Calculating upper margin in Azure Anomaly Detector Service, - azure-anomaly-detector

In Azure Anomaly Detector service, why is the upper boundary calculated as
upperBoundary = expectedValue + (100 - marginScale) * upperMargin
any not
upperBoundary = expectedValue + upperMargin


Proper way of adding CGAL points api-wise

I have a triangle defined by its three vertices. The vertices are of type Point = CGAL::Point_2<K> with a Simple_cartersian<double> kernel.
I want to randomly sample this triangle and for that I use a formula ( which adds the three vertices of the triangle multiplied by some random factors.
Point = Point(0, 0) + //
(1 - std::sqrt(r1)) * (standardTriangle[0] - Point(0, 0)) + //
(std::sqrt(r1) * (1 - r2)) * (standardTriangle[1] - Point(0, 0)) +
(r2 * std::sqrt(r1)) * (standardTriangle[2] - Point(0, 0)));
This looks very cumbersome, as I need to convert the points to vector by substracting Point(0,0) and then I need to add everything to a Point on the origin.
Looks more natural to just do something like the following
Point = (1 - std::sqrt(r1)) * standardTriangle[0] + //
(std::sqrt(r1) * (1 - r2)) * standardTriangle[1] +
(r2 * std::sqrt(r1)) * standardTriangle[2]);
Adding and removing points from the origin is really the only way to sum points, even though mathematically this is not correct?
You might want to use the barycenter() function.
In case you need another sampling there is one available in CGAL. See here

Calculate the rotation between 2 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for each Tait-Bryan angles

The first IMU (called S1) is placed on the shoulder and works as a reference; the other (S2) is placed on the arm. They provide the quaternion of their rotation relative to the absolute reference (magnetic north and gravity vector). The simple idea is that I need to show the Yaw, Pitch and Roll differences between these two (e.g. an ideal abduction/adduction movement should have pitch contributions only). I started using quaternions, by calculating the rotation between the two (conj(q1) * q2) and then converting it to YPR angles by using:
# Rotation quaternion q1 = (w,x,y,z)
# unit = sum of squared elements (sqx = x^2, etc.)
yaw = math.atan2(2 * q1[2] * q1[0] - 2 * q1[1] * q1[3], sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw)
pitch = math.asin(2 * (q1[1] * q1[2] + q1[3] * q1[0]) / sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw)
roll = math.atan2(2 * q1[1] * q1[0] - 2 * q1[2] * q1[3], -sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw)
but this doesn't work in my case, since pitch and roll are not consistent in different arm positions. E.g. if relative Yaw is 90 deg, pitch and roll angles are interchanged. E.g. if I apply a pitch rotation to S2, it appears to be a roll rotation (since the rotation is on the y-axis for the reference sensor S1).
How can I avoid this?
Should I simply convert both quaternion to YPR angles and then calculate the difference of each pair (without using the difference between quaternions)? Maybe the "rotation" approach is not correct, since I don't need the inverse transformation but only the actual rotation for each axis?

Ground longitude/latitude under a satellite (cartesian coordinates) at a specfic epoch

The script I'm wanting to develop uses the cartesian coordinates (XYZ) from a satellite, and in conjunction with the range, elevation and azimuth from a location, I then take a satellite’s orbital information and get the ground longitude/latitude under that satellite at a given time.
One step further from this: imagne the signal from a satellite piercing the atmosphere at exactly 300km above sea level. At this particular point when altitude is 300km, I need to calculate the ground longitude/latitude.
In the pyemph module there appears to be already a method (ephem.readtle) that can achieve this, but for TLE (two line element) data only. I'd like to use a satellite's cartesian coordinates to develop this. Is there such a method already out there? Or perhaps somebody with experience in this
domain can point me in the right direction.
A similar question already exists referring to ECEF from Azimuth, Elevation, Range and Observer Lat,Lon,Alt, but it's not the same problem.
Here's what I have developed already:
- satellite cartesian coordinates, XYZ
- azimuth, elevation and range of satellite from ground station
- ground station coordinates in lat, long, height above sea level
Here's what I need:
- ground longitude/latitude under a satellite at a specific epoch, and in particular where the piercing point in the atmosphere (the point which the signal from the satellite pierces the atmosphere) is 300km altitude.
I found what I was looking for via this:
def ionospheric_pierce_point(self, dphi, dlambda, ele, azi):
Re = 6378136.3 # Earth ellipsoid in meters
h = cs.SHELL_HEIGHT * 10**3 # Height of pierce point meters, and where maximum electron density is assumed
coeff = Re / (Re + h)
lat_rx = dphi
long_rx = dlambda
# Degrees to radians conversions
ele_rad = np.deg2rad(ele)
azi_rad = np.deg2rad(azi)
lat_rx_rad = np.deg2rad(lat_rx)
long_rx_rad = np.deg2rad(long_rx)
psi_pp = (np.pi / 2) - ele_rad - np.arcsin(coeff * np.cos(ele_rad)) # Earth central angle between user and the Eart projection of the pierce point, in radians
psi_pp_deg = np.rad2deg(psi_pp)
lat_pp = np.arcsin(np.sin(lat_rx_rad)*np.cos(psi_pp) +
np.cos(lat_rx_rad)*np.sin(psi_pp)*np.cos(azi_rad)) # in radians
if (lat_rx > 70 and ((np.tan(psi_pp)*np.cos(azi_rad)) > np.tan((np.pi/2) - lat_rx_rad))) or (lat_rx < -70 and ((np.tan(psi_pp)*np.cos(azi_rad + np.pi)) > np.tan((np.pi/2) + lat_rx_rad))):
long_pp = long_rx_rad + np.pi - np.arcsin((np.sin(psi_pp)*np.sin(azi_rad)) / np.cos(lat_pp))
long_pp = long_rx_rad + np.arcsin((np.sin(psi_pp)*np.sin(azi_rad)) / np.cos(lat_pp))
lat_pp_deg = np.rad2deg(lat_pp)
long_pp_deg = np.rad2deg(long_pp)
return lat_pp_deg, long_pp_deg

orientation of normal surface/vertex vectors

Given a convex 3d polygon (convex hull) How can I determine the correct direction for normal surface/vertex vectors? As the polygon is convex, by correct I mean outward facing (away from the centroid).
def surface_normal(centroid, p1, p2, p3):
a = p2-p1
b = p3-p1
n = np.cross(a,b)
if **test including centroid?** :
return n
return -n # change direction
I actually need the normal vertex vectors as I am exporting as a .obj file, but I am assuming that I would need to calculate the surface vectors before hand and combine them.
This solution should work under the assumption of a convex hull in 3d. You calculate the normal as shown in the question. You can normalize the normal vector with
n /= np.linalg.norm(n) # which should be sqrt(n[0]**2 + n[1]**2 + n[2]**2)
You can then calculate the center point of your input triangle:
pmid = (p1 + p2 + p3) / 3
After that you calculate the distance of the triangle-center to your surface centroid. This is
dist_centroid = np.linalg.norm(pmid - centroid)
The you can calculate the distance of your triangle_center + your normal with the length of the distance to the centroid.
dist_with_normal = np.linalg.norm(pmid + n * dist_centroid - centroid)
If this distance is larger than dist_centroid, then your normal is facing outwards. If it is smaller, it is pointing inwards. If you have a perfect sphere and point towards the centroid, it should almost be zero. This may not be the case for your general surface, but the convexity of the surface should make sure, that this is enough to check for its direction.
if(dist_centroid < dist_with_normal):
n *= -1
Another, nicer option is to use a scalar product.
pmid = (p1 + p2 + p3) / 3
if( - centroid, n) < 0):
n *= -1
This checks if your normal and the vector from the mid of your triangle to the centroid have the same direction. If that is not so, change the direction.

Slew rate measuring

I have to measure slew rates in signals like the one in the image below. I need the slew rate of the part marked by the grey arrow.
At the moment I smoothen the signal with a hann window to get rid of eventual noise and to flatten the peaks. Then I search (starting right) the 30% and 70% points and calculate the slew rate between this two points.
But my problem is, that the signal gets flattened after smoothing. Therefore the calculated slew rate is not as high as it should be. An if I reduce smoothing, then the peaks (you can see right side in the image) get higher and the 30% point is eventually found at the wrong position.
Is there a better/safer way to find the required slew rate?
If you know between what values your signal is transitioning, and your noise is not too large, you can simply compute the time differences between all crossings of 30% and all crossings of 70% and keep the smallest one:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
s100, s0 = 5, 0
signal = np.concatenate((np.ones((25,)) * s100,
s100 + (np.random.rand(25) - 0.5) * (s100-s0),
np.linspace(s100, s0, 25),
s0 + (np.random.rand(25) - 0.5) * (s100-s0),
np.ones((25,)) * s0))
# Interpolate to find crossings with 30% and 70% of signal
# The general linear interpolation formula between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) is:
# y = y0 + (x-x0) * (y1-y0) / (x1-x0)
# to find the x at which the crossing with y happens:
# x = x0 + (y-y0) * (x1-x0) / (y1-y0)
# Because we are using indices as time, x1-x0 == 1, and if the crossing
# happens within the interval, then 0 <= x <= 1.
# The following code is just a vectorized version of the above
delta_s = np.diff(signal)
t30 = (s0 + (s100-s0)*.3 - signal[:-1]) / delta_s
idx30 = np.where((t30 > 0) & (t30 < 1))[0]
t30 = idx30 + t30[idx30]
t70 = (s0 + (s100-s0)*.7 - signal[:-1]) / delta_s
idx70 = np.where((t70 > 0) & (t70 < 1))[0]
t70 = idx70 + t70[idx70]
# compute all possible transition times, keep the smallest
idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(t30[:, None] - t70),
(len(t30), len(t70),))
print t30[idx[0]] - t70[idx[1]]
# 9.6
plt. plot(signal)
plt.plot(t30, [s0 + (s100-s0)*.3]*len(t30), 'go')
plt.plot(t30[idx[0]], [s0 + (s100-s0)*.3], 'o', mec='g', mfc='None', ms=10)
plt.plot(t70, [s0 + (s100-s0)*.7]*len(t70), 'ro')
plt.plot(t70[idx[1]], [s0 + (s100-s0)*.7], 'o', mec='r', mfc='None', ms=10 )