SSAS TokenizationBehavior - ssas

Within the dimension properties for an attribute within SSAS, there is an option called TokenizationBehavior which is defaulted to TokenizationNone. The alternative is TokenizationText.
I tried it out and it gives an error message as per below. There is little content on the internet about anybody trying this out or what it is actually for. Any ideas? I'm not sure if this Tokenization is for parsing text or a security mechanism? And why it doesn't work or how it's supposed to work in SSAS?
The ddl500:TokenizationBehavior element (namespace cannot appear under Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Alter/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension/Attributes/Attribute
I looked at the XML code which adds the below line if you put TokenizationText in the dimension attribute properties:
<ddl500:TokenizationBehavior valuens="ddl500_500">TokenizationText</ddl500:TokenizationBehavior>


Xero API > Invoices > PUT > Tracking Categories

It suggests you can add a Tracking Category when creating an invoice in the XML format:
Within the
Which is within the
However, when doing this, the API returns:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Which I understand to mean it doesn't recognise an element / node within the XML.
Without the node, everythings works fine, so it's the node and nodes within which cause the problem. Individually testing each sub node within results in the same problem.
I'm pretty sure I'm following the structure as per docs at so if anyone can shed some light as to the correct structure to add Tracking Codes to an invoice line item...!
Most appreciated,
I ran into the same issue. When posting XML for Tracking Options in Xero, the tracking data should be inside a TrackingCategory XML element, such as below:
TrackingCategoryID is optional, and you can have a maximum of 2 TrackingCategory elements.

Modifying Domain of Many2One using Many2Many

Just to preface, I'm using Odoo 10 Enterprise.
I have a custom module with the following (these are just the relevant fields) on its form:
orange_tag_id = This is a Many2Many field with the _Checkboxes widget defined that's connected to a Tags module (we'll just call it orange.tags). This field displays six or seven tags I've created and then applied to various products within the 'product.product/template' module.
orange_child_ids = This is just a One2Many within a child module of the parent module. This lists a product_tmpl_id Many2One and then a read-only copy of orange_tag_id from the parent that just copies whatever is selected in orange_tag_id in the parent form (this was created just in case defining parent.orange_tag_id in the domain didn't work).
When a tag is selected from the orange_tag_id checkbox, it should sort of modify the domain of product_tmpl_id in orange_child_ids and then only display the products in the drop-down display that have been tagged with the selected active tag. I've managed to get this sort of working by just adding the following to the form XML view within orange_child_ids:
<field name="product_tmpl_id" domain="[('','in',parent.orange_tag_id[0])]"/>
This will display only the products that have been tagged with the selected tag with one exception: Tag6's products (just calling it this because its ID was 6) will always display in the drop-down regardless of whether it's selected or not. If Tag2 is selected, then Tag2 and Tag6's products will display. I tried removing Tag6 from any products that had it defined, then deleting the Tag6 record, re-creating the tag, and re-applying it to the relevant products, but the issue persists. I also can only select one tag in the checkbox -- if more than one is selected, I get the following error from product_tmpl_id:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
This isn't as big of a deal as not having the correct records displaying, but I'd also like to resolve this, but I'm not entirely sure how.
I've searched for hours and am aware of methods where this can be done in self-hosted installations, however, we're using Odoo 10 Enterprise (I've omitted the required x_ in my aforementioned custom fields just for easier readability), and I have no access to the file system and consequently can't make modifications where that's required. I've been trying to figure this out using just the Developer Tools and my administrative access to the database's settings.
I've messed around a lot with the domain, looked through many questions and forum threads, and what I have was the only thing that worked. Is there any way to get this working correctly within the limitations of Enterprise?
Much obliged.
It appears that adding [2] after the [0] makes everything work and resolves the two issues I was having, so:
<field name="product_tmpl_id" domain="[('','in',parent.orange_tag_id[0][2])]"/>
This will filter the results of the Many2One based on the records selected in the Many2Many field.
While [('','in',parent.orange_tag_id[0][2])] will work, it is extremely obscure.
I advise you to go with [('','in',parent.orange_tag_id.ids)]

Getting reference from model One2many relationship comodel inside an ir.actions.act_window

Would like to ask on how you can get the id of the comodel inside the ir.actions.act_window.
See my source code:
Currently, I cannot get the sprint_id.project_id.current_sprint reference since it's giving me an error of Uncaught Error: NameError: name 'sprint_id' is not defined. So what I wanted to happen is that upon opening the project it should add a default filter for the current sprint of the project.
Do I have any alternative for this kind of approach?
Tried doing domain, but still no luck solving the issue.
Try this: make related field and then use this field in xml view.

How to fix TypeError: transform(...) is null

Another individual said this error is generally caused by "a widget template that is referencing a property via ${...} that doesn't actually exist in the widget."
I've researched and can't seem to find a way to resolve this error. Any advice or leads to help solve this issue? How do you FIND this bit of code to correct the issue?
Got some assistance from SitePen.
Here's the trace Stack -
**string.substitute/<()string.js (line 147) string.substitute()string.js
(line 141) ._updatePaginationStatus()Pagination.js (line 395)
return transform(value, key).toString();
instrum...tion.js (line 20)**
The Pagination was failing - potentially trying to pull data before it was actually there.
"Code is trying to do a string.substitute call, but the transformation you're trying to do isn't valid. It looks like the Pagination extension is failing on this. Given the number of steps related to Deferreds, it looks like something is trying to parse data before that data is available. For example, you have an async call, but are treating the data synchronously.
That said, when using the Pagination extension, I think you use the normal Grid rather than the OnDemandGrid."
I switched from OnDemandGrid to Grid - left pagination. Error still there. Switched back to OnDemandGrid - eliminated Pagination. Error Gone.
Also found this little note that I had overlooked in documentation: "Note that the Pagination extension is incompatible with OnDemandGrid, since each has its own way of dealing with collection ranges. Pagination should be mixed into Grid, not OnDemandGrid."

Documentation with Diagram "Hyperlinks" in Enterprise Architect?

I'm struggling to get all the required (and only the required) information into the documentation of my Enterprise Architect Project. Precisely: we have modelled various requirements and displayed the source "standards" for these requirements in our diagrams by using the "hyperlink"-element out of the common toolbox. (This allows us to capture a title, the website where the documentation is found and a description of this documentation).
Now this element is visible on the diagram, but not in the package-view of our model and it does not get generated in our word (docx) documentation.
I can see that it should be possible to get this in the documentation, because a "Model Report" which basically prints everything does print the hyperlinks. But I can't find what I have to select in my template (in the package-tree view, as a package field, element field or diagram field) in order to get this printed. I can't just use the model report since this basically dumps the whole database in the document and reverse-engineering this model report has proven too difficult for me. Actually I would expect this to be in some kind of documentation for EA, but could not find such a thing with this level of detail... is there, is there a reproducible way of finding such things out in further cases? (btw I'm using EA 11.0)
[sorry there were illustrations here, but I'm not allowed to upload them...]
As Geert has already noted, there is a difference between "proper" elements and diagram-only elements. This is actually reflected in the document template editor, where there is an "Element" section inside the "Diagram" section. This will produce output for all elements in the diagram, whether or not they are also in the project browser.
Here's an example of the information you can pull out of your hyperlinks. Given a diagram with a hyperlink:
... and a template which outputs name, alias and hyperlink for each element in the diagram:
... EA will generate a document will the following contents:
So if you want the hyperlink to result in a hyperlink in the document, use the HyperlinkAlias field.
What might be a bit confusing is the fact that in addition to the Hyperlink element type in the Common diagram toolbox, EA allows you to create hyperlinks in regular elements (in the Element Properties dialog, Related tab: Files, which can be local files or web addresses).
In fact, I would recommend that you use those in your Requirement elements rather than diagram-only Hyperlinks if traceability is a priority in your model. The diagram-only Hyperlinks, on the other hand, give you a clearer visual.
Selecting a subset of the elements in a diagram ("only the required information") is a little more involved and depends on how your model is structured. Template fragments will get the job done, but you might be able to achieve your desired result by just using the filters in the document generation dialog.
The hyperlink is an element that is stored in the same package as the diagram it is used on, it is just not visible in the project browser (similar to a note element).
There's a good chance that it doesn't have a name, so make sure you don't omit nameless elements.
So if you print all the element of the package containing the diagram then you should be able to print the hyperlink as well.
In case that fails you might want to consider creating a template fragment based on an SQL query or a script. Those offer lots of flexibility to print whatever you need, even if it is located in a different package.
[Edited on 04.05.15 to reflect the comment by Uffe and provide a final solution]
Ok, based on Geerts answer, using the following custom query fragment in the diagram section:
t_object.ea_guid as CLASSGUID,
t_object.Object_Type as CLASSTYPE,
t_object.Object_Id as OBJECTID, as HL_Name,
t_object.Stereotype as HL_Stereotype,
t_object.object_type as HL_Type,
t_object.Alias as HL_Alias,
Note as Notes
from t_object
left join t_diagramobjects on (t_object.Object_ID = t_diagramobjects.Object_ID)
left join t_diagram on (t_diagram.Diagram_ID = t_diagramobjects.Diagram_ID)
where t_diagram.Diagram_ID = '#DIAGRAMID#'
and t_object.Object_Type='Text'
I was able to get a list of the hyperlinks following the diagram, this is the fragment:
custom >
{HL_Alias}: {HL_Name}
< custom
The "Notes" can be printed by getting the attribute directly out of the t_object table. Don't get confused as I was at first: the auto-completion on t_object and the results (t_object.*) DO NOT SHOW a Note-Attribute, but it does exist an when you write it into the query, it gets generated in the document.