Asynchronous rendering of Shopify Liquid Snippet in theme app extensions - shopify

I am trying to call a backend Api and then render Shopify product. But the problem is I cannot assign variable from JS to Shopify liquid file.
Here's the function that I am running:
<script async defer>
const BACKEND_SHOPIFY_URL="/apps/client/upsells";
try {
const response = await fetch(`${BACKEND_SHOPIFY_URL}?position={{ position }}`);
const data= await response.json();
{% assign result= "SOMETHING HERE" %} // need to assign result = data
catch(err) {
I tried almost everything, but no success. How can I render it asynchronously? I came across the fetch filter, which I am not sure how I can import in theme app extension of mine. JS is a client side language and liquid is server side. Is there any way, we can rerender certain components?

You are correct. You cannot assign anything JS to Liquid, as Liquid is all compiled and rendered by Shopify before any JS even loads. Typically you can provide you JS with data by rendering the data you need inside JS. Try that. Usually works. No need for an extra callback from JS back to Shopify using a Proxy.


How to render a page content with dynamic routing on page reload?

I have a SPA with dynamic routing. On page loading I'm making a fetch request for products. Then set it to the vuex store and use it. I also have a dynamic routing for product pages '/product/:id'
The problem is if I reload a product page say then nothing renders. I think this happens because at that moment store is empty and there're nothing to render.
How can I fix that?
In ProductPage component I tried using navigation guard with no success. Code below returns error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'products').
Fetch request is made on mounting in TheMain component (when I reload ProductPage fetch request is made as well).
ProductPage component:
computed: {
...mapState(["products"]), // get products array from store
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
if (this.products) { // check if products array exists and then load data
I think you need to make beforeRouteEnter async and add await for the store action which does the fetch or axios call.
async beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
if (this.products) {
// check if products array exists and then load data
await dispatch(‘action_to_get_data’);
/// Wait to go to next for dispatch to finish.
In your action you also need to use async / await.
What also might help is a v-if on the ProductPage component, so the components only loads when the products are loaded in the store.
For vue3 you may also take a look at the experimental Suspense component. But I don’t know if this works with beforeRouteEnter.
Hope this helps.

Nuxt.js footer component is not executing code to retrieve data

We have a nuxt.js application which retrieves data from strapi. this works for all the other pages that we've created, but when we try to retrieve data for the <Footer /> it appears that the code is not executing.
This is the code that we use for retrieving on the index page:
export default {
async asyncData({ $strapi }) {
return {
homepage: await $strapi.find("homepage"),
All we change from page to page is the variable name and the value its finding.
This works on 10 - 12 pages.
On main pages we are able to retrieve the data of the footer with this code:
export default {
async asyncData({ $strapi }) {
return {
footer: await $strapi.find("footer")
However when we put this code in our footer component it doesn't appear to execute, as no variable was shown in the view explorer, and if we try an render anything form the {{footer}} then we get an error saying we've referenced something that doesn't exist.
Is there any reason why this code isn't executing in the footer component?
The asyncData hook can only be used on page components. The official documentation explains how you can work around this issue:
asyncData is only available for pages and you don't have access to this inside the hook.
Use the new fetch hook that is available in Nuxt 2.12 and later versions.
Make the API call in the mounted hook and set data properties when loaded. Downside: Won't work for server side rendering.
Make the API call in the asyncData method of the page component and pass the data as props to the sub components. Server rendering will work fine. Downside: the asyncData of the page might be less readable because it's loading the data for other components.

Recommended way of waiting on an Apollo query before rendering the next page?

When using the Apollo module in a Nuxt app, the default behavior when changing routes is to render the new page immediately, before data has been fetched via Apollo.
This results in some pretty janky rendering experiences where the page does a partial render and very soon after completes rendering with data from the server, making everything on the page shift due to the changing size of components that now have data. This looks pretty bad because the data actually comes back fairly quickly, so it would be fine to wait for the data to return before rendering the new route.
What's the recommended way of waiting on the Apollo queries on a page (and its subcomponents) to complete before rendering the page?
(There's a related question that's not specific to Nuxt, but I'm not sure how to translate the recommendation to a Nuxt app.)
I'd love to see a code example of using beforeRouteEnter to fetch data via Apollo and only entering the route once the data is fetched.
Haven't used this module before, but it should be like any other async action you want to perform before page rendering in Nuxt.
It only depends if you want to pre-fill the store:
or only one page:
You can use async/await or promises if you have more than one request before page should be rendered.
When async actions are finished, Nuxt starts rendering the page. This works for SSR and if you navigate to pages on the client (nuxtServerInit will only fire once when real request is made, not when navigating on client side).
Side note: beforeRouteEnter is usually used, to validate params and check if the route is allowed.
did you try disabling the prefetch?
prefetch: false
The best approach is to use the loading attribute:
<div v-if="!this.$apollo.loading">
Your product: {{product}}
export default {
name: "Product",
apollo: {
product: {
query: productQuery,
variables() {
return {
productId: this.productId
I'm unfamiliar with Apollo, but I think this is what you are looking for:
// Router.js
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next)
executeSomeApolloPromise().then((data) => {
// The promise has now been complete; continue to the component.
next((vm) => {
// You have access here to the component instance via `vm`.
// Note that `beforeRouteEnter` is the only guard that has this.
vm.someApolloData = data;

Dynamically decide when to use vue router

I have a big web application which I am building with vuejs and laravel.
Along the way, I have to switch between
<router-link></router-link> and <a></a> tags
so I build a template that I have a link on it I want it to automatically detect if vue <router-view></router-view>
is available otherwise just use the normal href tag
The below code is the function I have assigned to the click function but it turns out not to be working
try {
} catch (error) {
window.location.href = "/cart";
My question is
is there any way I can dynamically detect the presence of vue router and as well decide on which tag to use.

Nuxt JS LocalStorage in Universal mode not working

I'm working on a Nuxt JS application which utilises LocalStorage. When compiling in SPA mode it functions correctly, however I need to switch my project to universal mode to get my SEO meta titles and descriptions to work when generating my project, after switching I get an error on a few pages which utilise LocalStorage:
localStorage is not defined
Has anyone got any suggestions to fix this?
You don't have localStorage because there is no such thing in Node.js environment. You also don't have window and document objects.
Nuxt.js uses Vue SSR under the hood.
However, you still have a store (Vuex). And it will be synchronized between node and browser.
I needed data to persist between sessions for GDPR. You can use the mounted life cycle event and wait for window.localStorage to be available. Then assign it to a data property and add a v-if in a wrapper tag so the page doesn't start rendering before localeStorage is available. I'm doing this with a static nuxt build:
<div v-if="localStorageReady">
Awesome stuff here...
data() {
return {
localStorageReady: false,
mounted() {
if (window.localStorage) {
this.localStorageReady = true