NBeats does not work for long-term daily time series data. How can I process my data to correct this? - dataframe

I am following the code as per this notebook: https://www.kaggle.com/code/stpeteishii/google-stock-prediction-darts/notebook
It's a really simple implementation of the NBeats model, and it takes into account 400 days of the Google stockprice. However, when I increase the database to take into account all 4000 days, the N-Beats forecast is completely thrown of and gives a completely incorrect forecast with a mape of over 100.
I understand that one possibility is due to the seasonal nature of the stockprice. I tried the Dicky Fueller test (not using the Darts library) and it is indeed seasonal data. However, when I try to inspect seasonality with the Darts library as follows:
from darts.utils.statistics import plot_acf, check_seasonality
plot_acf(train, m=365, alpha=0.05)
I get a max lag error.
Can someone please help me as to how to forecast stock market data of a 10 year daily timeseries using the darts library? Also, I'd be extremely grateful if someone could give me some additional tips when it comes to forecasting stock data with darts since there's not much info/tutorials available online.
I've gone through the entire docs and I've got a good hang of working with darts using the darts open-source databases, however none of the examples seem to work with stock market data.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hourly Updates in Excel (active Timers)

I'm a noob that is trying to make a good impression as I start my recent job. I am not very good at Excel, but I am trying to learn! This website has been a great resource, but I have a question.
We have a program that is like an active clock that ticks along and counts faults, rejections, product coming from an assembly line.
I would like to be able to create a graph that by the hour tells us the amounts for each so we can look at trends and set goals and stuff. My first thought was to find a macro that can take screen shots every hour, but I figure that would require manual entry for 24 times a day.
Has anyone have a better idea or know a macro I could use?
Thank you so much.

Get Bitcoin historical data in the interval of minutes

Can anybody tell me where can I download Bitcoin historical data? I'm able to find the daily price. But that is not enough for my project. It will be better if I can have the price data in the interval of minutes.
Here you have tool that imports bitcoin blockchain data into graph database
You can get thousands of historical datasets from https://spreadstreet.io.
All datasets are available as a tab-delimited, CSV file. The datasets are a mix between raw tick data, OHLCV, spreads, mining and economic statistics. They can be used for backtesting, analysis, and charting.
Here is an example dataset. This is from Poloniex, and is the 30 min timeframe. We have lower time frames, but the files are larger than I wanted to link in this question.
Disclaimer: I am the founder of Spreadstreet.io

Textsum - Incorrect decode results compared to ref file

This issue is seen when performing training against my own dataset which was converted to binary via data_convert_example.py. After a week of training I get decode results that don't make sense when comparing the decode and ref files.
If anyone has been successful and gotten results similar to what is posted in the Textsum readme using their own data, I would love to know what has worked for you...environment, tf build, number of articles.
I currently have not had luck with 0.11, but have gotten some results with 0.9 however the decode results are similar to those shown below which I have no idea where they are even coming from.
I currently am running Ubuntu 16.04, TF 0.9, CUDA 7.5 and CuDnn 4. I tried TF 0.11 but was dealing with other issues so I went back to 0.9. It does seem that the decode results are being generated from valid articles, but the reference file and decode file indicies have NO correlation.
If anyone can provide any help or direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, should I figure anything out, I will post here.
A few final questions. Regarding the vocab file referenced. Does it at all need to be sorted by word frequency at all? I never performed anything along these lines when generating it and just wasn't sure if this would throw something off as well.
Finally, I made the assumption in generating the data that the training data articles should be broken down into smaller batches. I separated out the articles into multiple files of 100 articles each. These were then named data-0, data-1, etc. I assume this was a correct assumption on my part? I also kept all the vocab in one file which has not seemed to throw any errors.
Are the above assumptions correct as well?
Below are some ref and decode results which you can see are quite odd and seem to have no correlation.
output=Wild Boy Goes About How I Can't Be Really Go For Love
output=State Department defends the campaign of Iran
output=John Deere sails profit - Business Insider
output=to roll for the Perseid meteor shower
output=Man in New York City in Germany
output=Battle Chasers: Nightwar Combines Joe Mad's Stellar Art With Solid RPG Gameplay
output=Obama Meets a Goal That Could Literally Destroy America
output=WOW! 10 stunning photos of presidents daughter Zahra Buhari
output=Koko the gorilla jams out on bass with Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers
output=Brenham police officer refused service at McDonald's
Going to answer this one myself. Seems the issue here was the lack of training data. In the end I did end up sorting my vocab file, however it seems this is not necessary. The reason this was done, was to allow the end user to limit the vocab words to something like 200k words should they wish.
The biggest reason for the problems above were simply the lack of data. When I ran the training in the original post, I was working with 40k+ articles. I thought this was enough but clearly it wasn't and this was even more evident when I got deeper into the code and gained a better understanding as to what was going on. In the end I increased the number of articles to over 1.3 million, I trained for about a week and a half on my 980GTX and got the average loss to about 1.6 to 2.2 I was seeing MUCH better results.
I am learning this as I go, but I stopped at the above average loss because some reading I performed stated that when you perform "eval" against your "test" data, your average loss should be close to what you are seeing in training. This helps to determine whether you are getting close to over-fitting when these are far apart. Again take this with a grain of salt, as I am learning but it seems to make sense logically to me.
One last note that I learned the hard way is this. Make sure you upgrade to the latest 0.11 Tensorflow version. I originally trained using 0.9 but when I went to figure out how to export the model for tensorflow, I found that there was no export.py file in that repo. When I upgrades to 0.11, I then found that the checkpoint file structure seems to have changed in 0.11 and I needed to take another 2 weeks to train. So I would recommend just upgrading as they have resolved a number of the problems I was seeing during the RC. I still did have to set the is_tuple=false but that aside, all has worked out well. Hope this helps someone.

analysis Fitbit walking and sleeping data

I'm participating in small data analysis competition in our school.
We use Fitbit wearable devices, which is loaned to each participants by host of contest.
For 2 months during the contest, they walk and sleep with this small device 24/7,
allow it to gather data about participant's walk count with heart rate(bpm), etc.
and we need to solve some problems based on these participants' data
like, example,
show the relations between rainy days and participants' working out rate using the chart,
i think purpose of problem is,
because of rain, lot of participants are expected to be at home.
can you show some cause and effect numerically?
i'm now studying python library numpy, pandas with ipython notebook.
but still i have no idea about solving these problems..
could you recommend some projects or sites use for references? i really eager to win this competition.:(
and lastly, sorry for my poor English.
Thank you.
that's a fun project. I'm working on something kind of similar.
Here's what you need to do:
Learn the fitbit API and stream the data from the fitbit accelerometer and gyroscope. If you can combine this with heart rate data, great. The more types of data you have, the more effective your algorithm will be. You can store this data in a simple csv file (streaming the accel/gyro data at 50Hz is recommended). Or setup a web server and store it in a database for easy access
Learn how to use pandas and scikit learn
[optional but recommended]: Learn matplotlib so you can graph you data and get a feel for how it looks
Load the data into pandas and create features on the data - notably using 1-2 second sliding window analysis with 50% overlap. Good features include (for all three Accel X, Y, Z): max, min, standard deviation, root mean square, root sum square and tilt. Polynomials will help.
Since this is a supervised classification problem, you will need to create some labelled data - so do this manually (state 1 = rainy day, state 2 = non-rainy day) and then train a classification algorithm. I would recommend a random forest
Test using unlabeled data - don't forget to use cross validation
Voila, you now have a highly accurate model and will win the competition. Plus you've learned about a bunch of really cool Python and machine learning stuff.
For more tutorials on how all this stuff works, I'd highly recommend the Kaggle tutorial projects
BONUS: If you want to take it to a new level, you can start adding smoothers on top of your classifier, for example by using a Hidden Markov Model as explained in this talk
BONUS 2: Go get a PhD in Human Activity Recognition.

How can I distribute a number of values Normally in Excel VBA

Sorry I know the question isnt as specific as it could be. I am currently working on a replenishment forecasting system for a clothing company (dont ask why it's in VBA). The module I am currently working on is distribution forecasts down to a size level. The idea is that the planners can forecast the number to sell, then can specify a ratio between the sizes.
In order to make the interface a bit nicer I was going to give them 4 options; Assess trend, manual entry, Poisson and Normal. The last two is where I am having an issue. Given a mean and SD I'd like to drop in a ratio (preferably as %s) between the different sizes. The number of the sizes can vary from 1 to ~30 so its going to need to be a calculation.
If anyone could point me towards a method I'd be etenaly greatfull - likewise if you have suggestions for a better method.
For the sake of anyone searching this, whilst only a temporary solution I used probability mass functions to get ratios this allowed the user to modify the mean and SD and thus skew the curve as they wished. I could then use the ratios for my calculations. Poisson also worked with this method but turned out to be a slightly stupid idea in terms of choice.