle's designated class for your protocol using NSClassFromString().
Now you can create an instance of the class provided by the bundle author, that implements whatever protocol you have specified.
The Objective-C runtime is a beautiful thing!
Sounds like you need to use the functions of the Objective-C runtime. First you can get a list of all available classes via objc_getClassList. Then you can iterate over all the classes and check if they conform to your protocol with class_conformsToProtocol. You shouldn’t use +conformsToProtocol: messages here, since there are classes in the runtime that don’t support this selector.