I am a bit beginner of powerbi, I want to call api from power bi to get some data.
I tried to write this code but always return this error once I clicked invoke button
Here is the code that I used:
GetWorkItemIds = () =>
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://dev.azure.com/XXX/XXX/_apis/wit/workitems/13?api-version=7.0")),
workItems = Source[workItems],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(workItems, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expand Ids" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"id"}, {"Work Item Id"})
#"Expand Ids"
Anyone can give idea please. Thanks a lot
2nd try:
() =>
let body = [username = "", password = "xxxxxx"],
Data = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://dev.azure.com/X/X/_apis/wit/workitems/13")),
result = Record.Field(Data[result] {
}, "token")
this is my second try, it also return the same error as the picture above.
Your JSON isn't correct. Try this and see what comes back in the preview window.
Source = Web.Contents("https://dev.azure.com/XXX/XXX/_apis/wit/workitems/13?api-version=7.0")
Based on the documentation on the API endpoint response, it looks to me like you are treating the response erroneously. The endpoint does not return a list of work items, but a JSON representing one singular work item based on its ID - in your case ID = 13.
As you can see in the linked documentation, the response does not contain anything called workItems, which I suspect is causing your error.
However, I think your error stems from lack of authentication.
I am trying to use an api for verifying phone numbers and emails for the database I want to create in google sheets. I coded the following on app scripts of sheet.
function phone(phno) {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://neutrinoapi.net/phone-validate?user-id=USERNAME_HERE&api-key=API_KEY_HERE&number="+phno+"&country-code=IN")
// Parse the JSON reply
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
The json returns a bunch of things, valid = true\false {If the number is valid}; prefix-network = service_provider; type = mobile\landline etc.
The idea is that if I call = phone(D2) in cell E2 for example, where D2 stores a valid phone number, I want the validity to be shown in E2, which is a boolean of true\false for if the phone number is valid or not. I would also love to show the next 2 columns with prefix-network and type. But they aren't necessarily essential, just desirable.
The API works fine, and I can see the output in the execution logs in App Scripts, and it's correct with a few test data I tried. However, I cannot find any way to display the result back in the sheet in cell E2. The code has to be generic such that if I drag the code for the cell, it should return the output to the subsequent cells.
I hope the question is clear and the code is sufficient to explain it.
Looking forward to the replies.
Thanks in advance for the help!!
Something like this:
function phone(phno) {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://neutrinoapi.net/phone-validate?user-id=USERNAME_HERE&api-key=API_KEY_HERE&number="+phno+"&country-code=IN")
// Parse the JSON reply
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
const sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
I was using an external service to get Aggregate Rating in my recipes blog, but dis service disappeared so I decided to build one myself. First of all, this is my first experience with cloud data and JavaScript programming so please, be paciente with me :-).
I'm doing my experiments in this duplicate of my blog: https://jleavalc.blogspot.com/
by now it works as I planned, letting one to vote and storing results in a oracle table, making it possible to retrieve results from a view of this table to get ratingCount and ratingValue values, as anyone can see in that link...
But at the end, despite you can see the stars, despite you can vote and get result stored, showing voting results, Structured data testing tool don't see tag values, so all work is useless.
I think I'm getting close to the problem, but not getting close to the solution. I have the impression that the cause of my problems is the asynchrony of the execution of the script that brings the data from the table, while the function is executed, the browser continues to render the page and it doesn't arrive in time to write those values before the google tool can read them, so they appear empty to it.
I have tried everything including labels and variables in GTM with the same result. The latest version of the code, from this morning is installed right before the "/head" tag and it looks like this:
<script style='text/javascript'>
var myPostId = "<data:widgets.Blog.first.posts.first.id/>";
// <![CDATA[
var micuenta = 0;
var nota = 0;
getText("https://ge4e65cc87f573d-XXXXXXXXXXXX.adb.eu-amsterdam-1.oraclecloudapps.com/ords/admin/notas/?q={\"receta\":{\"$eq\":\"" + myPostId + "\"}}");
async function getText(file) {
let x = await fetch(file);
let y = await x.text();
let datos = JSON.parse(y);
nota = datos.items[0].media;
micuenta = datos.items[0].votos;
// This version gives the same result and is interchangeable with the previous one. I keep it commented so as not to forget it:
// var settings = {
// "url": "https://ge4e65cc87f573d-db20220526112405.adb.eu-amsterdam-1.oraclecloudapps.com/ords/admin/notas/?q={\"receta\":{\"$eq\":\"" + myPostId + "\"}}",
// "method": "GET",
// "timeout": 0,
// "async": false,
// };
// $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
// if (response.items.length != 0) {
// micuenta = response.items[0].votos;
// nota = response.items[0].media;
// }
// });
The key is, I think, getting this call to execute before Google's tool finishes rendering the Blogger post page.
The URL that I invoke to get the data calls an oracle view that returns a single row with the corresponding data from the recipe, placing this call:
In the browser the result is the following:
And I just need to take the median and votes values to create the RatingCount and RatingValue labels
Can anyone offer me an idea that solves this little problem? :-)
I am using a restlet to check whether a contact exist in netsuite or not. I am calling this restlet from an external environment. The problem I'm facing is the search should be marked unrestricted in order to get results otherwise its returning nothing. How should I mark the search unrestricted? This is my code
var result = search.create({
type : record.Type.CONTACT,
ispublic : true,
unrestricted: true,
columns: ['email']
start: 0,
end: 1
Can someone help me with this!
You can create the contact saved search in the UI without any filters and mark it as unrestricted.
In your script, load the search with search.load, and then add the the email filter to the search before running it.
var searchObj = search.load({
type: record.Type.CONTACT,
id: customsearch_contact_search
var result = searchObj.run().getRange({start:0, end:1});
I want to update my snippet.description on my Youtube channel using the API exposed through Google Apps Script. I know the videoId already so there is no need to create and loop through a search list like they show in the example here.
I expect to see my script complete with the new description on my Youtube video. But I get the following error message instead.
API call to youtube.videos.update failed with error: Forbidden (line 90, file "Youtube")
function updateVideo( data ) {
var videoId = 'foo';
var title = 'bar';
var description = 'baz';
var resource = {
id: videoId,
snippet: {
title: title,
description: description,
categoryId: '22'
YouTube.Videos.update(resource, 'id,snippet'); // this is line 90
What am I doing wrong?
To clarify: By "only the videoId", I mean without creating a list of channels to find it like they do here.
var myChannels = YouTube.Channels.list('contentDetails', {mine: true});
This question is different because the other asks specifically about HTML. This question is not about using HTML in the description. It's about making any changes whatsoever to the description.
Summary from comments:
This is an authorization error. The account making the API request was not the same account as the owner of the YouTube video.
I have a ctrl that pulls a json array from an API. In my code I have an ng-repeat that loops through results.
This is for a PhoneGap mobile app and I'd like to take a single element from the array so that I can use it for the page title.
So... I'm wanting to use 'tool_type' outside of my ng-repeat.
Thanks in advance - I'm just not sure where to start on this one.
Example json data
[{ "entry_id":"241",
"application_details":"Cobalt tool bits are designed for machining work hardening alloys and other tough materials. They have increased water resistance and tool life. This improves performance and retention of the cutting edge.",
"tool_type": "Toolbits",
"sort_group": "HSCo Toolbits",
"pack_details":"Need Checking",
"finish":"P0 Bright Finish",
"series_description":"HSS CO FLAT TOOLBIT DIN4964"},
..... MORE .....
Ctrl to call API
// Factory to get products by category
app.factory("api_get_channel_entries_products", function ($resource) {
var catID = $.url().attr('relative').replace(/\D/g,'');
return $resource(
cat_id: catID
// Get the list from the factory and put data into $scope.categories so it can be repeated
function productList ($scope, api_get_channel_entries_products, $compile) {
$scope.products_list = [];
// Get the current URL and then regex out everything except numbers - ie the entry id
$scope.products_list = api_get_channel_entries_products.query();
Angular works as following:
Forgiving: expression evaluation is forgiving to undefined and null, unlike in JavaScript, >where trying to evaluate undefined properties can generate ReferenceError or TypeError.
so you only need to write:
if there is a zero element the title will be the tool_type, if not, there is no title.
Assuming you want to select a random object from the list to use something like this should work:
$scope.product-tool_type = products_list[Math.floor(Math.random()*products_list.length)].tool_type
Then to display the result just use
Or alternatively: