I want to develop code in vue.Js using vuetify which take input through textfield and display two string values on display after the button click - vue.js

I am knida new to vue.js please help me to solve problem.
I want to develop code in vue.Js using vuetify which take input through textfield and display two string values on display after the button click.
Here is the code


mmenu.js adds title="null" - can it populate with actual text from link?

I'm using mmenu5.2.0 to create left side nav slideout on mobile. However upon hover of first-level a tooltip of "null" appears. Can this be adjusted in the js to populate with the text of the link itself?
Actual display code:
Desired display code:
Source code: https://mmenujs.com/
Coupled with bootstrap 3 for now

How to use input as option in react select?

Hello i'm trying to use input inside a menu list but I just can't click in the input, how I solve this?
follow a print screen
I'm trying to click in the input but the focus dont go

Dynamically add Editor Template on click of a button

In my MVC4 project I have used an Editor Template for user input. I have define a constant(say 4) and called it in a for loop, so there is always a constant number of 4 templates displayed on the view.
I want to change this and make it dynamic, ie when the user clicks on a button, a new Editor Template should be displayed dynamically. When he again clicks on the button, a third one will be displayed and so on.
Do I need to use angularJS for this or is it possible to do it in .net itself? How do I achieve this? Thanks.

displayfield and textfield change

I have created a window which has a grid and a form that displays values in plain displayfields of the records in the grid when clicked on.
There is an "New" button for the form and once clicked by the user, the displayfields should switch to textfields which should allow you to enter a new record into a database.
Can anybody point me towards a certain direction in order to do this? I am a complete newbie to ExtJS and only just started learning ExtJS4.
Thank you in advance.
I would suggest looking into the row editing plugin.
You will need to add that to the plugins config item on the grid, then add editor configs to each of the columns that you want to edit. The editor config is generally just a xtype and config options for one of the components found in Ext.form.field.*.

Extjs 4 grid customization after clicking on a row add a panel with a textfield

I am new to extjs 4 and I have got a problem to customize the grid panel. My application have JSON data to render in a grid. After populate the data when user click on a particular row he need to get an panel (Just like row editing plugin) of a textfield and a button to send the entered text to server through the controller. This data that user entered is not the data of grid column.
I need to know is it possible? And if it is, then how can I make it.
Thanks in advance.
Sure it is possible. First look at the following example from the Extjs 4.1 docs
All you need is to add your listener to itemclick grid event. Within this listener function you can create panel you need.